How to send ajax response to Jquery from CakePhp? - cakephp

I have this script in a view:
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#addbrand").click(function() {
url : '../brands/add',
data : {
name : "test",
shortname : "tst"
dataType : 'json',
success : function(html, textStatus) {
alert('Success ' + textStatus + html);
error : function(xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {
alert('An error occurred! ' + errorThrown);
And in add controller I have these lines:
... else if($this->request->is('ajax')){
if ($this->Brand->save($this->request->query)) {
// How to send feedback!?
// How to send feedback!?
$this->autoRender = false;
When I click addbrand, Ajax operation runs successfully and a I can see the added row in database, but I don't know how to send an error or success message to the user. I've read several tutorials but none of them were about cakephp2.0 while Everything is changed in 2.x.
I've also read JSON and XML views but unfortunately I didn't understand anything!!!
I need to send a status code. If the status was OK then I ought to to send an array of Strings (brand names actually) and if status is not OK I should send a string that explains why the operation is not completed successfully.
I'd be most grateful if anybody can help me. Thanks
I changed the code. I used CakeResponse() and now my action is like this:
if ($this->Brand->save($this->request->query)) {
return new CakeResponse(array('body'=> json_encode(array('val'=>'test ok')),'status'=>200));
return new CakeResponse(array('body'=> json_encode(array('val'=>'test not ok')),'status'=>500));
Using CakeResponse I can handle the possible responses in Jquery well.
$("#addbrand").click(function() {
url : '../brands/add',
data : {
name : "test",
shortname : "tst"
dataType : 'json',
success : function(data) {
alert("The brand has been saved");
error : function(data) {
alert("Eorror occured");
complete : function(data) {
Although it seems to me that everything is working now and I can send several variables through the Ajax between client and server in JSON format, I need to know if it's a standard way of sending Ajax responses in CakePHP or not? Is there any other simpler way for doing this?

The following lines of code do exactly whatever return new CakeResponse(array('body'=> json_encode(array('val'=>'test ok')),'status'=>200)); does in my question:
$this->set('val','test ok');
Remember that you need to do two important things:
Add Router::parseExtensions('json'); to App/Config/routs.php.
Add var $components = array("RequestHandler"); to your controller.
I think this way is better because you don't need to return anything. In previous solution we had to return cakeresponse object and this, sits uneasy with the nature of actions.

You should use the JSON views with route extensions:
Firstly you need to set up route extensions. This is generally done with:
Router::parseExtensions('json'); // In App/Config/routes.php
This will enable Router to handle the 'json' extension and to know how to handle a request like:
if ($this->Brand->save($this->request->query)) {
//Logic for success
} else {
//Logic for save failure
At this point you have the ability to choose between using the data views with the serialize key or using a data view with view files (copyed from the CakeBook):
// Controller code
class PostsController extends AppController {
public function index() {
$this->set(compact('posts', 'comments'));
// View code - app/View/Posts/json/index.ctp
foreach ($posts as &$post) {
echo json_encode(compact('posts', 'comments'));
Notice that the view is located under .../Views/Posts/json/...
You can have multiple extensions in the router so you can return and handle all kinds of contents - after all it is all just data representation.


CakePHP 2.5.3 Status 500 - View file is missing when using JsonView _serialize

I'm trying to send a simple AJAX request from my view, and I'm using cakePHP's JSON view to do so, but I'm unable to get _serialize to prevent the controller from seeking a ctp file--I consistently get a "Status 500: view file ... is missing" error. I've read the docs and several similar questions on stackoverflow, and I can't see what I'm missing.
I've added the requesthandler to my initialize function in AppController:
public function initialize() {
enabled extensions:
require CAKE . 'Config' . DS . 'routes.php';
I've added the component to my controller:
class StudentsController extends AppController {
public $name = 'Students';
public $components = array('RequestHandler');
The only thing that seems to change it is when I add the following code to AppController's beforeFilter method--just renders the word "null":
$this->RequestHandler->renderAs($this, 'json');
$this->set('_serialize', true);
This is my controller method:
public function set_rating() {
$this->autoLayout = false;
$this->autoRender = false;
$studentID = (int) $this->request->data['studentID'];
$rating = (int) $this->request->data['rating'];
$this->Student->id = $studentID;
if($this->Student->saveField('rating', $rating)) {
$this->set('success', 1);
$this->set('success', 0);
$this->set("_serialize", array("success"));
and the Ajax request:
url: '<?php echo $this->webroot . $this->params["controller"]; ?>/set_rating.json',
type: "POST",
dataType: "json",
data: {studentID: text, rating: value},
success: function(response) {
if(response['success'] == 1){
manageFlashMessage('alert-success', 'Rating saved.');
else {
manageFlashMessage('alert-danger', 'Sorry, something went wrong');
error: function (xhr, status, error) {
I can't see what I'm missing! Any ideas?
I had the same error message in a similar context; In my case, it was due to the fact that the method I was trying to call didn't get through the isAuthorized function. As such, it was redirected to another method, which was not intended to be viewed in json format, and that's how the "Status 500: view file ... is missing" error message came about.
I simply had to add the appropriate exception for my json method within the isAuthorized function and that fixed it.
To debug these types of errors, one can try to access the url directly instead through an ajax call, because then the corresponding permission error message will be shown.

AngularJS Restangular and get a single url

I have these "methods" in my angular service that use restangular to get remote data where the respose is this:
function restfulService(ipCookie,Restangular) {
return {
//Setta la directory di partenza del service rest. In questo modo non devo sempre definirlo
restfulBase : function() {
return Restangular.oneUrl('rest','http://MYREMOTEHOST/rest');
getAllCity : function () {
return this.restfulBase().get('cities', {'all':1}, {}, {'X-CSRF-Token': tokenVar});
Why when I call getAllCity() the url is :
If I use this :
Restangular.oneUrl('rest','http://MYDOMAIN/rest/cities').get({all : 1});
I have no problems.
I have tried changing my app to set Restangular.setBaseUrl() in .config() method and then changing my service to use Restangular.all('cities').get() but I have an error about "strings".
If I use getAll() I have an error about "getLists() want array and not objects".
So: which is the correct way to use Restangular ? I have read online documentation and tutorial, but I have not understand how to retrieve elements in the right way. And to "post".
Thanks and sorry for this stupid question.
I believe the problem is that you set your base as "one" type of resource. The "one" method is not for setting the base urls. The way I set the base url is like this:
.config(['RestangularProvider', function (RestangularProvider) {
// Set the base URL
And then I access each resource, depending on its type with "one" or "all", like so:
function restfulService(ipCookie,Restangular) {
return {
getAllCity : function () {
return Restangular.all('cities').getList();
You can also set the default params in the config phase, or per request at runtime.
The "getLists() want array and not objects" error you get when you use "all" is because it accepts only arrays as a response, therefore you need to intercept the data before and parse it in an array. In your case, you are getting an object, so you can parse it like this:
// this happens at runtime, either in your implementation code or in a more global config file, like:
Restangular.addResponseInterceptor(function (data, operation, what, url, response, deferred) {
// If the what is set, than just grab it and return it
if (data.hasOwnProperty(what)) {
return data[what];
} else {
// Otherwise make it an array
var arr = [];
for (var key in data) {
return arr;
Hope this helps.

415 (Unsupported Media Type) in $ method

I'm quite new to REST and AngularJS, but after several hours of googling I couldn't find any answer to my question:
I'm trying to do a POST request from my angularjs frontend to my backend implemented in java (using JPA).
When I'm trying to create a json-object and to do a POST I always get the 415 (Unsupported Media Type) error.
(Actually I don't even get "into" the scope of the service (i.E. "IN SERVICE" doesn't get printed to the console)..
If I add postData.toJSON(), it actually gets "POSTed", but arrives null ...
how do I have to format my 'postData' in Order to succesfully get POSTed?
(I also tried to write the Date-properties without ' " ' - no luck...)
Thank you for your help!
app.controller('WorkController', function($scope, $http) {
$scope.saveWork = function () {
var postData = {
"status" : "OPEN",
"startDate": "1338364250000",
"endDate": "1336364253400",
"WorkText" : "Test"
$"http://localhost:8080/service/v1/saveWork", postData)
.success(function(data, status, headers, config){
console.log("IN SAVE WORK - SUCCESS");
console.log("ERROR IN SAVE WORK!");
public Response save(WorkDto wo){
System.out.println("IN SERVICE");
if(ass == null){
System.out.println("Could nor persist work- null");
return Response.noContent().build();
} else{
Work workDao = WorkTransformator.transform(wo);
return Response.ok().build();
Instead of building and sending a parsed JSON object, create a javascript object and send that in your post body. You can reuse your postData object, but try removing the "" surrounding properties names.
Try this:
var postData = {
status : "OPEN",
startDate: "1338364250000",
endDate: "1336364253400",
workText : "Test"
Looks like the above doesn't work by itself. I thought that the Content-Type would be infered.
Can you try to do the post request this way :
method: 'POST',
url: 'http://localhost:8080/service/v1/saveWork',
data: postData,
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
}}); // complete with your success and error handlers...
// the purpose is to try to do the post request explicitly
// declaring the Content-Type you want to send.
If this didn't work, compose a post request using Fiddler, and check what's the response.
Here's some pointers:
Download Fiddler2 if you dont already have it
Compose a request like in the screenshot below
You can then check on the pane on the left for what was the server response code. Double click that line (Ignore the error code on the should be getting a 415)
After double-clicking the response line, you can check and browse for more details on the right pane:
If you can successfuly post with a «manufactured» JSON object then the problem resides on your Angular code. If not, it's certainly something wrong with your Rest Service configuration.
You can also inspect the details of your POSTS made with the Angular app in Fiddler2. That should give you a good insight of what's going on.
If you're into it, you can then update your question with some screenshots of your Angular app requests. That will certainly help us to help you :)
I finally managed to find the cause of my error!
In my Rest-Service, I directly expected my java-class as parameter. (I thought this would be parsed/deserialized automatically). Quite naive I think... :)
In order to get it working I had to:
-Expect a String as Parameter in my #POST service
-Deserialize it (using GSON)
Here is the (now working) service:
public Response save(String wo){
if(wo == null){
System.out.println("Could nor persist work- null");
return Response.noContent().build();
} else{
Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().setDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HHmm:ssZ").create();
WorkDto dto = gson.fromJson(wo, WorkDto.class);
Work workDao = WorkTransformator.transform(dto);
return Response.ok().build();
Thanks again António for your help!

Backbone collection.create not creating the model locally

I gave up finally. I have struggling to get this one to work but no luck. I simply have a collection.create call like this:
var createData = {
full_name : full_name,
email : email,
role_id : role_id
var that = this;
wait: true,
success : function(){
log("in success")
error : function(a,b,c){
log("in error")
The server is PHP and it returns the result like this:
header('Content-type: application/json');
echo json_encode(array(
"data" => $data,
"meta" => $meta
In the above, the $data is actually the array("attr"=>"val", ...) which matches exactly how the model for this collection is defined.
The problem is that since I am not returning directly a JSON object similar to the original model, but using namespacing (data/meta), I use model.parse on the model like this:
parse : function(response){
log(response, "inside model parse, this is the response from server")
ISSUE: The model doesn't get created on the client end. No 'add' event is fired. I am also using the wait:true option.
However, the model gets created on the local if:
- I don't use wait:true
- I use wait true but return the exact JSON model from server, with no name spacing.
I WANT to use wait:true as well as namespacing. Please help :(
Finally I was able to fix it, I was overriding backbone collections and models in my bootstrap to have a loading state which I am not using anyway. So I commented out that whole code. Now it works fine. this was the code in my bootstrap that I commented out:
// Adding close method to all views
Backbone.View.prototype.close = function() {
if (this.onClose) {
_.each(this.childViews, function(childView){
delete childView;
// Adding loading state to every model and collection
Backbone.Collection.prototype.loading = false;
Backbone.Model.prototype.isLoading = false;
// Set isLoading to true when fetch starts
var oldFetch = Backbone.Collection.prototype.fetch;
Backbone.Collection.prototype.fetch = function(options) {
this.isLoading = true;, options);
Backbone.Model.prototype.fetch = function(options) {
this.isLoading = true;, options);
// Turn off isLoading when reset
Backbone.Collection.prototype.on('reset', function(){
this.isLoading = false;
Backbone.Model.prototype.on('reset', function(){
this.isLoading = false;

Cakephp jquery debug info inside the ajax response

I have a cakephp code that works with the database to search a given card id number and return the balance. the jquery code looks like this.
function subm(event){
type: "POST",
//contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
cache: false,
success:function (data, textStatus,xhr) {
alert("balance is "+data.balance);
return false;
//failure: function(msg){alert(msg);},
error: function(xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError){
alert("readyState: "+xhr.readyState+"\nstatus: "+xhr.status);
/*complete: function(){
I have the balancesController and balance.ctp files in place and controller logic looks like this.
function balance() {
$message = "";
$error = "";
$this->layout = 'ajax'; //layout should be ajax based on
Configure::write('debug', 0);
//gets the submitted card number
$card_id = $this->data['balances']['cardId']; //entered card id of the emp
if (!empty($this->data)) {
$this->header('Content-Type: application/json');
try {
$card = $this->Card->getBalance($card_id);
} catch (Exception $e) {
$error = "balance not available";
$resp = json_encode(array('error' => $error));
echo $resp;
if ($this->RequestHandler->isAjax()) {
$this->autoRender = $this->layout = false;
$resp = json_encode(array('cardData' => $cardObj);
echo $resp;
th problem that I have is - when a balance not available error is occurred "I AM GETTING THE CAKE DEBUG INFOMATION IN MY AJAX RESPONSE."
eg - when I try to access xhr object inside error function on $.ajax event
using "xhr.responseText" I am getting the long output consisting of
<pre class="cake-debug">.......... and at the end of this ONLY I get the error that I have encoded into json.
I have used Configure::write('debug', 1); and Configure::write('debug', 0); without any u can see I used Configure::write('debug', 0); in the top of my controller function as well..
please advice me resolve this issue. all your input is very highly appreciated.
If you're getting the debug message that means you have an error in your code and you should fix it instead of hiding it. Read the error message (or paste it here) to find out and fix the problem
You're using a throw/catch. Cake usually does not use exceptions to handle errors, unless you've specifically coded your model to throw exceptions, your error state won't be captured. Possibly $card is just returning false.
Please paste your error here, or on pastebin if it's really long.
