MS Access shows #deleted, although data is saved correctly - sql-server

We have an MS Access 2007 database with a MS SQL Server 2008 backend.
On the server, for each table, we have written a view, and each view contains triggers for update/insert/delete. These views are then linked into MS Access as linked tables.
Every server table contains a primary key consisting of one or more columns, plus a separate IDENTITY column (int, with unique index).
Now, if I go into MS Access and enter data directly into the linked table, everything works fine.
But if I create a Form, which uses the linked table as recordsource, then after each insert, all fields show #deleted. However, the data is stored correctly into the database, so it is mainly a display problem!
I think this has something to do with the triggers, but I cannot find the problem.
Can anyone help on this problem?

Problem solved. There was actually a problem in the trigger, which caused more than row to get updated or inserted. After fixing the trigger, everything works now.


Suddenly none of my linked tables work in Access [duplicate]

A new issue has cropped up this morning. I have databases that reside on SQL Server and I use Access for the front end. One of the databases which has been in use for at least 10 years now suddenly stopped working today, and I have found that the issue is one that is affecting 2 (possible more, I've not checked them all) tables.
When I open the table in access all I get is #DELETED in all the rows and colums. I have seen this behaviour before and it is usually something to do with the data type but this doesn't seem to be the case in this instance.
To troubleshoot the problem I have created a view that retrieves all the columns from the table and when this view is linked and opened in Access I have the same issue. I have found that if I link to the view without selecting a unique record identifier I can see the data without any problem. I could use this as a work-around, but clearly it is not ideal.
The SQL server version is 14.0.2037.2 and I am accessing it using SQL Server Native Client 11.0.
I have found the cause and solution. The affected tables had nvarchar fields as the primary keys. SQL Server Native Client has been deprecated for some time now and is replaced by MS OLE driver which is our mistake. The reason this problem has only reared its head now is due to an update to MS Access 365. I found this which has more details:
#DELETED when linked with ODBC
I had the same issue. This situation emerged this past weekend (5/29/2022).
This is a bug created by a 365 Office update. My update occurred 5/29/2022. The best remedy is to roll back your most-recent 365 update.
In my application, the #Deleted value appeared in all cells linked to any SQL Server table having a nvarchar field included in any unique index - it didn’t have to be a primary key. In my case, eliminating the unique attribute in any index including a nvarchar caused the problem to go away.

Multiple users updating an access table at the same time

I have created a data entry application that works like this. All data entered goes in to an ACCESS table. At any time the user can hit the update button and the new data in the ACCESS table updates a table in a SQL Server data base. Recently, we have a need for multiple people to be doing data entry at the same time, and I am a bit confused about what is happening with the ACCESS table. I conducted experiments with two users updating the access table then closing the app before updating and after updating. My question is this: everything seems to work fine, no data is missing from either the ACCESS table or the SQL Server table. This begs the question of where does the ACCESS table reside when two versions of the app are open at the same time. Are there two versions of the ACCESS table or just one version that is used by both applications. I think it's the latter but I am not sure, because when we hit the update button on one users pc the data from both users is updated. I am trying to decide if I need to put the ACCES table up on SQL SERVER as well but would like to avoid the extra work.

MS Access linked table to SQL Server update record

I have a table in SQL Server 2012 (Table1) and I have created an MS Access 2016 database and then created a linked table in MS Access to Table1 in SQL Server 2012 using a System DSN.
This works fine, I can open the linked Table1 in MS Access 2016 see the columns and update the values. I have then created a Form in MS Access 2016, added the columns from Table1 to the Form and I can see the data fine.
The problem I have is that the option to Add New Record is greyed out and no matter what I try I cannot add a new record to Table1 using the Form.
If I create a standard (not a linked table) in MS Access 2016 and add the columns to the Form rather than the columns from the Linked Table1 the Add New Record icon is then available.
My question is... Is it possible to use a Form in MS Access 2016, have the data source as a Linked Table to a table in SQL Server 2012 and add new records to it? (And if so, how do I achieve this as I've been at this now for hours and hours and cannot figure it out).
Many thanks in advance.
You note that you can update values when you click on the linked table and view the rows.
Can you ADD rows when using that linked table? And if you cannot, then open up the table using SQL Management Studio and try adding rows that way?
If you don’t have correct (or any) settings in SQL server that sets up or increments the primary key, then you can’t add rows (automatic in this context).
So make sure the table has a primary key, make sure you can add rows using SSMS. If you make changes to fix this SQL table, then you have to re-link the table.
I suggest you create a primary key in the SQL table, and make it a identity column with a increment of 1.
It is certainly possible; this is a very common approach. It sounds like the login you used in the System DSN to connect to SQL Server does not have INSERT permissions on the table. Are you able to review the permissions to check that?
The auto-insertion/update doesn't work for link-database. You need to write a VBA code behind your interface.
Below solution can give you a basic and simple heads up:
Inserting into SQL Server using MS Access
Have a similar situation. Linked Sql Server table, Access Form front end. I am able to insert/update/delete via the form. However, I then created a checkbox to implement a filter on the data. When the box is not checked, I can still edit the data. However, as soon as I check the box to activate the filter, I can no longer insert/update/delete. When I uncheck the box, I can again edit the data. So in my case, the problem is due to the filter, which is implemented via a VBA query involving both an outer join and a union. The query replaces the form's control source when activated, and I believe it is simply too complex for Access to treat it as updatable.

Access 97 Frontend - SQL Server 2005 Backend Linked Table Error

I have a legacy Access 97 Frontend application which utilises a SQL Server 2005 backend over a SQL Server ODBC Driver (Connection), we use the Linked Table feature on this setup.
I create, amend and link in tables on a daily basis and I am aware of the conversions that occur between the different data types.
There seems to be an issue with one table that I recently created, it has exactly the same setup and permissions as many of the other tables in the database but once I link it into Access 97 it seems to show #NAME in all columns and I also receive an 'ODBC Call Failed' error.
If I remove the Primary Key from the table and do not select a 'Unique Record Identifier' then I am able to view the data in the table but I obviously can't edit it.
There are 3 columns which are VARCHAR's and are over 255, if I reduce these columns to 255 or less I am then able to view the data in the table but if I then try to edit or delete the data I receive a new error 'The Microsoft Jet Database engine stopped the process because you and another user are attempting to change the same data at the same time' - I know this is not possible because at present I am the only one with access to the table.
In this particular table there are 146 columns, if I delete half of these then the table starts to work as it should, again I have tables that have far more columns than this and work perfectly.
Troubleshooting issues like this can be frustrating for sure.
I have found this article very helpful for my linked tables:
Optimizing Microsoft Office Access Applications Linked to SQL Server
Specifically read the section titled Supporting Concurrency Checks.
One thing you might try is adding a "timestamp" column to the table in question.

EntityFramework wants to delete a table from my data model that is very clearly in the database. Any ideas why?

I am attempting to update my EntityFramework data model from a SQL 2008 database to add a couple new tables. There are at least 100 other tables in the model and they are all fine and slated to be refreshed, but EF keeps insisting that this one table does not exist in the database, even though I am looking right at it and can select from it, and adds it to the "Delete" list. The connection string is correct and the columns inside the table match what is currently there. Any idea why this might be happening and how I can fix it?
