Controller Code Organization in Angular - angularjs

So, I'm in the midst of my first major project with Angular. I have one controller that is doing a ton of the legwork, and it's reached the point where it's thousands of lines of JavaScript.
I'd like to break this up somehow, but I can't seem to find a solid example anywhere. The code is mostly made up of functions used to do calculations on objects, so directives and modules don't seem like the right answer, but I could be wrong there.
How are you guys organizing code in your large Angular projects? Should I just suck it up, or is there a sane way to split this into easy to scan files?

I suggest putting at least some of those objects and their related calculations into services, then inject the services into your controller(s). See the Sticky Notes Part 1 blog entry for an example of a service that encapsulates some data and provides methods to access/manipulate that data.
See if you can break up your controller into multiple controllers, one for each view. A view can be as large as a page, or just some chunk/block on a page.
To quote from a google group post I saw recently: "I prefer to think of angular controllers as dumb apis/configs for my views and leave all the heavy lifting to services." -- reference

There are a few things that you need to ask yourself when you are in a controller.
Are you doing any DOM manipulation in the controller? This is a definite NO. Dont ever do that. It always belongs in the directives department.
Are you writing any Business Logic in your controller? That too is a NO. Your Business logic should in most cases exist in a Service. That is the right place for it.
Now, have a look at your controller. Is it devoid of these 2 things and still larger than 1000 lines? It is highly unlikely, but even if it somehow is happening, then consider breaking down your controller into smaller controllers. This breaking of controllers have to be done based on the view.
To sum things up, your controller is just a place where you glue up the business logic and your views in the HTML. It should technically never contain anything other than these glues.

I usually create a Util factory (seems to be the way to go now in Angular rather than services) and have it return any shared logic as a set of methods.


Is it correct to access scope inside service or factory in angularjs

Disclaimer : I know there are certain questions which suggest not to access scope inside service or factory but here I am expecting the impact in terms of coding guidelines / whether it is advisable if not then I need proper justification.
We have angular js project and this project is old. Now after refactoring one of my colleague moved the common implementation from directive to service. While doing so , to access the scope of directive he manually started doing as below :
What I felt is this is not the proper way to write the service/factory. I felt we are making the things complicated and suggested to remove the above part of code.
To justify the same I told :
1. This will make unit testability complicated and now we are trying to test the service the way we used to test directive.
2. And we are making this service tightly coupled with directive.
3. Service is not meant to access the scope.
But I think I am not able to convince him as I don't have much point to justify it. Can someone please suggest if I my understanding is correct and give proper justification to convice him. Thanks!
No, the services/factory are supposed to be working with data and should have the logic to process the data provided to them. Preferably, they should not refer to DOM objects or scope variables.
I personally believe that passing $scope to a service is a bad idea, because it creates a kinda circular reference: the controller depends on the service and the service depends on the scope of the controller.
On top of being confusing in terms of relations, things like this one end up getting in the way of the garbage collector.
A Service is just a function for the business layer of the application. It acts as a constructor function and is invoked once at runtime with new, much like you would with plain JavaScript (Angular is just calling a new instance under the hood for us).Use a service when you want to just create things that act as public APIs.
The service class should work on the data provided by the controller, making it reusable at any other place if needed. Also keeping the scope away from it, keeps the code lean and clean thus better maintainability.
I prefer to put a domain object in the controller scope and pass that to the service. This way the service works irrespective of it being used inside a controller or maybe inside another service in the future.

Angular js when to create separate controller

I am implementing a functionality for (Add,update,delete & get,filter).
Currently Add View is used for add, update and delete. (Controller1)
Get View is used for get and filters. (Controller2)
Created routing for Add and Get Separately. So 2 controllers for each.
Now i have to call service for common config data , which is used in both the controllers.
which of the below design i should prefer.
Design 1
Combine both the controllers a one controller, put all the code inside.(including config data)
Design 2
One controller for Get ,filter
Second controller for Add, update and delete
common factory for Config data.
Am confused, which design i should prefer from all the aspects.
Please suggest.
Thanks in advance.
Its good practise to have "skinny controllers"
In AngularJS, controllers can sometimes become monolithic structures of mixed business and view logic, as it’s all too easy to house anything you need for the view inside the controller. It’s convenient, and it just plain works… until your application grows in complexity or needs unit tests.
So why do we want skinny controllers, anyway? In short, separation of concerns. Ideally, everything from services, to controllers, to directives, and more should be skinny, and achieving this is very possible in AngularJS. Each part should have a single responsibility and the controller’s responsibility should be to communicate between services and the view; i.e. its main concern should be view-model logic.
Aim to make your controllers skinny, as well as the rest of your application, by separating out view logic and business logic into controllers and services, respectively, and by taking advantage of routes and resolves.
You can read up in detail in this article & look at code examples

Visualize AngularJSApp

I'm new to AngularJS and i'm wondering what's a good way to visualize a AngularJS app (with UML classdiagram/componentdiagram)? And the reason why.
Can you give a example?
I found this, but don't know if this is a right way:
Thank you
You can use a Class Diagram to represent your Controllers, Factories, Services, etc (as show in the link provided by M22an in comments). In this diagram, you can easily show the methods and attributes of each Controller / Service / Factory.
You can use a Sequence Diagram to represent the communication between the parts of your app. Show each method, show which part of a service it calls, the data given and received, the update of the template with the $apply method etc.
A component diagram can be useful to explicit the content of each module and show the Controllers / Services / Factories... inside it. You can show the modules dependencies using this diagram too.
In my opinion, you can use almost all diagrams you want, AngularJS is huge, powerful and complex, and each UML diagram will be useful to represent a part of his behavior.

Organizing AngularJS applications

I feel like there is relatively little documentation on the "best practices" of how one should go about organizing AngularJS code. For example, in many of my web pages, i.e.
There are often many factories and methods that I need repeated. For example, profile.php,, editprofile.php, and index.php all need the factory userDropdown (to get the top navbar dropdown menu). However, some of them need "modified versions of factories". For example:
index.php needs a way to get all the users and their information
profile.php needs a way to get some users information
editProfile.php needs a way to get only one user information
What I mean is that (and the above was a poor example), is that often many .js files needs some modified "child" of a "parent" factory. I find it hard to scale my application because profile.php, index.php, and editProfile.php all refer to their own factories and methods, not a base file. Changes, improvements, errors, found in one factory and is corrected, will not propagate into other files (which I find very frustrating). I also don't want to write /copy/paste services and factories over and over again. Other issue I've had is that:
X.js file need some providers that Y.js file doesn't. However, both needs providers A and B, but X needs C and Y needs D. Is it bad for me to use the same "factory" and providers" for both of them (i.e. inject A, B, C, and D into both of them?) That's the problem I see with having a base factory of a factory to serve a lot of .js files. How much space or inefficiency is it to define providers or injectable services that you don't use?
How do I accomplish some scalable angularJS code to do this, or how do you guys go about organizing your angular code? And also, what about repeating HTML templates (i.e. repeating HTML code that needs to be used in almost every page? I've heard of some service called $templateCache but couldn't figure out how to use it.) This also has an example app but seriously read through his guidelines they seem to be exactly what you are looking for and have been a great resource for me as I've been learning to build bigger angular apps.

Angular seed with services and directives

I am using angular seed project
where should I put the services and directives ?
This is really totally up to you but there are some good recommendations on project structure here:
Typically my structure looks something like
Where User.js would have a service and possibly multiple controllers in it... if the file gets too large then I break it up into parts.
The problem with grouping all services together and all controllers is that the services and controllers typically have a relationship (functionally). When you want to re-use the service/controller you are typically going to use them together, when editing one you usually need a reference to the other. This makes it easiest to find things and not have 1000 js files to include and manage in the dependencies and script inclusions.
Also when it comes time and you want to make a bower component out of one of the sections it's easier to see which parts need to be pulled out.
You can make a folder for each under app, so your project tree will look like this:
