How can I store variable length codes sequentially in memory? - c

Say I have a two dimensional array where each entry contains a length and a value:
int array[4][2] = { /* {length, value}, */
{5, 3},
{6, 7},
{1, 0},
{8, 15},
I want to store them sequentially into memory with leading zeros to make each field the appropriate length. The example above would be:
00011 000111 0 00001111
The first block is five bits long and stores decimal 3. The second block is six bits long and stores decimal seven. The third block is one bit long and stores decimal 0, and the last block is eight bits long and stores decimal 15.
I can do it with some bitwise manipulation but I thought I would ask to see if there is an easier way.
I am coding in C for a Tensilica 32-bit RISC processor.
The purpose is to write a sequence of Exponential-Golomb codes.
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
unsigned int i = 0, j = 0;
unsigned char bit = 0;
unsigned int bit_num = 0;
unsigned int field_length_bits = 0;
unsigned int field_length_bytes = 0;
unsigned int field_array_length = 0;
unsigned int field_list[NUM_FIELDS][2] = {
/*{Length, Value},*/
{4, 3},
{5, 5},
{6, 9},
{7, 11},
{8, 13},
{9, 15},
{10, 17},
unsigned char *seq_array;
// Find total length of field list in bits
for (i = 0; i < NUM_FIELDS; i++)
field_length_bits += field_list[i][LENGTH];
// Number of bytes needed to store FIELD parameters
for (i = 0; i < (field_length_bits + i) % 8 != 0; i++) ;
field_length_bytes = (field_length_bits + i) / 8;
// Size of array we need to allocate (multiple of 4 bytes)
for (i = 0; (field_length_bytes + i) % 4 != 0; i++) ;
field_array_length = (field_length_bytes + i);
// Allocate memory
seq_array = (unsigned char *) calloc(field_array_length, sizeof(unsigned char));
// Traverse source and set destination
for(i = 0; i < NUM_FIELDS; i++)
for(j = 0; j < field_list[i][LENGTH]; j++)
bit = 0x01 & (field_list[i][VALUE] >> (field_list[i][LENGTH] - j - 1));
if (bit)
setBit(seq_array, field_array_length, bit_num, 1);
setBit(seq_array, field_array_length, bit_num, 0);
return 0;
void setBit(unsigned char *array, unsigned int array_len, unsigned int bit_num, unsigned int bit_value)
unsigned int byte_location = 0;
unsigned int bit_location = 0;
byte_location = bit_num / 8;
if(byte_location > array_len - 1)
printf("setBit(): Unauthorized memory access");
bit_location = bit_num % 8;
array[byte_location] |= (1 << (7-bit_location));
array[byte_location] &= ~(1 << (7-bit_location));

You can use a bitstream library:
Highly recommended bitstream library:
Because this bitstream library seems to be very self-contained, and doesn't seem to require external includes. - C library, but using windows WORD, DWORD types (you can still typedef to use this library) - includes quite a few other include files to use the bitstream library
If you just want exponential golomb codes, there are open-source C implementations:
Or you can use bit manipulation techniques.
For example:
unsigned int array[4][2] = ???
unsigned int mem[100] = {};
int index=0,bit=0;
for (int i=0;i<4;i++) {
int shift = (32 - array[i][0] - bit);
if (shift>0) mem[index] &= array[i][1] << shift;
else {
mem[index] &= array[i][1] >> -shift;
mem[index+1] &= array[i][1] << (32+shift);
bit += array[i][1];
if (bit>=32) {
The code only works if your computer byte-order is little endian, and the result will actually be little-endian within each 4-byte boundary, and big-endian across 4-byte boundaries. If you convert mem from int type to char, and replace the constants 32 to 8, you will get a big-endian representation of your bit-array.
It also assumes that the length is less than 32. Obviously, the code you actually want will depend on the bounds of valid input, and what you want in terms of byte-ordering.

Do you mean something like a bit field?
struct myBF
unsigned int v1 : 5;
unsigned int v2 : 5;
unsigned int v3 : 1;
unsigned int v4 : 8;
struct myBF b = { 3, 7, 0, 15 };
I may be misunderstanding your requirements entirely. Please comment if that's the case.
Update: Suppose you want to do this dynamically. Let's make a function that accepts an array of pairs, like in your example, and an output buffer:
/* Fill dst with bits.
* Returns one plus the number of bytes used or 0 on error.
size_t bitstream(int (*arr)[2], size_t arrlen,
unsigned char * dst, size_t dstlen)
size_t total_bits = 0, bits_so_far = 0;
/* Check if there's enough space */
for (size_t i = 0; i != arrlen; ++i) { total_bits += arr[i][0]; }
if (dst == NULL || total_bits > CHAR_BIT * dstlen) { return 0; }
/* Set the output range to all zero */
memset(dst, 0, dstlen);
/* Populate the output range */
for (size_t i = 0; i != arrlen; ++i)
for (size_t bits_to_spend = arr[i][0], value = arr[i][1];
bits_to_spend != 0; /* no increment */ )
size_t const bit_offset = bits_so_far % CHAR_BIT;
size_t const byte_index = bits_so_far / CHAR_BIT;
size_t const cur_byte_capacity = CHAR_BIT - bit_offset;
/* Debug: Watch it work! */
printf("Need to store %zu, %zu bits to spend, capacity %zu.\n",
value, bits_to_spend, cur_byte_capacity);
dst[byte_index] |= (value << bit_offset);
if (cur_byte_capacity < bits_to_spend)
value >>= cur_byte_capacity;
bits_so_far += cur_byte_capacity;
bits_to_spend -= cur_byte_capacity;
bits_so_far += bits_to_spend;
bits_to_spend = 0;
return (bits_so_far + CHAR_BIT - 1) / CHAR_BIT;
If the number arr[i][1] does not fit into arr[i][0] bits, only the residue modulo 2arr[i][0] is stored.
To be perfectly correct, the array type should be unsigned as well, otherwise the initialization size_t value = arr[i][1] may be undefined behaviour.
You can modify the error handling behaviour. For example, you could forgo transactionality and move the length check into the main loop. Also, instead of returning 0, you could return the numĀ­ber of required bytes, so that the user can figure out how big the destination array needs to be (like snptrintf does).
unsigned char dst[N];
size_t n = bitstream(array, sizeof array / sizeof *array, dst, sizeof dst);
for (size_t i = 0; i != n; ++i) { printf("0x%02X ", dst[n - i - 1]); }
For your example, this will produce 0x00 0xF0 0xE3, which is:
0x00 0xF0 0xE3
00000000 11110000 11100011
0000 00001111 0 000111 00011
padd 15 0 7 3

In standard C there's no way to access anything smaller than a char by any way other than the 'bitwise manipulation` you mention. I'm afraid you're out of luck, unless you come across a library somewhere out there that can help you.


How to inverse LFSR and shift register in C?

I'm programming an OFDM system, both the transmitter and receiver sides. The first function where the bits go is the scrambler, which is basically an LFSR, where my polynomial is x^7 + x^4 + 1, simply, I XOR the 7th and 4th bit in the register, and make it the new first bit of the shift register, and also XOR that value with the input value, to get the output value. Pictorially, it can be seen below.
I'm working with a an array of type short to hold the bits. I need this array type due to some later functions in the program. It's more convenient for me. I created a function to shift right the register, and another function for the scrambler. The code can be seen below:
void leftshift(short *in, short *out, unsigned long len, unsigned short shift) {
unsigned long i;
for (i = 0; i < len - shift; i++) {
out[i] = in[i + shift];
for (i = len - shift; i < len; i++) {
out[i] = 0;
void rightshift(short *in, short *out, unsigned long len, unsigned short shift) {
unsigned long i;
for (i = len - 1; i >= shift; i--) {
out[i] = in[i - 1];
for (i = 0; i < shift; i++) {
out[i] = 0;
void scrambler(short *in, short *out, unsigned long len, short *initial_state) {
unsigned long i;
short carry;
short *shift_register = initial_state;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
carry = (shift_register[3] + shift_register[6]) % 2;
rightshift(shift_register, shift_register, 7, 1);
shift_register[0] = carry;
out[i] = (in[i] + carry) % 2;
Now, the point is that as part of the descrambler process, I need to code the inverse of the scrambler. In my scrambler I'm doing right shift. Does the inverse of it involve just doing a left shift, and leaving the tap sequence and initial configuration of register the same? While, if I do a left shift and check the result, it is not the same result as the initial input. Any ideas?
int main(void) {
const unsigned SIZE = 24;
short in[SIZE] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0,
0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0,
1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0 };
short init[7] = { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 };
short *out_scrambler = (short *)malloc(sizeof(short)*SIZE);
short *out_descrambler = (short *)malloc(sizeof(short)*SIZE);
scrambler(in, out_scrambler, SIZE, init);
scrambler(out_scrambler, out_descrambler, SIZE, init);
return 0;
The scrambling process is its own inverse; you just need to XOR with the same sequence again.
(a ^ b) ^ b == a
You have A xor X = B, your question is then how to get A from B, right? Or am I missing something here?
A xor X = B => B xor X = A
Also, your whole lfsr can be simplified to something like:
uint8_t state;
outbit = ((state >> 7) ^ (state >> 4)) & 1;
state = (state >> 1) | outbit;
The whole point of lfsrs is that they are insanely cheap. It's pretty counter-productive to implement them using 128 times more memory and a magnitude or three more instructions than necessary.

How to get certain bits of a char array to another char array in C?

I have a char (input) array with size 60. I want to write a function that returns certain bits of the input array.
char input_ar[60];
char output_ar[60];
void func(int bits_starting_number, int total_number_bits){
int main()
//want output_ar[0]=0b11000100; //least significant 6 bits of input_ar[0] and most significant bits (7.8.) of input_ar[1]
//want output_ar[1]=0b00000110; //6.5.4. bits of input_ar[1] corresponds to 3 2 1. bits of output_ar[1] (110) right-aligned other bits are 0, namely 8 7 ...4 bits is zero
I want to ask what's the termiology of this algorithm? How can I easily write the code? Any clues appricated.
Note: I use XC8, arrray of bits are not allowed.
This answer makes the following assumptions. Bits are numbered from 1, the first bit is the MS bit of the first byte. The extracted bit array must be left-aligned. Unused bits on the right are padded with 0.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <limits.h>
#define MAX_LEN 60
#define BMASK (1 << (CHAR_BIT-1))
unsigned char input_ar[MAX_LEN];
unsigned char output_ar[MAX_LEN];
int func(int bits_starting_number, int total_number_bits) {
// return the number of bits copied
int sors_ind, sors_bit, dest_ind = 0;
int i, imask, omask;
memset (output_ar, 0, MAX_LEN); // clear the result
if (bits_starting_number < 1 || bits_starting_number > MAX_LEN * CHAR_BIT)
return 0; // bit number is out of range
if (total_number_bits < 1)
return 0; // nothing to do
if (bits_starting_number + total_number_bits > MAX_LEN * CHAR_BIT)
total_number_bits = MAX_LEN * CHAR_BIT - bits_starting_number;
sors_ind = bits_starting_number / CHAR_BIT;
sors_bit = CHAR_BIT - 1 - (bits_starting_number % CHAR_BIT);
imask = 1 << sors_bit;
omask = BMASK;
for (i=0; i<total_number_bits; i++) {
if (input_ar[sors_ind] & imask)
output_ar[dest_ind] |= omask; // copy a 1 bit
if ((imask >>= 1) == 0) { // shift the input mask
imask = BMASK;
sors_ind++; // next input byte
if ((omask >>= 1) == 0) { // shift the output mask
omask = BMASK;
dest_ind++; // next output byte
return total_number_bits;
void printb (int value) {
int i;
for (i=BMASK; i; i>>=1) {
if (value & i)
printf (" ");
int main(void) {
int i;
input_ar[0]= 0xF1; // 0b11110001
input_ar[1]= 0x33; // 0b00110011
printf ("Input: ");
for (i=0; i<4; i++)
printf ("\n");
printf ("Output: ");
for (i=0; i<4; i++)
printf ("\n");
return 0;
Program output
Input: 11110001 00110011 00000000 00000000
Output: 11000100 11000000 00000000 00000000
First of all, the returntype: You can return a boolean array of length total_number_bits.
Inside your function you can do a forloop, starting at bits_starting_number, iterating total_number_bits times. For each number you can divide the forloopindex by 8 (to get the right char) and than bitshift a 1 by the forloopindex modulo 8 to get the right bit. Put it on the right spot in the output array (forloopindex - bits_starting_number) and you are good to go
This would become something like:
for(i = bits_starting_number; i < bits_starting_number + total_number_bits; i++) {
boolarr[i - bits_starting_number] = charray[i/8] & (1 << (i % 8));

How to check a BCH(15,11,1) code/checksum for BDS/Beidou satellite system

In the PDF chapter 5 (pages 9ff) the BCH(15,11,1) code for Beidou system is described.
I'm trying to implement usage of this code for error checking (i.e. I only want to verify the parity information - I don't need the error fixing capability). Ideally I search a routine, which gets 15 bits and returns the matching 4 parity bits.
I checked the following code, but couldn't get it to do what I want. In best it makes a BCH(15,11,3) code.
Two example strings are:
Note that first 15 bits aren't BCH-encoded, second set is, and beginning with 3rd set two encodings are interleaved, as described on page 14.
I.E. the first BCH(15,11,1) set should be 01101110010 1100, the second without interleave
0100101101100000100000 00011010 and splitted
01001011011 0001 and 00000100000 1010.
What I'm searching is a routine, which gets these 11+4 bits and can verify the parity. Interleaving handling and all other stuff I can do myself. As said, error correction is not important for me, I only need a yes/no.
Anything which would help me is appreciated.
After digging deeper into the topic I found a working solution. I'll give it here as reference for anybody who has the same problem.
NOTE: GETBITS is a macros, which extracts given number of bits from the "data" variable and stores them into the supplied argument. I'm to lazy to extract and reduce the relevant code, so use your own version :-)
static int checkbds(int bits)
static int const at[15] = {1, 2, 4, 8, 3, 6, 12, 11, 5, 10, 7, 14, 15, 13, 9};
int s, i, j;
for(i = 1; i <= 2; i++)
s = 0;
for(j = 0; j < 15; j++)
if(bits & (1<<j))
s ^= at[(i * j) % 15];
if(s != 0)
return 0;
return 1;
int bdsbch(const unsigned char *data)
int 38, i, b, b2, j;
GETBITS(b, 15) /* drop first 15 bits */
GETBITS(b, 15) /* get first bit set */
return 0;
for(i = 0; i < 9; ++i)
GETBITS(b, 11) /* get first bit set */
GETBITS(b2, 11) /* get second bit set */
b = (b<<4)|j;
b2 = (b2<<4)|j;
if(!checkbds(b) || !checkbds(b2))
return 0;
return 1;
int main(void)
printf("%d\n", bdsbch((const unsigned char*)"\xE2\x40\xDC\xB1\x2D\x82\x01\xA0\x43\xFF"
printf("%d\n", bdsbch((const unsigned char*)"\xE2\x41\x1C\x9D\x2D\x9D\xD1\x7D\xDD\xDD"
There is no interleaving implemented in your code. But ICD BEIDOU tells that there is. Your code is properly working ?
By the way my crc calculation function is
typedef union {
uint8_t val;
struct {
uint8_t b0:1;
uint8_t b1:1;
uint8_t b2:1;
uint8_t b3:1;
} bits;
} bch_reg;
uint8_t crc_calc(uint16_t data)
bch_reg reg;
int8_t i;
uint8_t gate1; // icd
reg.val = 0;
for (i = 10; i >= 0; i--) {
gate1 = reg.bits.b3^(data >> i & 1);
reg.bits.b3 = reg.bits.b2;
reg.bits.b2 = reg.bits.b1;
reg.bits.b1 = reg.bits.b0^gate1;
reg.bits.b0 = gate1;
return reg.val;
oh, and one more thing. I have tried to calc crc without decoding and it doesn't work. So You nead to interleave than decode and then calc and check crc
uint16_t decode_bch_bin(uint16_t enc)
bch_reg reg;
int8_t i;
uint8_t bit;
uint16_t const err[16] = {0, 1, 2, 16, 4, 256, 32, 1024, 8, 16384, 512, 128, 64,
8192, 2048, 4096};
/* see Table 5.2 */
reg.val = 0;
/* BCH decoding (Fig 5-4) */
for (i = 14; i >= 0; i--) {
bit = reg.bits.b3;
reg.bits.b3 = reg.bits.b2;
reg.bits.b2 = reg.bits.b1;
reg.bits.b1 = reg.bits.b0^bit;
reg.bits.b0 = (enc >> i & 1)^bit;
/*error correction*/
enc ^= err[reg.val];
/*wipe off crc bits*/
return enc;
P.S. I prefer uin16_t to int because there are 15 bits in 1 code sequence, but it will work wis int as well

masking most significant bit

I wrote this function to remove the most significant bit in every byte. But this function doesn't seem to be working the way I wanted it to be.
The output file size is always '0', I don't understand why nothing's been written to the output file. Is there a better and simple way to remove the most significant bit in every byte??
In relation to shift operators, section 6.5.7 of the C standard says:
If the value of the right operand is negative or is greater than or
equal to the width of the promoted left operand, the behavior is
So firstly, remove nBuffer << 8;. Even if it were well defined, it wouldn't be an assignment operator.
As people have mentioned, you'd be better off using CHAR_BIT than 8. I'm pretty sure, instead of 0x7f you mean UCHAR_MAX >> 1 and instead of 7 you meant CHAR_BIT - 1.
Let's just focus on nBuffer and bit_count, here. I shall comment out anything that doesn't use either of these.
bit_count += 7;
if (bit_count == 7*8)
*out_buf++ = nBuffer;
/*if((write(out_fd, bit_buf, sizeof(char))) == -1)
oops("Cannot write on the file", "");*/
nBuffer << 8;
bit_count -= 8;
nBuffer = 0;
bit_count = 0;
At the end of this code, what is the value of nBuffer? What about bit_count? What impact would that have on your second loop? while (bit_count > 0)
Now let's focus on the commented out code:
if((write(out_fd, bit_buf, sizeof(char))) == -1)
oops("Cannot write on the file", "");
Where are you assigning a value to bit_buf? Using an uninitialised variable is undefined behaviour.
Instead of going through all of the bits to find the high one, this goes through only the 1 bits. high() returns the high bit of the argument, or zero if the argument is zero.
inline int high(int n)
int k;
do {
k = n ^ (n - 1);
n &= ~k;
} while (n);
return (k + 1) >> 1;
inline int drop_high(int n)
return n ^ high(n);
unsigned char remove_most_significant_bit(unsigned char b)
int bit;
for(bit = 0; bit < 8; bit++)
unsigned char mask = (0x80 >> bit);
if( mask & b) return b & ~mask;
return b;
void remove_most_significant_bit_from_buffer(unsigned char* b, int length)
int i;
for(i=0; i<length;i++)
b[i] = remove_most_significant_bit(b[i]);
void test_it()
unsigned char data[8];
int i;
for(i = 0; i < 8; i++)
data[i] = (1 << i) + i;
for(i = 0; i < 8; i++)
printf("%d\r\n", data[i]);
remove_most_significant_bit_from_buffer(data, 8);
for(i = 0; i < 8; i++)
printf("%d\r\n", data[i]);
I won't go through your entire answer to provide your reworked code, but removing the most significant bit is easy. This comes from the fact that the most significant bit can easily be found by using log base 2 converted to an integer.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
int RemoveMSB(int a)
return a ^ (1 << (int)log2(a));
int main(int argc, char const *argv[])
int a = 4387;
printf("MSB of %d is %d\n", a, (int)log2(a));
a = RemoveMSB(a);
printf("MSB of %d is %d\n", a, (int)log2(a));
return 0;
MSB of 4387 is 12
MSB of 291 is 8
As such, 4387 in binary is 1000100100011 with a most significant bit at 12.
Likewise, 291 in binary is 0000100100011 with a most significant bit at 8.

Byte level length description

I have a protocol that requires a length field up to 32-bits, and it must be
generated at runtime to describe how many bytes are in a given packet.
The code below is kind of ugly but I am wondering if this can be refactored to
be slightly more efficient or easily understandable. The problem is that the
code will only generate enough bytes to describe the length of the packet, so
less than 255 bytes = 1 byte of length, less than 65535 = 2 bytes of length
extern char byte_stream[];
int bytes = offset_in_packet;
int n = length_of_packet;
/* Under 4 billion, so this can be represented in 32 bits. */
int t;
/* 32-bit number used for temporary storage. */
/* These are the bytes we will break up n into. */
unsigned char first, second, third, fourth;
t = n & 0xFF000000;
/* We have used AND to "mask out" the first byte of the number. */
/* The only bits which can be on in t are the first 8 bits. */
first = t >> 24;
if (t) {
printf("byte 1: 0x%02x\n",first );
byte_stream[bytes] = first; bytes++;
write_zeros = 1;
/* Now we shift t so that it is between 0 and 255. This is the first, highest byte of n. */
t = n & 0x00FF0000;
second = t >> 16;
if (t || write_zeros) {
printf("byte 2: 0x%02x\n", second );
byte_stream[bytes] = second; bytes++;
write_zeros = 1;
t = n & 0x0000FF00;
third = t >> 8;
if ( t || write_zeros) {
printf("byte 3: 0x%02x\n", third );
byte_stream[bytes] = third; bytes++;
write_zeros = 1;
t = n & 0x000000FF;
fourth = t;
if (t || write_zeros) {
printf("byte 4: 0x%02x\n", fourth);
byte_stream[bytes] = fourth; bytes++;
You should really use a fixed-width field for your length.
When the program on the receiving end has to read the length field of your packet, how does it know where the length stops?
If the length of a packet can potentially reach 4 GB, does a 1-3 byte overhead really matter?
Do you see how complex your code has already become?
Really you're only doing four calculations, so readability seems way more important here than efficiency. My approach to make something like this more readable is to
Extract common code to a function
Put similar calculations together to make the patterns more obvious
Get rid of the intermediate variable print_zeroes and be explicit about the cases in which you output bytes even if they're zero (i.e. the preceding byte was non-zero)
I've changed the random code block into a function and changed a few variables (underscores are giving me trouble in the markdown preview screen). I've also assumed that bytes is being passed in, and that whoever is passing it in will pass us a pointer so we can modify it.
Here's the code:
/* append byte b to stream, increment index */
/* really needs to check length of stream before appending */
void output( int i, unsigned char b, char stream[], int *index )
printf("byte %d: 0x%02x\n", i, b);
stream[(*index)++] = b;
void answer( char bytestream[], unsigned int *bytes, unsigned int n)
/* mask out four bytes from word n */
first = (n & 0xFF000000) >> 24;
second = (n & 0x00FF0000) >> 16;
third = (n & 0x0000FF00) >> 8;
fourth = (n & 0x000000FF) >> 0;
/* conditionally output each byte starting with the */
/* first non-zero byte */
if (first)
output( 1, first, bytestream, bytes);
if (first || second)
output( 2, second, bytestream, bytes);
if (first || second || third)
output( 3, third, bytestream, bytes);
if (first || second || third || fourth)
output( 4, fourth, bytestream, bytes);
Ever so slightly more efficient, and maybe easier to understand would be this modification to the last four if statements:
if (n>0x00FFFFFF)
output( 1, first, bytestream, bytes);
if (n>0x0000FFFF)
output( 2, second, bytestream, bytes);
if (n>0x000000FF)
output( 3, third, bytestream, bytes);
if (1)
output( 4, fourth, bytestream, bytes);
I agree, however, that compressing this field makes the receiving state machine overly complicated. But if you can't change the protocol, this code is much easier to read.
Try this loop:
extern char byte_stream[];
int bytes = offset_in_packet;
int n = length_of_packet; /* Under 4 billion, so this can be represented in 32 bits. */
int t; /* 32-bit number used for temporary storage. */
int i;
unsigned char curByte;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
t = n & (0xFF000000 >> (i * 16));
curByte = t >> (24 - (i * 8));
if (t || write_zeros) {
printf("byte %d: 0x%02x\n", i, curByte );
byte_stream[bytes] = curByte;
write_zeros = 1;
I'm not sure I understand your question. What exactly are you trying to count? If I understand correctly you're trying to find the Most Significant non-zero byte.
You're probably better off using a loop like this:
int i;
int write_zeros = 0;
for (i = 3; i >=0 ; --i) {
t = (n >> (8 * i)) & 0xff;
if (t || write_zeros) {
write_zeros = 1;
printf ("byte %d : 0x%02x\n", 4-i, t);
byte_stream[bytes++] = t;
