Set templateUrl base on attribute in directive - angularjs

I'm working on a set of angular directives and I want to load the correct template based on the presence or value of an attribute.
<my-form horizontal> </my-form>
<my-form vertical> </my-form>
If horizontal, templateUrl should be /partials/horizontal-form and
If vertical, templateUrl should be /partials/vertical-form
I'm interested in the templateUrl because I can't use template since the html depends on the attributes. In the compile.pre function, the html has already been loaded.
If there is another way of achieving this, I'm open to it since I'm now starting with angular and the more info the better.

fyi this is now properly fixed in angular 1.1.4
you can pass a function to templateUrl. input parameters are element, attributes. and returns a string (the templateUrl you wish to use)
docs here:

One of the solutions for this is to use an ng-include inside the template file.
The first attribute inside of the template file will have something like :
<div ng-include = "getTemplate()">
In your directive code you would write something like :
scope : {direction : "="},
link : function(scope,element,attrs)
scope.getTemplate = function(){
if(scope.direction === "horizontal")
return "horizontal.html";
return "vertical.html";
Hope this helps!


Run 'ng-click' inside a directive's isolated scope

Thanks in advance for taking the time to look into this question
I have serverside generated code that renders a directive wrapped around pre-rendered content.
<serverside-demo color="blue">
<p><strong>Content from Server, wrapped in a directive.</strong></p>
<p>I want this color to show: <span ng-style="{color: color}">{{color}}</span></p>
<button ng-click="onClickButtonInDirective()">Click Me</button>
This means that 1.) the directive tag, 2.) the content inside the directive tag, 3.)the ng-click and 4.) The curly braces syntax are all generated by the server.
I want AngularJs to pick up the generated code, recompile the template and deal with the scope.
The problem is that I am having trouble getting it working. I understand that because the ng-click is inside the controller block, it is picked up not by the directive isolated scope, but the parent controllers. Instead I want the opposite... to pick up the onClickButtonInDirective scope function inside the serversideDemo link
I have created a jsfiddle best explaining my problem, which aims to clearly demonstrate the working "traditional" way of loading the template separately (which works) comparing it to the server-side way.
What is the best way to do this?
Thank you!
There are two major problem in your code
1- directive name and dom element not matched, - missing in dom element
app.directive('serverSideDemo', function() {
use <server-side-demo color="blue"> instead of <serverside-demo color="blue">
2- you need to compile the html code of server-side-demo dom with directive scope in link function
Working jsfiddle
Use templateUrl instead of template to fetch the content of directive from server:
app.directive('serverSideDemo', function() {
return {
restrict: 'AE',
scope: {
color: '='
templateUrl: 'link/that/returns/html/content',
link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
scope.onClickButtonInDirective = function() {
console.log('You clicked the button in the serverside demo')
scope.color = scope.color === 'blue' ? 'red' : 'blue';
Have a look at angular docs for more details

Pass rendered string into Angular directive

I am trying to make an angular directive that renders dynamic content urls based on an attribute placed on the directive. Example:
.directive('myContent', directive);
function directive() {
return {
replace: true,
templateUrl: function (elem, attrs) {
return attrs.contentUrl;
<div my-content content-url="url/to/my-content.html"></div>
However what I would like is for the content-url attribute to be populated by a string from the controller. So let's say the controller is using the "controllerAs" syntax with the name "home", I would like the html to read:
<div my-content content-url="{{home.myContent.url}}"></div>
However within the directive's templateUrl function, the contentUrl attribute is being sent literally as "{{home.myContent.url}}". How can I get this value to evaluate before running the templateUrl function? Or, is there a better way to have simple, dynamic content available from a directive?
The answer is provided by #crhistian-ramirez:
Just use ng-include
<div ng-include="vm.myContent.url"></div>

How to get the attribute value in template html with angularjs

I wrote a directive but I don't know how to get the attribute of the directive in template html, those attributes are used in ngIf to determine which div elements will be displayed, pls take a look at below code snippet.
directive use:
<geo-country-selector type="WGC"></geo-country-selector>
template html:
<div ng-if="type.indexOf('W')>0">
<div ng-if="type.indexOf('G')>0">
I need to get the attribute type's value in the template html. I did lots of research on that, but no luck. Any ideas? Thanks
The directive can be like Anik said :
link : function(scope,element,attr){
scope: {
type: '#'
In your directive add a link function then add attrs value to scope then you can check condition in your template like that
try like this
link : function(scope,element,attr){
There is another way by creating isolate scope like this
scope: {
type: '#'

Function arguments in directive with templateUrl

I created a custom directive with an isolated scope that binds to a function from the enclosing controller and with references to a templateUrl. Here's what my code looks like:
the html
<div ng-controller='MyCtrl as my'>
<custom-directive data='' on-search="my.find(param1, param2)"></custom-directive>
the directive
app.directive('customDirective', function() {
return {
restrict : 'E',
scope : {
data : '=data'
search : '&onSearch',
templateUrl : 'customDirective.html'
the template
<input ng-model=''>
<a ng-click='find(param1, param2)'></a>
The arguments received by function find is also stored in data. The controller data binds to the directive but not the function. My log inside the function won't even show.
It seems there are different ways to do it as I have seen in many examples (see below) but none seems to work in my case.
Example 1: pass a mapping of parameter and values in the template
<input ng-model=''>
<a ng-click='find.({param1: data.value1, param2: data.value2})'></a>
Example 2: put a link in the directive
app.directive('customDirective', function() {
return {
restrict : 'E',
scope : {
data : '=data'
search : '&onSearch',
templateUrl : 'customDirective.html',
link : function(scope, elem, attr) {
Example 3 : use scope.$apply(), $parse in link but haven't tried this
Could someone show me how to do it and also explain to me the link part (I don't understand that part) and if you're feeling generous, show the working alternatives as shown by the examples. Thanks
You don't have to passe params for your function just the reference so in your html
<custom-directive data='' on-search="my.find"></custom-directive>
and your template directive directly call
<input ng-model=''>
<a ng-click='find(data.value1, data.value2)'></a>
I also suggest you to use $scope and not the controller. So in your controller define
$ = {
id: 1,
value1: "value1",
value2: "value2"
$scope.find = function (param1, param2) {
//Your logic
And in your template put directly
<custom-directive data='data' on-search="find"></custom-directive>
I hope this answer to your question
About link this text from angular js doc is pretty clear I think
Directives that want to modify the DOM typically use the link option.
link takes a function with the following signature, function
link(scope, element, attrs) { ... } where:
scope is an Angular scope object. element is the jqLite-wrapped
element that this directive matches.
attrs is a hash object with key-value pairs of normalized attribute names and their
corresponding attribute values.
In our link function, we want to update the
displayed time once a second, or whenever a user changes the time
formatting string that our directive binds to. We will use the
$interval service to call a handler on a regular basis. This is easier
than using $timeout but also works better with end-to-end testing,
where we want to ensure that all $timeouts have completed before
completing the test. We also want to remove the $interval if the
directive is deleted so we don't introduce a memory leak.

How do I assign an attribute to ng-controller in a directive's template in AngularJS?

I have a custom attribute directive (i.e., restrict: "A") and I want to pass two expressions (using {{...}}) into the directive as attributes. I want to pass these attributes into the directive's template, which I use to render two nested div tags -- the outer one containing ng-controller and the inner containing ng-include. The ng-controller will define the controller exclusively used for the template, and the ng-include will render the template's HTML.
An example showing the relevant snippets is below.
<div ng-controller="appController">
<custom-directive ctrl="templateController" tmpl="template.html"></custom-directive>
function appController($scope) {
// Main application controller
function templateController($scope) {
// Controller (separate from main controller) for exclusive use with template
app.directive('customDirective', function() {
return {
restrict: 'A',
scope: {
ctrl: '#',
tmpl: '#'
// This will work, but not what I want
// Assigning controller explicitly
template: '<div ng-controller="templateController">\
<div ng-include="tmpl"></div>\
// This is what I want, but won't work
// Assigning controller via isolate scope variable from attribute
/*template: '<div ng-controller="ctrl">\
<div ng-include="tmpl"></div>\
It appears that explicitly assigning the controller works. However, I want to assign the controller via an isolate scope variable that I obtain from an attribute located inside my custom directive in the HTML.
I've fleshed out the above example a little more in the Plunker below, which names the relevant directive contentDisplay (instead of customDirective from above). Let me know in the comments if this example needs more commented clarification:
Using an explicit controller assignment (uncommented template code), I achieve the desired functionality. However, when trying to assign the controller via an isolate scope variable (commented template code), it no longer works, throwing an error saying 'ctrl' is not a function, got string.
The reason why I want to vary the controller (instead of just throwing all the controllers into one "master controller" as I've done in the Plunker) is because I want to make my code more organized to maintain readability.
The following ideas may be relevant:
Placing the ng-controller tags inside the template instead of wrapping it around ng-include.
Using one-way binding ('&') to execute functions instead of text binding ('#').
Using a link function instead of / in addition to an isolate scope.
Using an element/class directive instead of attribute directive.
The priority level of ng-controller is lower than that of ng-include.
The order in which the directives are compiled / instantiated may not be correct.
While I'm looking for direct solutions to this issue, I'm also willing to accept workarounds that accomplish the same functionality and are relatively simple.
I don't think you can dynamically write a template key using scope, but you certainly do so within the link function. You can imitate that quite succinctly with a series of built-in Angular functions: $http, $controller, $compile, $templateCache.
Relevant code:
link: function( scope, element, attrs )
$http.get( scope.tmpl, { cache: $templateCache } )
.then( function( response ) {
templateScope = scope.$new();
templateCtrl = $controller( scope.ctrl, { $scope: templateScope } );
element.html( );
element.children().data('$ngControllerController', templateCtrl);
$compile( element.contents() )( templateScope );
Inspired strongly by this similar answer.
