a better way to draw grid as background - c

I want to draw grid as in the below picture.
I know a trick to draw this by draw 6 vertical and horizontal lines instead of 6 x 6 small rectangle.
But if I want to have smaller zoom (zoom for viewing picture), the lines are many. For example, say my view window is of size 800 x 600 and viewing a picture of size 400 x 300 (so zoom in is 2). There will be 400 x 300 rectangle of size 2 x 2 (each rectangle represents a pixel).
If I draw each cell (in a loop, say 400 x 300 times), it is very slow (when I move the window...).
Using the trick solves the problem.
By I am still curious if there is a better way to do this task in winapi, GDI(+). For example, a function like DrawGrid(HDC hdc, int x, int y, int numOfCellsH, int numOfCellsV)?
A further question is: If I don't resize, move the window or I don't change the zoom in, the grid won't be changed. So even if I update the picture continuously (capture screen), it is uncessary to redraw the grid. But I use StretchBlt and BitBlt to capture the screen (to memory DC then hdc of the window), if I didn't redraw the grid in memory DC, then the grid will disappear. Is there a way to make the grid stick there and update the bitmap of the screen capture?
ps: This is not a real issue. Since I want to draw the grid when zoom is not less than 10 (so each cell is of size 10 x 10 or larger). In this case, there will be at most 100 + 100 = 200 lines to draw and it is fast. I am just curious if there is a faster way.

Have you considered using CreateDIBSection this will allow you a pointer so that you can manipulate the R, G, B values rapidly, for example the following creates a 256x256x24 bitmap and paints a Green squares at 64 pixel intervals:
BIH.biBitCount = 24;
BIH.biWidth = 256;
BIH.biHeight = 256;
BIH.biPlanes = 1;
HBITMAP hBitmap = CreateDIBSection(NULL, &BI, DIB_RGB_COLORS, (void**) &pBits, NULL, 0);
LPBYTE pDst = pBits;
for (int y = 0; y < 256; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < 256; x++)
BYTE R = 0;
BYTE G = 0;
BYTE B = 0;
if (x % 64 == 0) G = 255;
if (y % 64 == 0) G = 255;
*pDst++ = B;
*pDst++ = G;
*pDst++ = R;
HDC hMemDC = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL);
HGDIOBJ hOld = SelectObject(hMemDC, hBitmap);
BitBlt(hdc, 0, 0, 256, 256, hMemDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
SelectObject(hMemDC, hOld);

Generally speaking, the major limiting factors for these kinds of graphics operations are the fill rate and the number of function calls.
The fill rate is how fast the machine can change the pixel values. In general, blits (copying rectangular areas) are very fast because they're highly optimized and designed to touch memory in a cache friendly order. But a blit touches all the pixels in that region. If you're going to overdraw or if most of those pixels don't really need to change, then it's likely more efficient to draw just the pixels you need, even if that's not quite as cache-friendly.
If you're drawing n primitives by making n things, then that might be a limiting factor as n gets large, and it could make sense to look for an API call that lets you draw several (or all) of the lines at once.
Your "trick" demonstrates both of these optimizations. Drawing 20 lines is fewer calls than 100 rectangles, and it touches far fewer pixels. And as the window grows or your grid size decreases, the lines approach will increase linearly both in number of calls and in pixels touched while the rectangle method will grow as n^2.
I don't think you can do any better when it comes to touching the minimum number of pixels. But I suppose the number of function calls might become a factor if you're drawing very many lines. I don't know GDI+, but in plain GDI, there are functions like Polyline and PolyPolyline which will let you draw several lines in one call.


Is there any way for image thresholding without GDI+? [duplicate]

Is it possible to directly read/write to a WriteableBitmap's pixel data? I'm currently using WriteableBitmapEx's SetPixel() but it's slow and I want to access the pixels directly without any overhead.
I haven't used HTML5's canvas in a while, but if I recall correctly you could get its image data as a single array of numbers and that's kind of what I'm looking for
Thanks in advance
To answer your question, you can more directly access a writable bitmap's data by using the Lock, write, Unlock pattern, as demonstrated below, but it is typically not necessary unless you are basing your drawing upon the contents of the image. More typically, you can just create a new buffer and make it a bitmap, rather than the other way around.
That being said, there are many extensibility points in WPF to perform innovative drawing without resorting to pixel manipulation. For most controls, the existing WPF primitives (Border, Line, Rectangle, Image, etc...) are more than sufficient - don't be concerned about using many of them, they are rather cheap to use. For complex controls, you can use the DrawingContext to draw D3D primitives. For image effects, you can implement GPU assisted shaders using the Effect class or use the built in effects (Blur and Shadow).
But, if your situation requires direct pixel access, pick a pixel format and start writing. I suggest BGRA32 because it is easy to understand and is probably the most common one to be discussed.
BGRA32 means the pixel data is stored in memory as 4 bytes representing the blue, green, red, and alpha channels of an image, in that order. It is convenient because each pixel ends up on a 4 byte boundary, lending it to storage in an 32 bit integer. When dealing with a 32 bit integer, keep in mind the order will be reversed on most platforms (check BitConverter.IsLittleEndian to determine proper byte order at runtime if you need to support multiple platforms, x86 and x86_64 are both little endian)
The image data is stored in horizontal strips which are one stride wide which compose a single row the width of an image. The stride width is always greater than or equal to the pixel width of the image multiplied by the number of bytes per pixel in the format selected. Certain situations can cause the stride to be longer than the width * bytesPerPixel which are specific to certain architechtures, so you must use the stride width to calculate the start of a row, rather than multiplying the width. Since we are using a 4 byte wide pixel format, our stride does happen to be width * 4, but you should not rely upon it.
As mentioned, the only case I would suggest using a WritableBitmap is if you are accessing an existing image, so that is the example below:
Before / After:
// must be compiled with /UNSAFE
// get an image to draw on and convert it to our chosen format
BitmapSource srcImage = JpegBitmapDecoder.Create(File.Open("img13.jpg", FileMode.Open),
BitmapCreateOptions.None, BitmapCacheOption.OnLoad).Frames[0];
if (srcImage.Format != PixelFormats.Bgra32)
srcImage = new FormatConvertedBitmap(srcImage, PixelFormats.Bgra32, null, 0);
// get a writable bitmap of that image
var wbitmap = new WriteableBitmap(srcImage);
int width = wbitmap.PixelWidth;
int height = wbitmap.PixelHeight;
int stride = wbitmap.BackBufferStride;
int bytesPerPixel = (wbitmap.Format.BitsPerPixel + 7) / 8;
byte* pImgData = (byte*)wbitmap.BackBuffer;
// set alpha to transparent for any pixel with red < 0x88 and invert others
int cRowStart = 0;
int cColStart = 0;
for (int row = 0; row < height; row++)
cColStart = cRowStart;
for (int col = 0; col < width; col++)
byte* bPixel = pImgData + cColStart;
UInt32* iPixel = (UInt32*)bPixel;
if (bPixel[2 /* bgRa */] < 0x44)
// set to 50% transparent
bPixel[3 /* bgrA */] = 0x7f;
// invert but maintain alpha
*iPixel = *iPixel ^ 0x00ffffff;
cColStart += bytesPerPixel;
cRowStart += stride;
// if you are going across threads, you will need to additionally freeze the source
However, it really isn't necessary if you are not modifying an existing image. For example, you can draw a checkerboard pattern using all safe code:
// draw rectangles
int width = 640, height = 480, bytesperpixel = 4;
int stride = width * bytesperpixel;
byte[] imgdata = new byte[width * height * bytesperpixel];
int rectDim = 40;
UInt32 darkcolorPixel = 0xffaaaaaa;
UInt32 lightColorPixel = 0xffeeeeee;
UInt32[] intPixelData = new UInt32[width * height];
for (int row = 0; row < height; row++)
for (int col = 0; col < width; col++)
intPixelData[row * width + col] = ((col / rectDim) % 2) != ((row / rectDim) % 2) ?
lightColorPixel : darkcolorPixel;
Buffer.BlockCopy(intPixelData, 0, imgdata, 0, imgdata.Length);
// compose the BitmapImage
var bsCheckerboard = BitmapSource.Create(width, height, 96, 96, PixelFormats.Bgra32, null, imgdata, stride);
And you don't really even need an Int32 intermediate, if you write to the byte array directly.
// draw using byte array
int width = 640, height = 480, bytesperpixel = 4;
int stride = width * bytesperpixel;
byte[] imgdata = new byte[width * height * bytesperpixel];
// draw a gradient from red to green from top to bottom (R00 -> ff; Gff -> 00)
// draw a gradient of alpha from left to right
// Blue constant at 00
for (int row = 0; row < height; row++)
for (int col = 0; col < width; col++)
imgdata[row * stride + col * 4 + 0] = 0;
imgdata[row * stride + col * 4 + 1] = Convert.ToByte((1 - (col / (float)width)) * 0xff);
imgdata[row * stride + col * 4 + 2] = Convert.ToByte((col / (float)width) * 0xff);
imgdata[row * stride + col * 4 + 3] = Convert.ToByte((row / (float)height) * 0xff);
var gradient = BitmapSource.Create(width, height, 96, 96, PixelFormats.Bgra32, null, imgdata, stride);
Edit: apparently, you are trying to use WPF to make some sort of image editor. I would still be using WPF primitives for shapes and source bitmaps, and then implement translations, scaling, rotation as RenderTransform's, bitmap effects as Effect's and keep everything within the WPF model. But, if that does not work for you, we have many other options.
You could use WPF primitives to render to a RenderTargetBitmap which has a chosen PixelFormat to use with WritableBitmap as below:
Canvas cvRoot = new Canvas();
// position primitives on canvas
var rtb = new RenderTargetBitmap(width, height, dpix, dpiy, PixelFormats.Bgra32);
var wb = new WritableBitmap(rtb);
You could use a WPF DrawingVisual to issue GDI style commands then render to a bitmap as demonstrated on the sample on the RenderTargetBitmap page.
You could use GDI using an InteropBitmap created using System.Windows.Interop.Imaging.CreateBitmapSourceFromHBitmap from an HBITMAP retrieved from a Bitmap.GetHBitmap method. Make sure you don't leak the HBITMAP, though.
After a nice long headache, I found this article that explains a way to do it without using bit arithmetic, and allows me to treat it as an array instead:
IntPtr pBackBuffer = bitmap.BackBuffer;
byte* pBuff = (byte*)pBackBuffer.ToPointer();
pBuff[4 * x + (y * bitmap.BackBufferStride)] = 255;
pBuff[4 * x + (y * bitmap.BackBufferStride) + 1] = 255;
pBuff[4 * x + (y * bitmap.BackBufferStride) + 2] = 255;
pBuff[4 * x + (y * bitmap.BackBufferStride) + 3] = 255;
You can access the raw pixel data by calling the Lock() method and using the BackBuffer property afterwards. When you're finished, don't forget to call AddDirtyRect and Unlock.
For a simple example, you can take a look at this: http://cscore.codeplex.com/SourceControl/latest#CSCore.Visualization/WPF/Utils/PixelManipulationBitmap.cs

What is the most efficient way to put multiple colours on a window, especially in frame-by-frame format?

I am making a game with C and X11. I've been trying for quite a while to find a way to put different coloured pixels on a window, frame by frame. I've seen fully developed games get thousands of frames per second. What is the most efficient way of doing this?
I have seen 2-coloured bitmaps with XImages, allocating 256 colours on a fade of black-white, and using XPutPixel with XImages (which I wasn't able to figure how to create an XImage properly that could later have pixels put on it).
I have made this for loop that creates a random image, but it is, obviously, pixel-by-pixel instead of frame-by-frame and takes 18 seconds to render one entire frame.
XColor pixel;
for (int x = 0; x < currentWindowWidth; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < currentWindowHeight; y++) {
pixel.red = rand() % 256 * 256; //Converting 16-bit colour to 8-bit colour
pixel.green = rand() % 256 * 256;
pixel.blue = rand() % 256 * 256;
XAllocColor(display, XDefaultColormap(display, screenNumber), &pixel); //This probably takes the most time,
XSetForeground(display, graphics, pixel.pixel); //as does this.
XDrawPoint(display, window, graphics, x, y);
After three or so more weeks of testing things off and on, I finally figured out how to do it, and it was rather simple. As I said in the OP, XAllocColor and XSetForground take quite a bit of time (relatively) to work. XDrawPoint also was slow, as it does more than just put a pixel at a point on an image.
First I tested how Xlib's colour format works (for the unsigned long int represented as pixel.pixel, which was what I needed XAllocColor for), and it appears to have 100% red set to 16711680, 100% green set to 65280, and 100% blue set to 255, which is obviously a pattern. I found the maximum to be a 50% of all colours, 4286019447, which is a solid grey.
Next, I made sure my XVisualInfo would be supported by my system with a test using XMatchVisualInfo([expected visual info values]). That ensures the depth I will use and the TrueColor class works.
Finally, I made an XImage copied from the root window's image for manipulation. I used XPutPixel for each pixel on the window and set it to a random value between 0 and 4286019448, creating the random image. I then used XPutImage to paste the image to the window.
Here's the final code:
if (!XMatchVisualInfo(display, screenNumber, 24, TrueColor, &visualInfo)) {
frameImage = XGetImage(display, rootWindow, 0, 0, screenWidth, screenHeight, AllPlanes, ZPixmap);
while (1) {
for (unsigned short x = 0; x < currentWindowWidth; x += pixelSize) {
for (unsigned short y = 0; y < currentWindowHeight; y += pixelSize) {
XPutPixel(frameImage, x, y, rand() % 4286019447);
XPutImage(display, window, graphics, frameImage, 0, 0, 0, 0, currentWindowWidth, currentWindowHeight);
This puts a random image on the screen, at a stable 140 frames per second on fullscreen. I don't necessarily know if this is the most efficient way, but it works way better than anything else I've tried. Let me know if there is any way to make it better.
Thousands of frames per second is not possible. The monitor frequency is about 100 Hz, or 100 cycles per second, that's roughly the maximum frame rate. This is still very fast. Human eye wouldn't pick up faster frame rates.
The monitor response time is about 5ms, so any single point on the screen cannot be refreshed more than 200 times per second.
8-bit is 1 byte, so 8-bit image uses one byte per pixel, each pixel is from 0 to 256. The pixel doesn't have red, blue, green component. Instead each pixel points to an index in the color table. The color table holds 256 colors. There is a trick where you keep the pixels the same and change the color table, this makes the image fade in and out or do other weird things.
In a 24-bit image, each pixel has blue, red, green component. Each color is 1 byte, so each pixel is 3 bytes, or 24 bits.
uint8_t red = rand() % 256;
uint8_t grn = rand() % 256;
uint8_t blu = rand() % 256;
A 16-bit image uses an odd format to store red, blue, green. 16 is not divisible by 3, often times 2 colors are assigned 5-bits, and the 3rd color gets 6-bits. Then you have to fit these colors on one uint16_t sized pixel. It's probably not worth it to explore this.
The slowness of your routine is because you are painting one pixel at a time. You should paint to a buffer instead, and render the buffer once per frame. You might consider using other frame works like SDL. Other games may use things like OpenGL which takes advantage of GPU optimization for matrix operation etc.
You must use a GPU. GPUs have a highly parallel architecture optimized for graphics (hence the name). To access the GPU you will use an API like OpenGL or Vulkan or make use of a Game Engine.

Drawing with high precision alpha blending

I need to blend together about 1 million semi-transparent rectangles, while being able to manage transparency accuracy by increment of 1e-6.
Typically, if my 1 millions rectangle would be drawn on top of each other, I want to have a resulting alpha value for these pixels of exactly 1.0 (0.5 for 500 000 rectangles, and so on).
Using the cairo library, it would ideally look like:
const int NB_RECT = 1000000;
cairo_set_operator(cr, CAIRO_OPERATOR_ADD);
cairo_set_source_rgba(cr, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0/NB_RECT);
for(int i = 0 ; i < NB_RECT ; i++) {
cairo_rectangle(cr, x, y, w, h);
// [...]
This does not work because below alpha~=0.01, the drawing commands seem to be simply discarded (probably due to the internal representation of colors inside cairo).
Could you suggest a drawing library that handle high precision transparency, or possible workaround?

How to realize the DRAWING processing in Processing?

We all know how to draw a line in Processing.
But when we draw a line, the line is shown immediately.
What if i want to witness the drawing process, namely, to see the line moving forward, gradually completes a whole line.
Here's what i want to realize: to DRAW several lines and curves which finally turn into some pattern.
So how to make that happen? Using array?
Many thanks.
In processing all of the drawing happens in a loop. An easy way to create animated sequences like you describe is to use frameCount to drive it and using the modulus function % is a good way to create a loop. For example, to animate along the x axis:
void draw() {
float x = 50;
float y = 50;
float lineLength = 50;
int framesToAnimate = 60;
line(x,y,x+float(frameCount % framesToAnimate)/framesToAnimate*lineLength, y);
Note: strange things will happen if you don't cast / convert to a float
I use this pretty often to animate other features such as the color.
fill(color(127 + sin(float(frameCount)/90)*127, 0, 0, 127));
If you want to get more advanced, setting vectors and coordinates with PVector. There is a pretty good tutorial on Daniel Shiffman's site.
If you want to set your animation independent of frame rate, you can use mills() instead. That will return current time since the sketch started so you can set something to happen in a given time in seconds.
like for example:
long initialTime;
void setup(){
initialTime = millis();
void draw() {
float x = 50;
float y = 50; //set the multiplier to adjust speed
line(x,y,x+(millis()-initialTime)*0.01, y); //10 px/sec
line(x,y+50,x+(millis()-initialTime)*0.05, y+50); //50 px/sec
line(x,y+100,x+(millis()-initialTime)*0.001, y+100); // 1 px/sec
There is also some animation libraries, i've seen some impressive results with some, but i never used them. Here a list.

OpenGL - Mapping between x and y in glVertex2f(x, y) to screen integer coordinates

I would like to know how the vertices of glVertex2f(x, y) map to actual screen integer co-ordinates.
I intend to use a complex plane with minR, minI and maxR, maxI (I and R - Imaginary and Real part), such that the plane gets mapped to 512 x 512 pixels on the screen. I have points of 512 steps between the min and max values.
The mapping between the vertices is unclear since, I had to scale the my planar image using glScalef(100, 100, 0) to get it roughly fit the screen. But still, a large portion of it is left blank.
Please note that I am using the glBegin(GL_POINTS) routine to map the points in the plane to the screen.
The code looks thus,
for (X = 0; X < 512; X++)
for (Y = 0; Y < 512; Y++)
glVertex2f (Complexplane[X][Y].real, Complexplane[X][Y].imag);
Complexplane[0][0].real = -2, Complexplane[0][0].imag = -1.2
Complexplane[511][511].real = 1.0, Complexplane[0][0].imag = 1.8
I'm assuming you haven't set the projection or modelview matrices - they will be set to the identity matrix by default BTW...
For X,Y coordinates, a point will be visible if: -1 <= X <= 1, -1 <= Y <= 1
The glViewport function describes how this range is mapped to the window. It is initially set to (0, 0, window_width, window_height) when the GL context is created. The fact that glScale(100, 100, 0) is only taking up a portion of the window suggests that you are applying another transform elsewhere.
The mapping depends on the transformation matrices set. In up to OpenGL-2 the pipeline is
v_eye = ModelviewMatrix * v
v_projected = ProjectionMatrix * v_eye
v_clipped = clip(v_projected)
v_NDC.xyzw = v_clipped.xyzw / v_clipped.w
The default matrices are identity, so the only operation applied in the default state is the clipping. v_NDC then undergoes the viewport transform:
p.xyz = (v_NDC.xyz + 1) * viewport.wh / 2 + viewport.xy
