Upload Data to Appspot Deployment "Authentication Failed" - google-app-engine

I have created a python app on my local app engine dev server using the 1.7.1 SDK. I frequently load data into it using appcfg.py and upload_data with csv data files and remote_api. (It works great!)
I have now deployed the app to Google App Engine appspot.com under a gmail account without any errors and selected (Federated) OpenID to be used for end user login.
However, when I try to upload data to the deployed app using appcfg.py, I get an "[INFO ] Authentication Failed" error.
I have googled for several days now looking for solutions, but I'm finding conflicting suggestions. Nick Johnson has an old workaround on his blog, but more recently people have reported it does not work. The SDK's appcfg.py supports an --oauth2 option now, but I can not find concise instructions on how to use it from a command line batch file -- besides the documentation says it does not work with upload_data.
I have submitted this problem as a bug to the Google App Engine issue tracker.
I use the --no_cookies command line option. Per Google's suggestion, I tried again after switching my app from OpenID to the Google Accts API, but that failed too.
Does anyone know the current and preferred (working!) method to upload CSV data to a deployed python app? I don't think that uploading data to a deployed app is an "edge case", is it?!


Any way to update/change deployed source code online via Google Cloud?

I have deployed source code via gcloud command line with no issue. However, I am currently away from my desktop and see a critical change to my app.yaml file that I would like to make.
Is this possible to do via my Google Cloud account?
You can use the App Engine Admin API to patch the specific version of your service and update the instance type since your app is using App Engine Standard. You can use the "Try this API" feature to update it right from your browser.

Download sources of existing AppEngine based site using Google Cloud

I have a site hosted in Google AppEngine. For years I was able to download/upload its sources using appcfg.py. However today Google went to Google Cloud, all appcfg related documents are marked as deprecated. I've installed the GCloud environment but cannot find a way how to download my project from google, all I can see is to create a new app and deploy an app but no download possibility.
What is a correct command(s) to download AppEngine app to local computer and then, after changes, upload it back to AppEngine?
There’s currently no way to download the source code using Cloud SDK. You can create a feature request on the issue tracker website.
The appcfg tool is now deprecated, it is recommended to use the Cloud SDK tooling such as gcloud command tool

upload php files to google cloud using lamp

I am new to google cloud. I am using xamp in my laptop. I have created a project in php called "test" in my htdocs. Its works succesfully on my localhost. I have an account at google cloud and I have setup lamp and it works successfully. I was trying to find a way to upload my folder "test" (which includes all my php files) to google cloud. Do I need to use Google App Engine Launcher? Is there an easier way to do this? i.e example to use filezilla? Anybody knows where I can find a tutorial about how to do this? Thanks
You need to download Google App Engine SDK for PHP from here. Detailed procedure for uploading and managing PHP app in Google App Engine is described here.

Recipe Needed to Upload Data to Google App Engine Datastore

While I've been busy finishing my Google App Engine solution during the last several months, I now find Google has me painted me into a corner due to changes and differences between the local dev_server and appspot.
The scenario: My app is deployed on appspot with Federated OpenID authentication.
The problem: Google does not support data uploads while apps are configured to use OpenID. (They are aware of this problem and do not consider it a bug.)
Several years ago Nick Johnson posted a remote_api and OpenID workaround on his blog, but several people report it no longer works.
In addition, the latest (2nd) edition of Dan Sanderson's book "Programming Google App Engine" no longer contains a chapter on data uploads. There is a chapter on Backup and Restore, but I can not restore data until I back it up, and I can not back it up until the data exists!
I can not believe I'm the only one in this predicament -- it seems it should be a very common need -- I simply need to upload data while my app uses OpenID.
Keep in mind that everything about my local dev_server Python app works great (appcfg.py, upload_data, remote_api, CSV yaml configs, etc.), but this problem on appspot prevents me from releasing my app!
Does anyone have a simple, up-to-date, and documented recipe to upload thousands of records to app engine? Custom upload handler endpoint? Bundle the data file(s) with new app verions, then read them somehow? Post CSV files to Google Drive and read them from a task queue?
Any ideas?
You can try this as a work around:
Create a new application with "normal" Google account authentication.
Upload the data into that application.
Backup the data into Google Cloud Storage.
Restore the date from Google Cloud Storage into the original application.
As of SDK 1.7.3 google says you can change the authentication method http://code.google.com/p/googleappengine/wiki/SdkReleaseNotes . You could always revert to "google accounts api" whilst doing you initial data load via remote api, then set auth back to Federated Login once your done.

Page not found on deploying Django-nonrel to Google App Engine

I'm a newbie to Google App Engine but have played around with Django in the past so I am trying to use Django-nonrel with GAE.
There's not much information online, but have followed these tutorials successfully:
I have managed to get setup fine and can get the 'It worked' page on local. However, when I upload my project to the Google App Engine Server I get a page with the following:
The page you requested could not be found.
Powered by Django-nonrel"
I have used the following to upload:
python2.5 manage.py deploy
What am I doing wrong?
Are there any guides for uploading your Django app?
You're not doing anything wrong. On the production server DEBUG is False, so you won't see that little "It worked" page. Since you're not the first one who was irritated by this I've just added a custom "It works!" page which also shows up on the production server. Just update your testapp source to see it.
