Checkbox in silverlight DataGrid behaving strangely - silverlight

I am using checkbox in an itemtemplate column in a Silverlight 5 DataGrid.
I am facing a strange problem with it. When I select more than one checkbox and then scroll the grid up and down, the selection shifts to some other checkbox.

I fixed this problem in my code. I did handling within the LoadingRow and UnloadingRow events of the grid.
As soon as a row is loaded, we need to look for the condition on the basis of which we want to keep the check-box checked or unchecked. But as soon as you set the IsChecked property, Checked or UnChecked event of the check-box will get fired.
In this scenario we can unregister the Checked and UnChecked events of the check-box if we have any, set the IsChecked property. After setting this, again register the events.
Below is the code for your help.
Add LoadingRow and UnloadingRow events to your grid.
... LoadingRow="DGUserList_RowLoadUnload" UnloadingRow="DGUserList_RowLoadUnload">
In your code behind file:
private void DGUserList_RowLoadUnload(object sender, DataGridRowEventArgs e)
DataGridRow row = e.Row;
CheckBox cbox = (CheckBox)this.dgUserList.Columns[0].GetCellContent(row);
this.UpdateHookedEventsForCheckBox(cbox, false);
cbox.IsChecked = true; // Here put your condition for check/uncheck
this.UpdateHookedEventsForCheckBox(cbox, true);
private void UpdateHookedEventsForCheckBox(CheckBox chkBox, bool register)
if (register)
chkBox.Checked += this.CheckBox_Checked;
chkBox.Unchecked += this.CheckBox_Unchecked;
chkBox.Checked -= this.CheckBox_Checked;
chkBox.Unchecked -= this.CheckBox_Unchecked;
This way I need not bother about putting some hake code in my Checked and UnChecked events.

This is a known behaviour since Silverlight is re-using its graphical resources in the DataGrid. There's a discussion about it in this Silverlight thread.
It seems one way to fix it is to databind the IsSelected property:
My solution at that time was to add a new property in my data source:
IsSelected, and to bind the checkbox to that value.
You have more additional info in this thread, where Microsoft answers:
This is not a bug. What happens when you scroll around in the
DataGrid is the same checkboxes are being used for new data because
the DataGrid recycles the visuals. When your new data has different
values, the check will change through the Binding and you'll receive
the event. What you can do to get this scenario to work is to listen
to LoadingRow which is raised when a row comes into view. In there,
you can call column.GetCellContents to get the contents of the cell.
This will give you the CheckBox, and you can attach to CheckChanged at
this time. If you do this, you need to do something similar and
listen to UnloadingRow so you can detach the eventhandler when the
checkbox is scrolled out of view.


How to attached events on DataGridColumnHeader in Custom DataGrid in code behind?

I attached event "DataGridColumnHeader_MouseRightButtonDown" on Loaded event to open context menu to display column names. It's working fine.
private void dtaGrd_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
columnHeaders = TreeHelper.GetVisualChildCollection<DataGridColumnHeader>(this);
foreach (DataGridColumnHeader columnHeader in columnHeaders)
columnHeader.MouseRightButtonDown += DataGridColumnHeader_MouseRightButtonDown;
But when I uncheck column then Visibility of "Name" column to be Collapsed. Again, I checked that column to set Visibility to "Visible" then "DataGridColumnHeader_MouseRightButtonDown" event is not working.
Is my Implementation is wrong or DataGridColumnHeader will create new instance when visibility is change?
Yes, I found that when visilbity of DataGridColumnHeader is changed then it's Loaded event is also fires. So, We have to bind even handlers on loaded event of DataGridColumnHeader.
On which event of datagrid I come to know that DataGridColumnHeader is Loaded ?
Or Where I have to attach DataGridColumnHeader Loaded Event ?
First, you should be known that each time you change visibility of any control, its 'Loaded' event executes.
Here in your case, you're providing handlers to the column headers of the datagrid by finding from visual collection of the DataGrid.
So, once you flip Visibility of the column from Visible to Collapsed it'll unload column from datagrid and again, when you make it Visible it loads with default style provided to the header.
And here comes the main problem that handlers you binded to the column Header will not be found as column got Reset
My opinion is to give try to Custom Commands or you've to manage attaching/detaching handlers while fliping visibility.
Thanks :)

DataGrid SelectedIndex Changed Event Handler

I have a WPF DataGrid which I'm trying to auto-scroll using this code:
private void mydatagrid_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
The problem I'm having is that this event handler is not called every time the SelectedIndex of the DataGrid changes. Yes, it does get called when I click on the grid or add or delete an item, but it does NOT get called upon some other actions, such as moving the currently selected item up or down in the underlying collection, which is set via:
mydatagrid.ItemsSource = Seq;
(where Seq is an object of a type derived from ObservableCollection<>).
In my troubleshooting attempts I bound the text of a TextBlock to the SelectedIndex property of mydatagrid. The index number updates perfectly, regardless of what action I perform on the datagrid and/or underlying data source.
So my question is: how can I create an event handler in C# code that gets called upon ANY and ALL changes to the value of SelectedIndex, just like my little textblock binding example does?
I've tried finding a propertyChanged event for the DataGrid, but to no avail. I've tried tapping into all of the events of the DataGrid that seemed remotely related, but to no avail. I've also tried using the CollectionChanged event of the underlying collection, but this doesn't seem to be nicely synchronized with the datagrid (at least at the moment that the event occurs).

Maintain scroll position on updating the ItemSource of a silverlight datagrid

I'm using a DataGrid in my silverlight application to display some data that's refreshed on a timer. My problem is that when this happens the vertical scrollbar in the grid resets to the top, whereas I want it to stay in the same position. Does anyone know how I can make this happen?
I've tried overriding the ItemsSource property on the grid to store the vertical scroll position and then reset it, but this only affects the scrollbar and doesn't force the correct rows to be displayed. Is there a way to force this behaviour?
Here is a similar question about Setting the scroll bar position on a ListBox
After rebinding Silverlight Listbox control how do you get it listbox to scroll to back to the top?
Since the DataGrid also supports a ScrollIntoView method, you should be able to use a similar technique such as
theDataGrid.ItemsSource = data;
theDataGrid.ScrollIntoView(theDataGrid.SelectedItem, theDataGrid.Columns[0]);
I couldn't find a decent answer last time I looked. I wanted to keep the current element selected in the grid but that wouldn't work on an ICollectionView refresh (I use MVVM and get automatic updates from the server).
ScrollIntoView() was not an option for me because the currently selected item may NOT be in view. Having the CurrentChanged event firing out of control was also quite a bother.
In the end, I used the Infragistics grid and it does just that out of the box. Problem solved for me.
You may have a look at the DevExpress free grid. I think it had the same nice behaviour (I tested it but I can't remember the outcome).
You could try setting the SelectedItem thro the UI thread, so that the UI can refresh itself,
like so
private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
Person p = new Person() { Name="sss",Age=11}; //datagird's itemsSource is Collection<person>
dg.SelectedItem = p; //dg is my datagrid name
Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() => { dg.SelectedItem = p; });
Im assuming that new rows are loaded thro the ViewModel, so thats why it makes sense to place the BeginInvoke there. Since the ViewModel operations run on a different thread, and just setting the SelectedItem on its own might not work, this has worked for someone else
I've also had issues with this. I solved it by remembering the item I want to scroll to, then re-binding the DataGrid. I handle the LayoutUpdated event in order to implement the desired functionality:
void MyDataGrid_LayoutUpdated(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Reference the data item in the list you want to scroll to.
object dataItem = yourDataItem;
// Make sure the item is not null and didn't already scroll to the item.
if (dataItem != null && this.dataItemScrolledTo != dataItem)
// Remember the item scrolled to.
this.dataItemScrolledTo = dataItem;
// Scroll datagrid to the desired item.
MyDataGrid.ScrollIntoView(dataItem, MyDataGrid.Columns[0]);
I've modified CodeMaster's solution so that you don't need a class level variable. Put this code in the method that updates the ItemsSource. It will dynamically create the eventhandler, attach it, then detach it.
EventHandler MyDataGrid_LayoutUpdated = null;
MyDataGrid_LayoutUpdated = (s, e) =>
MyDataGrid.ScrollIntoView(dataItem, MyDataGrid.Columns[0]);
MyDataGrid.LayoutUpdated -= MyDataGrid_LayoutUpdated;
MyDataGrid.LayoutUpdated += MyDataGrid_LayoutUpdated;

Silverlight Datagrid Refresh Data with SelectionChanged Binding

I am building an issue tracking system that uses Silverlight. I use DataGrids to display the issue lists, set the selected index to -1 so that no row appears selected and then use the selection change event to popup an issue details window for the particular selected issue.
When I try to refresh the DataGrid by rebinding it to its ItemsSource, I disable the SelectionChanged event, rebind the DataGrid to its ItemsSource, set the SelectedIndex to -1 and then enable the SelectionChanged event again. However, no matter how late I leave the re-enabling of the SelectionChanged event (even until after the DataGrid_Loaded event), a SelectionChanged event is fired and the issue details window pops up.
Is there a better way to refresh the data in a DataGrid that won't cause the SelectedIndex to change? If not, is there a way of telling which events are caused by a programmatic index change and not a human interaction?
(Also up for discussion, is this the best control for the job? I need to display multiple fields per row, such as the issue title, assigned user, requested by user, status, etc.)
Thanks in advance.
I have had a similar issue in the past with the comctl32 ListView control's selection events: Programmatic selection cause selection change events to be raised.
My workaround for this issue is to have a per-grid/list counter variable that lets the event handler know if it should care about the selection event or not. The code would go something like:
int issueList_ProgrammaticEventCount_Selection = 0;
void refreshIssueList()
issueList.ItemsSource = ...;
void issueList_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
if (issueList_ProgrammaticEventCount_Selection > 0)

WPF DataGrid how to get when ItemsSource updates

Which event fires when DataGrid's source is updating? I've tried DataContextChanged and SourceUpdated but it never worked out.
Actually I need a simple thing. I want, if there is a new row comes, scroll the GridView's scrollbar down to the bottom to see what it was.
I had the same problem and I manage it this way
DataGrid myGrid = new DataGrid();
CollectionView myCollectionView = (CollectionView)CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(myGrid.Items);
((INotifyCollectionChanged)myCollectionView).CollectionChanged += new NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler(DataGrid_CollectionChanged);
You then need to implement the logic in the event handler DataGrid_CollectionChanged.
Set NotifyOnTargetUpdated = true for the ItemsSource binding and handle TargetUpdated event. If you've multiple bindings, then look for DataTransferEventArgs Property to find out if the target is ItemsSource or not.
If you are trying to have the grid refresh when something is added to the database itself, that's not going to happen. I'm more familiar with WinForms than WPF but I'm assuming there is no magical way to keep a grid in sync with the database without writing some background process that continuously checks for database changes.
If you are updating the actual data source of the grid (ex. Collection) then that will update the grid.
For my part i've used SelectionChange notification which raise each event Del/Add/Edit/Select
It's work very well
private void dataGrid_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
