AD User provisioning - SOAP API? - active-directory

I am looking at a scenario wherein we would like to provision (i.e. create) users programmatically into AD from our app. I was wondering if AD offers any kind of SOAP based APIs that can be used for this purpose.
Anyone have experience / information regarding such a scenario?

ADFS doesn't have any users. Authentication (and "users") are always in Active Directory. There are many APIs to interact with AD. (e.g. Directory Services)
I'm not aware of a SOAP based API, but you could build one wrapping the API described above. Also, I would look into whether this is really necessary. If the provisioning engine is meant to be run in the same domain (e.g. on-premises) then you would not need SOAP.


When to use Azure AD to protect Azure API Management?

I am working on one API which will be exposed to a couple of external clients. And I would like to limit access to my API and let only trusted 3rd parties access my API. I have found that Azure API Management provides subscription keys, which can be used to protect API -
Moreover, I see that I can connect my API to Azure AD -, which might be useful if I want to restrict access based on roles and types of external systems (for example some external systems will have one role that allows using some additional features)
Could you please help me to understand all other cases when I must use Azure AD instead of subscription keys? And can I use them together?
I also would like to understand which approach is the best for me if you want to give access to the client apps (browser, mobile apps and etc.). As I understand, Azure AD B2C can be the best option here
For your requirement, if APIM is not necessary (you do not need to configure the exposed url of your api by APIM), I suggest you to just use Azure AD to protect your api. You can refer to this document.
If APIM is necessary, and your requirements do not need to limit multiple permissions for different role to access the api (in other words, you just want client can/can't access the api). You can implement it just by subscription key as you mentioned in your question.
If APIM is necessary, and your requirements need to provide different permissions for different roles to access the api, you can do it as the second document link you provided. You can validate the roles or other claims of access token to provide different permissions to client.

How can i sync users calendars using MS Graph api and Azure

I'm building a service where each user has a calendar, I want to sync users 365 calendar events into their calendar, the tricky part seems to be, that this should be done repeatable by background job on the server, to keep them in sync.
I feel like I've read a bible of documentation from Microsoft, but still gotten nowhere. I eventually stumbled upon this article which allows a server to query the graph api, on behalf of users. This is exactly what I want.
Having created a Azure account, and Active Directory service, I found that only users within the tenant can use this, which makes it rather useless, requiring to add users manually from azure panel.
AADSTS50020: User account 'm#****.com' from identity provider '' does not exist in tenant 'Default Directory' and cannot access the application 'c0193dea-5145-430a-9c90-325f1229a1fc' in that tenant. The account needs to be added as an external user in the tenant first. Sign out and sign in again with a different Azure Active Directory user account.
So I'm back at square one, how can I achieve what I described?
I'm not looking for a code implementation, merely a description of how to navigate the monstrosity of Microsoft.
Thank you
Update: Accordingly to Marc link. I tried to flick the multi tenant option, and change the endpoint to use common instead of tenant id. Sadly i'm still getting the same error.
You cannot sign-in to AAD with a non-AAD account using the v1 Endpoint. If you want to use a consumer Microsoft Account (,, then you need to use the Converged Auth model provided by the v2 Endpoint.
I have a walkthrough for the v2 Endpoint that you might find helpful: Microsoft v2 Endpoint Primer. It is similar to the v1 Endpoint but you'll need to register via rather than the Azure Portal. Also, v2 apps use Scopes instead of Resources and are multi-tenant out of the box.
This is a broad a question for Stack Overflow. That said, you're incorrect about Azure AD. It is absolutely not limited to a single-tenant. You do however need to register it as a multi-tenant application:
How to sign in any Azure Active Directory (AD) user using the multi-tenant application pattern

IdentityServer4 vs Auth0

We want to build a central authority to do authentication and authorization for our various applications (.net). We see IdentityServer4 is open source and free, while Auth0 cost money. Does anyone use both of these? Can anyone provide suggestion which one to choose and why?
IdentityServer is a library that implements various authentication (not authorization!) protocols and let's you consolidate access control into a single system. You can host it in a typical ASP.NET webapp, console app or anything else, as long as the HTTP endpoints are available. It also lets you store the user data anywhere you want, whether in-memory, databases, flat files, the core membership system, or anywhere else.
Auth0 is a company that provides a managed service that handles authentication for you. They run the infrastructure and provide access through their website and APIs. It's similar to having someone run IdentityServer4 for you and there are several competitors like Okta for Devs, AWS Cognito, Azure AD B2C, Google Cloud Identity/Firebase, and more.
Choose IdentityServer if:
You want free open-source software.
You have the time and effort to run it yourself.
You want to control the backing data store (SQL database, Redis, JSON file, etc).
You want to manage all the data yourself due to regulations, privacy, etc.
You need complete control and flexibility around what happens during authentication (for example, merging user accounts in your database when someone signs in). It's all just C# code so you can do whatever you want.
Choose Auth0 if:
You want to save time and effort on implementation and operation.
Price is not an issue (as it can get expensive for some features).
The limited customizations offered by Auth0 are enough for your app.
You want the other features they offer like password-breach monitoring.
You don't want to manage user data, or don't mind having it stored by them.
Update as of Oct 2020 - IdentityServer is now a product from Duende Software with a new commercial open-source license to sustain development. There are other alternatives like OpenIddict that are still free.
Identity Server means building a server application to handle authentication and authorization, which can replicate what Auth0 does for OpenIdConnect (OIDC) there will be a few things to implement even if you use IdentityServer4. You will need to build that first, then integrate your application.
Auth0 allows you to integrate immediately with OIDC with additional & enterprise features.
Both of them implement federated protocols i.e. WS-Fed, SAML and OpenID Connect.
In order to use them your apps. need the appropriate client-side stack.
If they don't have this, you can't use the products.
The only alternative is pass-through, i.e. Auth0.
Or look at ADFS which has pass-through via the ADFS WAP.
If you do have the stacks, both will do the job.
idsrv4 does not have a user management portal e.g. create user, add group to users OOTB.
Auth0 does.
idsrv4 essentially adds features by code. Auth0 has config. via wizard.
idsrv4 is open source so you can customise to your heart's content. I find it really useful to bridge systems.
Azure AD is another option.

IdentityServer 3 vs Active Directory Federation Services

Active Directory Federation Service and IdentityServer3 are both STSes that allows Single sign-on to software systems.
I read that IdentityServer3 can use smaller (than SAML 2.0 in AD FS) JWT tokens and can be highly customizable like using different user repository.
But if I have all users in Active Directory and I can accept this bigger tokens and provide resources using AD groups will I have any benefits using IdentityServer?
In my system architecture I want to have WebAPIs connected using ESB. I will have different types of apps like mobile, Angular, desktop. I would like to use solution that will be more reliable than flexible.
Web API normally implies OAuth. ADFS 3.0 has limited support for this. ADFS 4.0 has the full stack.
ADFS 4.0 wrt. web API is functionally the same as idsrv.
Also ADFS in some cases does support JWT.

Cloud Apps and Single Sign-On (AD integration)

I've been investigating some cloud vendors and the ability to implement single sign-on with them, especially when it comes to AD (Active Directory) integration.
So far I've learned that with Azure this is possible through ADFS and the AppFabric Access Control offer.
In AWS, since it is possible to create a VPN and see EC2 instances as a natural extension of a private datacenter, I believe implementing SSO would be rather simple (not sure if I'm right on this one... Please correct me if I'm wrong).
With App Engine though, even though there is some documentation on AD synchronization (not full integration) for Google Apps, I'm struggling to find out whether AD integration would be possible... Is there any strategy for that?
Any bit of information on cloud apps and AD integration will be appreciated!
App engine apps can only call out to other services using HTTP or HTTPS, so you could not directly query an AD server. Of course, I'm sure you could build a simple HTTP/LDAP bridge if one does not already exist.
UPDATE: oops, I forgot about SDC,or Secure Data Connector. It is not exactly a HTTP/LDAP bridge, but can provide a bridge between your intranet and your Google App Engine app.
You typicially don't need communication between the application (in this case running in GAE) and AD.
You would, instead, get a security token from and STS (ADFS) and then send the token to the app that is would be configured to accept and trust those tokens.
I'm not familiar w/ GAE but assuming it accepts SAML tokens and understands WS-Federation, you can achieve SSO without ever exposing AD or synchronizing any information between AD and GAE (using ADFS for example)
This is a classic identity federation scenario.
