Create database and add to Visual Studio solution - sql-server

I am creating a database with Entity Framework 4 and Visual Studio 2010.
I am fine with the first steps - I am going model first, so I successfully created the model and now there is a valid .edmx file in my solution.
My goal is the following: I want to generate the database and add it to the solution so I can give the solution to another person and they will be able to build it and run it - I do not want the database connection be dependent on any of my local settings, and I do not want them to have the need to recreate the database, it will have some 'seed data' in it. That should be possible, I saw similar solutions.
I would appreciate advice on how to do that.

Use SQL Server Express and put database files to App_Data directory (for web application) or make them solution items copied to output for other application. Change connection string to attach the file - it should look something like:
AttachDbFileName=|DataDirectory|\YourDB.mdf;Initial Catalog=YourDB;Integrated Security=SSPI


Build Failed on Continuous integration with SQL Server Data Tools and Team Foundation Server

I am trying to implement this idea and I am getting this error:
Error Deploy72002: Unable to connect to master or target server 'DatabseTest'. You must have a user with the same password in master or target server 'DatabaseTest'.
I did the idea in a very simple way I created a database for the test in a Development server (just one table with an ID and Name columns), I created a database project on the visual studio, I create a script to insert a few rows in the only table in the database. Then I create a publish profile, I added the connection to the 'DatabaseTest' in the 'DEV' server, the user I am using for the access to the database is a user with admin permissions, the script associated with the publish profile is the only script in the solution the one for insert the rows. I made the check in and I created a build definition. I am trying to make the project build successfully, so I just add a Build Solution Task, in the MSBuild Arguments this is what I am passing:
/t:build /t:publish /p:SqlPublishProfilePath=Database_Testing_Profile.publish.xml
And I am getting the error from the beginning of the question.
Can someone please give an idea, about what is the problem??
Thank you.
First, The password won’t be stored in publish profile file after saving it, you need to add it manually (User Name=XXX;Password=XXX)
Secondly, sure the Target Platform is correct (Right click the project=>Properties=>Project Settings)
On the other hand, there is an article that may benefit you: Using MSBuild to publish a VS 2012 SSDT .sqlproj database project the same way as a VS 2010 .dbproj database project (using command line arguments to specify the database to publish to)

Visual Studio Published Project Crashing when trying to access Database files

This is the biggest problem I've had with my project so far. Every time I try to publish it, I get hangups and crashes whenever the project tries to access a database file (which is fairly often).
I have two database objects, both created as part of my Visual Studio project under the main solution, as BUILDERDATA.mdf and CHARACTERS.mdf. When I access them during test builds, everything functions just fine. However, they always fail in the published project.
I get the feeling either they're not exporting correctly, or the act of publishing the project is breaking the connection strings, so I'm hoping someone can help me pinpoint the issue.
Under my project settings, I have a connection set up to each database. They're both Connection Strings, their scope is Application, and the value is this:
Data Source=(LocalDB)\MSSQLLocalDB;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\BUILDERDATA.mdf;Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout=30
Data Source=(LocalDB)\MSSQLLocalDB;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\CHARACTERS.mdf;Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout=30
Under Project Properties -> Publish -> Application Files, both databases and their log files are set to Data File (Auto) for Publish Status, Required for Download Group, and Include for Hash.
Under my Prerequisites, I have SQL Server 2012 Express LocalDB marked, as well as Microsoft .NET Framework 4. Part of my code uses .NET, so that's required anyway, and I included SQL Server Express so it can access the database files. However, 2012 is the newest version available for me to include, so I'm not sure if there's an issue with that version?
If there's anything else you guys would need to see, please let me know. I just want to get this figured out and fixed so I can have my friends start testing my program. :(

How to create sql Database in installshield express?

I recently developed a winform application with c# and SQL Server 2008 data access. I want to create an "InstallShield express" setup file for it (I don't want to use ClickOnce or Setup And Deployment witch is available in VS). I want to create a db or attach it to SQL server instance after installing SQL Server Express 2008 SP3 (not local db). What is the best way to do this?
Your question is quite vague as you do not explain what kind of “app”, “setup file” or “db” you are using, nor how you “attach it to sql”. In the future, please include these details. However, I can give a general answer.
Create a seed database, that contains the starting data for your application, in your source project.
Add the seed database file to your project/solution file and set its Build Action to “Content”.
Ensure your installer includes project content in the deployment folder (the application folder for WinForms apps).
To open the seed database from your app, use a connection string like Data Source=|DataDirectory|seed.sdf. Do not try to search for your seed file or to set DataDirectory yourself; the installer will set DataDirectory to the directory your content was installed to.
Do not try to write to DataDirectory; it may not be writable by the user who installed it. Repairing the app will overwrite DataDirectory, destroying anything you saved there, as well.
If you need to save data in the database, copy |DataDirectory|seed.sdf to Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData), then read and write all data to the copy.
For more information, read my answer to a poster who wrote to |DataDirectory| and therefore kept destroying his user's data.

Visual studio 2010 sql project - how to run?

I have a SQL project in my .Net project in Visual Studio 2010. I added it to my solution because I thought it will help me to create all the database objects in more environment without difficulties.
My scope is to create/define the database objects (tables and stored procedures) in more computers, easily.For this purpose I created an Sql project in visual studio and I added for each table and stored procedure the creation script in this project. Now I have 30 scripts and I'd like to run it on a new sql instance.
If I open each sql file I have, in visual studio, an toolbat that allows me to tun the opened file on a sql instance (I have an connect button) and this generates the proper object (table or SP).
The question is: how do I do to run all the files in this project in one click. How to create all the objects in one click? Now I have about 30 scripts to run, and I need a proper way.
The way I tried to do it was to set as default project the sql project and to press run (F5), but then I got some strange compilation errors in sql files, errors witch didn't was there when I run (execute) each script individually.
Here is the right click menu for this project (No Run, Publish or something else!):
I tried to use from that menu the Deploy command. The bad news (for me) is that I got this on that command:
I don't have any error in my sql scripts, each one runs correctly.
Thank you.
Use need to deploy your project onto a database thus use the Deploy menu item.
The way database projects work, is that they compare the schema in the project to the schema at the destination.
What this means is you shouldn't have an use statements, or alter statements, ect...
What does one of those procs look like that is throwing the error?

Deploy Visual Studio 2010 Database Project

I have a Visual Studio 2010 Database project, from which I want to generate a script
that simply puts up this database to another machine. The problem is that i can't find a
solution for this.
As I started the project, I imported the shema from a database on my development pc.
The Schema Objects were generated and all tables and scripts where under 'Schema Objects -> Schemas -> dbo'. Over the time, some things changed, some where added. And by using right-click -> deploy,
the changes were made to my local database successfully.
But now I want to deploy to another machine. The problem is, that in the release folder of the project, there is only a xml dbschema file containing all tables and scripts that i can't import
with sql management studio (or i just can't find out how) and the a deployment script which is nothing more than some checks followed by the pre- and post- deployment script, but without any tables or scripts in it.
So please, how do i export the database from Visual Studio, so i can easily put it up on another machine?
You likely have already resolved this, but I thought I should answer your questions for the benefit of others.
Yes, you can deploy from Visual Studio to different machines. You can also do it from the command line, using VSDBCMD. And you can create a WIX project to give a wizard for others to install it with.
If you can connect to the target database from your dev PC, you can deploy to it. To do this:
Select another Configuration from the Solution Configuration drop down. Normally, the Project will come with "Debug" and "Release" baked in. You can add another configuration to allow you to deploy to various targets by clicking "Configuration Manager."
Right-click your Project and select 'Properties', or simply double-click Properties under the project.
Click the Deploy tab. Notice that the Configuration: drop-down shows the same selected configuration as "active."
Change the Deploy Action to "Create a deployment script (.sql) and deploy to the database."
Next to Target Connection String, click "Edit" and use the dialog to create your deployment connection to the target database.
Fill in the Target database name, if different.
For each Deployment Configuration (e.g., Debug, Release, etc.), you will probably want a separate Deployment configuration file. If you click "New," you can create one for the current configuration. The new file will open, and you can check and uncheck important things about the deployment.
Note: If you check Always re-create the database, the script will DROP and CREATE your database. You will lose all your data on the target! Be careful what you select here. Most people leave that unchecked for a Production target. I check it for Development or Local because I want a fresh copy there.
Save your changes to the file and to Properties.
To deploy to the target, be sure to select the correct Configuration. Click Build/Deploy [My Database Name]. You probably should experiment with this so you are familiar with how it works before trying it on a live environment.
Good practices: build a similar environment to production ("Staging") and deploy there first, to test the deployment, and always back up the database before deploying, in case something goes wrong.
For more info, please see:
Working with Database Projects
Walkthrough: Put an Existing Database Schema Under Version Control
Visual Studio 2010 SQL Server Database Projects
Is it's possible to point your Visual Studio to your new target database? 1. Properties of your Database project, Deploy tab, set the fields in Target Database Settings.
Now when you generate a deploy script, the resulting SQL file will be the various CREATe / ALTER / DROP etc that will align the target database with your schema.
You could always create an empty database and then do a schema compare in Visual Studio between your database project and the new empty database. You can amend the generated schema update script to also create the database (since the script will be to update an existing empty database)
