Data Replication vs Service Bus vs App Fabric vs...? - sql-server

I am build an application which needs to consume data from a source database. The source database has several issues including:
Performance issues
Legacy structure with terrible keys, naming conventions, etc.
Lots of data my application doesn’t care about
I would like to setup an application specific SQL Server database. The new database will be populated with a subset of data from the source database (and from a few other source systems). The data will always move one way from the source databases to the application specific database (i.e. - data won't sync back to the source). It will have a different DDL model than the source database.
The data doesn't need to be synced absolutely real time, but any longer than a few minute lag could cause issues.
How should I move data from the source database into the application database? Should I use
Write Custom SSIS Packages
Abstact to higher level SOA
solution like nServiceBus, AppFabric, etc?
Some other ideas?
Pros/cons to each?

Sounds to me like you don't need a messaging service like NServiceBus - this would involve modifying the legacy system to publish events whenever data changes, something I expect you don't want to get into. Because it is acceptable in your case for your local store of data to be slightly out of date, an SSIS package could be acceptable.
However, if the source database is very large, this could be an issue, as you will be doing it every few minutes. Also, if users of the legacy system are already experiencing performance problems, an SSIS package running every few minutes won't help. Maybe you could introduce a timestamp of the source data, so that it only copies new/modified data?
If the source data is very large and performance is seriously an issue, then maybe NServiceBus would be a good idea. You could also consider Mass Transit or your own simple solution built on MSMQ. But this will mean getting you hands dirty with the legacy code.


Migrate data from MariaDB to SQLServer

We are planning to migrate all the data from MariaDB to SQLServer. Can anyone please suggest any approach to migrate the data so that no downtime is required as well as no data is lost.
In context of that, I have gone through a few posts here, but did not get much idea.
You could look into SQL Server Integration Services functionality for migrating your data.
Or you could manually create a migration script using a linked server in your new SQL Server instance.
Or you could use BCP to perform bulk imports (which is quite fast, but requires intermediate steps to put the data in text files).
What's more important is how you want to realize the "no downtime" requirement. I suppose the migration routines need some functional requirement, which might be difficult to implement with a general migration tool, like:
the possibility to perform the migration in multiple batches/runs (where already migrated data is skipped), and
the possibility to implement different phases of the migration in different solutions, like bulk imports (using text files and staging tables) for history data (which will not change anymore), but live queries over a live database connection for the latest updates in the MariaDB/MySQL database.
The migration strategy might also largely depend on the size of the data in MariaDB/MySQL, and the structure of the database(s) and its data. Perhaps you want to keep auto-generated primary key values, because the system requires them to remain unchanged. Perhaps you need to use different data types for some exotic table fields. Perhaps you need to re-implement some database logic (like stored procedures and functions). Etc. etc.
It is very difficult to give some ad-hoc advice about these kind of migration projects; as Tim Biegeleisen already commented, this can be quite a complex job, even for "small" databases. It practically always requires a lot of research, extensive preparations, test runs (in a testing environment using database backups), some more test runs, a final test run, etc. And - of course - some analytics, metrics, logging, and reporting for troubleshooting (and to know what to expect during the actual migration). If the migration will be long-running, you want to make sure it does not freeze the live production environment, and you might also want some form of progress indication during the migration.
And - last but not least - you surely want to have a "plan B" or a quick return strategy in case the actual migration will fail (despite all those careful preparations).
Hope I did not forget something... ;-)

SQL Server - Production DB Schema vs. Reporting DB Schema. Should they be the same?

We recently put a new production database into use. The schema of this database is optimized for OLTP. We're also getting ready to implement a reporting server to be used for reporting purposes. I'm not convinced we should just blindly use the same schema for our reporting database as we do for our production database, and replicate data over.
For those of you that have dealt with having separate production and reporting databases, have you chosen to use the same database schema for your reporting database, or a schema that is more efficient for reporting; for example, perhaps something more denormalized?
Thanks for thoughts on this.
There's really two sides to the story:
if you keep the schema identical, then updating the reporting database from the production is a simple copy (or MERGE in SQL Server 2008) command. On the other hand, the reports might get a bit harder to write, and might not perform optimally
if you devise a separate reporting schema, you can optimize it for reporting needs - then the creation of new reports might be easier and faster, and the reports should perform better. BUT: The updating is going to be harder
So it really boils down to: are you going to create a lot of reports? If so: I'd recommend coming up with a specific reporting schema optimized for reports.
Or is the main pain point the upgrade? If you can define and implement that once (e.g. with SQL Server Integration Services), maybe that's not really going to be a big issue after all?
Typically, chances are that you'll be creating a lot of reports of time, so there's a good chance it might be beneficial in the long run to invest a bit upfront in a separate reporting schema, and a data loading process (typically using SSIS) and then reap the benefit of having better performing reports and faster report creation time.
I think that the reporting database schema should be optimized for reporting - so you'll need a ETL Process to load your data. In my experience I was quickly at the point that the production schema does not fit my reporting needs.
If you are starting your reporting project I would suggest that you design your reporting database for your reports needs.
For serious reporting, usually you create data warehouse (Which is typically at least somewhat denormalized and certain types of calculations are done when the data is refreshed to save from averaging the values of 1.3 million records when you run the report. This is for the kind of reporting reporting that includes a lot of aggregate data.
If your reporting needs are not that great a replicated database might work. It may also depend on how up-to-date you need the data to be as data warehouses are typically updated once or twice a day so the reporting data is often one day behind, OK for monthly and quarterly reports not so good to see how many widgits have been ordered so far today.
The determinate of whether you need a data warehouse tends to be how long it would take to runthe reports they need. This is why datawarehouse pre-aggregate data on loading it. IF your reoports are running fine and you just want to get the worokload away from the input workload a replicated adatabase should do the trick. If you are trying to do math on all the records for the last ten years, you need a data warehouse.
You could do this in steps too. Do the replication now, to get reporting away from data input. That should be an immediate improvement (even if not as much as you want), then design and implement the datawarehouse (which can be a fairly long and involved project and which will take some time to get right).
It's easiest just to copy over.
You could add some views to that schema to simplify queries - to conceptually denormalize.
If you want to go the full Data Warehouse/Analysis Services route, it will be quite a bit of work. But it's very fast, takes up less space, and users seem to like it. If you're concerned about large amounts of data and response times, you should look into this.
If you have many many tables being joined, you might look into actually denormalizing the data. I'd do a test case just to see how much gain for pain you'll be getting.
Without going directly for the data warehouse solution you could always put together some views that rearrange data for better reporting access. This helps you in that you don't have to start a large warehouse project right away and could help scope out a warehouse project if you decide to go that way.
All the answers I've read here are good, I would just add that you do this in stages, stopping as soon as your goals for performance and functionality are met:
Keep the schema identical - this just takes contention and load off the OLTP server
Keep the schema identical - but add new indexed views OR index base tables differently
Build a partial data-warehouse style model (perhaps not keeping snapshot-style history or slowly changing dimensions or anything special not catered for in your normal database) from the copy-schema in another schema or database on the same reporting server. The benefits of star-schema models are huge for reporting, views flattened for users and data dictionaries etc. In this model, if your OLTP database loses changes (for instance customer name changes) due to overwrites, the data warehouse doesn't capture that information (often it's not that important if you stop at this spot). Effectively you are getting data warehouse-style organization for "current" data only. The benefits of retaining the copy of the original schema on your reporting server at this point are that you can pull from the source data in original SQL Server form instead of some kind of intermediate form (like text files) without affecting production OLTP, and you can migrate data models gradually, some in stars, some in normal form, all without affecting production. At some point later, you might be able to drop all or part of the copy.
Build a full data-warehouse including slowly changing dimensions where all the data is captured from the source system.

Consideration DECS vs SSIS?

I need solution to pump data from Lotus Notes to SqlServer. Data will be transfered in 2 modes
Archive data transfer
Current data transfer
Availability of data in Sql is not critical, data is used for reports. Reports could be created daily, weekly or monthly.
I am considering to choose from one of those solutions: DESC and SSIS. Could You please give me some tips about prons and cons of both technologies. If You suggest something else it could be also taken into consideration.
DECS - Domino Enterprise Connection Services
SSIS - Sql Sever Integration Services
I've personally used XML frequently to get data out of Lotus Notes in a way that can be read easily by other systems. I'd suggest you take a look and see if that fits your needs. You can create views that emit XML or use NotesAgents or Java Servlets, all of which can be accessed using HTTP.
SSIS is a terrific tool for complex ETL tasks. You can even write C# code if you need to. There are lots of pre-written available data cleaning components already out there for you to download if you want. It can pretty much do anything you need to do. It does however have a fairly steep learning curve. SSIS comes free with SQL Server so that is a plus. A couple of things I really like about SSIS are the ability to log errors and the way it handles configuration so that moving the package from the dev environment to QA and Prod is easy once you have set it up.
We have also set up a meta data database to record a lot of information about our imports such as the start and stop time, when the file was recieved, the number of records processed, types of errors etc. This has really helped us in researching data issues and has helped us write some processes that are automatically stopped when the file exceeds the normal parameters by a set amount. This is handy if you normally recive a file with 2 million records and the file comes in one day with 1000 records. Much better than delting 2,000,000 potential customer records because you got a bad file. We also now have the ability to do reporting on files that were received but not processed or files that were expected but not received. This has tremendously improved our importing porcesses (we have hundreds of imports and exports in our system). If you are designing from sratch, you might want to take some time and think about what meta data you want to have and how it will help you over time.
Now depending on your situation at work, if there is a possibility that data will also be sent to the SQL Server database from sources other than Lotus Notes as well as the imports from Notes that you are developing for, I would suggest it might be worth your time to go ahead and start using SSIS as that is how the other imports are likely to be done. As a database person, I would prefer to have all the imports I support using the same technology.
I can't say anything about DECS as I have never used it.
Just a thought - but as Lotus Notes tends to behave a bit "different" than relational databases (or anything else), you might be safer going with a tool which comes out of the Notes world, versus a tool from the sql world.
(I have used DECS in the past (prior to Domino 8) and it has worked fine for pumping data out into a SQL Server database. I have not used SSIS).

Step-by-step instructions for updating an (SQL Server) database?

Just a question about best-practices when upgrading an existing database. Assuming there will be all kinds of modifications to the data itself, the structure, the relations, additional columns, disappearing columns and whatever more.
My problem is a simple one. I'm working on a project that will use SQL Server. No problem there, since I'm enough of an expert to handle this. But this project will be upgraded later on and I need to specify a protocol that needs to be followed by the upgrade mechanism. Basically, this protocol needs to be followed when creating upgrade scripts...
Right now, I have these simple steps:
Add the new columns to the tables.
Add constraints to the new columns.
Add new tables.
Drop constraints where needed.
Drop columns that need to be removed.
Drop tables that need to be removed.
Somehow, this list feels incomplete. Is there a more extended list somewhere describing the proper steps which needs to be followed during an upgrade?
Also, is it always possible to do a complete upgrade within a single database transaction (with SQL Server) or are there breakpoints that need to be included within the protocol where one transaction should end and another one starts?While automated tools will provide a nice, automated solution, I still can't really use them. The development team working on this system has 4 developers, each with their own database on their local system. Every developer keeps track of their own updates to the structure and keeps track of them by generating both an Upgrade and Downgrade script for his own modifications, both for structural changes and data changes. These scripts can then be used by the other developers to keep their own system up-to-date. Whenever the system is going to be released, those scripts are all merged into one big script.
The system does not include any stored procedures or other "special" features. The database is just that: a data storage with just tables and relations between them. No roles, no users, no stored procedures, no triggers, no complex datatypes...The DB is used by an application where users work from 9-to-5 so shutting down can be done easily, including upgrades for the clients. We also add a version number to the database and applications will check if they're linked to the correct database version.
During development, all developers use their own database instance, which they can fully control. Since we're not the ones who use the application, we tend to develop for the Express edition, not any more expensive one. To be honest, we don't develop our application to support a lot of users, but we'll inform our users that since it uses SQL Server, they could install the system on a bigger SQL Server platform, according to their own needs. They will need their own DBA for this, though. We do have a bigger SQL Server available for ourselves, which we also use for our own web interface, but this server is located in a special dataserver where it is being maintained for us, not by us.
The project previously used MS Access for it's data storage and was intended for single-user development, but as it turned out, many users still decided to share their databases and this had shown that the datamodel itself is reliable enough for multi-user environments. So we migrated to SQL Server to support smaller offices with 3 or more users and some big organisation who will have 500 or more users at the same time.
Since we need to keep the cost of the software low, we don't have a big budget to spend on expensive tools or a more expensive server.
Check out Red-Gate's SQL Compare (structure comparison), SQL Data Compare (data comparison), and SQL Packager (for packaging up updates scripts into a C# project or a .NET executable).
They provide a nice, clean, fully functional and easy-to-use solution for all your database upgrade needs. They're well worth their license fees - that pays for itself in a few weeks or months.
Highly recommended!
In my opinion, it's an absolute bear doing these manually. For Microsoft SQL Server, I'd recommend using the Database editiion of Team System, since it includes complete source control capabilities for your database, and can automatically build your scripts for upgrading/downgrading versions.
Another option is SQLCompare with Redgate, which can also handle these kinds of upgrades/downgrades, and will result in a very nice SQL script. I've used both, and keeping the historic scripts has helped us troubleshoot issues and resolve many a mystery.
If you are working with a manual script as above, don't forget to also account for SP changes in your scripts. Also, any hand-edited script should be able to be executed multiple times on a database - i.e. if your script includes a table creation or drop, be sure to check for existance first, otherwise your script will fail if executed back to back.
Again, while it's possible to build a manual protocol I'd still fall back on using one of the purpose-built tools out there, and both Team System and SQL Compare will be able to output scripts that you could include as part of an installation/upgrade package.
With database updates I always believe it should be all or nothing. If any of the DB updates fail your application will be left in an unknown state that could be harmful to the data so I think it is best practice to either apply them all or none (1 transaction around them all).
I also like to backup the database before applying updates so that if anything does go wrong the database can be rolled back (this has saved me numerous times when working with live data).
Hope this helps.
Best practices for upgrading a production database schema actually look pretty bad on the surface. Unless you can completely shut down your system for the upgrade, which is often not possible, your changes all need to be backwards compatible. If you have many clients accessing the database, you can't update them all simultaneously, so any schema changes you make need to allow old code to run.
That means never renaming a column, and making all new columns nullable. This doesn't mean you leave it like that forever. You write two scripts, one for the initial change, which is backwards compatible, then another to clean things up after all clients have been updated.
Automated tools are great for validation of schemas, but they are not so good when it comes to actually modifying a complex system. You should break your changes up into many small, discrete change scripts so each can be run manually. If there's a failure, it's easier to pinpoint the cause and fix it. Basically, each feature gets its own script. Give each a unique name and then store that name in the database itself when you run the script so you can query the database to find out what's been run and what hasn't. This is invaluable when you have instances on developer's machines, test servers, production, etc.

Copying data from a local database to a remote one

I'm writing a system at the moment that needs to copy data from a clients locally hosted SQL database to a hosted server database. Most of the data in the local database is copied to the live one, though optimisations are made to reduce the amount of actual data required to be sent.
What is the best way of sending this data from one database to the other? At the moment I can see a few possibly options, none of them yet stand out as being the prime candidate.
Replication, though this is not ideal, and we cannot expect it to be supported in the version of SQL we use on the hosted environment.
Linked server, copying data direct - a slow and somewhat insecure method
Webservices to transmit the data
Exporting the data we require as XML and transferring to the server to be imported in bulk.
The data copied goes into copies of the tables, without identity fields, so data can be inserted/updated without any violations in that respect. This data transfer does not have to be done at the database level, it can be done from .net or other facilities.
More information
The frequency of the updates will vary completely on how often records are updated. But the basic idea is that if a record is changed then the user can publish it to the live database. Alternatively we'll record the changes and send them across in a batch on a configurable frequency.
The amount of records we're talking are around 4000 rows per table for the core tables (product catalog) at the moment, but this is completely variable dependent on the client we deploy this to as each would have their own product catalog, ranging from 100's to 1000's of products. To clarify, each client is on a separate local/hosted database combination, they are not combined into one system.
As well as the individual publishing of items, we would also require a complete re-sync of data to be done on demand.
Another aspect of the system is that some of the data being copied from the local server is stored in a secondary database, so we're effectively merging the data from two databases into the one live database.
Well, I'm biased. I have to admit. I'd like to hypnotize you into shelling out for SQL Compare to do this. I've been faced with exactly this sort of problem in all its open-ended frightfulness. I got a copy of SQL Compare and never looked back. SQL Compare is actually a silly name for a piece of software that synchronizes databases It will also do it from the command line once you have got a working project together with all the right knobs and buttons. Of course, you can only do this for reasonably small databases, but it really is a tool I wouldn't want to be seen in public without.
My only concern with your requirements is where you are collecting product catalogs from a number of clients. If they are all in separate tables, then all is fine, whereas if they are all in the same table, then this would make things more complicated.
How much data are you talking about? how many 'client' dbs are there? and how often does it need to happen? The answers to those questions will make a big difference on the path you should take.
There is an almost infinite number of solutions for this problem. In order to narrow it down, you'd have to tell us a bit about your requirements and priorities.
Bulk operations would probably cover a wide range of scenarios, and you should add that to the top of your list.
I would recommend using Data Transformation Services (DTS) for this. You could create a DTS package for appending and one for re-creating the data.
It is possible to invoke DTS package operations from your code so you may want to create a wrapper to control the packages that you can call from your application.
In the end I opted for a set of triggers to capture data modifications to a change log table. There is then an application that polls this table and generates XML files for submission to a webservice running at the remote location.
