Logical error for linked list in C - c

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define UINT unsigned int
struct item
UINT time ; // time in tics which is used to order the list.
UINT id ; // penguin id number.
UINT event ; // event this item describes.
struct item *next ; // pointer to next item in list.
struct item *head=NULL;
struct item *trail=NULL;
void link_list(UINT time, UINT id, UINT event)
struct item *t=NULL;
static int i=0;
printf("Hello Word\n");
t=malloc(sizeof(struct item));
printf("I am \n");
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
UINT x[3]={4,5,7}, y[3]={40,50,60}, z[3]={100,900,500};
int i=0;
head=malloc(sizeof(struct item));
link_list(x[0], y[0], z[0]);
link_list(x[1], y[1], z[1]);
link_list(x[2], y[2], z[2]);
struct item *f=NULL;
printf("trail: %d %d %d\n", f->time, f->id, f->event);
return 0;
Good day,
I'm currently having a logical problem with my code implementation of my linked list logically. This code is the framework I am using to integrate it into a larger program which will use linked list so I need to get this right.
Basically what is happening is when I finally reach the do while loop which I use as a debugging line to see the contents of a linked list I will get this output on my command line:
trail: 4 40 100
trail: 5 50 900
trail: 7 60 500
trail: 0 0 0
I am expecting the output to be like this:
trail: 4 40 100
trail: 5 50 900
trail: 7 60 500
I have excluded the other printf's in my code as they are just used to check if I am indeed going through my functions properly. Also this might be unrelated but is there a better debugger for c under linux? Because the built in debugger goes crazy when it steps into a malloc command so I have to debug all programs inside my head. :(

If by built-in debugger you mean gdb, you can tell it to step over malloc(); if your program crashes in malloc, though, you have run into a memory allocation or use bug in your program.
One apparent bug is that you do not initialize "t" correctly in link_list(), and in particular t->next is garbage, and your program will probably crash when it tries to follow it. I think you mean to set t->time, t->id etc., not trail->time.
The best way to append to a linked list is usually to have a separate function that returns a new list item with all the fields initialized, and then in the routine to append, just manipulate pointers. It also helps if your list head is just a pointer, not a struct, but that's a style issue.
Best of all is to use a library that supplies linked lists for you, but that's no good if you are learning about linked lists!

You're appending a new node to the tail, then writing in your datum to the tail node, then moving the tail pointer to the new node:
t=malloc(sizeof(struct item));
t is set to a new node.
the next pointer of the current list tail is set to point to t
the time, id, and event fields of the node pointed by tail are written.
tail reference is now moved to t, which still contains no data.
There are a plethora of things that can improve this code, starting with using modular design for a "list" management, but this is your immediate problem.


How to modify Linked List Element Values Without Destroying the List

I am working on a First-Come-First-Serve Scheduler Algorithm in C using a linked list structure. I am encountering an issue when I try to perform the calculations needed on every Element of the Linked List. I cannot seem to figure out how to modify the values of the Linked List without destroying the list by iterating through it. Is there a good way to fix this?
To explain what the calculations I am doing are, here is an example.
process no. arrivalTime burstTime
1 0 12
2 7 11
3 13 2
What I am doing is finding the completion time and waiting time for all the simulated processes when using this scheduling algorithm.
process no. waitingTime finishTime
1 0 12
2 5 23
3 10 25
The first set of loops essentially keeps track of the process turnaround time. I use this to solve finish and waiting times in the second loop set.
//Linked List struct
typedef struct process
int processId;
int arrivalTime;
int burstTime;
int ct;
int waitingTime;
int finishTime;
int priorityValue;
int turnAroundTime;
struct process* next;
} process;
void firstComeFirstServed(process* list)
int calc;
process* temp1 = list;
process* temp2 = list;
calc = calc + temp2->burstTime;
temp1->ct = calc;
temp2 = temp2->next;
//Keep iterationg through List here. Not sure how to get changed Elements into orginal list without also breaking it
temp1 = temp1->next;
//Have not worked on this part yet, but probably has same issue
list->finishTime = list->ct + list->burstTime;
list->waitingTime = list->ct - list->arrivalTime;
//listHead is just a global variable list, so I just want to copy this at the end
listHead = list;
Basically you want to implement a stack (FIFO or FCFS data structure) In https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/implement-a-stack-using-singly-linked-list/ is an example how to implement this using a singly linked list .
However because of your calculations i think that you have to rearrange the list nodes and you need to do this in-place (You are required to do this in-place without altering the nodes’ values (or destroying the list))
Example code for rearranging a linked list in-place is in https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/rearrange-a-given-linked-list-in-place/ or in the discussion of https://leetcode.com/problems/reorder-list/
Alternatively you could implement the scheduler as a heap what is a common implementation for a scheduler (https://www.isi.edu/nsnam/ns/doc-stable/node33.html). After the calculations (wait_time,...) build the heap using i.e. heap sort, code is in https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/heap-sort/

C Read from File into LinkedList

I have a text file that I need to read a populate a linked list. The file structure is like this.
Ant,Adam 10 5
Mander,Sally 4 3
King,May 6 6
King,Joe 9 6
Graph,Otto 2 5
Carr,Redd 1 3
The name is szName. The second int is iDepartTmUnits, and the last int is iTime;
I'm trying to read the input from stdin
It should insert EVT_ARRIVE and EVT_DEPART events into the simulation's eventList. Assuming you are using fgets and sscanf, please make certain you check the count returned from your sscanf.
// Event Constants
#define EVT_ARRIVE 1 // when a person arrives
#define EVT_DEPART 2 // when a person departs the simulation
We have these structures
typedef struct
char szName[16]; // Name
int iDepartTmUnits; // time units representing how long he/she stays around
} Person;
// Event typedef (aka Element)
typedef struct
int iEventType; // The type of event as an integer:
// EVT_ARRIVE - arrival event
// EVT_DEPART - departure event
int iTime; // The time the event will occur
Person person; // The person invokved in the event.
} Event;
// NodeLL typedef - these are the nodes in the linked list
typedef struct NodeLL
Event event;
struct NodeLL *pNext; // points to next node in the list
} NodeLL;
// typedefs for the ordered link list
typedef struct
NodeLL *pHead; // Points to the first node in the ordered list
} LinkedListImp;
typedef LinkedListImp *LinkedList;
// typedefs for the Simulation
typedef struct
int iClock; // clock time
LinkedList eventList; // A linked list of timed events
} SimulationImp;
typedef SimulationImp *Simulation;
Now where I am struggling is how to populate a linked list with this information.
Actually I'm struggling with a lot to grasp my head around this, so I'm sorry at the question being overly complex or overly simple.
First Thing I am struggling with
I'm declaring it as
void generateArival(Event eventM[])
I believe that is incorrect, because in my main, I wouldn't pass it the event, I believe I would pass it a Simulation implementation.
Second Thing I Am struggling with
Here is the code I have so far where I am too copy from the file into a linked list.
fgets(szInputBuffer, MAX_LINE_SIZE, pFilePerson);
iScanfCnt = sscanf(szInputBuffer,"%s %d %d\n",
I am to input the EVT_ARRIVE and EVT_DEPART into the eventList.
I believe that to be something like this,
they are int 1 and 2 respectfully, so I would need something like iEvent = event.iEventType;
and input that into the sim->eventList
Any help is appreciated, I need a lot more time with this concept of linked lists, but this is breaking my head.
I can print out the name but not the numbers
while(fgets(szInputBuffer, sizeof szInputBuffer, pFilePerson) != NULL)
// print the input buffer as is (it also has a linefeed)
//printf("Person # %d: %s\n", iLineCount, szInputBuffer);
sscanf(szInputBuffer, "%I64d",
printf("%-7s\n", event.person.szName);
printf("%d\n", event.person.iDepartTmUnits);

Pointer to linkedlist randomly changing

For one of my school assignments I have to make my own stack library and a POSTFIX calculator.
The calculator has to make use of the stack library and do some calculations.
I am pushing two different numbers to my stack. Number 6 and 3. The header should point to the most recently added node (LIFO). So when 6 is added:
When 3 is being added:
HEADER -> 3 -> 6 -> NULL
When I print the value of my header after adding '6' it's good. It's printing 6.
However, when I print the value of my header BEFORE adding '3' it's printing '3'. When it still should print 6.
So a summary of my problem:
When adding another node to my linkedlist, the header suddenly points to the newest node before even changing it.
You may understand me better with some code and debugging results.
Btw: Don't mind the typedefs, I don't like them. My teacher wants us to use it.
typedef struct stackObject* pStackObject_t;
typedef struct stackObject
void* obj;
pStackObject_t next;
} StackObject_t;
typedef struct stackMEta* pStackMeta_t;
typedef struct stackMEta
pStackObject_t stack;
size_t objsize;
int numelem; //number of elements
int handle; //welke stack
pStackMeta_t next;
} StackMeta_t;
int mystack_push(int handle, void* obj)
if (currentMeta->handle == handle)
pStackObject_t newObject = malloc(sizeof(StackObject_t));
newObject->obj = obj;
printf("%s%d\n", "Wanting to push int to stack: ", *(int*)obj);
//First node
if (currentMeta->stack == NULL)
currentMeta->stack = newObject;
currentMeta->stack->next = NULL;
printf("%s%d\n", " FIRST Curentmeta->stack pointing to ", *(int*)currentMeta->stack->obj);
return 0;
printf("%s%d\n", "NOT FIRST Currentmeta->stack pointing to ", *(int*)currentMeta->stack->obj);
newObject->next = currentMeta->stack;
currentMeta->stack = newObject;
printf("%s%d\n", "Currentmeta->stack ", *(int*)currentMeta->stack->obj);
printf("%s%d\n", "Currentmeta->stack->next ", *(int*)currentMeta->stack->next->obj);
printf("%s%d\n", "Succesful pushed int to stack: ", *(int*)currentMeta->stack->obj);
return 0;
return -1;
Created stack with handle: 1 and objsize 4 bytes
Wanting to push int to stack: 6
FIRST Curentmeta->stack pointing to 6
Wanting to push int to stack: 3
NOT FIRST Currentmeta->stack pointing to 3
Currentmeta->stack 3
Currentmeta->stack->next 3
Succesful pushed int to stack: 3
My unit tests are performing good with this code. My calculator does not, while it's the same function call.
I found out that it was working 50/50. Using the same input values in another program resulted in good things.
I changed the code to this:
pStackObject_t newObject = malloc(sizeof(StackObject_t));
newObject->obj = malloc(sizeof(currentMeta->objsize));
memcpy(newObject->obj, obj, currentMeta->objsize);
Now it's working fine. The previous code was somehow using the old values, while it was already out of scope. Thanks everyone for the help.

C - cast void* to structure in thrd_create()

I know there's a lot of answered questions about casting void* to struct but I can't manage to get it work the right way.
Well I want to create a thread which will play music in background. I have a structure which gather the loaded music file array and the start and end index :
typedef unsigned char SoundID;
typedef unsigned char SongID;
typedef struct {
Mix_Music *songs[9]; // array of songs
SongID startId; // index of first song to play
SongID endId; // index of last song to play
} SongThreadItem;
Then I want to play the songs by creating a thread and passing the function which actually plays the songs to the thread_create() function.
int play_songs(Mix_Music *songs[9], SongID startId, SongID endId, char loop){
thrd_t thrd;
SongThreadItem _item;
SongThreadItem *item = &_item;
memcpy(item->songs, songs, sizeof(item->songs));
item->startId = startId;
item->endId = endId;
printf("item->startId is %i\n", item->startId);
printf("item->endId is %i\n", item->endId);
thrd_create_EC(thrd_create(&thrd, audio_thread_run, item));
return 0;
int audio_thread_run(void *arg){
SongThreadItem *item = arg; // also tried with = (SongThreadItem *)arg
printf("item->startId is %i\n", item->startId);
printf("item->endId is %i\n", item->endId);
return 0;
Then I get the following output:
item->startId is 0
item->endId is 8
item->startId is 6
item->endId is 163
The value retrieved inside audio_thread_run() aren't the one expected. I don't know if I put enough code to let someone find my error, I try to make it minimal because it's part of a bigger project.
Thanks in advance for your help.
SongThreadItem _item;
SongThreadItem *item = &_item; // bug
That's a problem there: you're giving the thread a pointer to a stack variable. The stack will get overwritten by pretty much anything going on in the main thread. You need to allocate dynamic memory here (with malloc), and take care of freeing it when no-longer needed (perhaps in the thread routine itself).
Other options would be a global structure that keeps track of all the active threads and their starting data, or something like that. But it will involve dynamic allocations unless the count of threads is fixed at compile time.
The thread runs asynchronously but you are passing it a pointer to SongThreadItem that is on the stack of the thread that calls play_songs().
If you have only a single thread calling play_songs() and this is not called again until you are done with the item, you can make the definition _item like this:
static SongThreadItem _item;
so that it is in the data segment and will not be overwritten.
If you don't know when and who will call play_songs() then just malloc the _item and free it in the thread when you are done:
SongThreadItem *item = (SongThreadItem *)malloc(sizeof(SongThreadItem));
The latter is usually the better idea. Think of it as passing the ownership of the data to the new thread. Of course production quality code should free the item if the thread creation fails.

Last element value appears in first and last position when printing linked list

Happy New Year.
This question arises from a project to program a game called Laby-chiffres in C. To see the game look in the third batch of games on this link: http://www.rci-jeux.com/jeux/labychiffres/laby.swf .
I am using a linked list to store the path taken by a player through a grid of numbers. The player's aim is to find a path from the departure point to the arrival point, with a given length and given total of the numbers in the path. There is a switch statement for a menu and then one to accept the direction the player wants to move in. This works as I have code that shows that the 'passage' of the player to each number is recorded correctly
When I try to print the path (which is a requirement of the assignment - and useful for the player to see) I print the path in the correct order, except that the last element, i.e. where the player most recently moved to, is shown at the start and the end of the list.
Example: Player makes moves through positions with values as follows. Starting with the departure point value 5 -> 8 -> 4-> 1. What is printed at each stage is:
What I have tried
I have looked at several other linked list questions, but none I have seen have the same issue that I have.
I have tried changing lots of things, but to be honest now more experimentally than anything. For example, changing the empiler function to add elements at the wrong end prints the path in the wrong order (as expected) but still prints the most recently reached number twice, just both at the start of the path rather than one at the start and one at the end.
Relevant functions
The lecturer has said explicitly that the printing needs to reverse the order so these are the printing functions:
void affiche_chemin (PLATEAU jeu, PILE pile){
afficher_pile_inverse(&jeu , jeu.chemin.P_sommet);
void afficher_pile_inverse(PLATEAU *P_jeu, ELEMENT *P_cur){
if(P_cur != NULL){
lire_valeur_a reads the value in the grid, which is part of the PLATEAU structure given below and read in from a text file. This appears to work so I am not including it to try to keep the question length down.
The function to add elements is :
ELEMENT* empiler(PILE *P_liste, ELEMENT *P_elt_ajoute){
P_elt_ajoute ->P_suivant = P_liste->P_sommet;
P_liste->P_sommet = P_elt_ajoute;
return P_elt_ajoute;
Given the lecturers comments about needing to reverse the order to print correctly I think I am adding elements at the right end of the list.
These functions initialise the path, and allocate a new ELEMENT, and are just given for reference as used in the next extract.
void initialiser_pile(PILE *P_pile){
P_pile->P_sommet = NULL;
ELEMENT *nouvel_element (POSITION nouvelle_valeur){
P_elt =(ELEMENT*) malloc(sizeof(ELEMENT));
if(P_elt ) { /* NULL equivalent to false like 0 */
P_elt->valeur = nouvelle_valeur;
P_elt->P_suivant = NULL;
return P_elt;
This code sets up the path for the first time when the text file for the game is read, so it is the first time empiler is used to add an element to a path. (This extract is from a long function using fscanf multiple times to read the game text file, and seems to work correctly.)
ELEMENT *P_sommet = nouvel_element(PLAT->dep);
if (P_sommet == NULL){
printf("Erreur d'allocation\n");
return 0;
empiler (&PLAT->chemin,P_sommet);
PLAT->longcur = 1;
The following function is used for adding elements during the game.
int choix_indep_jeu_update(PLATEAU *jeu, POSITION *new_pos, int pas, int dir){
ELEMENT *new = nouvel_element(*new_pos);//1 Make new element
if (new == NULL) return 0;
empiler( &jeu->chemin, new );//should add new element
jeu->sumcur = jeu->sumcur + lire_valeur_a(jeu, new_pos);
return 1;
Data Structures
typedef struct position_st{
int indl;//indice of ligne
int indc;//indice of colonne
typedef struct element_st{
POSITION valeur;
struct element_st *P_suivant;
typedef struct pile_st{
ELEMENT * P_sommet;
typedef struct plat_st{
int nl; //number of lines in grid
int nc; //number of columns in grid
POSITION dep; //position du depart: dep.indl and dep.indc
POSITION arr; //position d'arrive: arr.indl and arr.indc
int longdem; //length demanded
int sumdem; //total demanded
int ** grille; //Playing grid
//#######INFO re GAME IN PROGRESS ########
int longcur; //longueur courant
int sumcur; //totale courant
PILE chemin; //The path
I simplified your code and it seems to be working, assuming that you want empiler() to insert elements into the front of the list, so they end up in reverse order. I added afficher_pile_inverse1() so that the last value doesn't have a "->" after it. So the error is in creating the list or there's an issue with the grid function which you did not show.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef int POSITION;
typedef struct element_st{
POSITION valeur;
struct element_st *P_suivant;
typedef struct pile_st{
ELEMENT * P_sommet;
void empiler(PILE *P_liste, ELEMENT *P_elt_ajoute){
P_elt_ajoute ->P_suivant = P_liste->P_sommet;
P_liste->P_sommet = P_elt_ajoute;
void afficher_pile_inverse1(ELEMENT *P_cur){
if(P_cur != NULL){
void afficher_pile_inverse(ELEMENT *P_cur){
if(P_cur != NULL){
void affiche_chemin (PILE pile){
int main(void){
ELEMENT ae[4] = {{0,NULL},{1,NULL},{2,NULL},{3,NULL}};
PILE P_liste = {NULL};
size_t i;
for(i = 0; i < 4; i++)
empiler(&P_liste, &ae[i]);
return 0;
