Can OCIExtractToInt be used to get parameters from query? - c

I wonder if the C-Functions OCIExtractToInt and other OCIExtractToXXX provided by OCI could be used to extract data from statements? And if so how this could work? Sadly I could not find any example where something like this is done. Additionally the Oracle documentation does not help much at this point.


String Building in SQL Server

According to the Microsoft Documentation sp_send_dbmail must be a semicolon delimited list. However, in many of my applications I am unable to guarantee that this list will be clean. I need a robust way for ensuring a syntactically valid list of emails such that my applications will not break if it isn't.
I've been looking into XML PATH, STUFF, and other methods, but the syntax is hideously confusing. Does anyone have a handy method in their bag of tricks (no stored procedures or functions please, I'd like an out-of-the-box solution)?
Conceptually I thought it best to part the CSV list into a temp table, handle each email separately, then recompose the list using a semicolon delimiter instead. I suspect there is a better method though.
Again, I would like an out-of-the-box solution if at all possible. :)

Can I pass in a function name or datasource to a T-SQL function or stored procedure as parameter?

Can I pass in a function name or datasource to a T-SQL function or stored procedure as parameter? So as to reuse the function or stored procedure. If possible can show me some examples?
Yes you can, it's through an approach known as dynamic sql. The real question to answer now that you know that is should you. There are a lot of caveats and dangers to dynamic sql that you need to be aware of if you are going to use that approach.
There's a whole lot of really good info out on the web that can give you more info. A good place to start is here. This has been a good guide on the web for some time.
This is also another good series to read up on.
To be clear dynamic sql has some very good uses... just be careful and wise.

Is there a way to translate database table rows into Prolog facts?

After doing some research, I was amazed with the power of Prolog to express queries in a very simple way, almost like telling the machine verbally what to do. This happened because I've become really bored with Propel and PHP at work.
So, I've been wondering if there is a way to translate database table rows (Postgres, for example) into Prolog facts. That way, I could stop using so many boring joins and using ORM, and instead write something like this to get what I want:
mantenedora_ies(ID_MANTENEDORA, ID_IES) :-
papel_pessoa(ID_PAPEL_IES, ID_IES, 6),
relacionamento_pessoa(_, ID_PAPEL_IES, ID_PAPEL_MANTENEDORA, 3).
To see why I've become bored, look at this post. The code there would be replaced for these simple lines ahead, much easier to read and understand. I'm just curious about that, since it will be impossible to replace things around here.
It would also be cool if something like that was possible to be done in PHP. Does anyone know something like that?
check the ODBC interface of swi-prolog (maybe there is something equivalent for other prolog implementations too),%270%27,swi%28%27/doc/packages/odbc.html%27%29%29
I can think of a few approaches to this -
On initialization, call a method that performs a selects all data from a table and asserts it into the db. Do this for each db. You will need to declare the shape of each row as :- dynamic ies_row/4 etc
You could modify load_files by overriding user:prolog_load_files. From this activity you could so something similar to #1. This has the benefit of looking like a load_files call. ... This documentation mentions library(http_load), but I cannot find this anywhere (I was interested in this recently)!
There is the Draxler Prolog to SQL compiler, that translates some pattern (like the conjunction you wrote) into the more verbose SQL joins. You can find in the related post (prolog to SQL converter) more info.
But beware that Prolog has its weakness too, especially regarding aggregates. Without a library, getting sums, counts and the like is not very easy. And such libraries aren't so common, and easy to use.
I think you could try to specialize the PHP DB interface for equijoins, using the builtin features that allows to shorten the query text (when this results in more readable code). Working in SWI-Prolog / ODBC, where (like in PHP) you need to compose SQL, I effettively found myself working that way, to handle something very similar to what you have shown in the other post.
Another approach I found useful: I wrote a parser for the subset of SQL used by MySQL backup interface (PHPMyAdmin, really). So routinely I dump locally my CMS' DB, load it memory, apply whathever duty task I need, computing and writing (or applying) the insert/update/delete statements, then upload these. This can be done due to the limited size of the DB, that fits in memory. I've developed and now I'm mantaining this small e-commerce with this naive approach.
Writing Prolog from PHP should be not too much difficult: I'd try to modify an existing interface, like the awesome Adminer, that already offers a choice among basic serialization formats.

Oracle equivalent to Ingres inquire_sql or inquire_ingres?

I'm converting some legacy embedded-Ingres C code to work against Oracle. I've found references to functions "inquire_ingres()" and "inquire_sql()," which, per the docs at, allow a program to gather runtime information about the status and results of the last SQL statement that the program issued.
Does Oracle provide similar convenience functionality, or am I going to have to just paw around some more in the innards of sqlca as I suspect I'm going to?
It looks like the answer is: you have to paw around in the innards of sqlca. There's a lot of good information buried in that struct though -- check out for some details.

How do I test a code generation tool?

I am currently developing a small project of mine that generates SQL calls in a dynamic way to be used by an other software. The SQL calls are not known beforehand and therefore I would like to be able to unit test the object that generates the SQL.
Do you have a clue of how would be the best approach to do this? Bear in mind that there is no possible way to know all the possible SQL calls to be generated.
Currently the only idea I have is to create test cases of the accepted SQL from the db using regex and make sure that the SQL will compile, but this does not ensure that the call returns the expected result.
Edited: Adding more info:
My project is an extension of Boo that will allow the developer to tag his properties with a set of attributes. This attributes are used to identify how the developers wants to store the object in the DB. For example:
# This attribute tells the Boo compiler extension that you want to
# store the object in a MySQL db. The boo compiler extension will make sure that you meet
# the requirements
class MyObject():
# Tells the compiler that name is the PK
[PrimaryKey(Size = 25)]
private name as String
[TableColumn(Size = 25)]
private surname as String
private age as int
The great idea is that the generated code wont need to use reflection, but that it will added to the class in compile time. Yes the compilation will take longer, but there won't be a need to use Reflection at all. I currently have the code working generating the required methods that returns the SQL at compile time, they are added to the object and can be called but I need to test that the generated SQL is correct :P
The whole point of unit testing is that you know the answer to compare the code results to. You have to find a way to know the SQL calls before hand.
To be honest, as other answerers have suggested, your best approach is to come up with some expected results, and essentially hard-code those in your unit tests. Then you can run your code, obtain the result, and compare against the hard-coded expected value.
Maybe you can record the actual SQL generated, rather than executing it and comparing the results, too?
This seems like a hen-egg situation. You aren't sure what the generator will spit out and you have a moving target to test against (the real database). So you need to tie the loose ends down.
Create a small test database (for example with HSQLDB or Derby). This database should use the same features as the real one, but don't make a copy! You will want to understand what each thing in the test database is for and why it is there, so invest some time to come up with some reasonable test cases. Use your code generator against this (static) test database, save the results as fixed strings in your test cases. Start with a single feature. Don't try to build the perfect test database as step #1. You will get there.
When you change the code generator, run the tests. They should only break in the expected places. If you find a bug, replicate the feature in question in your test database. Create a new test, check the result. Does it look correct? If you can see the error, fix the expected output in the test. After that, fix the generator so it will create the correct result. Close the bug and move on.
This way, you can build more and more safe ground in a swamp. Do something you know, check whether it works (ignore everything else). If you are satisfied, move on. Don't try to tackle all the problems at once. One step at a time. Tests don't forget, so you can forget about everything that is being tested and concentrate on the next feature. The test will make sure that your stable foundation keeps growing until you can erect your skyscraper on it.
I think that the grammar of SQL is non-regular, but context-free; subexpressions being the key to realize this. You may want to write a context-free parser for SQL to check for syntax errors.
But ask yourself: what is it you want to test for? What are your correctness criteria?
If you are generating the code, why not also generate the tests?
Short of that, I would test/debug generated code in the same way you would test/debug any other code without unit tests (i.e. by reading it, running it and/or having it reviewed by others).
You don't have to test all cases. Make a collection of example calls, be sure to include as many of the difficult aspects that the function will have to handle as possible, then look if the generated code is correct.
I would have a suite of tests that put in a known input and check that the generated SQL is as expected.
You're never going to be able to write a test for every scenario but if you write enough to cover at least the most regular patterns you can be fairly confident your generator is working as expected.
If you find it doesn't work in a specific scenario, write another test for that scenario and fix it.
