issue when trying to create template database postgresql for postgis - postgis

I'm using ubuntu 12.04, I have postgis2.1 installed and postgresql9.1... and I'm a newbie for all!...
I follow this tuto to create a template database: and I'm stuck and don't know what to do now...
When I try to execute the following command:
psql -d template_postgis2 -f /usr/share/postgresql/9.1/contrib/postgis-2.0/postgis.sql
I have the following errors (I copy paste only the end since it is the same mistake for different line numbers):
psql:/usr/share/postgresql/9.1/contrib/postgis-2.1/postgis.sql:6050: ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
psql:/usr/share/postgresql/9.1/contrib/postgis-2.1/postgis.sql:6056: ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
I've noticed that each error is linked to a command starting by "LANGUAGE...." in the script postgis.sql that I execute
I have seen on the internet that this kind of error can be due to plpgsql which is not installed but it is not my case since when I type:
createlang -d template_postgis2 plpgsql
(as was given in the tuto) the machine returns
createlang: language "plpgsql" is already installed in database "template_postgis2"
Does anyone has an idea on what's going on?? and/or what I should do?
maybe since I'm using postgis2.1 and not 2.0, as in the tutorial, it messes things up?
EDIT: the beginning of the error message is the following:
$ psql -d template_postgis2 -f /usr/share/postgresql/9.1/contrib/postgis-2.1/postgis.sql
psql:/usr/share/postgresql/9.1/contrib/postgis-2.1/postgis.sql:47: ERROR: permission denied for language c
psql:/usr/share/postgresql/9.1/contrib/postgis-2.1/postgis.sql:52: ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block

There is a new way to create spatial database in Postgres 9.1:
psql -d template_postgis2 -c "CREATE EXTENSION postgis;"

just found on some forum:
sudo ldconfig
found this recommendation in the official documentation:
On Linux platforms, it may be necessary to run the ldconfig command after installing each library.
that fixed postres errors which may appear while creating database from postgis template


Restoring a database dump throws lots of «could not open file "base/nnnnn/nnnnn"» errors

I'm trying to restore a database dump from Render locally which worked fine in the past. But now I get lots of errors.
$ PGPASSWORD="###" pg_dump -h -O -U app_production app_production >dump.sql
$ psql -U app_production -f dump.sql app_production
The errors usually start when the indexes are recreated:
ERROR: could not open file "base/16388/18035": No such file or directory
CONTEXT: writing block 0 of relation base/16388/18035
parallel worker
ERROR: could not open file "base/16388/18035": No such file or directory
CONTEXT: writing block 1 of relation base/16388/18035
ERROR: could not open file "base/16388/18035": No such file or directory
CONTEXT: writing block 2 of relation base/16388/18035
ERROR: could not open file "base/16388/18035": No such file or directory
CONTEXT: writing block 3 of relation base/16388/18035
I have reinstalled everything on my local (macOS Ventura) machine, all of Homebrew, PostgreSQL etc. Tried different dumps as well, which results sometimes in a few, sometimes in lots of such errors.
Any idea what's going on here?
Thanks a lot for your hints!
I figured it out: Apparently, in a comments table, someone posted a text which contains the base64 encoded signature of a macOS malware. ClamAV recognizes this and quarantines the database file during import (for some reason, notifications were off). When the import rebuilds the indexes, this database inconsistency causes the errors.

SnowSQL connection test fails with "No module named 'win32timezone'"

I've just installed SnowSQL for Windows as per the instructions at
However, when I attempt to connect to Snowflake, it fails:
C:\>snowsql -a <account> -u <user> --authenticator externalbrowser -o log_level=DEBUG
No module named 'win32timezone'
If the error message is unclear, enable logging using -o log_level=DEBUG and see the log to find out the cause. Contact support for further help.
C:\>snowsql -v
Version: 1.2.7
Any ideas appreciated
What version of windows are you using? How did you install?
No module named 'win32timezone'
Per the official documentation snowsql is a python application. The error message above is a python error indicating it cannot find the aforementioned package. However, installing that package is not likely a fix as snowsql appears to ship with a version of python. Which makes a lot of sense, dealing with python dependencies is a nightmare.
I started a Windows 2016 host in AWS and installed snowsql 1.2.7 via the MSI. I was able to get to the login screen without any problems.
I would completely remove snowsql, do a search for snowsql and delete any folders you find, then reinstall. If it's still not working I'd provide more information as requested above.
This was acknowledged as a defect by Snowflake, and they will fix it in a newer version. The workaround is to install v 1.2.5, and invoke this version from the command line
snowflake <options> -v 1.2.5

Jenkins Pipeline withCredentials secret file odd behavior

I'm using Jenksin v2.5.0 with Credentials plugin v 2.1.16 and CredentialsBinding plugin v1.13 (both latest available) and while it appears to work as intended, it exhibits and odd repeating behavior as I continue to re-run my pipeline.
The following pipeline syntax is in use:
withCredentials([file(credentialsId: '<credID>', variable: 'KEY_FILE')]) {
...steps here create ${workspace}/ssh script using KEY_FILE...
sh(script: "docker exec ${containerName} /bin/bash -c 'cd ${entryPoint} && GIT_SSH='${workspace}/ssh' git fetch --tags --progress${group}/${project}.git +refs/h eads/${branch}:refs/remotes/origin/${branch}'")
} //credentials
It evaluates as expected and is functional, as shown here:
[Build] Running shell script
+ docker exec <container> /bin/bash -c 'cd /<buildRoot>/build && GIT_SSH=/<workspace>/ssh git fetch --tags --progress<group>/<project>.git +refs/heads/staging:refs/remotes/origin/staging'
Warning: Identity file /<workspace>/<job>#tmp/secretFiles/a36b7edb-2914-419a-8be0-478603d1b031/keyfile.txt not accessible: No such file or directory.
Permission denied, please try again.
Permission denied, please try again.
Received disconnect from port 22:2: Too many authentication failures for git
Connection to closed by remote host.
Warning: Identity file /<workspace>/<job>#tmp/secretFiles/ccb1e11c-18f5-4697-b5c1-e4514c1ab1c7/keyfile.txt not accessible: No such file or directory.
*** The part where it states that it can't find the file during the git operation (that is using SSH underneath) is what continues to repeat, each time with a different secret files GUID in the path (shown above are two of the repeats). The underlying implementation appears to implement a loop of sorts over the 'git fetch' command, trying a new credentials path each time.
Both how/why Jenkins:
1) Creates these new paths each time
2) Knows to keep looping over the single failed git command until it finally delivers the secret file that enables the authentication and git succeeds
are mysteries to me.
Any insight would be appreciated.
PS> I'm already aware that newer versions of git not (yet) available in my environment have different methods for providing SSH options. I'd like this question to focus on the odd withCredentials behavior.
PPS> I've also already tried higher level constructs for the pipeline including at least the 'git' SCM plugin specialization and the 'docker' node type with it's "inside()" functionality, but many iterations of those constructs always left me with some oddity that, again, is not the focus of this question.
Turns out that this is not a problem with Jenkins or any of the plugins at all.
The temporary script that was written to the Jenkins workspace was continuously being appended to, meaning it was the source of all the invalid secret file paths and the "loop"...the last command in that script would always be the one with the correct path and it would succeed.

No start database manager command was issued. SQLSTATE=57019

I am new to DB2 and I have installed DB2 9.7.
I created an instance which is shown below
[sathish#oc3855733574 ~]$ db2ilist
Settings of /etc/services is shown below
DB2_sathish 60000/tcp
DB2_sathish_1 60001/tcp
DB2_sathish_2 60002/tcp
DB2_sathish_END 60003/tcp
DB2_TMINST 50000/tcp
But, when I start using 'db2start' it throws the following error
07/31/2015 10:26:20 0 0 SQL1042C An unexpected system error occurred.
SQL1032N No start database manager command was issued. SQLSTATE=57019
I installed DB2 using 'root' and starting 'DB2' from 'instance' (sathish in this case)
Any help or URL link will be of great use
Sathish Kumar
I had a look into db2diag.log file and I got a unusual hack from one of the website
I followed the steps mentioned below and it worked
a) db2trc on -f db2trace.out
b) db2start
c) db2trc off
This problem generally occurs if you have recently changed the password of the account which is the owner of that db2 instance what you need to do is go to services-> properties of the db2 instance -> and then from log on part select local system account
This looks like something is wrong with the installation. There should be some hints on what DB2 ran into in the db2diag.log file (look under ~/sqllib/db2dump/db2diag.log).
What you could do if the db2diag.log does not provide a clue is to verify your installation is correct. DB2 includes a tool for that named "db2val". Here is the link to the documentation of db2val for version 9.7. Just run "db2val" as the instance owner and check the output.
sudo -i -u db2inst1 /database/config/db2inst1/sqllib/adm/db2start
For more information

Cakephp 3 upgrade tools unable to access file

I try to use Cakephp 3 upgrade tool.
I installed composer, I made this:
cd /path/to/upgrade
bin/cake upgrade all /home/mark/Sites/my-app
Then I get tons of error like this in windows command shell.
error: Could not access ''C:\mydir\upgrade\tmp\upgrade\a2d4223f62e3499a84b6ca30be24bfdb4cb6de40''
Update C:\mydir\myapp\lib\Cake\View\Helper\CacheHelper.php
error: Could not access ''C:\mydir\upgrade\tmp\upgrade\7fbe7651712387f351b1eb670b14c18e1161fcb8''
Update C:\mydir\myapp\lib\Cake\View\Helper\HtmlHelper.php
error: Could not access ''C:\mydir\upgrade\tmp\upgrade\2301f9bed1167ddb29ca4e06706d0d21bd015766''
Update C:\mydir\myapp\lib\Cake\View\Helper\NumberHelper.php
error: Could not access ''C:\mydir\upgrade\tmp\upgrade\e71af0cbc7df7ff76e801c5fb06ec07ee7f45233''
Update C:\mydir\myapp\lib\Cake\View\Helper\PaginatorHelper.php
error: Could not access ''C:\mydir\upgrade\tmp\upgrade\1b04b5a763ca4e798d1e176111e49008b7486724''
Update C:\mydir\myapp\lib\Cake\View\Helper\TextHelper.php
error: Could not access ''C:\mydir\upgrade\tmp\upgrade\f8ead667c131610c1f70f38d10c7122b34d9a7fc''
Update C:\mydir\myapp\lib\Cake\View\Helper\TimeHelper.php
error: Could not access ''C:\mydir\upgrade\tmp\upgrade\4a2c2e7f3f7e9faf744d10e6e1f3ff24bead7f08''
Update C:\mydir\myapp\lib\Cake\View\HelperCollection.php
I run command shell as administrator. What would be the problem ? When I check folder during operation, I can see that temporary file exists in folder.
I got the very same issue. Here's a description of the issue :
This is a Git error
Git command that fails is called by /upgradeTool/src/Shell/Task/StageTask.php on line 176 by exec() php function (seems different for you)
command to run git looks like this : git diff --no-index 'T:\Logiciels\CakePHP_3_upgradeTool\tmp\upgrade\c5d0aaadb3484d4bfe56bdfc4553b444f6789e66' 'T:\Logiciels\CakePHP_3_upgradeTool\tmp\upgrade\4a6662f82cd03d46b515c28f7d77ef8a64c08cfd'
EDIT (2015-07-12)
As ndm noted, "the source of the problem is the single quote usage in the arguments for the git command, the Windows CLI will pass them as if they belong to the file path"
I changed this line (/upgradeTool/src/Shell/Task/StageTask.php on line 176) from :
exec("git diff --no-index "$oPath" "$uPath"', $output);
to :
exec('git diff --no-index "'.$oPath.'" "'.$uPath.'"', $output);
Now the process seems complete. Many many thanks !
After tryouts I found solution. As DarXnake noted, problem is git.
When you install git it asks whether you want to use git from command line or not. Default option is Use Git Bash only. I had selected that option.
Now I updated git and when setup asked for install type, I selected Run Git from the Windows Command Prompt. Then I retried cakephp upgrade and I didn't get any access error.
