Connect to SQL Database 2008R2 via a subdomain - sql-server

I actually have a remote database acess via TCP/IP
I've searched the web, but I only get results regarding remote SQL by IP.
So, is there a way to make my IP acessible from a sub-domain (e.q. ?

Agreed, this is a DNS resolution issue, you need to make sure that your client can resolve the name to the correct IP. You need an A record in the bd domain's DNS in order for this to work properly.


Why my client IP address shows different IP's every time?

I am on VPN and trying to connect Azure SQL server from SQL Management Studio
I get this popup, but IP on it keep changes.
Because of this, I see a lot of IP's getting added in Firewall settings of SQL Server in Azure portal
What is the solution here?
Is it expected behaviour?
I have the same environment that connect to the Azure SQL database via VPN connection. The client IP may changes every some days, I need to manually add the new IP to the firewall again manually. Just for now. I think that's caused by the VPN servers.Some suggestions are that keep your VPN address fixed. There isn't a good solution for now.

how to access the solr url outside the server?

we are using solr version 6.5.1 ,we are set the solr in server need to access the url outside server ,we using server windows server 2012 now local host weare using this url how to access this url in outside
When using in same network
When client is in same network, then you don't need to have a public IP of the server to access it. Follow these steps:
Find the IP of the server
Add into host file of the client, say XX.XX.XX.XX
Open for admin panel.
Step 2 is not mandatory, but if you dont add in host, then use IP address in browser. It will be `http://XX.XX.XX.XX:8983/solr/
When using in different network
To access the server that is not in your domain, you need to have a public IP. If you have taken the domain name then use, but if not, then add in host, or directly use IP address (steps are same as in the previous ones)
I got the answer, actually we need to open a port into our server. So, I've opened a post from control panel-> windows firewall-> inbound rules. And I've opened same port into azure server also. Now I can access my solr from anywhere.
Hope this answer will help someone and save their time. :)

IP Address SQL Server

I work remotely and travel a lot for work. When I am at home, I have no problem accessing my instance of SQL Server hosted by my company on AWS. The SQL Server instance is currently configured to only accept connections from ONE IP address and as it changes I lose my connection. Whenever I travel I cannot access SQL Server and when I come home, sometimes my IP address changes and I also cannot access from home.
I am sure this is an issue others have had. Can anyone suggest a solution? Whether it is from the DB side or client side?
Thank you,

Azure AWS Db Connection

I’m having a very specific issue with Azure and I couldn’t find any solution on the web.
So, we are little by little migrating our client’s infrastructure to Azure and we are starting with our Workers (webjobs).
These webjobs need to consume data present on a AWS SQL Server instance.
We already have checked that the App Service Plan’s Outbound IPs are whitelisted and that the SQL server is listening on TCP port 1433.
An evidence of that is the fact that we are able to communicate with the SQL Server instance through the Azure Debug Console:
But when we run the WebApp, the worker cannot find and connect to the same DB:
Does anyone have a clue of how I can solve this issue? It would be very appreciated!
Well, as you demonstrated by the first image, the SQL Server instance is configured correctly.
The worker Outbound IP address is definetely the same as the App Service Plan's machine.
Based on that, can you then please check if the Connection string you are setting have 'tcp:' before the IP Address?
Sometimes you need to force it, otherwise IIS can choose other ways to connect to your SQL server (like UDP for instance).

Connecting to Database From EC2 to Another Database

I am new to AWS. I have created a Spring Web app and a database(MySql) in a EC2 instance (which is working fine). In my web application, I am connecting to a database that is in another server to read and write to this other database.
So, This database is not a MYSQL database. The network admin has opened up the port 3306 for this EC2 instance to access the database from EC2. So, the problem is in my end.
I have opened up the 3306 port (My SQL) in the security group. But when I telnet the port, the connection fails. I can see that in EC2 is listening just like 80.
So my question is, what am I missing here?
What are the options to trouble shoot this issue?
Do I have to authorize the tomcat user or Bitnami user to access ports to connect to an outer database?
Anything relevant to this issue would be helpful
thanks in advance :)
If its listening on it is listening locally only and is not accessible form outside. If you change that to make sure your security groups are configured to only allow access to your database from your own instances. Dont just "open up 3306", open up 3306 only to the same security group or the security group your application spring server is in.
You say its not a mysql db, yet it uses mysql default port 3306. Thats a bit confusing. If its mysql you need to change the bind-address in my.cnf.
I think you need to give permissions to user like "dbuser#" where IP is the IP from dbuser is trying to access the database.
It seems, This question is stupid, But then, This was a real problem. So, I will summarize what I learned and answer the question. IP Addresses are categorized into types, minimize the exhaustion of IP addresses (That is why we moved from IPV4 to IPV6). Anyways, there are Public IP addresses and Private IP addresses. Private IP addresses are for local networks and Public IP addresses are for accessing through the internet. So, What I did was, I opened up the port for the connecting Servers public IP address (It turned out to be PORT is not 3306, It was 2001 in my case, You only have to do it through Security Groups because my default all the outbound ports are open for EC2) and also, from the other end TCT PORT was opened for EC2. To do that I had to create a Elastic IP address for my EC2 (What Elastic IP address do is, it assigns a Public IP address that will not change when EC2 get restarted or changed). Then it should connect, For me it did not work till I created the Elastic IP
