Getting specific files from server - file

Using Terminal and Shell/Bash commands is there a way to retrive specific files from a web directory? I.e.
copy all files ending in ".h" into a folder
The folder contains text files, and other files associated that are of no use.
Thanks :)

There are multiple ways of achieving this recursively:
1. using find
1.1 making directorys using find -p to create recursive folders without errors
cd path;
mkdir backup
find -type d -exec mkdir -p {} backup/{} \;
1.2 finding specific files and copying to backup folder -p to perserve permissions
find -name \*.h -exec cp -p {} backup/{} \;
Using tar well actually for reverse type of work i.e. to exclude specific files which the part of the question related to text files matches this answer more:
You can have as many excludes as you liked added on
tar --exclude=*.txt --exclude=*.filetype2 --exclude=*.filetype3 -cvzf site-backup.tar.gz
tar -xvzf site-backup.tar.gz

You can use the wget for that, but if there are no links to that files. I.e. they exist, but they are not referenced from any html page, then bruteforce is the only option.

cp -aiv /*.h /somefolder/


How can I insert Files into a zip file using Lua

I am writing a script in Lua 5.1 for use with a game engine (EDGE).
I need my script to copy about 20 files into a .miz file (which is really a zipped folder with a set structure) and navigate that structure and copy those files in from a non-zipped folder on the hard drive.
Because Windows 11 it the future I need to use NanaZip rather than 7z which isn't W11 supported.
However, all the examples I've found are for using LUA to zip up files, not insert non-zipped files INTO a zip file without unzipping it.
Is this even possible?
Similar to #koyaanisqatsi I tried it with 7z. You didn't comment on our question on why 7z should be avoided nor whether you are even allowed to use os.execute, but it should provide a good starting point:
os.execute("7z a yourFile.png")
Where a is the flag for Add.
See the manual for other flags like compression:
Windows 11 also have tar that have the option r and u
D:\temp>tar h
tar(bsdtar): manipulate archive files
First option must be a mode specifier:
-c Create -r Add/Replace -t List -u Update -x Extract
Common Options:
-b # Use # 512-byte records per I/O block
-f <filename> Location of archive (default \\.\tape0)
-v Verbose
-w Interactive
Create: tar -c [options] [<file> | <dir> | #<archive> | -C <dir> ]
<file>, <dir> add these items to archive
-z, -j, -J, --lzma Compress archive with gzip/bzip2/xz/lzma
--format {ustar|pax|cpio|shar} Select archive format
--exclude <pattern> Skip files that match pattern
-C <dir> Change to <dir> before processing remaining files
#<archive> Add entries from <archive> to output
List: tar -t [options] [<patterns>]
<patterns> If specified, list only entries that match
Extract: tar -x [options] [<patterns>]
<patterns> If specified, extract only entries that match
-k Keep (don't overwrite) existing files
-m Don't restore modification times
-O Write entries to stdout, don't restore to disk
-p Restore permissions (including ACLs, owner, file flags)
bsdtar 3.5.2 - libarchive 3.5.2 zlib/1.2.5.f-ipp bz2lib/1.0.6
( Above cmd.exe was opened from Lua with: os.execute('cmd') )
You can extract a ZIP with it but not creating one as far as i know.
(tar -xf
But is it a Problem for you to use TAR instead of ZIP?

How do I checkout then copy to all files at the destination of a symlink at once?

I am following some instructions from a teammate. These instructions include a command to checkout, then copy .a files from a make command from one vob to another. The commands were given to me as such:
ct co -nc -unr /vobs/sbov/ABC/libs/qwert/*.a
find . -name '*.a' | grep -v ABCDE | xargs -I {} cp {} /vobs/sbov/ABC/libs/quert
This should have no problem working normally...except recently numerous .a files in that directory have changed from files to symlinks. Symlinks are not clearcase elements. Therefore, the commands attempted to checkout, then copy to, various non-clearcase entities as opposed to the actual files. Hence my question...
How do I modify the commands above to manipulate the actual files the symlinks point to, as opposed to the symlinks themselves?
Try first a cp with a de reference option
find . -name '*.a' | grep -v ABCDE | xargs -I {} cp -L {} /vobs/sbov/ABC/libs/quert
That should help getting actual files instead of symlinks.

find and rename multiple files on multiple folder

Finding a way to rename multiple files on a multiple folder
folder i.e. I have file called "jobsforms.html.bak" on a multiple folder under:
I want to rename all the files found as: "jobsforms.html" how can I do that.
I was trying to do this aproach.
find /home/sites -name "jobsform.html.bak" -exec bash -c 'mv "$1" "${1%/*}"/jobsform.html' -- {} \;
Anyone can help me how to go about to do this.
Than you,
You could pipe the output of find to awk, using the sub function to remove a substring from the filename:
find /home/sites -name "jobsforms.html.bak" | awk '{ori=$0; sub(/\.bak$/,"",$0); system("mv \""ori"\" "$0)}'

Script to delete specific files from all zip archives in a directory

I'd like to delete the file with a name, say file.xml, from all zip archives in a given directory. Any simple solution is welcome, whether it's a bash script, python code or whatever.
Something like this would do it recursively in a dir
find /my/dir -name "*.zip" -exec zip \{\} -d file.xml \;
Something along these lines:
find /starting/folder -name "*.zip"|xargs -I{} zip -d {} file.xml
Do make a backup of your zips before...

symlink-copying a directory hierarchy

What's the simplest way on Linux to "copy" a directory hierarchy so that a new hierarchy of directories are created while all "files" are just symlinks pointing back to the actual files on the source hierarchy?
cp -s does not work recursively.
I just did a quick test on a linux box and cp -sR /orig /dest does exactly what you described: creates a directory hierarchy with symlinks for non-directories back to the original.
cp -as /root/absolute/path/name dest_dir
will do what you want. Note that the source name must be an absolute path, it cannot be relative. Else, you'll get this error: "xyz-file: can make relative symbolic links only in current directory."
Also, be careful as to what you're copying: if dest_dir already exists, you'll have to do something like:
cp -as /root/absolute/path/name/* dest_dir/
cp -as /root/absolute/path/name/.* dest_dir/
Starting from above the original & new directories, I think this pair of find(1) commands will do what you need:
find original -type d -exec mkdir new/{} \;
find original -type f -exec ln -s {} new/{} \;
The first instance sets up the directory structure by finding only directories in the original tree and recreating them in the new tree. The second creates the symlinks to the original files in the new tree.
There's also the "lndir" utility (from X) which does such a thing; I found it mentioned here: Debian Bug report #301030: can we move lndir to coreutils or debianutils? , and I'm now happily using it.
I googled around a little bit and found a command called lns, available from here.
If you feel like getting your hands dirty
Here is a trick that will automatically create the destination folder, subfolders and symlink all files recursively.
In the folder where the files you want to symlink and sub folders are:
create a file
copy and paste this charmer:
export DESTINATION=/your/destination/folder/
export TARGET=/your/target/folder/
find . -type d -print0 | xargs -0 bash -c 'for DIR in "$#";
mkdir -p "${DESTINATION}${DIR}"
done' -
find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 bash -c 'for file in "$#";
ln -s "${TARGET}${file}" "${DESTINATION}${file}"
done' -
save the file ctrl+O
close the file ctrl+X
Make your script executable chmod 777
Run your script ./
Happy hacking!
I know the question was regarding shell, but since you can call perl from shell, I wrote a tool to do something very similar to this, and posted it on perlmonks a few years ago. In my case, I generally wanted directories to remain links until I decide otherwise. It'd be a fairly trivial change to do this automatically and recursively.
