Array to Array arithmetic - c

I have 24bit data in 3 array a[0], a[1], a[2] and need to calculate for multiply and divide by some constant and result still in 3 array.
For example, data = 999900h store in a[0] = 99, a[1] = 99, a[2] = 00
[(999900h/64)*15000]/157286 << **process???**
result will be 3A97h store in b[0] = 00, b[1] =3A, b[2] = 97
My question is
1.) How to write code for fast calculate in the process, pointer in fast? how to use pointer in the process?
2.) It possible no use conversion process like array to integer and integer to array?

Here's the easiest "solution":
uint32_t data = 0x00999900;
unsigned char const * a = (unsigned char const *)&data;
Now you have a[0], ..., a[3]. The order depends on the endianness of your system.
The endianness-independent solution works algebraically:
uint32_t data = 0x3A97;
unsigned char b[sizeof data] = { data >> 24 & 0xFF, // b[0]
(data >> 16) & 0xFF, // b[1]
(data >> 8) & 0xFF, // b[2]
data & 0xFF // b[3]
You can also reconstitute a value from your array. Here's the endianness-dependent way:
uint32_t data;
unsigned char * p = (unsigned char *)&data;
p[0] = 0x00;
p[0] = 0x99;
p[0] = 0x99;
p[0] = 0x00;
// now "data" is 0x00999900
And here's the algebraic way:
uint32_t data = a[0] * 256 * 256 * 256 + a[1] * 256 * 256 + a[2] * 256 + a[3];

I like to use unions in this case:
union array_int {
char a[4];
uint32_t num;
} data = {.a = {00, 99, 99, 00}};
printf("%d", data.num);
Please take endianess into account. use htonl if you put in your bytes most significant - to least significant, but are on a little endian system. If you don't want to mess around with endianess then I suggest you use one of the suggested algebraic suggestions.


how to replace given nibbles with another set of nibbles in an integer

Suppose you have an integer a = 0x12345678 & a short b = 0xabcd
What i wanna do is replace the given nibbles in integer a with nibbles from short b
Eg: Replace 0,2,5,7th nibbles in a = 0x12345678 (where 8 = 0th nibble, 7=1st nibble, 6=2nd nibble and so on...) with nibbles from b = 0xabcd (where d = 0th nibble, c=1st nibble, b=2nd nibble & so on...)
My approach is -
Clear the bits we're going to replace from a.
like a = 0x02045070
Create the mask from the short b like mask = 0xa0b00c0d
bitwise OR them to get the result. result = a| mask i.e result = 0xa2b45c7d hence nibbles replaced.
My problem is I don't know any efficient way to create the desired mask (like in step 2) from the given short b
If you can give me an efficient way of doing so, it would be a great help to me and I thank you for that in advance ;)
Please ask if more info needed.
My code to solve the problem (not good enough though)
Any improvement is highly appreciated.
int index[4] = {0,1,5,7}; // Given nibbles to be replaced in integer
int s = 0x01024300; // integer mask i.e. cleared nibbles
int r = 0x0000abcd; // short (converted to int )
r = ((r & 0x0000000f) << 4*(index[0]-0)) |
((r & 0x000000f0) << 4*(index[1]-1)) |
((r & 0x00000f00) << 4*(index[2]-2)) |
((r & 0x0000f000) << 4*(index[3]-3));
s = s|r;
Nibble has 4 bits, and according to your indexing scheme, the zeroth nibble is represented by least significant bits at positions 0-3, the first nibble is represented by least significant bits at positions 4-7, and so on.
Simply shift the values the necessary amount. This will set the nibble at position set by the variable index:
size_t index = 5; //6th nibble is at index 5
size_t shift = 4 * index; //6th nibble is represented by bits 20-23
unsigned long nibble = 0xC;
unsigned long result = 0x12345678;
result = result & ~( 0xFu << shift ); //clear the 6th nibble
result = result | ( nibble << shift ); //set the 6th nibble
If you want to set more than one value, put this code in a loop. The variable index should be changed to an array of values, and variable nibble could also be an array of values, or it could contain more than one nibble, in which case you extract them one by one by shifting values to the right.
A lot depends on how your flexible you are in accepting the "nibble list" index[4] in your case.
You mentioned that you can replace anywhere from 0 to 8 nibbles. If you take your nibble bits as an 8-bit bitmap, rather than as a list, you can use the bitmap as a lookup in a 256-entry table, which maps from bitmap to a (fixed) mask with 1s in the nibble positions. For example, for the nibble list {1, 3}, you'd have the bitmap 0b00001010 which would map to the mask 0x0000F0F0.
Then you can use pdep which has intrinsics on gcc, clang, icc and MSVC on x86 to expand the bits in your short to the right position. E.g., for b == 0xab you'd have _pdep_u32(b, mask) == 0x0000a0b0.
If you aren't on a platform with pdep, you can accomplish the same thing with multiplication.
To be able to change easy the nibbles assignment, a bit-field union structure could be used:
Step 1 - create a union allowing to have nibbles access
typedef union u_nibble {
uint32_t dwValue;
uint16_t wValue;
struct sNibble {
uint32_t nib0: 4;
uint32_t nib1: 4;
uint32_t nib2: 4;
uint32_t nib3: 4;
uint32_t nib4: 4;
uint32_t nib5: 4;
uint32_t nib6: 4;
uint32_t nib7: 4;
} uNibble;
Step 2 - assign two NIBBLE items with your integer a and short b
NIBBLE myNibbles[2];
uint32_t a = 0x12345678;
uint16_t b = 0xabcd;
myNibbles[0].dwValue = a;
myNibbles[1].wValue = b;
Step 3 - initialize nibbles of a by nibbles of b
printf("a = %08x\n",myNibbles[0].dwValue);
myNibbles[0].uNibble.nib0 = myNibbles[1].uNibble.nib0;
myNibbles[0].uNibble.nib2 = myNibbles[1].uNibble.nib1;
myNibbles[0].uNibble.nib5 = myNibbles[1].uNibble.nib2;
myNibbles[0].uNibble.nib7 = myNibbles[1].uNibble.nib3;
printf("a = %08x\n",myNibbles[0].dwValue);
Output will be:
a = 12345678
a = a2b45c7d
If I understand your goal, the fun you are having comes from the reversal of the order of your fill from the upper half to the lower half of your final number. (instead of 0, 2, 4, 6, you want 0, 2, 5, 7) It isn't any more difficult, but it does make you count where the holes are in the final number. If I understood, then you could mask with 0x0f0ff0f0 and then fill in the zeros with shifts of 16, 12, 4 and 0. For example:
#include <stdio.h>
int main (void) {
unsigned a = 0x12345678, c = 0, mask = 0x0f0ff0f0;
unsigned short b = 0xabcd;
/* mask a, fill in the holes with the bits from b */
c = (a & mask) | (((unsigned)b & 0xf000) << 16);
c |= (((unsigned)b & 0x0f00) << 12);
c |= (((unsigned)b & 0x00f0) << 4);
c |= (unsigned)b & 0x000f;
printf (" a : 0x%08x\n b : 0x%0hx\n c : 0x%08x\n", a, b, c);
return 0;
Example Use/Output
$ ./bin/bit_swap_nibble
a : 0x12345678
b : 0xabcd
c : 0xa2b45c7d
Let me know if I misunderstood, I'm happy to help further.
With nibble = 4 bits and unsigned int = 32 bits, a nibble inside a unsigned int can be found as follows:
x = 0x00a0b000, find 3rd nibble in x i.e locate 'b'. Note nibble index starts with 0.
Now 3rd nibble is from 12th bit to 15th bit.
3rd_nibble can be selected with n = 2^16 - 2^12. So, in n all the bits in 3rd nibble will be 1 and all the bits in other nibbles will be 0. That is, n=0x00001000
In general, suppose if you want to find a continuous sequence of 1 in binary representation in which sequence starts from Xth bit to Yth bit then formula is 2^(Y+1) - 2^X.
#include <stdio.h>
#define BUF_SIZE 33
char *int2bin(int a, char *buffer, int buf_size)
int i;
buffer[BUF_SIZE - 1] = '\0';
buffer += (buf_size - 1);
for(i = 31; i >= 0; i--)
*buffer-- = (a & 1) + '0';
a >>= 1;
return buffer;
int main()
unsigned int a = 0;
unsigned int b = 65535;
unsigned int b_nibble;
unsigned int b_at_a;
unsigned int a_nibble_clear;
char replace_with[8];
unsigned int ai;
char buffer[BUF_SIZE];
memset(replace_with, -1, sizeof(replace_with));
replace_with[0] = 0; //replace 0th nibble of a with 0th nibble of b
replace_with[2] = 1; //replace 2nd nibble of a with 1st nibble of b
replace_with[5] = 2; //replace 5th nibble of a with 2nd nibble of b
replace_with[7] = 3; //replace 7th nibble of a with 3rd nibble of b
int2bin(a, buffer, BUF_SIZE - 1);
printf("a = %s, %08x\n", buffer, a);
int2bin(b, buffer, BUF_SIZE - 1);
printf("b = %s, %08x\n", buffer, b);
for(ai = 0; ai < 8; ++ai)
if(replace_with[ai] != -1)
b_nibble = (b & (1LL << ((replace_with[ai] + 1)*4)) - (1LL << (replace_with[ai]*4))) >> (replace_with[ai]*4);
b_at_a = b_nibble << (ai * 4);
a_nibble_clear = (a & ~(a & (1LL << ((ai + 1) * 4)) - (1LL << (ai * 4))));
a = a_nibble_clear | b_at_a;
int2bin(a, buffer, BUF_SIZE - 1);
printf("a = %s, %08x\n", buffer, a);
return 0;
a = 00000000000000000000000000000000, 00000000
b = 00000000000000001111111111111111, 0000ffff
a = 11110000111100000000111100001111, f0f00f0f

simple bit manipulation fails

I am learning bit manipulation in C and I have written a simple program. However the program fails. Can someone please look into this code?
Basically I want to extract and reassemble a 4 byte 'long' variable to its induvidual bytes and vice versa. Here is my code:
printf("sizeof char= %d\n", sizeof(char));
printf("sizeof unsigned char= %d\n", sizeof(unsigned char));
printf("sizeof int= %d\n", sizeof(int));
printf("sizeof long= %d\n", sizeof(long));
printf("sizeof unsigned long long= %d\n", sizeof(unsigned long long));
long val = 2;
int k = 0;
size_t len = sizeof(val);
printf("val = %ld\n", val);
printf("len = %d\n", len);
char *ptr;
ptr = (char *)malloc(sizeof(len));
//converting 'val' to char array
//val = b3b2b1b0 //where 'b is 1 byte. Since 'long' is made of 4 bytes, and char is 1 byte, extracting byte by byte of long into char
for(k = 0; k<len; k++){
ptr[k] = ((val >> (k*len)) && 0xFF);
printf("ptr[%d] = %02X\n", k,ptr[k]);
//}while(val < 12);
//reassembling the bytes from char and converting them to long
long xx = 0;
int m = 0;
for(m = 0; m< len; m++){
xx = xx |(ptr[m]<<(m*8));
printf("xx= %ld\n", xx);
Why don't I see xx returning 2?? Also, irrespective of the value of 'val', the ptr[0] seems to store 1 :(
Please help
Thanks in advance
ptr[k] = ((val >> (k*len)) && 0xFF);
Should be
ptr[k] = ((val >> (k*8)) & 0xFF);
&& is used in conditional statements and & for bitwise and.
Also as you're splitting the value up into chars, each iteration of the loop you want to shift with as many bits as are in a byte. This is almost always 8 but can be something else. The header file limits.h has the info about that.
A few things I notice:
You're using the boolean && operator instead of bitwise &
You're shifting by "k*len" instead of "k*8"
You're allocating an array with "sizeof(len)", instead of just "len"
You're using "char" instead of "unsigned char". This will make the "(ptr[m]<<(m*8))" expression sometimes give you a negative number.
So a fixed version of your code would be:
printf("sizeof char= %d\n", sizeof(char));
printf("sizeof unsigned char= %d\n", sizeof(unsigned char));
printf("sizeof int= %d\n", sizeof(int));
printf("sizeof long= %d\n", sizeof(long));
printf("sizeof unsigned long long= %d\n", sizeof(unsigned long long));
long val = 2;
int k = 0;
size_t len = sizeof(val);
printf("val = %ld\n", val);
printf("len = %d\n", len);
unsigned char *ptr;
ptr = (unsigned char *)malloc(len);
//converting 'val' to char array
//val = b3b2b1b0 //where 'b is 1 byte. Since 'long' is made of 4 bytes, and char is 1 byte, extracting byte by byte of long into char
for(k = 0; k<len; k++){
ptr[k] = ((val >> (k*8)) & 0xFF);
printf("ptr[%d] = %02X\n", k,ptr[k]);
//}while(val < 12);
//reassembling the bytes from char and converting them to long
long xx = 0;
int m = 0;
for(m = 0; m< len; m++){
xx = xx |(ptr[m]<< m*8);
printf("xx= %ld\n", xx);
Also, in the future, questions like this would be better suited to
As others have by now mentioned, I'm not sure if ptr[k] = ((val >> (k*len)) && 0xFF); does what you want it to. The && operator is a boolean operator. If (value >> (k*len)) is some non-zero value, and 0xFF is some non-zero value, then the value stored into ptr[k] will be one. That's the way boolean operators work. Perhaps you meant to use & instead of &&.
Additionally, you've chosen to use shift operators, which is appropriate for unsigned types, but has a variety of non-portable aspects for signed types. xx = xx |(ptr[m]<<(m*8)); potentially invokes undefined behaviour, for example, because it looks like it could result in signed integer overflow.
In C, sizeof (char) is always 1, because the sizeof operator tells you how many chars are used to represent a type. eg. sizeof (int) tells you how many chars are used to represent ints. It's CHAR_BIT that changes. Thus, your code shouldn't rely upon the sizeof a type.
In fact, if you want your code to be portable, then you shouldn't be expecting to be able to store values greater than 32767 or less than -32767 in an int, for example. This is regardless of size, because padding bits might exist. To summarise: the sizeof a type doesn't necessarily reflect the set of values it can store!
Choose the types of your variables for their application, portably. If your application doesn't need values beyond that range, then int will do fine. Otherwise, you might want to think about using a long int, which can store values between (and including) -2147483647 and 2147483647, portably. If you need values beyond that, use a long long int, which will give you the guaranteed range consisting of at least the values between -9223372036854775807 and 9223372036854775807. Anything beyond that probably deserves a multi-precision arithmetic library such as GMP.
When you don't expect to use negative values, you should use unsigned types.
With consideration given to your portable choice of integer type, it now makes sense that you can devise a portable way to write those integers into files, and read those integers from files. You'll want to extract the sign and absolute value into unsigned int:
unsigned int sign = val < 0; /* conventionally 1 for negative, 0 for positive */
unsigned int abs_val = val;
if (val < 0) { abs_val = -abs_val; }
... and then construct an array of 8-bit chunks of abs_val and sign, merged together. We've already decided using portable decision-making that our int can only store 16 bits, because we're only ever storing values between -32767 and 32767 in it. As a result, there is no need for a loop, or bitwise shifts. We can use multiplication to move our sign bit, and division/modulo to reduce our absolute value. Consider that the sign conventionally goes with the most significant bit, which is either at the start (big endian) or the end (little endian) of our array.
unsigned char big_endian[] = { sign * 0x80 + abs_val / 0x100,
abs_value % 0x100 };
unsigned char lil_endian[] = { abs_value % 0x100,
sign * 0x80 + abs_val / 0x100 };
To reverse this process, we perform the opposite operations in reverse of each other (that is, using division and modulo in place of multiplication, multiplication in place of division and addition, extract the sign bit and reform the value):
unsigned int big_endian_sign = array[0] / 0x80;
int big_endian_val = big_endian_sign
? -((array[0] % 0x80) * 0x100 + array[1])
: ((array[0] % 0x80) * 0x100 + array[1]);
unsigned int lil_endian_sign = array[1] / 0x80;
int lil_endian_val = lil_endian_sign
? -((array[1] % 0x80) * 0x100 + array[0])
: ((array[1] % 0x80) * 0x100 + array[0]);
The code gets a little more complex for long, and it becomes worthwhile to use binary operators. The extraction of sign and absolute value remains essentially the same, with the only changes being the type of the variables. We still don't need loops, because we made a decision that we only care about values representable portably. Here's how I'd convert from a long val to an unsigned char[4]:
unsigned long sign = val < 0; /* conventionally 1 for negative, 0 for positive */
unsigned long abs_val = val;
if (val < 0) { abs_val = -abs_val; }
unsigned char big_endian[] = { (sign << 7) | ((abs_val >> 24) & 0xFF),
(abs_val >> 16) & 0xFF,
(abs_val >> 8) & 0xFF,
abs_val & 0xFF };
unsigned char lil_endian[] = { abs_val & 0xFF,
(abs_val >> 8) & 0xFF,
(abs_val >> 16) & 0xFF,
(sign << 7) | ((abs_val >> 24) & 0xFF) };
... and here's how I'd convert back to the signed value:
unsigned int big_endian_sign = array[0] >> 7;
long big_endian_val = big_endian_sign
? -((array[0] & 0x7F) << 24) + (array[1] << 16) + (array[2] << 8) + array[3]
: ((array[0] & 0x7F) << 24) + (array[1] << 16) + (array[2] << 8) + array[3];
unsigned int lil_endian_sign = array[3] >> 7;
long lil_endian_val = lil_endian_sign
? -((array[3] & 0x7F) << 24) + (array[2] << 16) + (array[1] << 8) + array[0]
: ((array[3] & 0x7F) << 24) + (array[2] << 16) + (array[1] << 8) + array[0];
I'll leave you to devise a scheme for unsigned and long long types... and open up the floor for comments:

convert unsigned integer to byte array in C

Can you explain about how to convert the last 3 bytes of data from unsigned integer to a character array?
unsigned int unint = some value;
unsigned char array[3];
It's more difficult if you have to convert it to an array, but if you just want to access the individual bytes, then you can do
char* bytes = (char*)&unint;
If you really do want to make an array (and therefore make a copy of the last 3 bytes, not leave them in place) you do
unsigned char bytes[3]; // or char, but unsigned char is better
bytes[0] = unint >> 16 & 0xFF;
bytes[1] = unint >> 8 & 0xFF;
bytes[2] = unint & 0xFF;
You can do using it the bitwise right shift operator:
array[0] = unint;
array[1] = unint >> 8;
array[2] = unint >> 16;
The least signifcant byte of uint is stored in the first element of the array.
Depending on your needs, you may prefer an union:
typedef union {
unsigned int unint;
unsigned char array[3];
} byteAndInt;
or bit-shift operations:
for(int i=0; i<3; i++)
array[i] = (unint>>8*i) & 0xFF;
The former is not endian-safe.
If by last three, you mean lsb+1, lsb+2 and msb (in other words every byte other than the lsb), then you can use this.
unsigned int unint = some value;
unsigned char * array = ( (unsigned char*)&some_value ) + 1;

In-place integer multiplication

I'm writing a program (in C) in which I try to calculate powers of big numbers in an as short of a period as possible. The numbers I represent as vectors of digits, so all operations have to be written by hand.
The program would be much faster without all the allocations and deallocations of intermediary results. Is there any algorithm for doing integer multiplication, in-place? For example, the function
void BigInt_Times(BigInt *a, const BigInt *b);
would place the result of the multiplication of a and b inside of a, without using an intermediary value.
Here, muln() is 2n (really, n) by n = 2n in-place multiplication for unsigned integers. You can adjust it to operate with 32-bit or 64-bit "digits" instead of 8-bit. The modulo operator is left in for clarity.
muln2() is n by n = n in-place multiplication (as hinted here), also operating on 8-bit "digits".
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <limits.h>
typedef unsigned char uint8;
typedef unsigned short uint16;
typedef unsigned uint32;
typedef unsigned long uint32;
typedef unsigned uint;
void muln(uint8* dst/* n bytes + n extra bytes for product */,
const uint8* src/* n bytes */,
uint n)
uint c1, c2;
memset(dst + n, 0, n);
for (c1 = 0; c1 < n; c1++)
uint8 carry = 0;
for (c2 = 0; c2 < n; c2++)
uint16 p = dst[c1] * src[c2] + carry + dst[(c1 + n + c2) % (2 * n)];
dst[(c1 + n + c2) % (2 * n)] = (uint8)(p & 0xFF);
carry = (uint8)(p >> 8);
dst[c1] = carry;
for (c1 = 0; c1 < n; c1++)
uint8 t = dst[c1];
dst[c1] = dst[n + c1];
dst[n + c1] = t;
void muln2(uint8* dst/* n bytes */,
const uint8* src/* n bytes */,
uint n)
uint c1, c2;
if (n >= 0xFFFF) abort();
for (c1 = n - 1; c1 != ~0u; c1--)
uint16 s = 0;
uint32 p = 0; // p must be able to store ceil(log2(n))+2*8 bits
for (c2 = c1; c2 != ~0u; c2--)
p += dst[c2] * src[c1 - c2];
dst[c1] = (uint8)(p & 0xFF);
for (c2 = c1 + 1; c2 < n; c2++)
p >>= 8;
s += dst[c2] + (uint8)(p & 0xFF);
dst[c2] = (uint8)(s & 0xFF);
s >>= 8;
int main(void)
uint8 a[4] = { 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00 };
uint8 b[2] = { 0xFF, 0xFF };
printf("0x%02X%02X * 0x%02X%02X = ", a[1], a[0], b[1], b[0]);
muln(a, b, 2);
printf("0x%02X%02X%02X%02X\n", a[3], a[2], a[1], a[0]);
a[0] = -2; a[1] = -1;
b[0] = -3; b[1] = -1;
printf("0x%02X%02X * 0x%02X%02X = ", a[1], a[0], b[1], b[0]);
muln2(a, b, 2);
printf("0x%02X%02X\n", a[1], a[0]);
return 0;
0xFFFF * 0xFFFF = 0xFFFE0001
0xFFFE * 0xFFFD = 0x0006
I think this is the best we can do in-place. One thing I don't like about muln2() is that it has to accumulate bigger intermediate products and then propagate a bigger carry.
Well, the standard algorithm consists of multiplying every digit (word) of 'a' with every digit of 'b' and summing them into the appropriate places in the result. The i'th digit of a thus goes into every digit from i to i+n of the result. So in order to do this 'in place' you need to calculate the output digits down from most significant to least. This is a little bit trickier than doing it from least to most, but not much...
It doesn't sound like you really need an algorithm. Rather, you need better use of the language's features.
Why not just create that function you indicated in your answer? Use it and enjoy! (The function would likely end up returning a reference to a as its result.)
Typically, big-int representations vary in length depending on the value represented; in general, the result is going to be longer than either operand. In particular, for multiplication, the size of the resulting representation is roughly the sum of the sizes of the arguments.
If you are certain that memory management is truly the bottleneck for your particular platform, you might consider implementing a multiply function which updates a third value. In terms of your C-style function prototype above:
void BigInt_Times_Update(const BigInt* a, const BigInt* b, BigInt* target);
That way, you can handle memory management in the same way C++ std::vector<> containers do: your update target only needs to reallocate its heap data when the existing size is too small.

Bitshift Char Array

If I want to bit shift the integer 5 by 3, so int a = 5; int b = a << 3;, the result would be 40 in decimal as 5 is 101 and 40 is 101000.
What if however, I have the following char array:
00000 00101 and by bit shifting three to the left, I want the result to be 00001 01000. So I want to accommodate for the 0's padding. What do you suggest?
If you meant an actual char array, you can use memmove() and memset():
char str[] = "0000000101";
int shift = 3;
int length = strlen(str);
memmove(str, str + shift,length - shift);
memset(str + length - shift,'0',shift);
// Result:
// "0000101000"
Access the buffer with a 16-bit pointer, use htons to take care of endian issues
char c[2] = {0, 5};
uint16_t* p16 = (uint16_t*)c;
*p16 = htons((ntohs(*p16) << 3));
