Qooxdoo xhr.js cannot be located - qooxdoo

The current project i am working on consists of 2 parts. 1 part is a
qooxdoo app. And the other is a html file that will be rendered in the
browser widget of qooxdoo.
I recently had to make some changes to the second part (not touching
After i copied over the files i needed to connect the Qx app to the html
page. Then it gave me some errors.
I taught if i rebuild, they might go away (they did not).
I get the following error:
LOG: 003045 qx.core.Init: Load runtime: 3044ms
SCRIPT5: The system cannot locate the resource specified.
Xhr.js, line 375 character 9
I have looked and the file is located where it should be.
Does anyone has any idea how to fix this or what is causing it?

It was rather silly, i placed one too many parenthesis and that caused the error. I had trouble finding it since the 2 where very unrelated.


How to find all the react compiled files?

I am now working on a react ecommerce website and I have encountered an issue that I forgot to give keys to the lists I rendered. So, I was wondering if there is a way to see one file which contains all the code for that web app, like in Sass , we write code in different files but we are able to see the massive file that contains all the code that we wrote across multiple files.Even if we can't change that file, it would be nice to see how many lines of code are there. So ,is there a way to do that?

Write out SCSS code onto a page in Jekyll

I've created a web page that's for all intents and purposes, a style guide for other developers working on our application.
I have my .scss files within the _sass directory in my Jekyll project, and it's created all the CSS files beautifully. On my page however I want to display the code from these .scss files in the page within some <pre><code> tags.
Currently I have the code in here repeated in both places. When it was quite small it wasn't such a problem, but now it's got bigger it needs DRY-ing out.
I first went down the path of using Jekyll's {% include [path/to/file] %}, and then realised that only works for stuff in the _includes folder, and I couldn't use the include_relative option either as the _sass folder isn't a child of the location it's used.
Secondly I tried using the angular approach, as I'm already using it in my application. Threw in some <pre><code ng-include="'../_sass/components/_sflButton.scss'"> and expected it to work. Of course, it didn't because the _sass folder isn't generated into the actual site when you run it. And I can't seem to find a way of getting it to include it. Tried changing a few things in _config.yml to no avail.
So, TL;DR, I want to either be able to include the code from my _sass folder onto my page via Jekyll, or find a way of getting the _sass folder to be loaded into the generated site so I can load it in with Angular. Am I trying to do an impossible task here? Willing to listen to any suggestions that mean the code is only written in one place.
The theory behind getting this done is as follows:
_sass is a special directory for Jekyll (similar to _layouts, _includes) that is handled differently in comparison to other directories you create. Its contents are not output to the destination directory.
you can write simple ruby programs and add them to a directory called _plugins and Jekyll will run those custom programs during the build process. (Ignored by GitHub Pages).
Now write a ruby program to "read" the contents of _sass and have the resulting data be formatted as a hash and have this hash fed to existing site_payload
The hash can be additionally passed as a Drop instance to have the data available via the Liquid templates.
I concede this answer doesn't actually solve your problem esp., if you're not familiar with Ruby, and Jekyll codebase. but it'll serve as a starting point..

asp.net pages can use class library but site won't compile

I am using VS2012 Update 3 and have a solution containing three visual basic projects a class library, a conosole app, and an IIS website.
The website has a reference to the library project. The library compiles fine and automatically places the latest dll in the bin folder of the website.
This was all working without issue before this week.
My web pages are able to import and use the class library. I get proper intellisense and the pages browse or eventually browse showing they are using the library. This week sometimes I get a type not defined error with browsing but after waiting it works. But the compile is always a fail now.
When compiling sometimes the errors show in the error list then eventually disappear but at ALL times when building the errors show up in the output tab as:
SomeCodeBehindFile.aspx.vb(#,#) error BC30002: Type 'SomeTypeInMyLibrary' is not defined.
Error BC30002 - Type XXX is not defined did not help. I tried using fully qualified variable types versus using the import. I tried changing the identity on the app pool to Network Service which has read permission on the whole site.
I've also tried Visual Studio's build > Clean Solution and deleting all files from windows' framework Temporary ASP.NET Files.
The only thing I may have done to irritate VS would have been renaming one of my asp files and its class names/page directive attributes manually but I have done this before without issue. I got paranoid and deleted that file and re-added it also. I also have 3 pages complaining about types not being defined now.
Was really perplexed for awhile. It also got worse with the pages using the library permanently refusing to browse. Though if I copied the library and erroring pages in another web app it would work! Not knowing what went off the rails I started a fresh VB web site and was back in business for awhile but then it started again. I did not connect what I did that actually caused the grief in my 2nd site. For a 3rd time I started a fresh web site this time using C#. Going great again up until that point I kept shooting myself. Thankfully the C# compiler gave a more helpful error message: "A using namespace directive can only be applied to namespaces; 'StaffPlusLibrary' is a type not a namespace". Grrr the problem was I kept adding a help page to the site related to the class library and called the page StaffPlusLibrary.aspx. I am careful not to name pages the same as existing classes but it did not register in my mind I was about to create a page using the same name as my library's root namespace. So the page created a class using the same name as the namespace. The ambiguity I introduced was not apparent until C#.

Some problems with basic DotNetNuke localization methods

I'm writing a simple DNN module - using DNN 5.6.1 and currently just working direct in a VB.Net source file within the DesktopModules subfolder of a DNN website.
To localize an error message within the module, I'm trying to use:
Dim baseString As String = Localization.GetString("CoveringErrorMessage", Me.LocalResourceFile)
However, this is currently returning "Nothing". Even though Me.LocalResourceFile seems to point to the correct path - /DesktopModules/MyModule/App_LocalResources/MyModule - where MyModule.ascx.resx resides, and even though "CoveringErrorMessage" is defined.
I've also checked that I can definitely edit the resx files from the Admin Language editor.
Beyond this, I've also got a problem with AddModuleMessage() not showing any message - so I'm wondering if there's some obvious setup step I've missed.
All ideas appreciated - this is just one of those frustrating things at present.
It'll look for CoveringErrorMessage.Text rather than just CoveringErrorMessage. Where there's not a . it adds .Test to the resource key.

DotNetNuke module missing from page

I have a a strange problem with nuke modules i've been developing for a nuke 4.8.4 site.
I have one module that just refuses to allow another module to be placed BELOW it in the same pane. Everything loads fine as long as it is the last module in the pane, but if you move it above the other modules, the others won't load.
I originally thought that it was something odd in the markup of the module causing it to layer over the others - but when I view source on the page, the other modules don't even exist in the source.
Has anyone seen this issue before, and if so, how did you fix the problem?
We've built a dozen modules - and ONE module does this on my machine, but a DIFFERENT module does this on another developer's machine. On each machine, the module that is broken for one dev works fine for the other.
Another interesting thing that we've noticed is that in the case where ONE of these modules is on a page, the GetTabModules will return 2 rows for the one module, both with the same ModuleID.
This sometimes happens to us, especially on older sites, AND especially if there is a long history, possibly with the recycling bin filled with old/deleted modules. It will seem that we keep trying to move a module UP or TOP and it won't move compared to the others.
The problem is easy to see if you look at the database and can see that the Module_Tab record involved has the same sort order number as other modules on the page, OR that it has a null value and adding a +1 or -1 to NULL still returns NULL !
So for us the answer is always to perform the following steps to clear out your issues (and this can be done without accessing the database):
Empty the recycling bin, and then come back to the page
Move all of the modules out of the pane that they're in... so if they are all in the Content Pane, move them to a left or footer pane.
Then, IN ORDER that you want to see them on the page, add each one back to the Content Pane, one at a time.
This process makes their sort order clear/irrelevant and then adding each module back in starts a new ordering number from 1 to 2, etc and after that, all modules will work properly with the normal Up / Down move actions.
It sounds like your module code is blowing up DNN. I'd run the site with a debugger attached and step through the code that is instantiating the modules.
We uninstalled & reinstalled the offending modules, and they work fine now. Must have been some sort of bug in the install process. I'm going to upgrade to 4.9.2 and see if we run into similar issues there.
