What's inside the stack? - c

If I run a program, just like
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[], char *env[]) {
printf("My references are at %p, %p, %p\n", &argc, &argv, &env);
We can see that those regions are actually in the stack.
But what else is there? If we ran a loop through all the values in Linux 3.5.3 (for example, until segfault) we can see some weird numbers, and kind of two regions, separated by a bunch of zeros, maybe to try to prevent overwriting the environment variables accidentally.
Anyway, in the first region there must be a lot of numbers, such as all the frames for each function call.
How could we distinguish the end of each frame, where the parameters are, where the canary if the compiler added one, return address, CPU status and such?

Without some knowledge of the overlay, you only see bits, or numbers. While some of the regions are subject to machine specifics, a large number of the details are pretty standard.
If you didn't move too far outside of a nested routine, you are probably looking at the call stack portion of memory. With some generally considered "unsafe" C, you can write up fun functions that access function variables a few "calls" above, even if those variables were not "passed" to the function as written in the source code.
The call stack is a good place to start, as 3rd party libraries must be callable by programs that aren't even written yet. As such, it is fairly standardized.
Stepping outside of your process memory boundaries will give you the dreaded Segmentation violation, as memory fencing will detect an attempt to access non-authorized memory by the process. Malloc does a little more than "just" return a pointer, on systems with memory segmentation features, it also "marks" the memory accessible to that process and checks all memory accesses that the process assignments are not being violated.
If you keep following this path, sooner or later, you'll get an interest in either the kernel or the object format. It's much easier to investigate one way of how things are done with Linux, where the source code is available. Having the source code allows you to not reverse-engineer the data structures by looking at their binaries. When starting out, the hard part will be learning how to find the right headers. Later it will be learning how to poke around and possibly change stuff that under non-tinkering conditions you probably shouldn't be changing.
PS. You might consider this memory "the stack" but after a while, you'll see that really it's just a large slab of accessible memory, with one portion of it being considered the stack...

The contents of the stack are basically:
Whatever the OS passes to the program.
Call frames (also called stack frames, activation areas, ...)
What does the OS pass to the program? A typical *nix will pass the environment, arguments to the program, possibly some auxiliary information, and pointers to them to be passed to main().
In Linux, you'll see:
the filename for the program.
environment strings
argument strings (including argv[0])
padding full of zeros
the auxv array, used to pass information from the kernel to the program
pointers to environment strings, ended by a NULL pointer
pointers to argument strings, ended by a NULL pointer
Then, below that are stack frames, which contain:
the return address
possibly the old value of the frame pointer
possibly a canary
local variables
some padding, for alignment purposes
How do you know which is which in each stack frame? The compiler knows, so it just treats its location in the stack frame appropriately. Debuggers can use annotations for each function in the form of debug info, if available. Otherwise, if there is a frame pointer, you can identify things relative to it: local variables are below the frame pointer, arguments are above the stack pointer. Otherwise, you must use heuristics, things that look like code addresses are probably code addresses, but sometimes this results in incorrect and annoying stack traces.

The content of the stack will vary depending on the architecture ABI, the compiler, and probably various compiler settings and options.
A good place to start is the published ABI for your target architecture, then check that your particular compiler conforms to that standard. Ultimately you could analyse the assembler output of the compiler or observe the instruction level operation in your debugger.
Remember also that a compiler need not initialise the stack, and will certainly not "clear it down", when it has finished with it, so when it is allocated to a process or thread, it might contain any value - even at power-on, SDRAM for example will not contain any specific or predictable value, if the physical RAM address has been previously used by another process since power on or even an earlier called function in the same process, the content will have whatever that process left in it. So just looking at the raw stack does not tell you much.
Commonly a generic stack frame may contain the address that control will jump to when the function returns, the values of all the parameters passed, and the value of all auto local variables in the function. However the ARM ABI for example passes the first four arguments to a function in registers R0 to R3, and holds the return value of the leaf function in the LR register, so it is not as simple in all cases as the "typical" implementation I have suggested.

The details are very dependent on your environment. The operating system generally defines an ABI, but that's in fact only enforced for syscalls.
Each language (and each compiler even if they compile the same language) in fact may do some things differently.
However there is some sort of system-wide convention, at least in the sense of interfacing with dynamically loaded libraries.
Yet, details vary a lot.
A very simple "primer" could be http://kernelnewbies.org/ABI
A very detailed and complete specification you could look at to get an idea of the level of complexity and details that are involved in defining an ABI is "System V Application Binary Interface AMD64 Architecture Processor Supplement" http://www.x86-64.org/documentation/abi.pdf


How does processor know how much to read from the stack for function parameters (x64)

I have a small program running on x64 calling system function with a parameter long enough which means he will be pushed to function on the stack as I understand.
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(void) {
char command[] = "/bin/sh -c whoami";
When I check in GDB what is happening I can confirm that my parameter is on the stack on 2 words.
I wonder how does the CPU know that it needs to read 2 words and not continue after. What delimit the function parameter from the rest ?
I am asking this question as I am working on Buffer Overflow and while I have the same situation on the stack, the CPU does only pick one word (/bin/sh ) instead of the 2 words I would like. Outputing sh: line 1: $'Ћ\310\367\377\177': command not found
How does processor know how much to read from the stack for function parameters (x64)
The CPU does not know. By that, I mean it does not receive an instruction that says "retrieve the next argument from the stack, whatever the appropriate size may be." It receives instructions to retrieve data of a specific size from a specific place, and to operate on that data, or put it in a register, or store it in some other place. Those instructions are generated by the compiler, based on the program source code, and they are part of the program binary.
I wonder how does the CPU know that it needs to read 2 words and not continue after. What delimit the function parameter from the rest ?
Nothing delimits one function parameter from the next -- neither on the stack nor generally. Programs do not (generally) figure out such things on the fly by introspecting the data. Instead, functions require parameters to be set up in a particular way, which is governed by a set of conventions called an "Application Binary Interface" (ABI), and they operate on the assumption that the data indeed are set up that way. If those assumptions turn out to be invalid then more or less anything can happen.
I am asking this question as I am working on Buffer Overflow and while I have the same situation on the stack, the CPU does only pick one word (/bin/sh ) instead of the 2 words I would like.
The number of words the function will consume from the stack and the significance it will attribute to them is characteristic of the function, not (generally) of the data on the stack.
Processors are very very dumb. All of them. This is like asking how do you steer a train...You do not. It just follows the tracks. The processor just follows the bits in front of it, if they are wrong or do something bad then the processor will crash just like a train will derail if the tracks are bad.
The size of a variable is not determined by the processor type, x86, arm, etc. Nor for C is it determined by the language, the size of an int for x86 is not assumed to be one size. Assumptions like that are bad. The compiler author chooses for that compiler for that target. And no reason to assume any two C compilers for the same target processor use the same sizes.
Likewise the compiler author ultimately decides the calling convention, what goes in registers what goes in stack, what order they are in the stack, what registers, etc.
The compiler author chooses also the alignment or not of the stack.
The compiler author chooses to use a stack frame or not or allows the user to choose, but within either choice, with or without still chooses how to use the stack or stack pointer.
The compiler author using their calling convention, their choices for the sizes of variables, etc then as part of the compilation process decide what instructions to use. The instructions should be chosen base on their choices above. So a two byte sized variable should be in the stack based on decisions made by the compilation relative to the stack pointer or stack frame pointer based on compiler choices and possibly user options.
The processor does not know, it simply sucks in bits and does what they say, if the compiler and assembler and linker have done their job, ultimately the programmers responsibility, then the processor will do what it is told, including reading the proper number of bytes for a certain item.
As beaten to death on this site, examining the stack for main() tends to be confusing as there is mysterious padding added, ideally you want to compile this in some other function name and see that. Also compiler options may determine how the code is built, what instructions are used and how much stack if any. Optimization levels. No reason to assume any two compilers will generate the same code from some C source, likewise no reason to assume one compiler will produce the same code based on compiler options.
So where on the stack, how many bytes on the stack, etc is determined by many layers of you the programmer plus compiler, assembler, and linker.
Depends on the calling convention implemented for the function. By specifying none, you let the compiler decide, and it can go creative, sometimes even disappearing with any explicit call for the sake of branch prediction optimization, otherwise you can learn precisely what to expect from numerous sources of documentation that specify how those calling conventions are supposed to work.

Why all system calls in Linux passes arguments to kernel using "call by reference"?

If we look at the syscalls.h file in Linux kernel, we can see that all most all the arguments of the system calls are passed by reference. For example
asmlinkage long sys_open_by_handle_at(int mountdirfd,
struct file_handle __user *handle,
int flags);
Here, file_handle is passed as a pointer. Why not simple the value is not passed to kernel?
Many (most?) systems implement function calls by pushing argument values onto a stack. If you pass a struct or any other complex data type by value, you'd need to copy it to the stack. There's no reason to do this, since the kernel has access to the entire memory space of the process. Aside from the copy cost, you'd also increase the stack space needed.
In addition, the kernel will need to copy any data it needs to retain into the kernel memory space. The kernel can't rely on user space code behavior. (It's also not going to free anything obtained from user space, which eliminates some any concerns over mixing up responsibility for reclaiming memory.)
Finally, realistically, coders working in the kernel need to be very comfortable with working with pointers. There's really no advantage to passing by value once you're completely comfortable with pointers.
This part is a bit more of an opinion, but I think there's also a strong legacy effect. The Unix kernel and C developed somewhat in tandem. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C_(programming_language) for some of the history. It's been a long time, but if I recall correctly, older versions of C wouldn't allow you to pass a struct by value. Regardless, working with pointers was highly idiomatic in C (and I would say still is). In other words, this is just how things have always been done.
The memory space for user mode and kernel mode are different. When you make a system call, the MMU of the Linux subsystem makes sure that proper memory mapping of the user space process running in their own Virtual address space is done to the Physical address space of the kernel.
Variables in the user mode stay in the process' virtual address space. They can't just be passed in system calls and expected to get mapped in the physical address space .
This is what my understanding is. Would love to discuss and clarify if needed.
Principally I understand that the struct file_handle parameter of the function sys_open_by_handle_at(() is an "in" parameter, i.e. it is not modified by the function. Therefore it could as well be passed by value. I see about three reasons why this is not done. All reasons are surely valid for this particular function; at least the last argument (K&R) applies to all struct arguments, in all system calls.
The struct can have a size of e.g. 128 bytes which would be slow to copy to the stack.
Passing a pointer obviates the need to know the struct definition on the caller side. The struct is an "opaque handle" filled by a previous call to [sys_]name_to_handle_at(). The caller doesn't want to and actually shouldn't be burdened with the details of the struct's contents. (Leaving the caller innocent obviates the need to recompile the program because the struct's layout changes. I can also imagine that the contents differs between file system types.)
Unix and even its open source complement Linux is older than C99. I suppose that for the longest time K&R C was the smallest common denominator C standard the kernel sources adhered to. In K&R C it is simply not possible to pass structs by value.

Beginner's confusion about x86 stack

First of all, I'd like to know if this model is an accurate representation of the stack "framing" process.
I've been told that conceptually, the stack is like a Coke bottle. The sugar is at the bottom and you fill it up to the top. With this in mind, how does the Call tell the EIP register to "target" the called function if the EIP is in another bottle (it's in the code segment, not the stack segment)? I watched a video on YouTube saying that the "Code Segment of RAM" (the place where functions are kept) is the place where the EIP register is.
Typically, a computer program uses four kinds of memory areas (also called sections or segments):
The text section: This contains the program code. It is reserved when the program is loaded by the operating system. This area is fixed and does not change while the program is running. This would better be called "code" section, but the name has historical reasons.
The data section: This contains variables of the program. It is reserved when the program is loaded and initialized to values defined by the programmer. These values can be altered by the program while it executes.
The stack: This is a dynamic area of memory. It is used to store data for function calls. It basically works by "pushing" values onto the stack and popping from the stack. This is also called "LIFO": last in first out. This is where local variables of a function reside. If a function complets, the data is removed from the stack and is lost (basically).
The heap: This is also a dynamic memory region. There are special function in the programming language which "allocate" (reserve) a piece of this area on request of the program. Another function is available to return this area to the heap if it is not required anymore. As the data is released explicitly, it can be used to store data which lives longer than just a function call (different from the stack).
The data for text and data section are stored in the program file (they can be found in Linux for example using objdump (add a . to the names). stack and heap are not stored anywhere in the file as they are allocated dynamically (on-demand) by the program itself.
Normally, after the program has been loaded, the memory area reamining is treated as a single large block where both, stack and heap are located. They start from opposite end of that area and grow towards each other. For most architectures the heap grows from low to high memory addresses (ascending) and the stack downwards (decending). If they ever intersect, the program has run out of memory. As this may happen undetected, the stack might corrupt (change foreign data) the heap or vice versa. This may result in any kind of errors, depending how/what data has changed. If the stack gets corrupted, this may result in the program going wild (this is actually one way a trojan might work). Modern operating systems, however should take measures to detect this situation before it becomes critical.
This is not only for x86, but also for most other CPU families and operating system, notably: ARM, x86, MIPS, MSP430 (microcontroller), AVR (microcontroller), Linux, Windows, OS-X, iOS, Android (which uses Linux OS), DOS. For microcontrollers, there is often no heap (all memory is allocated at run-time) and the stack may be organized a bit differently; this is also true for the ARM-based Cortex-M microcontrollers. But anyway, this is quite a special subject.
Disclaimer: This is very simplified, so please no comments like "how about bss, const, myspecialarea";-) . There also is not requirement from the C standard for these areas, specifically to use a heap or a stack. Indeed there are implementations which don't use either. Those are most times embedded systems with small (8 or 16 bit) MCUs or DSPs. Also modern architectures use CPU registers instead of the stack to pass parameters and keep local variables. Those are defined in the Application Binary Interface of the target platform.
For the stack, you might read the wikipedia article. Note the difference in implementation between the datatstructure "stack" and the "hardware stack" as implemented in a typical (micro)processor.

Finding roots for garbage collection in C

I'm trying to implement a simple mark and sweep garbage collector in C. The first step of the algorithm is finding the roots. So my question is how can I find the roots in a C program?
In the programs using malloc, I'll be using the custom allocator. This custom allocator is all that will be called from the C program, and may be a custom init().
How does garbage collector knows what all the pointers(roots) are in the program? Also, given a pointer of a custom type how does it get all pointers inside that?
For example, if there's a pointer p pointing to a class list, which has another pointer inside it.. say q. How does garbage collector knows about it, so that it can mark it?
Update: How about if I send all the pointer names and types to GC when I init it? Similarly, the structure of different types can also be sent so that GC can traverse the tree. Is this even a sane idea or am I just going crazy?
First off, garbage collectors in C, without extensive compiler and OS support, have to be conservative, because you cannot distinguish between a legitimate pointer and an integer that happens to have a value that looks like a pointer. And even conservative garbage collectors are hard to implement. Like, really hard. And often, you will need to constrain the language in order to get something acceptable: for instance, it might be impossible to correctly collect memory if pointers are hidden or obfuscated. If you allocate 100 bytes and only keep a pointer to the tenth byte of the allocation, your GC is unlikely to figure out that you still need the block since it will see no reference to the beginning. Another very important constraint to control is the memory alignment: if pointers can be on unaligned memory, your collector can be slowed down by a factor of 10x or worse.
To find roots, you need to know where your stacks start, and where your stacks end. Notice the plural form: each thread has its own stack, and you might need to account for that, depending on your objectives. To know where a stack starts, without entering into platform-specific details (that I probably wouldn't be able to provide anyways), you can use assembly code inside the main function of the current thread (just main in a non-threaded executable) to query the stack register (esp on x86, rsp on x86_64 to name those two only). Gcc and clang support a language extension that lets you assign a variable permanently to a register, which should make it easy for you:
register void* stack asm("esp"); // replace esp with the name of your stack reg
(register is a standard language keyword that is most of the time ignored by today's compilers, but coupled with asm("register_name"), it lets you do some nasty stuff.)
To ensure you don't forget important roots, you should defer the actual work of the main function to another one. (On x86 platforms, you can also query ebp/rbp, the stack frame base pointers, instead, and still do your actual work in the main function.)
int main(int argc, const char** argv, const char** envp)
register void* stack asm("esp");
// put stack somewhere
return do_main(argc, argv, envp);
Once you enter your GC to do collection, you need to query the current stack pointer for the thread you've interrupted. You will need design-specific and/or platform-specific calls for that (though if you get something to execute on the same thread, the technique above will still work).
The actual hunt for roots starts now. Good news: most ABIs will require stack frames to be aligned on a boundary greater than the size of a pointer, which means that if you trust every pointer to be on aligned memory, you can treat your whole stack as a intptr_t* and check if any pattern inside looks like any of your managed pointers.
Obviously, there are other roots. Global variables can (theoretically) be roots, and fields inside structures can be roots too. Registers can also have pointers to objects. You need to separately account for global variables that can be roots (or forbid that altogether, which isn't a bad idea in my opinion) because automatic discovery of those would be hard (at least, I wouldn't know how to do it on any platform).
These roots can lead to references on the heap, where things can go awry if you don't take care.
Since not all platforms provide malloc introspection (as far as I know), you need to implement the concept of scanned memory--that is, memory that your GC knows about. It needs to know at least the address and the size of each of such allocation. When you get a reference to one of these, you simply scan them for pointers, just like you did for the stack. (This means that you should take care that your pointers are aligned. This is normally the case if you let your compiler do its job, but you still need to be careful when you use third-party APIs).
This also means that you cannot put references to collectable memory to places where the GC can't reach it. And this is where it hurts the most and where you need to be extra-careful. Otherwise, if your platform supports malloc introspection, you can easily tell the size of each allocation you get a pointer to and make sure you don't overrun them.
This just scratches the surface of the topic. Garbage collectors are extremely complex, even when single-threaded. When you add threads to the mix, you enter a whole new world of hurt.
Apple has implemented such a conservative GC for the Objective-C language and dubbed it libauto. They have open-sourced it, along with a good part of the low-level technologies of Mac OS X, and you can find the source here.
I can only quote Hot Licks here: good luck!
Okay, before I go even further, I forgot something very important: compiler optimizations can break the GC. If your compiler is not aware of your GC, it can very well never put certain roots on the stack (only dealing with them in registers), and you're going to miss them. This is not too problematic for single-threaded programs if you can inspect registers, but again, a huge mess for multithreaded programs.
Also be very careful about the interruptibility of allocations: you must make sure that your GC cannot kick in while you're returning a new pointer because it could collect it right before it is assigned to a root, and when your program resumes it would assign that new dangling pointer to your program.
And here's an update to address the edit:
Update: How about if I send all the pointer names and types to GC when
I init it? Similarly, the structure of different types can also be
sent so that GC can traverse the tree. Is this even a sane idea or am
I just going crazy?
I guess you could allocate our memory then register it with the GC to tell it that it should be a managed resource. That would solve the interruptability problem. But then, be careful about what you send to third-party libraries, because if they keep a reference to it, your GC might not be able to detect it since they won't register their data structures with your GC.
And you likely won't be able to do that with roots on the stack.
The roots are basically all static and automatic object pointers. Static pointers would be linked inside the load modules. Automatic pointers must be found by scanning stack frames. Of course, you have no idea where in the stack frames the automatic pointers are.
Once you have the roots you need to scan objects and find all the pointers inside them. (This would include pointer arrays.) For that you need to identify the class object and somehow extract from it information about pointer locations. Of course, in C many objects are not virtual and do not have a class pointer within them.
Good luck!!
Added: One technique that could vaguely make your quest possible is "conservative" garbage collection. Since you intend to have your own allocator, you can (somehow) keep track of allocation sizes and locations, so you can pick any pointer-sized chunk out of storage and ask "Might this possibly be a pointer to one of my objects?" You can, of course, never know for sure, since random data might "look like" a pointer to one of your objects, but still you can, through this mechanism, scan a chunk of storage (like a frame in the call stack, or an individual object) and identify all the possible objects it might address.
With a conservative collector you cannot safely do object relocation/compaction (where you modify pointers to objects as you move them) since you might accidentally modify "random" data that looks like an object pointer but is in fact meaningful data to some application. But you can identify unused objects and free up the space they occupy for reuse. With proper design it's possible to have a very effective non-compacting GC.
(However, if your version of C allows unaligned pointers scanning could be very slow, since you'd have to try every variation on byte alignment.)

Why compilers creates one variable "twice"?

I know this is more "heavy" question, but I think its interesting too. It was part of my previous questions about compiler functions, but back than I explained it very badly, and many answered just my first question, so ther it is:
So, if my knowledge is correct, modern Windows systems use paging as a way to switch tasks and secure that each task has propriate place in memory. So, every process gets its own place starting from 0.
When multitasking goes into effect, Kernel has to save all important registers to the task´s stack i believe than save the current stack pointer, change page entry to switch to another proces´s physical adress space, load new process stack pointer, pop saved registers and continue by call to poped instruction pointer adress.
Becouse of this nice feature (paging) every process thinks it has nice flat memory within reach. So, there is no far jumps, far pointers, memory segment or data segment. All is nice and linear.
But, when there is no more segmentation for the process, why does still compilers create variables on the stack, or when global directly in other memory space, than directly in program code?
Let me give an example, I have a C code:int a=10;
which gets translated into (Intel syntax):mov [position of a],#10
But than, you actually ocupy more bytes in RAM than needed. Becouse, first few bytes takes the actuall instruction, and after that instruction is done, there is new byte containing the value 10.
Why, instead of this, when there is no need to switch any segment (thus slowing the process speed) isn´t just a value of 10 coded directly into program like this:
xor eax,eax //just some instruction
10 //the value iserted to the program
call end //just some instruction
Becouse compiler know the exact position of every instruction, when operating with that variable, it would just use it´s adress.
I know, that const variables do this, but they are not really variables, when you cannot change them.
I hope I eplained my question well, but I am still learning English, so forgive my sytactical and even semantical errors.
I have read your answers, and it seems that based on those I can modify my question:
So, someone told here that global variable is actually that piece of values attached directly into program, I mean, when variable is global, is it atached to the end of program, or just created like the local one at the time of execution, but instead of on stack on heap directly?
If the first case - attached to the program itself, why is there even existence of local variables? I know, you will tell me becouse of recursion, but that is not the case. When you call function, you can push any memory space on stack, so there is no program there.
I hope you do understand me, there always is ineficient use of memory, when some value (even 0) is created on stack from some instruction, becouse you need space in program for that instruction and than for the actual var. Like so: push #5 //instruction that says to create local variable with integer 5
And than this instruction just makes number 5 to be on stack. Please help me, I really want to know why its this way. Thanks.
local variables may have more than one simultaneous existence if a routine is called recursively (even indirectly in, say, a recursive decent parser) or from more than one thread, and these cases occur in the same memory context
marking the program memory non-writable and the stack+heap as non-executable is a small but useful defense against certain classes of attacks (stack smashing...) and is used by some OSs (I don't know if windows does this, however)
Your proposal doesn't allow for either of these cases.
So, there is no far jumps, far pointers, memory segment or data segment. All is nice and linear.
Yes and no. Different program segments have different purposes - despite the fact that they reside within flat virtual memory. E.g. data segment is readable and writable, but you can't execute data. Code segment is readable and executable, but you can't write into it.
why does still compilers create variables on the stack, [...] than directly in program code?
Code segment isn't writable. For safety reasons first. Second,
most CPUs do not like to have code segment being written into as it
breaks many existing optimization used to accelerate execution.
State of the function has to be private to the function due to
things like recursion and multi-threading.
isn´t just a value of 10 coded directly into program like this
Modern CPUs prefetch instructions to allow things like parallel execution and out-of-order execution. Putting the garbage (to CPU that is the garbage) into the code segment would simply diminish (or flat out cancel) the effect of the techniques. And they are responsible for the lion share of the performance gains CPUs had showed in the past decade.
when there is no need to switch any segment
So if there is no overhead of switching segment, why then put that into the code segment? There are no problems to keep it in data segment.
Especially in case of read-only data segment, it makes sense to put all read-only data of the program into one place - since it can be shared by all instances of the running application, saving physical RAM.
Becouse compiler know the exact position of every instruction, when operating with that variable, it would just use it´s adress.
No, not really. Most of the code is relocatable or position independent. The code is patched with real memory addresses when OS loads it into the memory. Actually special techniques are used to actually avoid patching the code so that the code segment too could be shared by all running application instances.
The ABI is responsible for defining how and what compiler and linker supposed to do for program to be executable by the complying OS. I haven't seen the Windows ABI, but the ABIs used by Linux are easy to find: search for "AMD64 ABI". Even reading the Linux ABI might answer some of your questions.
What you are talking about is optimization, and that is the compiler's business. If nothing ever changes that value, and the compiler can figure that out, then the compiler is perfectly free to do just what you say (unless a is declared volatile).
Now if you are saying that you are seeing that the compiler isn't doing that, and you think it should, you'd have to talk to your compiler writer. If you are using VisualStudio, their address is One Microsoft Way, Redmond WA. Good luck knocking on doors there. :-)
Why isn´t just a value of 10 coded directly into program like this:
xor eax,eax //just some instruction
10 //the value iserted to the program
call end //just some instruction
That is how global variables are stored. However, instead of being stuck in the middle of executable code (which is messy, and not even possible nowadays), they are stored just after the program code in memory (in Windows and Linux, at least), in what's called the .data section.
When it can, the compiler will move variables to the .data section to optimize performance. However, there are several reasons it might not:
Some variables cannot be made global, including instance variables for a class, parameters passed into a function (obviously), and variables used in recursive functions.
The variable still exists in memory somewhere, and still must have code to access it. Thus, memory usage will not change. In fact, on the x86 ("Intel"), according to this page the instruction to reference a local variable:
mov eax, [esp+8]
and the instruction to reference a global variable:
mov eax, [0xb3a7135]
both take 1 (one!) clock cycle.
The only advantage, then, is that if every local variable is global, you wouldn't have to make room on the stack for local variables.
Adding a variable to the .data segment may actually increase the size of the executable, since the variable is actually contained in the file itself.
As caf mentions in the comments, stack-based variables only exist while the function is running - global variables take up memory during the entire execution of the program.
not quite sure what your confusion is?
int a = 10; means make a spot in memory, and put the value 10 at the memory address
if you want a to be 10
#define a 10
though more typically
#define TEN 10
Variables have storage space and can be modified. It makes no sense to stick them in the code segment, where they cannot be modified.
If you have code with int a=10 or even const int a=10, the compiler cannot convert code which references 'a' to use the constant 10 directly, because it has no way of knowing whether 'a' may be changed behind its back (even const variables can be changed). For example, one way 'a' can be changed without the compiler knowing is, if you have a pointer which points 'a'. Pointers are not fixed at runtime, so the compiler cannot determine at compile time whether there will be a pointer which will point to and modify 'a'.
