How would I go about this task- Matlab [duplicate] - arrays

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
How to store value generated from nested for loop in an array, in Matlab?
I have an array of digits. e.g. x = [4,9,8]. I use find(x) to obtain [1,2,3], then find(x)+length(x) to obtain [4,5,6].
I want this(in this case, adding 3 to the array, to make a sequence of 1,2,3 4,5,6 7,8,9...) to go on n number of times, so I require a loop.
Now with the array x, I want to add [4,9,8] to [1,2,3] , which gives [5,11,11].
I have [1,2,3]...[10,11,12]...[n,n+1,n+2] from find(x)+length(x) looped, I want to add elements in x to the elements in corresponding positions, in the array that is going up in three.
So, for example, [4,5,6] 5 is in position 2. x=[4,9,8]. 9 is in position 2 within x. Therefore, I want to add 9 to 5. I want to do this for each element (in this case, each of the three elements). I would add 9 to 11, and 9 to 11 as both numbers are in position '2' in their respective arrays.
I was thinking of using a nested for loop, to take care of the find(x)+length(x). I am just unsure of how to make the 'location additions' happen.
I would then like to store the results of the additions in a separate array.
Thanks in advance for your time and help!

So, we start with
x = [4,9,8]
Let's add [1, 2, 3]
x + [1, 2, 3]
ans =
5 11 11
A more flexible way
x + (1 : length(x))
ans =
5 11 11
If you do not want to start at 1 but at b (say, we add [5, 6, 7] to x):
b = 5;
x + b + (0 : length(x) - 1)
ans =
9 15 15
I think this should get you going and you can add your loop now.
Warning: You have a very strange way of using find(). Just to make sure: find(x) returns the indices of the non-zero entries in x. If all elements of the vector x are non-zero, you have the equality
find(x) == 1 : length(x)
If any element in x is zero, you run into problems, when adding it to find(x):
x = [4, 9, 0, 8];
ans =
1 2 4
x + find(x)
Error using +
Matrix dimensions must agree.


get x elements from center of vector

How do I create a function (e.g. here, an anonymous one but I don't mind any) to get x elements from vec that are most centered (i.e. around the median)? In essence I want a function with same syntax as Matlab's randsample(n,k), but for non-random, with elements spanning around the center.
cntr=#(vec,x) vec(round(end*.5)+(-floor(x/2):floor(x/2))); %this function in question
cntr(1:10,3) % outputs 3 values around median 5.5 => [4 5 6];
cntr(1:11,5) % outputs => [4 5 6 7 8]
Note that vec is always sorted.
One part that I struggle with is not to output more than the limits of vec. For example, cntr(1:10, 10) should not throw an error.
edit: sorry to answer-ers for many updates of question
It's not a one-line anonymous function, but you can do this pretty simply with a couple calls to sort:
function vec = cntr(vec, x)
[~, index] = sort(abs(vec-median(vec)));
vec = vec(sort(index(1:min(x, end))));
The upside: it will still return the same set of values even if vec isn't sorted. Some examples:
>> cntr(1:10, 3)
ans =
4 5 6
>> cntr(1:11, 5)
ans =
4 5 6 7 8
>> cntr(1:10, 10) % No indexing errors
ans =
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
>> cntr([3 10 2 4 1 6 5 8 11 7 9], 5) % Unsorted version of example 2
ans =
4 6 5 8 7 % Same values, in their original order in vec
NOTE: This applied to an earlier version of the question where a range of x values below and x values above the median were desired as output. Leaving it for posterity...
I broke it down into these steps (starting with a sorted vec):
Find the values in vec less than the median, get the last x indices of these, then take the first (smallest) of them. This is the starting index.
Find the values in vec greater than the median, get the first x indices of these, then take the last (largest) of them. This is the ending index.
Use the starting and ending indices to select the center portion of vec.
Here's the implementation of the above, using the functions find, min, and max:
cntr = #(vec, x) vec(min(find(vec < median(vec), x, 'last')):max(find(vec > median(vec), x)));
And a few tests:
>> cntr(1:10, 3) % 3 above and 3 below 5.5
ans =
3 4 5 6 7 8
>> cntr(1:11, 5) % 5 above and 5 below 6 (i.e. all of vec)
ans =
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
>> cntr(1:10, 10) % 10 above and 10 below 5.5 (i.e. all of vec, no indexing errors)
ans =
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
median requires sorting the array elements. Might as well sort manually, and pick out the middle block (edit: OP's comment indicates elements are already sorted, more justification for keeping it simple):
function data = cntr(data,x)
x = min(x,numel(data)); % don't pick more elements than exist
data = sort(data);
start = floor((numel(data)-x)/2) + 1;
data = data(start:start+x-1);
You could stick this into a single-line anonymous function with some tricks, but that just makes the code ugly. :)
Note that in the case of an uneven division (when we don't leave an even number of elements out), here we prioritize an element on the left. Here is what I mean:
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 => 11 elements, x=4
picking these 4 values
This choice could be made more complex, for example shifting the interval left or right depending on which of those values is closest to the mean.
Given data (i.e. vec) is already sorted, the indexing operation can be kept to a single line:
cntr = #(data,x) data( floor((numel(data)-x)/2) + (1:x) );
The thing that is missing in that line is x = min(x,numel(data)), which we need to add twice becuase we can't change a variable in an anonymous function:
cntr = #(data,x) data( floor((numel(data)-min(x,numel(data)))/2) + (1:min(x,numel(data))) );
This we can simplify to:
cntr = #(data,x) data( floor(max(numel(data)-x,0)/2) + (1:min(x,numel(data))) );

Stack copies of elements of a vector [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
MATLAB: Duplicate each element of a vector? [closed]
(1 answer)
Element-wise Matrix Replication in MATLAB
(1 answer)
Element-wise array replication in Matlab
(7 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I have a vector that has N=1263 entries:
temp=[14, 0.5, ..., 12]
I want to make a vector which repeats entry 1, i.e. 14, 42 times, then entry 2, i.e. 0.5, 42 times and similarly all through the vector. It should produce a vector with size 53046x1.
The following code does the work for a simple case:
F = [1 4 9];
R = [repmat(F(1),[3,1]); repmat(F(2),[3,1]); repmat(F(3),[3,1])]
R = [1 1 1 4 4 4 9 9 9]
but it is cumbersome when N becomes large. Is there a faster way around this?
This is exactly what repelem (introduced in R2015a) is for. For your actual problem, you would use:
R = repelem(temp.',42); %This will repeat each entry of 'temp' 42 times
For the given example,
F = [1 4 9];
R = repelem(F.',3); %This will repeat each entry of 'F' 3 times
You can also do it with this:
R = ones(42,1)*temp;
R = R(:);
Kind of an unusual way of doing this but it works
All you need to do is include your matrix as well as a ones matrix of the length of the repetition.
R = kron(F(:),ones(42,1));
R = reshape(repmat(F, 42, 1), [], 1);

How to get elements larger than x in a given range?

Given a matrix A, how do I get the elements (and their indices) larger than x in a specific range?
A = [1:5; 2:6; 3:7; 4:8; 5:9]
A =
1 2 3 4 5
2 3 4 5 6
3 4 5 6 7
4 5 6 7 8
5 6 7 8 9
And for instance I want all elements larger than 5 and appear in the range A(2:4,3:5). I should get:
6 , 6 , 7 , 6 , 7 , 8
14, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24
A(A>5) would give me all entries which are larger than 5.
A(2:4,3:5) would give all elements in the range 2:4,3:5.
I want some combination of the two. Is it possible or the only way is to put the needed range in another array B and only then perform B(B>5)? Obviously 2 problems here: I'd lose the original indices, and it will be slower. I'm doing this on a large number of matrices.
Code. I'm trying to avoid matrix multiplication, so this may look a bit odd:
A = [1:5; 2:6; 3:7; 4:8; 5:9];
[r,c] = meshgrid(2:4,3:5);
n = sub2ind(size(A), r(:), c(:));
indices = sort(n(A(n) > 5)); %'skip sorting if not needed'
values = A(indices);
Explanation. The code converts the Cartesian product of the subscripts to linear indices in the A matrix. Then it selects the indices that respect the condition, then it selects the values.
However, it is slow.
Optimization. Following LuisMendo's suggestion, the code may be sped up by replacing the sub2ind-based linear index calculation with a handcrafted linear index calculation:
A = [1:5; 2:6; 3:7; 4:8; 5:9];
%'For column-first, 1-based-index array memory '
%'layout, as in MATLAB/FORTRAN, the linear index '
%'formula is: '
%'L = R + (C-1)*NR '
n = bsxfun(#plus, (2:4), (transpose(3:5) - 1)*size(A,1));
indices = n(A(n) > 5);
values = A(indices);
If you only need the values (not the indices), it can be done using the third output of find and matrix multiplication. I don't know if it will be faster than using a temporary array, though:
[~, ~, values] = find((A(2:4,3:5)>5).*A(2:4,3:5));
Assuming you need the linear indices and the values, then if the threshold is positive you could define a mask. This may be a good idea if the mask can be defined once and reused for all matrices (that is, if the desired range is the same for all matrices):
mask = false(size(A));
mask(2:4,3:5) = true;
indices = find(A.*mask>5);
values = A(indices);
its a little clunky, but:
R = 2:4;
C = 3:5;
I = reshape(find(A),size(A))
indicies = nonzeros(I(R,C).*(A(R,C)>5))
values = A(indicies)

Find elements in array those have come two times in array

Given A = [3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 8]
Output B = [3 4 5 6 8]
Is there a Matlab function or command to get this result? I am new to Matlab. Just now I am doing it going through for each element and keeping a counter for it. I have very big array so this is taking too much time.
Use a combination of unique and histc:
uA = unique(A); %// find unique values
B = uA(histc(A, uA)>=2); %// select those that appear at least twice
The above code gives the values that appear at least twice. If you want values that appear exactly twice, replace >= by ==.

Vectorizing the subtraction of multiple vectors from one individual vector

I am trying to vectorize, or make the following code more efficient:
[Y,k] = min(abs(dxcp-X));
X = dxcp(k);
The objective of the code is to compare a value X to an array of accepted values for x (dxcp) and assign X to the closest value in the array dxcp. For example:
X is equal to 9 and the dxcp array is: [ 1, 2, 3, 6, 10, 20]. The second line would change X to be equal to 10.
I am trying to change my script so that X can be inputted as an array of numbers and was wondering what would be the most efficient way to go about making the above code work for this case. Of course I could use:
for i = 1:numel(X)
[Y,k] = min(abs(dxcp-X(i)));
X(i) = dxcp(k);
But I have the feeling that there must be a way to accomplish this more efficiently. Cheers, nzbru.
You need to use bsxfun to extend your case to a vector case.
dxcp = [1 2 3 6 10 20];
X = [2 5 9 18]
abs_diff_vals = abs(bsxfun(#minus,dxcp,X')); %%//'
[~,k] = min(abs_diff_vals,[],2);
X = dxcp(k)
X =
2 5 9 18
X =
2 6 10 20
