App.Config in MVVM architecture - wpf

Every application contains some settings that are configurable. These settings can more or less put into two categories:
Appearance of application: example can be window location, window size, default options on views etc.
Business rules: these settings will be used by business logic.
In architecture that I implemented, View has its own project (WPF) and ViewModel has its own project (class library). From the lofical standpoint, View should be responsible of loading / saving view related settings, and ViewModel should be responsible for loading / saving business settings.
View settings are easy to handle. Create needed properties in Settings (app.config), and its easy to you can easily load save them.
However, ViewModel cannot access app.config settings through the built-in mechanisms that are Available in View project.
First idea I had was to make some helper methods that will allow me to read / write settings in app.config from ViewModel. What is your opinion? Am I complicating stuff here, or this is acceptable way of handling applic\tion settings?

There are three ways you could go here.
Add a reference to System.Configuration.dll and have your ViewModel project use the ConfigurationManager normally.
Have the ViewModel project ask for the configuration information it needs via constructors or other methods of Dependency Inversion, and have the View project pass it in.
Put the ViewModels and Views in the main application project.
Personally, I would go for option 3 unless there is some reason they need to be in separate assemblies. If they need to be separate, then I would favor option 1 because it's simpler.

Here's a cleaner option, if you would like to keep your assemblies separate and keep your ViewModels testable:
In your ViewModel project, add an interface which provides methods or properties for retrieving and saving business settings. Have your ViewModels accept this interface as a dependency in their constructors.
In your View project, add a class which implements this interface and talks with Settings
namespace ViewModel
public interface IBusinessSettingsStore
public string SomeSetting { get; set; }
public int AnotherSetting { get; set; }
public class SomeViewModel
private IBusinessSettingsStore _businessSettings;
public SomeViewModel(IBusinessSettingsStore businessSettings)
_businessSettings = businessSettings;
private void DoSomething()
_businessSettings.AnotherSetting = 10;
namespace View
public class BusinessSettingsStore : IBusinessSettingsStore
public string SomeSetting
get => Settings.Default.SomeSetting;
set => Settings.Default.SomeSetting = value;
public int AnotherSetting
get => Settings.Default.AnotherSetting;
set => Settings.Default.AnotherSetting = value;

I've been very impressed with this library: It basically allows you to serialize whatever you want to the user's roaming app config without any effort. It seems well thought out and well tested. This allows the view model to easily persist settings in the app.config.
FYI it is totally OK for the View project to reference View Model. More than that it is pretty much mandatory, so your view can do all of its persistence through the view model layer.


Inject service into ViewModel with MVVM Light toolkit

I'm currently making an application with WPF and MVVM Light toolkit.
I have this view model :
public class MainViewModel : ViewModelBase
// Instance of service which is used for sending email.
private IEmailService _emailService;
// Get/set instance of service which is used for sending email.
public IEmailService EmailService
return _emailService;
Set("EmailService", ref _emailService, value);
public MainViewModel()
_emailService = new ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<IEmailService>();
Email service is a service which handles sending/processing emails. When user interacts with an element on the screen, email service is called (this has been registered in ServiceLocator)
I wonder if my implement is correct with MVVM design pattern or not. And are there any better ways to inject service into view model (the current approach takes a lot of time declaring initializing property)
I wonder if my implement is correct with MVVM design pattern or not.
Dependency injection has nothing to do with the MVVM pattern really. MVVM is about separation of concern between user interface controls and their logic. Dependency injection enables you to inject a class with any objects it needs without the class having to create these objects itself.
And are there any better ways to inject service into view model (the current approach takes a lot of time declaring initializing property)
If it makes no sense for the view model class to exist without a reference to the service, you should use constructor dependency injection instead of injecting the dependency through a property. You can read more about this here:
Dependency injection through constructors or property setters?
Using your current implementation it is possible to use the view model class without the service:
MainViewModel vm = new MainViewModel();
vm.EmailService = null;
A better implementation would be something like this:
public class MainViewModel : ViewModelBase
// Instance of service which is used for sending email.
private readonly IEmailService _emailService;
public MainViewModel(IEmailService emailService = null)
_emailService = emailService ?? ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<IEmailService>();
if(_emailService is null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(emailService));
This makes sure that the view model class always has a valid reference to an IEmailService. It also makes it possible to inject it with any implementation of the IEmailService interface when you construct the object.

How to pass data to an external assembly User Control through MEF

I am a beginner in MEF. According to my requirement I have to show the multiple plugin UI according to the selection of plugin. For that I have to pass plugin related data to the external plugin UserControl.
public interface IConnect{}
Below code is using to initializing the external UI from the main application,
public IEnumerable<Lazy<IConnect>> Plugins;
var catalog = new DirectoryCatalog(#"C:\TestDll\");
var container = new CompositionContainer(catalog);
var childControl = SelectedPlugin as UserControl;
//Here I have to pass the required data to the usercontrol. How to do this?
Dockpanel.Children.Add(childControl );
Could you please suggest a way to pass data to the external user control
Our entire team here at work has been using MEF for years now, and I'm reasonably familiar with how it works.
To get everything bootstrapped off the ground, the first thing to do is ensure that a common MEF container is shared between your main application and the user control in your external assembly.
If you don't have a common MEF container, then your MEF imported classes will never be able to communicate with the host application, as they will be living in separate MEF universes.
Once you have a common container, anywhere you want to bootstrap a class out of the container, you can use something like this:
var test = MefContainer.GetExportedValue<ITest>();
Q. How do I add MEF to my project?
A. Using NuGet, search for "microsoft composition", and add MEF 2.
Q. So how do we create this shared MEF container?
A. As follows:
Follow through a tutorial such as From Zero to Proficient with MEF.
Create a class library that is shared between your imported control, and the host application.
In this class library, create a singleton class called MefContainer. This means that anybody that wants to grab something out of the MEF container can reference this singleton to obtain the MEF container. The MEF container contains classes from all of the auto-discovered assemblies in the directories that we want to scan.
Q. How do I communicate with the user control?
A. Add this class to your shared class library:
public interface ITest
string SharedValue { get; set; }
public class Test : ITest
public Test()
public string SharedValue { get; set; }
Now, both the host app and the user control can grab an instance of the same class out of the MEF container:
var test = MefContainer.GetExportedValue<ITest>();
var result = test.SharedValue;
By default, classes that are obtained from the MEF container are singleton's, unless we explicitly say that we want non-shared classes.
Q. How about adding Reactive Extensions (RX)?
It's ok to have a class with shared values. But it's nicer if one component can fire events off, and any other component can listen to this event.
To do this, add RX to your project using NuGet (search for "reactive extensions", add "Reactive Extensions - Main Library").
Add a Subject to your shared class:
private Subject<string> MyEvent { get; set; }
Now, if you have a MEF reference to this shared class, you can send an event out:
var t = MefContainer.GetExportedValue<ITest>();
And, any other class can subscribe to these events:
var t = MefContainer.GetExportedValue<ITest>();
o =>
If code is already running in the MEF composition container, then there is no need to use MefContainer to get at the container. You can simply MEF import the shared communication class using the constructor:
public interface IClassRunningInContainer
public class ClassRunningInContainer : IClassRunningInContainer
public ClassRunningInContainer(ITest t)
t.OnNext("Hello, world!");
Final Notes
Don't make the mistake of using MEF as a general dependency injection (DI) solution. You will run into roadblocks further down the road, as MEF is does not have the level of built in diagnostics to find out if things have gone wrong, compared to a dedicated dependency injection solution, such as Unity.
The ideal pattern is to use MEF for importing whole assemblies, then use Unity as your day to day DI container.

WPF / Prism library and multiple shells

I'm pretty new with Prism and after playing a bit around, there a few questions that arise. I'm trying to create a modular application that basically contains a map control in a shell window. The plugin modules offer different tools for interacting with the map. Some of the modules are pretty independent and simply display pins on the map.
1st question: How would RegionManager come into play for the module-specific classes (presenters) that must interact with the main map control? Usually in a RegionManager you register a specific view which is linked to a ViewModel, but in my case there is one single view (the map view) with multiple presenters acting on it.
2nd question: I need to be able to open several windows (shells) -- a bit like an MS Word document -- that should all be extended by the plugin modules. In a single-shell environment, when the module specific classes were instantiated, they could use the Dependency Injection Container to get a reference to the RegionManager or the Shell itself in order to get access to the map control. However with multiple shells, I don't see how to get access to the map control of the right shell. The dependency container has references to object global to the application, not specific for the shell I'm currently working in. Same is true for the EventAggregator.
Any input would be very welcome,
After hours of reading Prism-related articles and forums I've come across the article "How to build an outlook style application" on Erwin van der Valk's Blog - How to Build an Outlook Style Application.
In one part of the architecture, a Unity Child Container was used to resolve type instances. That's exactly what I needed for the answer to my 2nd question: I needed to have "scoped" (by window) dependency injection (ex: window scoped EventAggregator, Map control, etc.)
Here's how I create a new window:
private IShellWindow CreateNewShell(IRegionManager regionManager)
IUnityContainer childContainer = this.Container.CreateChildContainer();
... register types in child container ...
var window = new ShellWindow();
RegionManager.SetRegionManager(window, regionManager);
window.Content = childContainer.Resolve<MapDocumentView>();
return window;
So MapDocumentView and all its components will be injected (if needed) window-scoped instances.
Now that I can have scoped injected objects, I can get the window-scoped map in my module-based MapPresenter. To answer my 1st question, I defined an interface IHostApplication which is implemented by the Bootstrapper which has a MapPresenterRegistry property. This interface is added to the main container.
Upon initialization, the modules will register their presenters and upon the window creation, they will be instantiated.
So for the module initialization:
public void Initialize()
The code that initializes the map window:
private void View_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
// Register map in the == scoped container ==
// Create map presenters
var hostApplication = this.container.Resolve<IHostApplication>();
foreach (var mapPresenterType in hostApplication.MapPresenterRegistry)
var mapPresenter = this.container.Resolve(mapPresenterType) as IMapPresenter;
if (mapPresenter != null)
The module-specific MapPresenter:
public ModuleSpecificMapPresenter(IEventAggregator eventAggregator, IMap map)
this.eventAggregator = eventAggregator; = map;
// Do stuff on with the map
So those are the big lines of my solution. What I don't really like is that I don't take advantage of region management this way. I pretty much have custom code to do the work.
If you have any further thoughts, I would be happy to hear them out.
You have one main view and many child views, and child views can be added by different modules.
I'm not sure that the RegionManager class can be applied in this situation, so I would create a separate global class IPinsCollectionState
which must be registered as singleton in the bootstrapper.
public interface IPin
Point Coordinates { get; }
IPinView View { get; }
//You can use a view model or a data template instead of the view interface, but this example is the simplest
public interface IPinsCollectionState
ObservableCollection<IPin> Pins { get; }
Your main view model and different modules can receive this interface as a constructor parameter:
public class MapViewModel
public MapViewModel(IPinsCollectionState collectionState)
foreach (var item in collectionState.Pins)
{ /* Do something */ };
collectionState.Pins.CollectionChanged += (s, e) => {/* Handle added or removed items in the future */};
Example of a module view model:
public class Module1ViewModel
public Module1ViewModel(IPinsCollectionState collectionState)
//somewhere in the code
collectionState.Pins.Add(new Module1Pin());
The second question can be solved in many different ways:
A global MainViewModel which contains the list of ShellViewModels and if you add new view model it will be displayed in new window. The bootstrapper is single for all windows.
Some kind of shared state which is passed to the constructor of the bootstrapper.
I don't know how these windows are related between themselves, and I don't know which way is the best, maybe it is possible to write an application with separated windows.

Using a Non-Anemic Domain Model with Wpf MVVM

I am implementing a WPF based application using MVVMfor the UI.
I have a ViewModel that wraps each editable Model that can be edited. The VM contains all the logic for handling error notifications, "is dirty" management and so forth ..
This design supports well CRUD schenarios for simple domain Model objects that are anemic, that is, do not contain any logic.
Now, I am facing a more tricky problem cause I have a domain Model that contains logic and that logic can change the internal state of the domain Model.
Do someone have already faced this scenario ? If so, do you have some advices to handle this correctly ?
Here is how I usually deal with it:
The ViewModel layer is made of types that belong to this layer, meaning I don't ever directly use my business objects inside of a ViewModel. I map my business objects to ViewModel objects that may or may not be the exact same shape minus the behaviors. It can be argued that this violates Don't Repeat Yourself, but doing so allows you to adhere to the Single Responsibility Principle. In my opinion, SRP should usually trump DRY. The ViewModel exists to serve the view, and the model exists to serve business rules / behavior.
I create a facade/service layer that takes and returns ViewModels as arguments, but maps the ViewModels to-and-from their corresponding business object versions. This, way the non-anemic objects won't impose non view logic on the ViewModel
The dependencies would look like this:
ViewModel <--> Facade/ServiceLayer --> Business Objects
I think it is important to keep this in mind if you want to unleash the full potential of MVVM: The ViewModel is the model/abstraction of the view, not the model presented to the view.
Try using Command pattern. Your screen should be design not to edit an entity but to perform an action (command) on an entity. If you follow that principle when designing your screens, your ViewModel will have properties that should be mapped to a command object. Then, the command will be send to an (remote) facade of the domain model.
ViewModels for displaying the data could be mapped directly to the database (bypassing the domain model altogether) so that you don't need to put nasty getters in the domain model classes.
If the domain model is non-anemic, you will need to use events to communicate internal changes in the Model back to the ViewModel. That way you don't have to worry about keeping track of what operations could potentially make your VM out-of-sync with the model.
Here's a simple example:
First, a sample model:
public class NonAnemicModel
private string _name;
public string Name
get { return _name; }
if (_name == value)
_name = value;
public event EventHandler NameChanged;
protected virtual void OnNameChanged(EventArgs e)
if (NameChanged != null)
NameChanged(this, e);
public void PerformNameCalculation(int chars)
//example of a complex logic that inadvertently changes the name
this.Name = new String('Z', chars); //makes a name of Z's
And here's a sample ViewModel:
public class MyViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
private NonAnemicModel _model;
public NonAnemicModel Model
get { return _model; }
_model = value;
_model.NameChanged += (sender, args) => NotifyPropertyChanged("UserName");
public string UserName
get { return this.Model.Name; }
set { this.Model.Name = value; }
//this command would call out to the PerformNameCalculation method on the Model.
public ICommand PerformNameCalculation { get; private set; }
Notice that the PropertyChanged event is raised when the Name on the model changes. That way, regardless of whether the UserName setter was used, or the PerformNameCalculation command was used, the ViewModel stays in sync. The big downside to this is that you have to add many more events to your Model, but I've found that having these events in place is usually very helpful in the long run. Just be careful about memory leaks with events!

Considerations when architecting an extensible application using MEF

I've begun experimenting with dependency injection (in particular, MEF) for one of my projects, which has a number of different extensibility points. I'm starting to get a feel for what I can do with MEF, but I'd like to hear from others who have more experience with the technology. A few specific cases:
My main use case at the moment is exposing various singleton-like services that my extensions make use of. My Framework assembly exposes service interfaces and my Engine assembly contains concrete implementations. This works well, but I may not want to allow all of my extensions to have access to all of my services. Is there a good way within MEF to limit which particular imports I allow a newly instantiated extension to resolve?
This particular application has extension objects that I repeatedly instantiate. I can import multiple types of Controllers and Machines, which are instantiated in different combinations for a Project. I couldn't find a good way to do this with MEF, so I'm doing my own type discovery and instantiation. Is there a good way to do this within MEF or other DI frameworks?
I welcome input on any other things to watch out for or surprising capabilities you've discovered that have changed the way you architect.
Is there a good way within MEF to
limit which particular imports I allow
a newly instantiated extension to
Load the extension code in a separate container, and make sure that the restricted parts are not available in that container. Let's simplify the situation to these classes to construct an example:
public class MyExtension
public PublicService Service { get; set; }
public class PublicService
public class InternalService
public class Program
public MyExtension Extension { get; set; }
public PublicService Service1 { get; set; }
public InternalService Service2 { get; set; }
The goal is to allow MyExtension to import PublicService, but not InternalService. Internal code like Program should be able to import anything. You can achieve that like this:
var publicCatalog = new TypeCatalog(typeof(PublicService), typeof(MyExtension));
var publicContainer = new CompositionContainer(publicCatalog);
var internalCatalog = new TypeCatalog(typeof(Program), typeof(InternalService));
var internalContainer =
new CompositionContainer(internalCatalog, publicContainer);
var program = internalContainer.GetExport<Program>();
This code will not throw a composition exception. If you now change the import on MyExtension to the forbidden InternalService, you will get a composition exception as desired.
A side effect of this set-up is that PublicService cannot import any private services either, just like MyExtension. This kind of makes sense, because otherwise nothing would stop PublicService from exposing a private service via a property.
I have used TypeCatalog for the example, but in practice you should probably use something like the FilteredCatalog sample.
This particular application has
extension objects that I repeatedly
instantiate. I can import multiple
types of Controllers and Machines,
which are instantiated in different
combinations for a Project. I couldn't
find a good way to do this with MEF,
so I'm doing my own type discovery and
instantiation. Is there a good way to
do this within MEF or other DI
You might just be after the PartCreationPolicy attribute, which controls whether a part is shared (as in, created only once per container) or instantiated multiple times for each import. You can also specify the RequiredCreationPolicy parameter in an import attribute.
If that doesn't solve your problem, take a look at the PartCreator sample in the MEF sources (though note that it will probably soon be renamed to ExportFactory, it already has been in the silverlight edition of MEF).
