querying specific data from Spotify API - request

The Spotify web API is not well documented, or at least I couldn't find what i was looking for.
I want to get all the artists that start with an "A" (for example).
If i do this (node.js):
var options = {
host: 'ws.spotify.com',
port: 80,
path: '/search/1/artist.json?q=a',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
I get the artists that have an "A" not the ones that start with "A".
This is just a basic example but i'm guessing i'll run into this problem later on as well.
Can this be done or it depends on their API?
Do regular expressions work for something like this?

Regular expressions don't work with this API. The advanced search syntax does, though.


Is it safe to access Elasticseach from a client without going through an API server?

For example, suppose you embed the following Javascript code in Vue.js or React.js.
var elasticsearch = require ('elasticsearch');
var esclient = new elasticsearch.Client ({
host: 'Elasticsearch host name of Elascticsearch Cloud's(URL?')
esclient.search ({
index: 'your index',
body: {
query: {
match: {message: 'search keyword'}
aggs: {
your_states: {
terms: {
field: 'your field',
size: 10
).then (function (response) {
var hits = response.hits.hits;
When aiming at a search engine of an application like stackoverflow,
if only GET from the public is OK by using the ROLE setting of the cloud of Elasticseach,
Even though I did not prepare an API server, I thought that the same thing could be realized with the above client side code,
Is it a security problem? (Such as whether it is dangerous for the host name to fall on the client side)
If there is no problem, the search engine response will be faster and the cost of implementation will be reduced,
I wondered why many people would not do it. (Because sample code like this can not be seen on the net much)
Thank you.
It is NOT a good idea.
If any client with a bit of programming knowledge finds our your ElasticSearch IP address, you are screwed, he could basically delete all the data without you even noticing.
I have no understanding about XPack Security, but if you are not using that you are absolutely forced to hide ES behind an API.
Then you also have to secure you ES domain to allow access only from the API server and block the rest of the world.

CSRF Validation Failed in Drupal 7

I've been searching and searching, including the many topics here, for a solution to my problem. I've had no luck thus far.
A bit of a backstory: I'm writing an AngularJS app with Drupal 7 as a backend. I'm able to login without problem, save Session Name and Session ID, and put them together for a Cookie header (I had to use this "hack"). Further, if I made a login call in the Postman app, then tried to update the node, it'd work. It makes me think that there's a problem with session authentication, but I still can't figure it out.
That being said, I'm at a roadblock. Whenever I try to PUT to update a node, I get the following error:
401 (Unauthorized : CSRF validation failed)
Now, my ajax call looks like this:
method: 'PUT',
url: CONSTANTS.SITE_URL+"/update/node/"+target_nid,
data: {
(JSON stuff)
The CONTENT_TYPE is "application/json", the "Authentication" is the band-aid for the Cookie header problem, and the "X-CSRF-Token" is what is (presumably) giving me the problem. SESS_NAME, SESS_ID, and TOKEN are all gathered from the response at Login. I can pull lists made by users on the website, I can pull the list of all of the nodes of a certain type on the website as well. I only run into a problem when I attempt to PUT to update the node.
If I missed any information, let me know and I'll add it!
EDIT: I'm using AngularJS version 1.5.3.
After trying everything else, I followed one of the comments in the thread I linked at the beginning of my original post. They had to comment out a line in Services.module :
if ($non_safe_method_called && !drupal_valid_token($csrf_token, 'services')) {
//return t('CSRF validation failed');
It's around line 590, plus or minus a few depending on how much you've messed with the file. I don't like doing it this way, but I can't for the life of me figure out why the token's not working right. It's a temporary fix, for sure, but if someone runs across this with the same problem in the future it'll hopefully help you out!
Instead of removing the line you could also add a true to drupal_valid_token
if ($non_safe_method_called && !drupal_valid_token($csrf_token, 'services',true)) {
return t('CSRF validation failed');

CouchDB _security PUT with angularJS

I am using couchDB and angular for a small project. I am trying to make my database more secure and would like to know how to place, or PUT/POST, a new member to the _security document of a database without replacing the existing values. I understand the process of doing this with something like curl however do not understand how to do it using angular without overriding the existing values.
The curl would be:
curl -u admin -X PUT $HOST/database/_security -d '{"admins": {"names":[], "roles":[]}, "members": {"names": ["example"], "roles": []}}'
In angular I have this code:
url: 'http://ip:5984/guestbook/_security',
method: 'PUT',
withCredentials: true,
headers: {
'Authorization': auth_hash('adminAccount', 'adminPassword')
data: {
admins: {
names: [],
roles: []
members: {
names: [self.user.name],
roles: []
Like I said the problem is that it is over riding what is already there, would using a different request mean it will not? the only way I can think to do this is to pull the existing _security document to the client, append and re put. surely this would create security issues as well as a large number of http requests being made.
A PUT will overwrite the document and as you mentioned you would have to pull down the existing document before.
The security doc also has no _rev field for versioning which will lead to race conditions when multiple requests happen simultaneously. A slower request that arrives later may then overwrite the change of another request. Jan Lehnardt wrote a nice article regarding conflicts.
Did you take a look at the users-db of CouchDB? It is build into CouchDB designed for the authentication of the users an application has. You can use the users-db to create users for your application without altering the configuration of admins and members (which is dangerous from a client for a guestbook).

Is it possible to upload files to S3 from browser in IE8?

Now I have this code in javascript.
var file_object = $('#PHOTO').get(0).files[0];
the_form = new FormData();
the_form.append("AWSAccessKeyId", "TESTING");
the_form.append("acl", "authenticated-read");
the_form.append("policy", policy);
the_form.append("signature", signature);
the_form.append("Content-Type", "image/jpeg");
the_form.append("key", "test.jpg");
the_form.append("file", file_object);
url: "http://S3BUCKET.s3.amazonaws.com",
type: "POST",
data: the_form,
processData: false,
contentType: false
It works sweetly, in Chrome, Firefox, except IE6,7,8,9.
The reason is that file object is not supported until IE10!
Is there any work-around solution for browsers before IE10?
PS: Code example would be nice!!
Without Flash many things are definitely a no-go. I believe the lib you reference has some Flash fallbacks, but I'm unclear as to whether they can handle all the issues involved. This is something I'm currently dealing with myself, and here are the issues in brief:
Content-Type header in response. IE (without Flash intermediary) will try to download a JSON content type, no way around this that I know without a proxy middleman to fudge headers.
hostname mapping. If you don't map to origin hostname, IE iframe (which is the non-Flash fallback) will not allow you to read the contents of it from the containing window. Fire and forget may be possible, but consuming the response/detecting errors from s3 may not.
I will update this answer as I uncover more in the coming days. This is a large project so we have some pretty significant requirements and I imagine I'll learn a lot in the next week or so.
This is covered in a lot more detail here (not my company/project/post): http://blog.fineuploader.com/2013/08/16/fine-uploader-s3-upload-directly-to-amazon-s3-from-your-browser/

Making calls from the Javascript client library with #Named and unnamed parameters makes no sense

I have a Cloud Endpoints method that looks like this:
#ApiMethod(name = "hylyts.insert")
public Hylyt insertHylyt(#Named("url") String url, Hylyt hylyt, User user)
throws OAuthRequestException{
log.info("Trying to save hylyt '"+hylyt+"' with id '"+hylyt.getId());
if (user== null) throw new OAuthRequestException("Your token is no good here.");
hylyt.setArticle(getArticleKey(url, user));
return hylyt;
I call it from the Javascript Client Library using this:
Now, if I structure {PARAMS} as suggested in the docs (second example),
'url': url,
'resource': {
'hylyt': {
'contentType': 'application/json',
'data': hylyt
I get a null object in the endpoint (not to mention that the whole point of this library is to make these calls simple, which this structure clearly violates).
When I structure {PARAMS} as these answers suggest,
'url': url,
'resource': hylyt
I get a null object in the endpoint again. The correct syntax is this:
'url': url,
'id': hylyt.id
'text': hylyt.text
Which just blows my mind. Am I doing this all wrong? Is this a bug? Is it only happening because gapi is also passing the auth token in the background?
Yes, I could use the request syntax instead, but, again, why even use the library if it's just as complex as making the XHRs in pure javascript? I wouldn't mind the complexity if Google explained in the docs why things are happening. But the docs, paraphrased, just say use these methods and the auth, CORS, and XHR magic will happen behind closed doors.
Is the API method correctly recognized as POST method?
The resource parameter which is sent as POST body won't work correctly in a GET request.
The way it looks you are actually sending a GET request with the Hylyt properties in the query string.
To make sure you can change the method annotation to this:
#ApiMethod(name = "hylyts.insert", httpMethod = HttpMethod.POST)
Yup, agreed it's a bug. caused me great pains as well.
So i guess the work around is to create a combined object to pass to your api all named and un named parameters. Rather than hardcode each.. a quick loop might be better.
var param = {};
param["url"] = url;
for (var prop in hylyt) {
param[prop] = hylyt[prop];
That mashing together of parameters / objects can become a slick function if you really want.. but it's a band aid for what I'd consider a defect.
I see in the related question (cloud endpoints resource attribute for transmitting named params & body not working), you actually logged a defect.. Good stuff. Though there still appears no movement on this one. fingers crossed for someday!
The bug has been resolved. The correct syntax is
gapi.client.hylytit.hylyts.insert({url: url}, hylyt).execute(callback);
