I had an assignment in magento. I installed magento without sample data. I completed assignment tast in default magento setting. now i want to send this solution to my teacher. which files i should copy and send him so that it will work fine.
please help me..
Send to him whatever files created or edited, keep the folder structure the same as from the installation folder of Magento.
Best option would be to archive the whole Magento folder and make a dump of the database.
Put those 2 files together and upload them to some cyberlocker like mediafire or something.
If you added attributes you will need to provide with the database (unless you have written a module with an install script that automatically makes the changes.)
Give that link to your teacher ;)
PS: You could always just contact your teacher and ask him how he wants to have your solution.
I was trying to work on joomla 3.0. I have done everything that is necessary. But the page given in the image is being shown for a long time. Database tables are being created. But it is not going to the next step. Can anyone help me out? TIA
With the almost none information you provide I could tell you this.
Be sure you are selecting mysql and not mysqli and that the username has all the permissions granted on the database you provided.
In your server's home directory, (which is the lowest directory for shared hosting users,) make a new file called "phprc" inside of the .php folder. If the folder doesn't exist yet, create it. The period in front of the folder name means that it's invisible, so make sure you can see invisible files in your FTP client, or use the command "ls -a" to see all files in the command line.
Add the following lines to the 'phprc' file:
max_execution_time = 3000 ;
memory_limit=128M ;
Then save it.
normally if it is a shared host could take some minutes to reflect the change...but try again after 5 or 10 minutes and you might see it works.
So straight to the point- Im trying to clean my host entirely (databases too) and after I delete the last 2 files wp-content and wp-includes (700MB of files) they get restored instantly. This may be a simple question but for me it s very odd and I don`t get it. Besides file-manager i used Filezilla too and the same thing happens(my hosting company as it su#%$ failed to give me a reply after 48h).
I have recorded a short video of my problem to help you better understand my issue.
Hope you`ll be able to help me. Thank You !
I`m working on this website for an NGO after it was hacked and for now I want to wipe every single file from the server and rebuild it but those files which have inside infected pages(php scripts) wont get deleted
Chances are very good some of those files are owned by the webserver, especially if you were compromised via a WordPress vulnerability. As they're owned by the webserver and not your user, you're unable to delete them.
If you have root/sudo access, you can use that on the command-line to remove them. If you don't, you'll need your host to help.
I'm trying to find something about CakePHP configuration, and I'm not having any luck googling and looking around.
I want to make a CakePHP app use "database.local.php" instead of "database.php", but I can't find the line in the app/Config files where the database file is defined as "database.php".
Does anyone know where it is defined so I can change it?
Thanks for your help ahead of time!
If i get it right, you want to have a local database... for development purpose?
If you want to switch the database due to your server-name, you can try to use:
Not quite an answer for you, but I wouldn't change it.
If you're using different files for different environments (dev, staging, production etc) you could use your naming convention, but have your deploy process rename the relevant file to whatever CakePHP's expecting. That is, have:
or whatever, and just rename to database.php when deploying your code to one of those environments.
I'm a new user on box.net site and I've uploaded A LOT of .zip files that I want to use in my project.
The problem is that, normally, the share link is something like: box.net/1.zip .. so I can predict that the 100th file will be box.net/100.zip ... but this is not the case in box.net..
I cant obviously copy every files link manually since what I uploaded and need is ~1000 small .zip files and copying each files link will take ages.
So is there a way to fix this?
We recently released a new feature, where you can give your share a custom name. See the blog entry for more details on how to use it.
Right now, we have not exposed an API to set these custom links, but that will be coming soon.
I made some custom template and I still struggling with the most significant problem, how could I make a quickstart?
All the information what I found, doesn't helped me, including (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nqG6Z8nhyBU), which is briefly:
Copy the designed database
Delete configuration.php from copied root
Copy default Joomla! Installation folder to copied root
Export sql.file from original database to copied installation/sql/msql
Rename that to sample_data.sql
Upload whole content to the server
Install as a usual Joomla! site
All the time I getting:
Error: the XML response that was returned from the server is invalid.
in this reason I have to skip this message) when I select install sample data in my Joomla! pack installation. My template not appears as deafult and the places of module postions these are messages for e.g:
Warning: DB reports: DB function failed with error number 1146
Table 'masolat.jos_sobi2_language' doesn't exist SQL=SELECT * FROM jos_sobi2_language ORDER BY sobi2Lang in C:\wamp\www\masolat\components\com_sobi2\config.class.php on line 2534
...and so on.....
So prorbaly the whole process that I've made is false. That's why I would like ask you some help.
Have you any idea, how can I accomplish without any kind of Joomla! copy/restore extension?
Short guide, review, link, explanation will be appreciated.
Thank you in advance!
Regards: Nehogymar
There are two ways that you can install Joomla, the way that you described or the easy way for non-programmers.
Try to install joomla the easy way, There is very good explanation in Joomla documentation. try: http://help.joomla.org/content/view/39/132
There is also a excellent guide for installing Joomla on WAMP:
The simple way to make a copy of a Joomla website to install is to use Akeeba Backup. It makes a nice ZIP package with all of the files, settings, and database with a nice install script. I have a base install with all of the extensions I use to speed up configuration time.