Scintilla- Can't compile bait example - c

I'm tring to compile the bait example from the Scintilla website. I have had ZERO luck in getting it to compile. I can compile scintilla itself just fine, as well as scite but bait is a different story. When I try and compile with the supplied Makefile, I get the following error:
bait.c:1:21: fatal error: gtk/gtk.h: No such file or directory
I have GTK, and using different versions of it.I've tried It doesn't seem to matter what I do. I've scowered the Internet for help, read through man page after man page and I just can't figure out what the problem is. If I don't get that error, then I just get another one.
Here's the original makefile:
.SUFFIXES: .c .o .h .a
LEXEROBJS=$(wildcard ../scintilla/gtk/Lex*.o)
all: bait
gcc `pkg-config --cflags gtk+-2.0` $(INCLUDEDIRS) $(CXXFLAGS) -c $< -o $#
bait: bait.o $(LEXEROBJS) ../scintilla/bin/scintilla.a
gcc `pkg-config --libs gtk+-2.0 gthread-2.0` -lstdc++ -DGTK $^ -o $#
rm -rf bait *.o
I've also tried using GtkScintilla from codebrainz. I can't even make that work. I always get either the above error, or an error saying:
fatal error: gtk/gtk.h: No such file or directory
I'd really appreciate any and all help on this. Thank you.
Edit: I'm using Linux Mint

Coming back to this... If you've already solved the issue please let me know. What it's starting to look like is this is more trouble than it's worth. :)
here's what I did:
Install Mint 13 on my virtual box
libgtk-3-dev (and supporting packages)
verify I could build with pkg-config --cflags --libs gtk+-3.0
found gtk.h (/usr/include/gtk-3.0/gtk/gtk.h) and supporting files
downloaded bait example
Here's the problems:
bait's Makefile has references to gtk+-2.0 which you need to change to 3.0
bait's Makefile requires you to build in a specific directory (note the INCLUDEDIRS needs you to be in the scintilla directory
archive scintilla.a needs to be built (it's not provided and is required for bait.o)
building the archive needs you to modify the makefile (comment out these lines:
ifdef GTK3
Once you fix that and build the archive there's about a million more undefined references in: ScintillaGTK.cxx:(.text+0x1374) and the like..
Anyway. I'll give it a little more time, let me know if you close this issue yourself!

i've done with this makefile
##### Makefile #####
# Make file for bait on Linux or compatible OS
# Released to the public domain 2000 by Neil Hodgson
# This makefile tested with GCC 3.2 and GNOME 2.0
.SUFFIXES: .c .o .h .a
ifdef GTK3
LEXEROBJS=$(wildcard ../scintilla/gtk/Lex*.o)
all: bait
gcc `pkg-config --cflags $(GTKVERSION)` $(INCLUDEDIRS) $(CXXFLAGS) -c $< -o $#
bait: bait.o $(LEXEROBJS) ../scintilla/bin/scintilla.a
gcc -DGTK $^ -o $# -lstdc++ `pkg-config --libs $(GTKVERSION) gthread-2.0` -lm -lgmodule-2.0
rm -rf bait *.o


Cross compile SDL2 in C for Windows on Linux

I have an SDL2 program that I've been developing on Ubuntu that I'd like to compile for windows. Right now I compile and run it with a makefile like this:
OBJECTS = main.o text.o object.o vector.o physics.o shapes.o target.o
run: all
all: $(OBJECTS)
gcc $(OBJECTS) `sdl2-config --cflags --libs` -lSDL2_ttf -lSDL2_image -lm -ldl
main.o: main.c defs.h
gcc -c main.c `sdl2-config --cflags --libds` -lSDL2_ttf
text.o: text.c text.h defs.h
gcc -c text.c
object.o: object.c object.h defs.h
gcc -c object.c
vector.o: vector.c vector.h defs.h
gcc -c vector.c
physics.o: physics.c physics.h defs.h
gcc -c physics.c
shapes.o: shapes.c shapes.h defs.h
gcc -c shapes.c
target.o: target.c target.h defs.h
gcc -c target.c
rm *.o
I'd suggest quasi-msys2 cross-compilation environment (I'm the author).
From the first glance, your makefile should work in it with minimal changes:
sdl2-config doesn't work there (which is a minor defect), but pkg-config does.
Replace sdl2-config with pkg-config sdl2 SDL2_image SDL2_ttf (followed by --libs and/or --cflags).
Then -lSDL2_ttf -lSDL2_image should be removed, since pkg-config is going to output those anyway.
Note that pkg-config ... --libs should be used when linking, and pkg-config --cflags should be used when compiling (same with sdl2-config).
-ldl should be removed. -lm is unnecessary, but should be harmless.
gcc should be replaced with $CC to pick up the compiler from the environment variable.
While this doesn't affect correctness, manually specifying .h dependencies in makefiles is error-prone and tedious. Instead you should be compiling with -MMD -MP flags, to automatically generate the dependencies.
Since removing the dependencies makes all your .o recipes look very similar, you can deduplicate them into a single recipe:
%.o : %.c
$CC -c $< -MMD -MP
-MMD -MP is going to produce .d files (tiny makefile pieces), which need to be included using -include $(OBJECTS:.o=.d).
With those fixes, the makefile should work in quasi-msys2, except that the resulting executable is going to be called a.exe and not a.out...
# We're going to cross-compile with Clang. Install Clang, LLD, Wine. Then...
# Clone the repo
cd quasi-msys2
# Install the necessary packages
make install _gcc _SDL2 _SDL2_image _SDL2_ttf
# Open the cross-compilation shell
# Among other things, this sets `CC` to a wrapper for Clang that invokes it
# with the right flags, and sets env variables for `pkg-config` to find the
# newly installed libs.
Then just run make as usual.

How to find the library <openssl/des.c> and usit in C programs [duplicate]

I have built OpenSSL from source (an intentionally old version; built with ./config && make && make test) and would prefer to use what I have built without doing make install to link against my program.
The command that's failing is:
gcc -Wall -Wextra -Werror -static -Lopenssl/openssl-0.9.8k/ -lssl -lcrypto
-Iopenssl/openssl-0.9.8k/include -o myApp source1.o source2.o common.o`
And I receive a series of errors similar to:
common.c:(.text+0x1ea): undefined reference to `SSL_write'
This makes me think there's something funky with my OpenSSL. If I omit -Lopenssl/openssl-0.9.8k/ from my command, the error changes to being unable to:
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lssl
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lcrypto
Am I compiling OpenSSL incorrectly? Or how should I best resolve this?
Silly "Linux-isms" strike again! Apparently, I need to change my command such that the -L and -l stuff is at the end like (despite what man gcc seems to indicate):
gcc -Wall -Wextra -Werror -static -o myApp source1.o source2.o common.o -Lopenssl/openssl-0.9.8k/ -lssl -lcrypto -Iopenssl/openssl-0.9.8k/include
Why don't you want to use make install? It can copy generated binaries in the directory you want if you previously passed it to ./configure --prefix $HOME/target_library_install_directory
If you used this trick with every library you build and install, you could then add the target directory to the LIBRARY_PATH environment variable and avoid using -L option.
If you use Autotools, or you are building an Autools project like cURL, then you should be able to use pkg-config. The idea is the Autotools package will read OpenSSL's package configuration and things will "just work" for you.
The OpenSSL package configuration library name is openssl.
You would use it like so in a makefile based project.
%.o: %.c
$(CC) -o $# -c `pkg-config --cflags openssl` $^
target: foo.o bar.o baz.o
$(CC) -o $# `pkg-config --libs openssl` $^
Also see How to use pkg-config in Make and How to use pkg-config to link a library statically.
Another approach is to use pkg-config to preserve compatibility. This is an example of makefile when needs to link OpenSSL.
CC = gcc
-I. \
LDFLAGS = `pkg-config --libs inih`
LDFLAGS += `pkg-config --libs libcurl`
LDFLAGS += `pkg-config --libs liburiparser`
LDFLAGS += `pkg-config --libs openssl`
# Executable
foo: foo.o
$(CC) -o $# $^ $(LDFLAGS)
foo.o: foo.c
$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $< -o $#

Loading texture won't work when providing relative path

I am running OS X 10.10.5. When I try to run (from the terminal) an OpenGL code that loads some textures, I get this error: "Cannot open file chair.bmp"
The error gets issued after executing this line
chairTexture = LoadTexBMP("chair.bmp");
providing a full path solves the problem but I need to make it work with a relative path.
The example code comes with a makefile:
# Example 9
# Main target
all: $(EXE)
# MinGW
ifeq "$(OS)" "Windows_NT"
CFLG=-O3 -Wall
LIBS=-lglut32cu -lglu32 -lopengl32
CLEAN=del *.exe *.o *.a
ifeq "$(shell uname)" "Darwin"
CFLG=-O3 -Wall -Wno-deprecated-declarations
LIBS=-framework GLUT -framework OpenGL
# Linux/Unix/Solaris
CFLG=-O3 -Wall
LIBS=-lglut -lGLU -lGL -lm
# OSX/Linux/Unix/Solaris
CLEAN=rm -f $(EXE) *.o *.a
# Compile rules
gcc -c $(CFLG) $<
g++ -c $(CFLG) $<
# Link
gcc -O3 -o $# $^ $(LIBS)
# Clean
running pwd in the terminal yields /Users/nina/CG/ex9
All texture images are in ex9 folder along with ex9.c and makefile.
I tried to find a solution but all the solutions I found talks about changing the working directory in Xcode which I am not using.
I finally figured what I was doing wrong. I was using open ex9 in the terminal which behaves as if I was clicking on the executable which in turns changes the working directory into the home directory. So, in order not to change the working directory I should use ./ex9

GCC exiting with an error 1 even with -Wall. No explanation why?

So I tried to recompile one of my projects from a few weeks ago and to my surprise I keep receiving an error one on it. I used MinGW to compile it originally and Eclipse CDT. I have -Wall flag enabled on GCC so I assumed if it was a problem with the code I would have a more useful information than a make error 1 being thrown. As such, I suspect that the issue could lie in how I formatted the make file. Luckily, I did compile the project when I push the commits last time and the binaries are still in the repo. Nevertheless, I would appreciate some help so that I can continue to improve
the project.
Edit: when I do -all, it just refuses to compile.
Here is the makefile. I hope it is a simple as me following some incorrect syntax:
CC=gcc -I../Include -L..\Lib
override CFLAGS+=-Wall -O3 #$(shell pkg-config --cflags fftw3)
#override LDFLAGS+=#$(shell pkg-config --libs fftw3 glib-2.0) -lm
.PHONY: all clean
all: lvdoenc lvdodec
lvdoenc: lvdoenc.o lvdomain.o
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $# $^ $(LDFLAGS) -I../Include -L../Lib -lfftw3
lvdodec: lvdodec.o lvdomain.o
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $# $^ $(LDFLAGS) -I../Include -L../Lib -lfftw3
%.o: %.c
$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) -o $# $^
lvdoenc.c: lvdocommon.h
lvdodec.c: lvdocommon.h
rm -f lvdoenc lvdodec lvdomain.o lvdoenc.o lvdodec.o
Here is a link to my repo:
Update: Using some of the answers I have confirmed that it is GCC that is exiting with an error 1 and I cannot figure out why.
Update2: It's not printing anything to syserr.
Without a transcript of make's output, when you run it, I can't see why GCC should fail silently, but I can see at least two problems with your makefile:
Since you state that you are using MinGW, your target platform must be MS-Windows, on which executable files should be qualified by a .exe extension; thus, your all: lvdoenc lvdodec rule is malformed; it should, at the very least be all: lvdoenc.exe lvdodec.exe[1], (or better, for portability all: lvdoenc$(EXEEXT) lvdodec$(EXEEXT), where you define EXEEXT = .exe for Windows, and leave EXEEXT undefined, or defined to be nothing, for platforms which don't require the extension).
Your two rules lvdoenc.c: lvdocommon.h and lvdodec.c: lvdocommon.h are obviously incorrect; the .c files don't depend on the .h, but their respective .o files do. Thus, these two rules should be lvdoenc.o: lvdocommon.h and lvdodec.o: lvdocommon.h respectively.
[1] Of course, you then also need to correctly refer to these two "goals" respectively, as lvdoenc.exe and lvdodec.exe, (or lvdoenc$(EXEEXT) and lvdodec$(EXEEXT)), consistently, throughout the makefile.
There are a few other constructs, within your makefile, which I consider questionable: CC shouldn't really be defined, with the -I../Include or -L..\Lib, (and why inconsistently / in the former, but \ in the latter? Both should be /). Conventionally, -I ... belongs in CPPFLAGS, and -L ... in LDFLAGS, with both CFLAGS and CPPFLAGS passed to the compiler, and normally all of CFLAGS, CPPFLAGS, and LDFLAGS passed to the compiler driver, when invoking the linker, (although, as others have noted in comments, the -I ... settings are strictly necessary when compiling .c to .o, while the -L ... settings are required only in the linking phase).
the following makefile is more in line with what you need for your project.
However, it does not use:
#$(shell pkg-config --libs fftw3 glib-2.0)
which you will need to re-add.
notice the usage of ':=' when defining macros, so the macro only needs to be evaluated once, rather than every time it is referenced.
the paths for the SHELL macro and the CC macro may need to be modified for your system.
SHELL := /usr/bin/sh
CC := /usr/bin/gcc
#CFLAGS := -c -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -std=c99 -O3 #$(shell pkg-config --cflags fftw3)
CFLAGS := -c -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -std=c99 -O3
# override LDFLAGS+=#$(shell pkg-config --libs fftw3 glib-2.0) -lm
SRCS := $(wildcard *.c)
ENCOBJS := lvdoenc.o lvdomain.o
DECOBJS := lvdodec.o lvdomain.o
.PHONY: all clean
all: lvdoenc lvdodec
lvdoenc: $(ENCOBJS)
$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o $# $(ENCOBJS) -L../Lib -lfftw3 -lm
lvdodec: $(DECOBJS)
$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o $# $(DECOBJS) -L../Lib -lfftw3 -lm
%.o:%.c lvdocommon.h
$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $# -I../Include
rm -f lvdoenc lvdodec lvdomain.o lvdoenc.o lvdodec.o
Apparently, all that was the cause was that I had uninstalled the 64bit version of MinGW and tried to switch to the 32bit version of MinGW. Unfortunately, some of the libraries would not compile in the 32bit version so I just used MinGW-w instead to solve this problem. It turns out GCC was not starting due to a linker error, but this error was not proportionating and could not be discovered until I tried to run it from the Windows terminal. I am still in the process of solving it and will update this answer when I have fully solved the issue.
Had the same problem while tried to compile my project with make from MSys. Accidentally problem had been solved, after I added a quotes to gcc input and output files in the makefile. I don't know how it works, but hope that it will help someone else.
So in the TS example code should look like this
%.o: %.c
$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) -o "$#" "$^"
PS: had no problems with building project from ubuntu terminal though, so maybe it's just a msys problem.

GCC compile with mysql library

when I try to compile a self written project in C with includes the mysql libraries I get this error:
gcc -c src/oDAO.c
src/oDAO.c:4:23: fatal error: my_global.h: No such file or directory
I included the my_global.h as following:
#include <my_global.h>
The error comes up, because my system copied the header files to /usr/include/mysql/ and gcc is searching for system header files only in /usr/include (without subdirectories). How can I call gcc with adding /usr/include/mysql as additional shared library root?
Here is my acutal Makefile:
all: main.o oDAO.o FileUtils.o DVDDAO.o
gcc -Llib -o oDAO main.o oDAO.o FileUtils.o DVDDAO.o -llinkedlist -lncurses `mysql_config --cflags --libs`
gcc -c src/main.c
gcc -c src/oDAO.c
gcc -c src/FileUtils.c
gcc -c src/DVDDAO.c
rm -f *.o
rm -f oDAO
rm -f *.bak
rm -f *.~
I've got the answer on my own:
Everytime i try to compile a .c file that includes a mysql library into an object file I have to compile it like that:
gcc -c DVDDAO.c `mysql_config --cflags`
Then everything works fine
Try the option -I for adding a include directory and -L for adding a libary directory.
