How to allow anonymous users to submit webform in drupal 7? - drupal-7

I created the webform , gave it permission " to be submitted by anonymous users " yet only the title of the form & the submit button is visible and not the fields of webform to the anonymous users .
I am using drupal 7 , how to solve this problem ?
Drupalgardens support had it resolved for their client and most probably it is a bug .
Link :

I didn't realize that during creation of fields , I made the fields invisible for other users which made it invisible in resultant form .
Now it's working just fine .


Drupal 7 Multistep forms - Remove save & preview button until last step

I have made a multistep/page form in Drupal (the field type is a multipage group, with multipages nested).
The form is 6 pages, and there is required info on every page. The problem is, Drupal puts a "Save" and "Preview" button on the bottom of every page of the form. Really, you CANNOT preview the form or save it until all required fields are filled out. So when users are going through the form and they hit "save" halfway through or "preview" halfway through, they get a ton of errors.
Is there any way to remove the "save" and "preview" buttons until they are on the last page (i.e. page 6 only)?
EDIT: I am using Field Groups to build my form by the way.
There isn't any module I found to do this, not in it's entirety anyway.
We ended up removing the preview button completely with CSS, and installing a module (Required For Publishing) that allows you to specify "Fields Required for Publish" vs fields required to save a draft. Now there's only 3 fields to save a draft for later, but 20+ fields required to publish the event/form.
We used javascript in the multipage.js form to validate on each step so they can't move on without filling out the actual required fields on each page.
You'd have to make your own module and use hook_form_alter ..!system!system.api.php/function/hook_form_alter/7 .. and check which step you are currently on .. and then remove the buttons if you are not on the last step .. and enjoy.
Something like .. unset($form['actions']['preview']);

joomla registration form and multiple groups

I need to create a custom registration form in joomla with the possibility to select a group.
Example 1:
User A selects the group "Group1" and displays the registration form with the fields "First name,"
The user selects the B group "Group2" and displays the registration form with the fields "Name, Last Name, City, away,"
Example 2 with Photos:
There is a component in joomla that can do this?
Thank you so much for the help.
You can achieve this with ChronoForms (especially v5) using DIV IDs or similar for the fields you want to show or hide together with a few lines of JavaScript.
The choice can be controlled via check box(es) or a drop down menu etc.
There are some examples of this in the ChronoEngine forums e.g.:
You can find more examples by searching the forums for "hide unhide javascript"
Two form components in Joomla with extensive options and database integration are ChronoForms and RSForms Pro which I recommend.

How to show submitted webform data in drupal 7

I created the webform and want to show the submitted webform data to the user.I am using webform.I want to show title,sender name and body.I used Webform Mysql Views module but I failed.Please help me
function module-name_webform_submission_insert($node, $submission) {
// perform your task
This function is called after you save any data in webform. this gives you the webform node id object and submission id. with this you can perform your all the task and show the data to the user.

dispaly all fields dynamically in cakephp 2.0

I am creating application in CakePHP.
Now I am giving functionality to end user so he/she can add their own custom field in any table.
now user can able to create field properly and also able to input and edit.
For this I used $this->Form->inputs(); Now when I use view or index page that field in not showing. As writing proper field name is not good idea. Any body have idea how to display all other custom fields.
I don't want to use
<?php echo h($student['Student']['id']); ?>
I want it will show directly
CakePHP have special feature Scaffolding which will create all the add/edit/index pages dynamically.
Please have a look at

How to change the label of view/results buttons in Webform drupal-7

I am a newbie in drupal, webform and php. Actually I have installed the drupal-7 with the webform module and I want to modify the text of options i.e. "view" to "create project" and "Results" to "View Projects"...
I searched for solution and I noticed that best option is to create a custom module and use hook_form_alter() to modify, so I have created a custom module. But I dont know how I can modify.
Kindly excuse me if the solution is already there (I could not find it :( )
"View" and "Results" are actually menu items, which you can modify by implementing hook_menu_alter().
The following code in a custom module (change MODULENAME to the name of your module) will update the "Results" tab without a hitch, however the "View" tab is trickier because that's the core "view node" menu item. The code below will update this menu item for ALL node types, not just webforms. If you don't see the changes, clear your cache.
As far as I know there is no way to alter menu items ("View" in this case) for specific node types. See for some attempts and discussion.
function MODULENAME_menu_alter(&$items) {
// change webform "Results" to "View Projects"
$items['node/%webform_menu/webform-results']['title'] = t('View Projects');
// change "View" to "Create Project" - affects *all* node types, not just webforms
$items['node/%node/view']['title'] = t('Create Project');
Ey I found one easy way to change everything in everything drupal 7 maybe in others try the moduls to install is String Overrides, link:, then you put the name in the configuration username and the newname
I hope this information is useful
add a picture how! >>
