Disable all comboboxes of form on one click in extjs - extjs

I am working in extjs. I have to disable fields of my form.
I have used below function.
var form = Ext.getCmp('frmTender').getForm();
fields = form.getFields();
Ext.each(fields.items, function (f) {
f.inputEl.dom.disabled = true;
Its working for textfields but not for comboboxes and checkboxes. So Please help me how
can I disable all comboboxes
of my form.

You can use the setDisabled method of the Ext component.
in place of
f.inputEl.dom.disabled = true;

I personally don't like the disabling of fields in extjs. The labels are getting greyed out too. I'm using it this way.
var form = Ext.getCmp('frmTender').getForm();
fields = form.getFields();
Ext.each(fields.items, function (f) {
f.inputEl.dom.readonly = true; //f.setReadOnly(true)
background: none; //#ccc


Ag-grid isRowSelectable conditional not activating

We have an Ag-Grid table with row selection via the built in checkbox functionality. The check boxes are conditionally displaying via the isRowSelectable options:
isRowSelectable: function (rowNode) {
return rowNode.data ? rowNode.data.published === false : true;
The published column is being updated as part of a modal called from another column. A redrawRows is being called when the modal is closed:
modal.result.then(() => {
const row = params.api.getDisplayedRowAtIndex(params.rowIndex as number);
//this.gridApi?.redrawRows([row] as any);
The display values in the row are being updated when the modal is closed, however, the checkbox is not appearing when the published value is set to false. If I hang a breakpoint in Dev Tools the isRowSelectable code does not appear to be hit.
Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
Can you try this and see if it works?
let itemsToUpdate = [];
let data = rowNode.data;
// modify data fields
// Ex: data.field1 = "new value";
this.gridApi.applyTransaction({update: itemsToUpdate});
Use refreshCells

Excel-like behaviour of Grids in Ext JS

I'm trying to figure out a way to have an Excel-like behavior with the Grids on Ext JS.
Here is the sample grid I am working with. So far we can already naviguate through the cells with the arrows but only in edit mode.
However what I am trying to reach is the naviguation with the arrows, TAB and Enter keys outside of the edit mode, just like excel.
I tried to integrate this piece of code which overrides the Editor class, hoping that it would change the behavior of the cells but it doesn't change a thing.
I believe this is the most important part that overrides the Editor class and tries to include the keys input :
Ext.override(Ext.Editor, {
startEdit: function (el, value) {
var me = this,
field = me.field;
me.boundEl = Ext.get(el);
value = Ext.isDefined(value) ? value : me.boundEl.dom.innerHTML;
if (!me.rendered) {
me.render(me.parentEl || document.body);
if (me.fireEvent('beforestartedit', me, me.boundEl, value) !== false) {
me.startValue = value;
if (deleteGridCellValue) {
me.editing = true;
deleteGridCellValue = false; // reset global variable
else {
if (newGridCellValue == '') {
// default behaviour of Ext.Editor (see source if needed)
else {
// custom behaviour to handle an alphanumeric key press from non-edit mode
newGridCellValue = ''; // reset global variable
if (field instanceof Ext.form.field.ComboBox) {
// force the combo box's filtered dropdown list to be displayed (some browsers need this)
field.focus(false, 10);
if (field.autoSize) {
me.editing = true;
This is the first time that I am working on a project that is outside of Comp-Sci classes so any help would be very much appreciated. Thanks !

How to programmatically clear a material design autocomplete in angularjs?

I have a material design autocomplete working correctly. Now I need to be able to clear the selected element when a button is clicked. I see that the element's delete button that appears on the right has an $mdAutocomplete.clear() call which is exactly what I need but I don't know how to launch that.
How can I capture the element and call the clear() method?
Try to set the model which is binded to the search text with empty string:
self.clear = function() {
self.searchText = '';
See this codepen
self.clear = function() {
self.searchText = '';
eladcon answer works, but I would set md-min-length="1" to avoid let search box open.

How do I reset all filters in Extjs Grids?

How do I reset my ExtJS filters in my grids. More specifically, how do I get the header to honour the changes to the filtering.
ie. This works fine :
But the header rendering is all wrong. I need to get into all the menu objects and unselect the checkboxes.
I am getting pretty lost. I am pretty sure this gives me the filterItems :
var filterItems = grid.filters.filters.items;
And from each of these filter items, i can get to menu items like so :
var menuItems = filter.menu.items;
But that's as far as I can get. I am expecting some kind of checkbox object inside menu items, and then I can uncheck that checkbox, and hopefully the header rendering will then change.
I now have this code. The grid store has its filter cleared. Next I get the filterItems from grid.filters.filters.items and iterate over them. Then I call a function on each of the menu items.
var filterItems = grid.filters.filters.items;
for (var i = 0; i<filterItems.length; i++){
var filter = filterItems[i];
filter.menu.items.each(function(checkbox) {
if (checkbox.setChecked)
checkbox.setChecked(false, true);
The checkboxes do get called, but still nothing is happening :(
Try this code:
This should take care of both the grid and its underlying store.
When you do
it can only clear the filters on the store but the grid's view doesn't get updated with that call. Hence to handle it automatically for both the grid's view as well as the grid's store, just use
Hope it helps!
Your update help me but you forget the case where you have input text instead of checkbox.
So this is my addition of your solution:
var filterItems = grid.filters.filters.items;
for (var i = 0; i<filterItems.length; i++){
var filter = filterItems[i];
filter.menu.items.each(function(element) {
if (element.setChecked) {
element.setChecked(false, true);
if(typeof element.getValue !== "undefined" && element.getValue() !== "") {
When you use grid wiht gridfilters plugin
and inovoke
it reset applyed filters, but it don't clean value in textfield inside menu.
For clean textfield text you can try this:
const plugin = grid.getPlugin('gridfilters');
let activeFilter;
if('activeFilterMenuItem' in plugin) {
activeFilter = plugin.activeFilterMenuItem.activeFilter
if (activeFilter && activeFilter.type === "string") {

Toggle column headers extjs grid panel

I am a newbie to ExtJS.I am now working on grids.I would like to toggle the visibility of the headers on a button click(Show and hide the header only).Any suggestions should be appreciated.Thanks in advance.
I would try
var el = myDataGrid.headerCt.getEl();
if (el.isVisible()) {
} else {
If you want to hide all headers in all grids, I suggest you assign them some custom class and then you do the above for all of them separatelly.
Something along the following lines (not tested)
var allGrids = Ext.dom.Query.select(".myDataGrids");
Ext.Array.each(allGrids, function(gridDomElement, index) {
var el = Ext.fly(gridDomElement);
// Do the above
// ....
