postgresql fast transfer of a table between databases - database

I have a postgresql operational DB with data partitioned per day
and a postgresql data warehouse DB.
In order to copy the data quickly from the operational DB to the DWH I would like to copy the tables as fast and with least of resources used.
Since the tables are partitioned by day, I understand that each partition is a table as itself.
Is that means I can somehow copy the data files between the machines and create the tables in the DWH with those data files?
What is the best practice in that case?
I will answer all questions asked in here:
1. I'm building an ETL. First step of ETL is to copy the data with less influence on the operational DB.
2. I would want to replicate the data if this won't slow the operational DB writings.
3. A bit more data, The operational DB is not in my responsepbility but the main concern is the write time on the that DB.
It writes about 500 Million rows a day where there are hours that are more loaded but there aren't hours with no writings at all.
4. I came across with few tools/ways - Replication, pg_dump. But I couldn't find something that compare the tools to know when to use what and to understand what is fit to my case.

If you are doing a bulk transfer I would actually consider running pg_dump on the warehouse system and piping the results into psql once a day. You could probably run Slony too but that woudl require more resources, and would probably be more complicated.

There are many good ways to replicate data between databases. While just looking for a
fast transfer of a table between databases
... a simple and fast solution is provided by the extension dblink. There are many examples here on SO. Try a search.
If you want a wider approach, continued synchronization etc. consider one of the established tools for replication. There is nice comparison in the manual to get you started.


Database tables optimized for both read and write

We have a web service that pumps data into 3 database tables and a web application that reads that data in aggregated format in a SQL Server + ASP.Net environment.
There is so much data arriving to the database tables and so much data read from them and at such high velocity, that the system started to fail.
The tables have indexes on them, one of them is unique. One of the tables has billions of records and occupies a few hundred gigabytes of disk space; the other table is a smaller one, with only a few million records. It is emptied daily.
What options do I have to eliminate the obvious problem of simultaneously reading and writing from- and to multiple database tables?
I am interested in every optimization trick, although we have tried every trick we came across.
We don't have the option to install SQL Server Enterprise edition to be able to use partitions and in-memory-optimized tables.
The system is used to collect fitness tracker data from tens of thousands of devices and to display data to thousands of them on their dashboard in real-time.
Way too broad of requirements and specifics to give a concrete answer. But a suggestion would be to setup a second database and do log shipping over to it. So the original db would be the "write" and the new db would be the "read" database.
Read db would be out of date by the length of time for log tranfser
- Could possible drop some of the indexes on "write" db, this would/could increase performance
- You could then summarize the table in the "read" database in order to increase query performance
Here's some ideas, some more complicated than others, their usefulness depending really heavily on the usage which isn't fully described in the question. Disclaimer: I am not a DBA, but I have worked with some great ones on my DB projects.
[Simple] More system memory always helps
[Simple] Use multiple files for tempdb (one filegroup, 1 file for each core on your system. Even if the query is being done entirely in memory, it can still block on the number of I/O threads)
[Simple] Transaction logs on SIMPLE over FULL recover
[Simple] Transaction logs written to separate spindle from the rest of data.
[Complicated] Split your data into separate tables yourself, then union them in your queries.
[Complicated] Try and put data which is not updated into a separate table so static data indices don't need to be rebuilt.
[Complicated] If possible, make sure you are doing append-only inserts (auto-incrementing PK/clustered index should already be doing this). Avoid updates if possible, obviously.
[Complicated] If queries don't need the absolute latest data, change read queries to use WITH NOLOCK on tables and remove row and page locks from indices. You won't get incomplete rows, but you might miss a few rows if they are being written at the same time you are reading.
[Complicated] Create separate filegroups for table data and index data. Place those filegroups on separate disk spindles if possible. SQL Server has separate I/O threads for each file so you can parallelize reads/writes to a certain extent.
Also, make sure all of your large tables are in separate filegroups, on different spindles as well.
[Complicated] Remove inserts with transactional locks
[Complicated] Use bulk-insert for data
[Complicated] Remove unnecessary indices
Prefer included columns over indexed columns if sorting isn't required on them
That's kind of a generic list of things I've done in the past on various DB projects I've worked on. Database optimizations tend to be highly specific to your situation...which is why DBA's have jobs. Some of the 'complicated' answers could be simple if your architecture supports it already.

Horizontally partitioning data into an "archive" in SQL Server taking months to execute?

There is a project in flight at my organization to move customer data and all the associated records (billing transactions, etc) from one database to another, if the customer has not had account activity within a certain timeframe.
The total number of rows in all the tables is in the millions. Perhaps 100 million rows, with all the various tables combined. The schema is more-or-less normalized. The project's designers have decided on SSIS to execute this and initial analysis is showing 5 months of execution time.
Basically, the process:
Fills an "archive" database that has the same schema as the database of origin
Delete the original rows from the source database
I can provide more detail if necessary. What I'm wondering is, is SSIS the correct approach? Is there some sort of canonical way to move very large quantities of data around? Are there common performance pitfalls to avoid?
I just can't believe that this is going to take months to run and I'd like to know if there's something else that we should be looking into.
SSIS is just a tool. You can write a 100M rows transfer in SSIS to take 24h, you can write it to take 5 mo. The problem is what you write (ie. the workflow in SSIS case), not SSIS.
There isn't anything specific to SSID that would dictate 'the transfer cannot be done faster than 5 mo'.
The guiding principles for such a task (logically partition the data, process each logical partition in parallel, eliminate access and update contention between processing, batch commit changes, don't transfer more data that is necessary on the wire, use set based processing as much as possible, be able to suspend and resume etc etc) can be implemented on SSIS just as well as any other technology (if not better).
For the record, the ETL world speed record stands at about 2TB per hour. Using SSIS. And just as a matter of fact, I just finished a transfer of 130M rows, ~200Gb of data, took some 24h (I'm lazy and not shooting for ETL record).
I would understand 5mo for development, testing and deployment, but not 5mo for actual processing. That is like 7 rows a second, and is realy realy lame.
SSIS is probably not the right choice if you are simply deleting records.
This might be of interest: Performing fast SQL Server delete operations
UPDATE: as Remus correctly points out, SSIS can perform well or badly depending on how the flows are written, and there have been some huge benchmarks (on high end systems). But for just deletes there are simply ways, such as a SQL Agent job running a TSQL delete in batches.

Sources of information on administering large SQL Server Databases?

As part of my role at the firm I'm at, I've been forced to become the DBA for our database. Some of our tables have rowcounts approaching 100 million and many of the things that I know how to do SQL Server(like joins) simply break down at this level of data. I'm left with a couple options
1) Go out and find a DBA with experience administering VLDBs. This is going to cost us a pretty penny and come at the expense of other work that we need to get done. I'm not a huge fan of it.
2) Most of our data is historical data that we use for analysis. I could simply create a copy of our database schema and start from scratch with data putting on hold any analysis of our current data until I find a proper way to solve the problem(this is my current "best" solution).
3) Reach out to the developer community to see if I can learn enough about large databases to get us through until I can implement solution #1.
Any help that anyone could provide, or any books you could recommend would be greatly appreciated.
Here are a few thoughts, but none of them are quick fixes:
Develop an archival strategy for the
data in your large tables. Create
tables with similar formats to the
existing transactional table and
copy the data out into those tables
on a periodic basis. If you can get
away with whacking the data out of
the tx system, then fine.
Develop a relational data warehouse
to store the large data sets,
complete with star schemas
consisting of fact tables and
dimensions. For an introduction to
this approach there is no better
book (IMHO) than Ralph Kimball's
Data Warehouse Toolkit.
For analysis, consider using MS
Analysis Services for
pre-aggregating this data for fast
Of course, you could also look at
your indexing strategy within the
existing database. Be careful with
any changes as you could add indexes
that would improve querying at the
cost of insert and transactional
You could also research
partitioning in SQL Server.
Don't feel bad about bringing in a DBA on contract basis to help out...
To me, your best bet would be to begin investigating movement of that data out of the transactional system if it is not necessary for day to day use.
Of course, you are going to need to pick up some new skills for dealing with these amounts of data. Whatever you decide to do, make a backup first!
One more thing you should do is ensure that your I/O is being spread appropriately across as many spindles as possible. Your data files, log files and sql server temp db data files should all be on separate drives with a database system that large.
DBA's are worth their weight in gold, if you can find a good one. They specialize in doing the very thing that you are describing. If this is a one time problem, maybe you can subcontract one.
I believe Microsoft offers a similar service. You might want to ask.
You'll want to get a DBA in there, at least on contract to performance tune the database.
Joining to a 100 Million record table shouldn't bring the database serer to its knees. My company customers do it many hundreds (possibly thousands) of times per minute on our system.

Transforming OLTP Relational Database to Data Warehousing Model

What are the common design approaches taken in loading data from a typical Entity-Relationship OLTP database model into a Kimball star schema Data Warehouse/Marts model?
Do you use a staging area to perform the transformation and then load into the warehouse?
How do you link data between the warehouse and the OLTP database?
Where/How do you manage the transformation process - in the database as sprocs, dts/ssis packages, or SQL from application code?
Personally, I tend to work as follows:
Design the data warehouse first. In particular, design the tables that are needed as part of the DW, ignoring any staging tables.
Design the ETL, using SSIS, but sometimes with SSIS calling stored procedures in the involved databases.
If any staging tables are required as part of the ETL, fine, but at the same time make sure they get cleaned up. A staging table used only as part of a single series of ETL steps should be truncated after those steps are completed, with or without success.
I have the SSIS packages refer to the OLTP database at least to pull data into the staging tables. Depending on the situation, they may process the OLTP tables directly into the data warehouse. All such queries are performed WITH(NOLOCK).
Document, Document, Document. Make it clear what inputs are used by each package, and where the output goes. Make sure to document the criteria by which the input are selected (last 24 hours? since last success? new identity values? all rows?)
This has worked well for me, though I admit I haven't done many of these projects, nor any really large ones.
I'm currently working on a small/mid size dataware house. We're adopting some of the concepts that Kimball puts forward, i.e. the star scheme with fact and dimension tables. We structure it so that facts only join to dimensions (not fact to fact or dimension to dimension - but this is our choice, not saying it's the way it should be done), so we flatten all dimension joins to the fact table.
We use SSIS to move the data from the production DB -> source DB -> staging DB -> reporting DB (we probably could have have used less DBs, but that's the way it's fallen).
SSIS is really nice as it's lets you structure your data flows very logically. We use a combination of SSIS components and stored procs, where one nice feature of SSIS is the ability to provide SQL commands as a transform between a source/destination data-flow. This means we can call stored procs on every row if we want, which can be useful (albeit a bit slower).
We're also using a new SQL Server 2008 feature called change data capture (CDC) which allows you to audit all changes on a table (you can specify which columns you want to look at in those tables), so we use that on the production DB to tell what has changed so we can move just those records across to the source DB for processing.
I agree with the highly rated answer but thought I'd add the following:
* Do you use a staging area to perform the transformation and then
load into the warehouse?
It depends on the type of transformation whether it will require staging. Staging offers benefits of breaking the ETL into more manageable chunks, but also provides a working area that allows manipulations to take place on the data without affecting the warehouse. It can help to have (at least) some dimension lookups in a staging area which store the keys from the OLTP system and the key of the latest dim record, to use as a lookup when loading your fact records.
The transformation happens in the ETL process itself, but it may or may not require some staging to help it along the way.
* How do you link data between the warehouse and the OLTP database?
It is useful to load the business keys (or actual primary keys if available) into the data warehouse as a reference back to the OLTP system. Also, auditing in the DW process should record the lineage of each bit of data by recording the load process that has loaded it.
* Where/How do you manage the transformation process - in the
database as sprocs, dts/ssis packages,
or SQL from application code?
This would typically be in SSIS packages, but often it is more performant to transform in the source query. Unfortunately this makes the source query quite complicated to understand and therefore maintain, so if performance is not an issue then transforming in the SSIS code is best. When you do this, this is another reason for having a staging area as then you can make more joins in the source query between different tables.
John Saunders' process explanation is a good.
If you are looking to implement a Datawarehouse project in SQL Server you will find all the information you require for the delivering the entire project within the excellent text "The Microsoft Data Warehouse Toolkit".
Funilly enough, one of the authors is Ralph Kimball :-)
You may want to take a look at Data Vault Modeling. It claims solving some loner term issues like changing attributes.

What is a good SQL Server 2008 solution for handling massive writes so that they don't slow down reads for users of the database?

We have large SQL Server 2008 databases. Very often we'll have to run massive data imports into the databases that take a couple hours. During that time everyone else's read and small write speeds slow down a ton.
I'm looking for a solution where maybe we setup one database server that is used for bulk writing and then two other database servers that are setup to be read and maybe have small writes made to them. The goal is to maintain fast small reads and writes while the bulk changes are running.
Does anyone have an idea of a good way to accomplish this using SQL Server 2008?
Paul. There's two parts to your question.
First, why are writes slow?
When you say you have large databases, you may want to clarify that with some numbers. The Microsoft teams have demonstrated multi-terabyte loads in less than an hour, but of course they're using high-end gear and specialized data warehousing techniques. I've been involved with data warehousing teams that regularly loaded so much data overnight that the transaction log drives had to be over a terabyte just to handle the quick bursts, but not a terabyte per hour.
To find out why writes are slow, you'll want to compare your load methods to data warehousing techniques. For example, have you tried using staging tables? Table partitioning? Data and log files on different arrays? If you're not sure where to start, check out my Perfmon tutorial to measure your system looking for bottlenecks:
Second, how do you scale out?
You asked how to set up multiple database servers so that one handles the bulk load while others handle reads and some writes. I would heavily, heavily caution against taking the multiple-servers-for-writes approach because it gets a lot more complicated quickly, but using multiple servers for reads is not uncommon.
The easiest way to do it is with log shipping: every X minutes, the primary server takes a transaction log backup and then that log backup is applied to the read-only reporting server. There's some catches with this - the data is a little behind, and the restore process has to kick all connections out of the database to apply the restore. This can be a perfectly acceptable solution for things like data warehouses, where the end users want to keep running their own reports while the new day's data loads. You can simply not do transaction log restores while the data warehouse is loading, and the users can maintain connections the whole time.
To help find out what solution is right for you, consider adding the following to your question:
The size of your database (GB/TB in size, # of millions of rows in the largest table that's having the writes)
The size of your server & storage (a box with 10 drives has different solutions available than a box hooked up to a SAN)
The method of loading data (is it single-record inserts, are you using bulk load, are you using table partitioning, etc)
Why not use MemCached to eliminate the reads, I've got the same situation where I work and we've been using memcached on Windows with great results. I was supprised how trivial it was to get my code running with it too. There are open-source wrapping libraries for virtually every mainstream language, and using it could result in 99% of your reads, not even touching the database (becasue you set the memcache values on the write operation of the database).
Memcached, is really just a giant hash table store (and can even be clustered or run on any machine you like since it uses sockets to read and store the hashes).
When reading the memcached value, simply check if its null (return if its not) or do your ussual database read and return. It can store just about everything, so long as each memcached key/value pair is less than 1MB.
The easiest way would be to slow down the rate at which writes occur, and feed them in one record at a time. They'll be slower, but it would make things faster for users. If the batches take "a couple hours", you perhaps can spread them out more.
This is just an idea. Create a view over your "active" tables. Then BCP in the data into a "staging" table. When it is done, update the view to include the "staging" tables. Just an idea.
I'm not sure what you mean when you say everyone else's read and write slows down. Does it slow down when they read & write to the same database where the data is currently being imported or from different databases on the same server?
If it is the same database, you could always use the "with (nolock)" hint to do the reads even when the table is locked for writes/inserts. However, please be aware that the reads can be dirty reads. I am not sure how you can do faster quick writes when the table is locked because a write is already in progress. You can keep the transaction small to make the writes faster and release the locks. The other option is to have a separate database for bulk inserts and another database for reading.
