GAE/JPA/DataNucleus: Strange exception while trying to persist entity (IllegalArgumentException: out of field index :-1) - google-app-engine

I'm getting an exception after I added this embedded field in my entity:
public class Team extends DataObject
private TeamEvolution teamEvolution = new TeamEvolution();
// #AttributeOverrides({ #AttributeOverride(name = "buffer", column = #Column) })
// #Enumerated
private ScoutBuffer scoutBuffer;
This guy is very simple:
public class ScoutBuffer
private static final int BUFFER_SIZE = 150;
private List<String> buffer;
... // from here on there are only methods...
When I try to merge my modifications I get the following exception:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: out of field index :-1
at com.olympya.futweb.datamodel.model.ScoutBuffer.jdoProvideField(
at org.datanucleus.state.JDOStateManagerImpl.provideField(
at org.datanucleus.state.JDOStateManagerImpl.provideField(
// etc, etc...
I don't think there's anything to do, but I had to use JDOHelper.makeDirty before merging the entity for it to perceive that I modified scoutBuffer:
JDOHelper.makeDirty(team, "scoutBuffer");
As you can see commented in the code, I tried the workaround described here, without success. Strange thing is that is from 2009... I'm using GAE 1.7.0, by the way. Also, I tried cleaning/re-enhancing the datamodel.


Unable to Correctly Serialize RangeSet<Instant> with Flink Serialization System

I've implemented a RichFunction with following type:
RichMapFunction<GeofenceEvent, OutputRangeSet>
the class OutputRangeSet has a field of type:<Instant>
When this pojo is serialized using Kryo I get null fields !
So far, I tried using a TypeInfoFactory<RangeSet>:
public class InstantRangeSetTypeInfo extends TypeInfoFactory<RangeSet<Instant>> {
public TypeInformation<RangeSet<Instant>> createTypeInfo(Type t, Map<String, TypeInformation<?>> genericParameters) {
TypeInformation<RangeSet<Instant>> info = TypeInformation.of(new TypeHint<RangeSet<Instant>>() {});
return info;
That annotate my field:
public class OutputRangeSet implements Serializable {
private String key;
private RangeSet<Instant> rangeSet;
Another solution (that doesn't work either) is registring a third party serializer:
env.getConfig().registerTypeWithKryoSerializer(RangeSet.class, ProtobufSerializer.class);
You can get the github project here:
When you run the test you can see (in debug) that the rangeSet beans I get from my RichFunction has null fields, see test method :
final RangeSet<Instant> rangeSet = resultList.get(0).getRangeSet(); // rangetSet.ranges = null !
Thanks for your help

Populating a table from a file only last column is populated JavaFX [duplicate]

This has baffled me for a while now and I cannot seem to get the grasp of it. I'm using Cell Value Factory to populate a simple one column table and it does not populate in the table.
It does and I click the rows that are populated but I do not see any values in them- in this case String values. [I just edited this to make it clearer]
I have a different project under which it works under the same kind of data model. What am I doing wrong?
Here's the code. The commented code at the end seems to work though. I've checked to see if the usual mistakes- creating a new column instance or a new tableview instance, are there. Nothing. Please help!
//Simple Data Model
public class Stock {
private SimpleStringProperty stockTicker;
public Stock(String stockTicker) {
this.stockTicker = new SimpleStringProperty(stockTicker);
public String getstockTicker() {
return stockTicker.get();
public void setstockTicker(String stockticker) {
//Controller class
private ObservableList<Stock> data;
private TableView<Stock> stockTableView;// = new TableView<>(data);
private TableColumn<Stock, String> tickerCol;
private void setTickersToCol() {
try {
Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();//conn is defined and works
ResultSet rsltset = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT ticker FROM tickerlist order by ticker");
data = FXCollections.observableArrayList();
Stock stockInstance;
while ( {
stockInstance = new Stock(rsltset.getString(1).toUpperCase());
} catch (SQLException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(WriteToFile.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
System.out.println("Connection Failed! Check output console");
tickerCol.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<Stock,String>("stockTicker"));
/*Callback<CellDataFeatures<Stock, String>, ObservableValue<String>> cellDataFeat =
new Callback<CellDataFeatures<Stock, String>, ObservableValue<String>>() {
public ObservableValue<String> call(CellDataFeatures<Stock, String> p) {
return new SimpleStringProperty(p.getValue().getstockTicker());
Suggested solution (use a Lambda, not a PropertyValueFactory)
Instead of:
aColumn.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<Appointment,LocalDate>("date"));
aColumn.setCellValueFactory(cellData -> cellData.getValue().dateProperty());
For more information, see this answer:
Java: setCellValuefactory; Lambda vs. PropertyValueFactory; advantages/disadvantages
Solution using PropertyValueFactory
The lambda solution outlined above is preferred, but if you wish to use PropertyValueFactory, this alternate solution provides information on that.
How to Fix It
The case of your getter and setter methods are wrong.
getstockTicker should be getStockTicker
setstockTicker should be setStockTicker
Some Background Information
Your PropertyValueFactory remains the same with:
new PropertyValueFactory<Stock,String>("stockTicker")
The naming convention will seem more obvious when you also add a property accessor to your Stock class:
public class Stock {
private SimpleStringProperty stockTicker;
public Stock(String stockTicker) {
this.stockTicker = new SimpleStringProperty(stockTicker);
public String getStockTicker() {
return stockTicker.get();
public void setStockTicker(String stockticker) {
public StringProperty stockTickerProperty() {
return stockTicker;
The PropertyValueFactory uses reflection to find the relevant accessors (these should be public). First, it will try to use the stockTickerProperty accessor and, if that is not present fall back to getters and setters. Providing a property accessor is recommended as then you will automatically enable your table to observe the property in the underlying model, dynamically updating its data as the underlying model changes.
put the Getter and Setter method in you data class for all the elements.

JPA2 CriteriaBuilder: Using LOB property for greaterThan comparison

My application is using SQLServer and JPA2 in the backend. App makes use of a timestamp column (in the SQLServer sense, which is equivalent to row version see here) per entity to keep track of freshly modified entities. NB SQLServer stores this column as binary(8).
Each entity has a respective timestamp property, mapped as #Lob, which is the way to go for binary columns:
#Column(columnDefinition="timestamp", insertable=false, updatable=false)
public byte[] getTimestamp() {
The server sends incremental updates to mobile clients along with the latest database timestamp. The mobile client will then pass the old timestamp back to the server on the next refresh request so that the server knows to return only fresh data. Here's what a typical query (in JPQL) looks like:
select v from Visit v where v.timestamp > :oldTimestamp
Please note that I'm using a byte array as a query parameter and it works fine when implemented in JPQL this way.
My problems begin when trying to do the same using the Criteria API:
private void getFreshVisits(byte[] oldVersion) {
EntityManager em = getEntityManager();
CriteriaQuery<Visit> cq = cb.createQuery(Visit.class);
Root<Visit> root = cq.from(Visit.class);
Predicate tsPred ="timestamp").as(byte[].class), oldVersion); // compiler error
The above will result in compiler error as it requires that the gt method used strictly with Number. One could instead use the greaterThan method which simply requires the params to be Comparable and that would result in yet another compiler error.
So to sum it up, my question is: how can I use the criteria api to add a greaterThan predicate for a byte[] property? Any help will be greatly appreciated.
PS. As to why I'm not using a regular DateTime last_modified column: because of concurrency and the way synchronization is implemented, this approach could result in lost updates. Microsoft's Sync Framework documentation recommends the former approach as well.
I know this was asked a couple of years back but just in case anyone else stumbles upon this.. In order to use a SQLServer rowver column within JPA you need to do a couple of things..
Create a type that will wrap the rowver/timestamp:
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnore;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlTransient;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.Arrays;
* A RowVersion object
public class RowVersion implements Serializable, Comparable<RowVersion> {
private byte[] rowver;
public RowVersion() {
public RowVersion(byte[] internal) {
this.rowver = internal;
public byte[] getRowver() {
return rowver;
public void setRowver(byte[] rowver) {
this.rowver = rowver;
public int compareTo(RowVersion o) {
return new BigInteger(1, rowver).compareTo(new BigInteger(1, o.getRowver()));
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
RowVersion that = (RowVersion) o;
return Arrays.equals(rowver, that.rowver);
public int hashCode() {
return Arrays.hashCode(rowver);
The key here is that it implement Comparable if you want to use it in calculations (which you definitely do)..
Next create a AttributeConverter that will move from a byte[] to the class you just made:
import javax.persistence.AttributeConverter;
import javax.persistence.Converter;
* JPA converter for the RowVersion type
public class RowVersionTypeConverter implements AttributeConverter<RowVersion, byte[]> {
public byte[] convertToDatabaseColumn(RowVersion attribute) {
return attribute != null ? attribute.getRowver() : null;
public RowVersion convertToEntityAttribute(byte[] dbData) {
return new RowVersion(dbData);
Now let's apply this RowVersion attribute/type to a real world scenario. Let's say you wanted to find all Programs that have changed on or before some point in time.
One straightforward way to solve this would be to use a DateTime field in the object and timestamp column within db. Then you would use 'where lastUpdatedDate <= :date'.
Suppose that you don't have that timestamp column or there's no guarantee that it will be updated properly when changes are made; or let's say your shop loves SQLServer and wants to use rowver instead.
What to do? There are two issues to solve.. one how to generate a rowver and two is how to use the generated rowver to find Programs.
Since the database generates the rowver, you can either ask the db for the 'current max rowver' (a custom sql server thing) or you can simply save an object that has a RowVersion attribute and then use that object's generated RowVersion as the boundary for the query to find the Programs changed after that time. The latter solution is more portable is what the solution is below.
The SyncPoint class snippet below is the object that is used as a 'point in time' kind of deal. So once a SyncPoint is saved, the RowVersion attached to it is the db version at the time it was saved.
Here is the SyncPoint snippet. Notice the annotation to specify the custom converter (don't forget to make the column insertable = false, updateable = false):
* A sample super class that uses RowVersion
public abstract class SyncPoint {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private Long id;
// type is rowver for SQLServer, blob(8) for postgresql and h2
#Column(name = "current_database_version", insertable = false, updatable = false)
#Convert(converter = RowVersionTypeConverter.class)
private RowVersion currentDatabaseVersion;
#Column(name = "created_date_utc", columnDefinition = "timestamp", nullable = false)
private DateTime createdDate;
Also (for this example) here is the Program object we want to find:
#Table(name = "program_table")
public class Program {
private Integer id;
private boolean active;
// type is rowver for SQLServer, blob(8) for postgresql and h2
#Column(name = "rowver", insertable = false, updatable = false)
#Convert(converter = RowVersionTypeConverter.class)
private RowVersion currentDatabaseVersion;
#Column(name = "last_chng_dt")
private DateTime lastUpdatedDate;
Now you can use these fields within your JPA criteria queries just like anything else.. here is a snippet that we used inside a spring-data Specifications class:
* Find Programs changed after a synchronization point
* #param filter that has the changedAfter sync point
* #return a specification or null
public Specification<Program> changedBeforeOrEqualTo(final ProgramSearchFilter filter) {
return new Specification<Program>() {
public Predicate toPredicate(Root<Program> root, CriteriaQuery<?> query, CriteriaBuilder cb) {
if (filter != null && filter.changedAfter() != null) {
// load the SyncPoint from the db to get the rowver column populated
SyncPoint fromDb = synchronizationPersistence.reload(filter.changedBeforeOrEqualTo());
if (fromDb != null) {
// real sync point made by database
if (fromDb.getCurrentDatabaseVersion() != null) {
// use binary version
return cb.lessThanOrEqualTo(root.get(Program_.currentDatabaseVersion),
} else if (fromDb.getCreatedDate() != null) {
// use timestamp instead of binary version cause db doesn't make one
return cb.lessThanOrEqualTo(root.get(Program_.lastUpdatedDate),
return null;
The specification above works with both the binary current database version or a timestamp.. this way I could test my stuff and all the upstream code on a database other than SQLServer.
That's it really: a) type to wrap the byte[] b) JPA converter c) use attribute in query.

Autofixture test for invalid constructor parameter

I have the following class and test. I want to test passing a null value as a parameter to the constructor and are expecting an ArgumentNullException. But since I use the Autofixture's CreateAnonymous method I get a TargetInvocationException instead.
What is the correct way to write those kinds of tests?
public sealed class CreateObject : Command {
// Properties
public ObjectId[] Ids { get; private set; }
public ObjectTypeId ObjectType { get; private set; }
public UserId CreatedBy { get; private set; }
// Constructor
public CreateObject(ObjectId[] ids, ObjectTypeId objectType, UserId createdBy) {
Guard.NotNull(ids, "ids");
Guard.NotNull(objectType, "objectType");
Guard.NotNull(createdBy, "createdBy");
Ids = ids;
ObjectType = objectType;
CreatedBy = createdBy;
public void constructor_with_null_ids_throw() {
fixture.Register<ObjectId[]>(() => null);
IMO, Ruben Bartelink's comment is the best answer.
With AutoFixture.Idioms, you can do this instead:
var fixture = new Fixture();
var assertion = new GuardClauseAssertion(fixture);
The Verify method will provide you with a quite detailed exception message if any constructor argument in any constructor is lacking a Guard Clause.
FWIW, AutoFixture extensively uses Reflection, so I don't consider it a bug that it throws a TargetInvocationException. While it could unwrap all TargetInvocationException instances and rethrow their InnerException properties, that would also mean disposing of (potentially) valuable information (such as the AutoFixture stack trace). I've considered this, but don't want to take AutoFixture in that direction, for exactly that reason. A client can always filter out information, but if information is removed prematurely, no client can get it back.
If you prefer the other approach, it's not too hard to write a helper method that unwraps the exception - perhaps something like this:
public Exception Unwrap(this Exception e)
var tie = e as TargetInvocationException;
if (tie != null)
return tie.InnerException;
return e;
I came across this while I was searching for something similar. I would like to add that, combined with automoqcustomization and xunit, below code also works and its much cleaner.
[Theory, AutoMoqData]
public void Constructor_GuardClausesArePresent(GuardClauseAssertion assertion)
You just need to create the AutoMoqData attribute as follows.
public class AutoMoqDataAttribute : AutoDataAttribute
public AutoMoqDataAttribute() : base(() => new Fixture().Customize(new AutoMoqCustomization()))

How to persistent Map in JPA in GAE

I don't know why I can't persistent MAP in JPA in GAE
AnnualReport thatyear = .......
if (stud.getAnnualReport() == null){
Map<Integer,AnnualReport> temp = new HashMap<Integer,AnnualReport>();
temp.put(thatyear.getAttrKey(), thatyear);
} else{
Map<Integer,AnnualReport> temp2 = stud.getAnnualReport();
temp2.put(thatyear.getAttrKey(), thatyear);
try {
} finally {
if (em.getTransaction().isActive()) {
Actually in http:// localhost :8888/_ah/admin/datastore I can see the thatyear has been persistent; However, I can never get them; or, stud.getAnnualReport() is always empty.
EntityManager em;
em = EMF.get().createEntityManager();
AnnualReport thatyear = stud.getAnnualReport().get(yearselected);
I really don't know what to do. Following is the relationship between Stud & AnnualReport
#Entity( name = "Stud")
public class Stud{
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private Key studID;
private String lastName = new String();
private Map<Integer,AnnualReport>annualReport = new HashMap<Integer,AnnualReport>(20);
#OneToMany(mappedBy="stud",cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
#MapKey(name = "attrKey")
public Map<Integer, AnnualReport> getAnnualReport() {
return annualReport;
#Entity( name = "AnnualReport")
public class AnnualReport implements Serializable{
private static final long serialVersionUID = 3581307841164176872L;
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private Key annualReportID;
public int attrKey;
Stud stud;
private String attendSchoolNote;
I don't know what happens. Why I can't get those map information which are already persistent?
No idea why you don't get the expected result, but then you present no debug info. You can easily follow the persistence process using the log, telling you what is actually persisted into the GAE Entity objects. GAE has a (JDO) unit test at
which demonstrates correct behaviour (and since JDO/JPA is simply a wrapper over the persistence engine, no reason to think the same would not persist fine using JPA).
Edit : in fact I just added a test for JPA maps at and works fine.
