creating a custom database in adobe business catalyst? - database

I want to create a custom database within Adobe Business Catalyst. I have an Excel Spreadsheet with 1000's of rows of data that I want to upload.
Does anyone know how I can do this or where I can find instructions on how to do this as I cant seem to find anything anywhere???

What you need to use is the Web Apps module. You haven't told us what you want to do with this data but I assume that you simply want to render it on the page. Web apps will allow you to crate a custom field for every column in your spreadsheet and import that spreadsheet into it. It has a list view which creates an automatic link to a detail view. See the following link for more info -


Duplicate a Superset dashboard, then replace its dataset source at once?

I am using Superset for data visualisation and I'm used to upload a csv file for each dataset I need. My issue is when I want to duplicate a dashboard and replace the datasource only for the copied dashboard. In practice I export the dashboard that I want to copy, then import it, and change the dataset for each graph of the dashboard. This task can be quite time-consuming and I would like to know if there is any way to change the dataset source in the duplicated dashboard for all its graphs at once?
You can also just open the existing Dashboard and then Save As. This provides an option to also duplicate the underlying Charts (or not). See:
Dashboards are exported as a zipped archive of yaml files. You could use a text editor to find-and-replace the dataset id in the exported files before importing.

Content Management Api to POST media files from external source

I am looking for a solution in episerver to add media files from external sources into episerver.I am aware that episerver has recently released Episerver Content Management API to post contents within Episerver.Is it possible to use this for media files as well.As this is newly introduced in episerver, i cant find any references other than the documentation within epi which has more of CRUD operations on Content.Can someone please point out some reference links for me to get this started?
Any input is appreciated.
The content management API is useful if you want to create a headless website that talks to Episerver via an API to get content.
Depending on what you want to use the media for will depend on the optimal approach. I assume you want the content editors to be able to pick these items from within the CMS? If so there are two main appraoches:
You could write a scheduled task using the content repository API to import the media into the Episerver media library
The other option is to create a content provider, so the media is available in the editor, read this to learn how to do it. This option is more fidley so I would go with option 1 if possible.
If you just want to render images on a web page, then call the API using AJAX. Job done!

A similar tool of odk but with search and retrieve data features

We are working on survey's using ODK, by creating xls files and transform it into forms, and then we collect data offline.
When employees comeback from the field, they upload data.
What we need now is that they work online from the field, so they can search a specific ID or name, and see the data existing before adding new data.
What I mean is that we need to let them search the database by specific field, and that is not available in odk.
We upload data to ONA then the data are cleaned on the laptop and the searches are done on the laptop too.
Is there a tool that do that process ?
As far as I know, the closest you can get with existing tools is this:
If you use Enketo (webforms), when the source dataset is updated (via new submissions) the webform will also be automatically updated (may require page refresh and there will be a delay). You could use both offline-capable or online-only webforms with this reference to external data and query it with select_one_from_file, select_multiple_from_file (in XLSForm terminology), or with pulldata, or with regular XPath.

How to embed excel worksheet in a webpage

I am working on a web application and one of the features I want to add to the application is working with excel within the web app...
the generic idea is basicly : there is an excel file sitting on a server and it can be displayed on the webpage.. people can edit the file and save it back to the server.. (it will have all of the functionality of Excel itself..)..
is there a way to embedd an excel file / any excel plugin exist? or maybe any alternative to excel that will give me the same functionality?
Thank you very much!
*Important - I want to be able to do that on a localhost without a thirdparty like skydrive/google docs or etc... i want their functionality but all within a local host.. (you can edit the sheet, post a save request and it will update the file residing in the server..)
You can use Google Docs. This article explains pretty well, at least, gives
a general idea.

Database search field database

I'm looking for a way to create a search box in wordpress, where visitors can search a number from the database. Is this possible? I have several package numbers in my database. I want to give my visitors the ability to search for their package number and request the information that comes with the number.
What you want to do can be done.
I suggest a different approach than using wp-exec. (I just looked at wp-exec website, and that plugin was created for WordPress 1.5, which means it hasn't been updated in about 5 years).
The content you want to display exists entirely outside of WordPress. I suggest you use a custom page template - see
In this case you would not use WordPress posts or pages or custom post types. On the custom page template you would write (or have written if you don't have the knowhow to do it yourself) PHP code to extract the info from the database and display it on a page.
For pages like that you would be using WordPress only as a container within which to display the results - they custom page would appear in the site Nav, The page of results would use the site's theme to display so it looks like the rest of the site.
But the code to display from the database would not use the WordPress loop. It would be PHP / MySQL data retrieval and display code.
I really doubt you will find a plugin that lets you display results from an external database, formatted the way you want them to appear. The reason is every external database is different, has different tables and table structures. And no two sites will want the external data visually displayed in the same way. So there is little generalization to encapsulate in a plugin as everyone wants it different.
I've created pages on some sites along the lines of what you want to do thus I know it can be done. But it requires writing custom code.
