Add all elements in a lane - c

Is there an intrinsic which allows one to add all of the elements in a lane? I am using Neon to multiply 8 numbers together, and I need to sum the result. Here is some paraphrased code to show what I'm currently doing (this could probably be optimised):
int16_t p[8], q[8], r[8];
int32_t sum;
int16x8_t pneon, qneon, result;
p[0] = some_number;
p[1] = some_other_number;
//etc etc
pneon = vld1q_s16(p);
q[0] = some_other_other_number;
q[1] = some_other_other_other_number;
//etc etc
qneon = vld1q_s16(q);
result = vmulq_s16(p,q);
sum = ((int32_t) r[0] + (int32_t) r[1] + ... //etc );
Is there a "better" way to do this?

If you're targeting the newer arm 64 bit architecture, then ADDV is just the right instruction for you.
Here's how your code will look with it.
qneon = vld1q_s16(q);
result = vmulq_s16(p,q);
sum = vaddvq_s16(result);
That's it. Just one instruction to sum up all of the lanes in the vector register.
Sadly, this instruction doesn't feature in the older 32 bit arm architecture.

Something like this should work pretty optimal (caution: not tested)
const int16x4_t result_low = vget_low_s16(result); // Extract low 4 elements
const int16x4_t result_high = vget_high_s16(result); // Extract high 4 elements
const int32x4_t twopartsum = vaddl_s16(result_low, result_high); // Extend to 32 bits and add (4 partial 32-bit sums are formed)
const int32x2_t twopartsum_low = vget_low_s32(twopartsum); // Extract 2 low 32-bit partial sums
const int32x2_t twopartsum_high = vget_high_s32(twopartsum); // Extract 2 high 32-bit partial sums
const int32x2_t fourpartsum = vadd_s32(twopartsum_low, twopartsum_high); // Add partial sums (2 partial 32-bit sum are formed)
const int32x2_t eightpartsum = vpadd_s32(fourpartsum, fourpartsum); // Final reduction
const int32_t sum = vget_lane_s32(eightpartsum, 0); // Move to general-purpose registers

temp = vadd_f32(vget_high_f32(variance_n), vget_low_f32(variance_n));
sum = vget_lane_f32(vpadd_f32(variance_temp, variance_temp), 0);


Efficient C vectors for generic SIMD (SSE, AVX, NEON) test for zero matches. (find FP max absolute value and index)

I want to see if it's possible to write some generic SIMD code that can compile efficiently. Mostly for SSE, AVX, and NEON. A simplified version of the problem is: Find the maximum absolute value of an array of floating point numbers and return both the value and the index. It is the last part, the index of the maximum, that causes the problem. There doesn't seem to be a very good way to write code that has a branch.
See update at end for finished code using some of the suggested answers.
Here's a sample implementation (more complete version on godbolt):
#define VLEN 8
typedef float vNs __attribute__((vector_size(VLEN*sizeof(float))));
typedef int vNb __attribute__((vector_size(VLEN*sizeof(int))));
#define SWAP128 4,5,6,7, 0,1,2,3
#define SWAP64 2,3, 0,1, 6,7, 4,5
#define SWAP32 1, 0, 3, 2, 5, 4, 7, 6
static bool any(vNb x) {
x = x | __builtin_shufflevector(x,x, SWAP128);
x = x | __builtin_shufflevector(x,x, SWAP64);
x = x | __builtin_shufflevector(x,x, SWAP32);
return x[0];
float maxabs(float* __attribute__((aligned(32))) data, unsigned n, unsigned *index) {
vNs max = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
vNs tmax;
unsigned imax = 0;
for (unsigned i = 0 ; i < n; i += VLEN) {
vNs t = *(vNs*)(data + i);
t = -t < t ? t : -t; // Absolute value
vNb cmp = t > max;
if (any(cmp)) {
tmax = t; imax = i;
// broadcast horizontal max of t into every element of max
vNs tswap128 = __builtin_shufflevector(t,t, SWAP128);
t = t < tswap128 ? tswap128 : t;
vNs tswap64 = __builtin_shufflevector(t,t, SWAP64);
t = t < tswap64 ? tswap64 : t;
vNs tswap32 = __builtin_shufflevector(t,t, SWAP32);
max = t < tswap32 ? tswap32 : t;
// To simplify example, ignore finding index of true value in tmax==max
*index = imax; // + which(tmax == max);
return max[0];
Code on godbolt allows changing VLEN to 8 or 4.
This mostly works very well. For AVX/SSE the absolute value becomes t & 0x7fffffff using a (v)andps, i.e. clear the sign bit. For NEON it's done with vneg + fmaxnm. The block to find and broadcast the horizontal max becomes an efficient sequence of permute and max instructions. gcc is able to use NEON fabs for absolute value.
The 8 element vector on the 4 element SSE/NEON targets works well on clang. It uses a pair of instructions on two sets of registers and for the SWAP128 horizontal op will max or or the two registers without any unnecessary permute. gcc on the other hand really can't handle this and produces mostly non-SIMD code. If we reduce the vector length to 4, gcc works fine for SSE and NEON.
But there's a problem with if (any(cmp)). For clang + SSE/AVX, it works well, vcmpltps + vptest, with an orps to go from 8->4 on SSE.
But gcc and clang on NEON do all the permutes and ORs, then move the result to a gp register to test.
Is there some bit of code, other than architecture specific intrinsics, to get ptest with gcc and vmaxvq with clang/gcc and NEON?
I tried some other methods, like if (x[0] || x[1] || ... x[7]) but they were worse.
I've created an updated example that shows two different implementations, both the original and "indices in a vector" method as suggested by chtz and shown in Aki Suihkonen's answer. One can see the resulting SSE and NEON output.
While some might be skeptical, the compiler does produce very good code from the generic SIMD (not auto-vectorization!) C++ code. On SSE/AVX, I see very little room to improve the code in the loop. The NEON version still troubled by a sub-optimal implementation of "any()".
Unless the data is usually in ascending order, or nearly so, my original version is still fastest on SSE/AVX. I haven't tested on NEON. This is because most loop iterations do not find a new max value and it's best to optimize for that case. The "indices in a vector" method produces a tighter loop and the compiler does a better job too, but the common case is just a bit slower on SSE/AVX. The common case might be equal or faster on NEON.
Some notes on writing generic SIMD code.
The absolute value of a vector of floats can be found with the following. It produces optimal code on SSE/AVX (and with a mask that clears the sign bit) and on NEON (the fabs instruction).
static vNs vabs(vNs x) {
return -x < x ? x : -x;
This will do a vertical max efficiently on SSE/AVX/NEON. It doesn't do a compare; it produces the architecture's "max' instruction. On NEON, changing it to use > instead of < causes the compiler to produce very bad scalar code. Something with denormals or exceptions I guess.
template <typename v> // Deduce vector type (float, unsigned, etc.)
static v vmax(v a, v b) {
return a < b ? b : a; // compiles best with "<" as compare op
This code will broadcast the horizontal max across a register. It compiles very well on SSE/AVX. On NEON, it would probably be better if the compiler could use a horizontal max instruction and then broadcast the result. I was impressed to see that if one uses 8 element vectors on SSE/NEON, which have only 4 element registers, the compiler is smart enough to use just one register for the broadcasted result, since the top 4 and bottom 4 elements are the same.
template <typename v>
static v hmax(v x) {
if (VLEN >= 8)
x = vmax(x, __builtin_shufflevector(x,x, SWAP128));
x = vmax(x, __builtin_shufflevector(x,x, SWAP64));
return vmax(x, __builtin_shufflevector(x,x, SWAP32));
This is the best "any()" I found. It is optimal on SSE/AVX, using a single ptest instruction. On NEON it does the permutes and ORs, instead of a horizontal max instruction, but I haven't found a way to get anything better on NEON.
static bool any(vNb x) {
if (VLEN >= 8)
x |= __builtin_shufflevector(x,x, SWAP128);
x |= __builtin_shufflevector(x,x, SWAP64);
x |= __builtin_shufflevector(x,x, SWAP32);
return x[0];
Also interesting, on AVX the code i = i + 1 will be compiled to vpsubd ymmI, ymmI, ymmNegativeOne, i.e. subtract -1. Why? Because a vector of -1s is produced with vpcmpeqd ymm0, ymm0, ymm0 and that's faster than broadcasting a vector of 1s.
Here is the best which() I've come up with. This gives you the index of the 1st true value in a vector of booleans (0 = false, -1 = true). One can do somewhat better on AVX with movemask. I don't know about the best NEON.
// vector of signed ints
typedef int vNi __attribute__((vector_size(VLEN*sizeof(int))));
// vector of bytes, same number of elements, 1/4 the size
typedef unsigned char vNb __attribute__((vector_size(VLEN*sizeof(unsigned char))));
// scalar type the same size as the byte vector
using sNb = std::conditional_t<VLEN == 4, uint32_t, uint64_t>;
static int which(vNi x) {
vNb cidx = __builtin_convertvector(x, vNb);
return __builtin_ctzll((sNb)cidx) / 8u;
As commented by chtz, the most generic and typical method is to have another mask to gather indices:
Vec8s indices = { 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7};
Vec8s max_idx = indices;
Vec8f max_abs = abs(load8(ptr));
for (auto i = 8; i + 8 <= vec_length; i+=8) {
Vec8s data = abs(load8(ptr[i]));
auto mask = is_greater(data, max_abs);
max_idx = bitselect(mask, indices, max_idx);
max_abs = max(max_abs, data);
indices = indices + 8;
Another option is to interleave the values and indices:
auto data = load8s(ptr) & 0x7fffffff; // can load data as int32_t
auto idx = vec8s{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7};
auto lo = zip_lo(idx, data);
auto hi = zip_hi(idx, data);
for (int i = 8; i + 8 <= size; i+=8) {
idx = idx + 8;
auto d1 = load8s(ptr + i) & 0x7fffffff;
auto lo1 = zip_lo(idx, d1);
auto hi1 = zip_hi(idx, d1);
lo = max_u64(lo, lo1);
hi = max_u64(hi, hi1);
This method is especially lucrative, if the range of inputs is small enough to shift the input left, while appending a few bits from the index to the LSB bits of the same word.
Even in this case we can repurpose 1 bit in the float allowing us to save one half of the bit/index selection operations.
auto data0 = load8u(ptr) << 1; // take abs by shifting left
auto data1 = (load8u(ptr + 8) << 1) + 1; // encode odd index to data
auto mx = max_u32(data0, data1); // the LSB contains one bit of index
Looks like one can use double as the storage, since even SSE2 supports _mm_max_pd (some attention needs to be given to Inf/Nan handling, which don't encode as Inf/Nan any more when reinterpreted as the high part of 64-bit double).
UPD: the no-aligning issue is fixed now, all the examples on godbolt use aligned reads.
Terribly sorry about that, I missed the absolute value from the definition.
I do not have the measurements, but here are all 3 functions vectorised:
max value with abs:
find with abs:
one pass with abs:
Asm stashed in a gist
On the method
The way to do max element with simd is to first find the value and then find the index.
Alternatively you have to keep a register of indexes and blend the indexes.
This requires keeping indexes, doing more operations and the problem of the overflow needs to be addressed.
Here are my timings on avx2 by type (char, short and int) for 10'000 bytes of data
The min_element is my implementation of keeping the index.
reduce(min) + find is doing two loops - first get the value, then find where.
For ints (should behave like floats), performance is 25% faster for the two loops solution, at least on my measurements.
For completeness, comparisons against scalar for both methods - this is definitely an operation that should be vectorized.
How to do it
finding the maximum value is auto-vectorised across all platforms if you write it as reduce
if (!arr.size()) return {};
// std::reduce is also ok, just showing for more C ppl
float res = arr[0];
for (int i = 1; i != (int)arr.size(); ++i) {
res = res > arr[i] ? res : arr[i];
return res;
Now the find portion is trickier, non of the compilers I know autovectorize find
We have eve library that provides you with find algorithm:
Or I explain how to implement find in this talk if you want to do it yourself.
UPD2: changed the blend to max
#Peter Cordes in the comments said that there is maybe a point to doing the one pass solution in case of bigger data.
I have no evidence of this - my measurements point to reduce + find.
However, I hacked together roughly how keeping the index looks (there is an aligning issue at the moment, we should definitely align reads here)
AVX2 main loop:
vmovups ymm6, YMMWORD PTR [rdx]
add rdx, 32
vcmpps ymm3, ymm6, ymm0, 30
vmaxps ymm0, ymm6, ymm0
vpblendvb ymm3, ymm2, ymm1, ymm3
vpaddd ymm1, ymm5, ymm1
vmovdqa ymm2, ymm3
cmp rcx, rdx
jne .L6
ARM-64 main loop:
ldr q3, [x0], 16
fcmgt v4.4s, v3.4s, v0.4s
fmax v0.4s, v3.4s, v0.4s
bit v1.16b, v2.16b, v4.16b
add v2.4s, v2.4s, v5.4s
cmp x0, x1
bne .L6
Links to ASM if godbolt becomes stale:
I don’t believe that’s possible. Compilers aren’t smart enough to do that efficiently.
Compare the other answer (which uses NEON-like pseudocode) with the SSE version below:
// Compare vector absolute value with aa, if greater update both aa and maxIdx
inline void updateMax( __m128 vec, __m128i idx, __m128& aa, __m128& maxIdx )
vec = _mm_andnot_ps( _mm_set1_ps( -0.0f ), vec );
const __m128 greater = _mm_cmpgt_ps( vec, aa );
aa = _mm_max_ps( vec, aa );
// If you don't have SSE4, emulate with bitwise ops: and, andnot, or
maxIdx = _mm_blendv_ps( maxIdx, _mm_castsi128_ps( idx ), greater );
float maxabs_sse4( const float* rsi, size_t length, size_t& index )
// Initialize things
const float* const end = rsi + length;
const float* const endAligned = rsi + ( ( length / 4 ) * 4 );
__m128 aa = _mm_set1_ps( -1 );
__m128 maxIdx = _mm_setzero_ps();
__m128i idx = _mm_setr_epi32( 0, 1, 2, 3 );
// Main vectorized portion
while( rsi < endAligned )
__m128 vec = _mm_loadu_ps( rsi );
rsi += 4;
updateMax( vec, idx, aa, maxIdx );
idx = _mm_add_epi32( idx, _mm_set1_epi32( 4 ) );
// Handle the remainder, if present
if( rsi < end )
__m128 vec;
if( length > 4 )
// The source has at least 5 elements
// Offset the source pointer + index back, by a few elements
const int offset = (int)( 4 - ( length % 4 ) );
rsi -= offset;
idx = _mm_sub_epi32( idx, _mm_set1_epi32( offset ) );
vec = _mm_loadu_ps( rsi );
// The source was smaller than 4 elements, copy them into temporary buffer and load vector from there
alignas( 16 ) float buff[ 4 ];
_mm_store_ps( buff, _mm_setzero_ps() );
for( size_t i = 0; i < length; i++ )
buff[ i ] = rsi[ i ];
vec = _mm_load_ps( buff );
updateMax( vec, idx, aa, maxIdx );
// Reduce to scalar
__m128 tmpMax = _mm_movehl_ps( aa, aa );
__m128 tmpMaxIdx = _mm_movehl_ps( maxIdx, maxIdx );
__m128 greater = _mm_cmpgt_ps( tmpMax, aa );
aa = _mm_max_ps( tmpMax, aa );
maxIdx = _mm_blendv_ps( maxIdx, tmpMaxIdx, greater );
// SSE3 has 100% market penetration in 2022
tmpMax = _mm_movehdup_ps( tmpMax );
tmpMaxIdx = _mm_movehdup_ps( tmpMaxIdx );
greater = _mm_cmpgt_ss( tmpMax, aa );
aa = _mm_max_ss( tmpMax, aa );
maxIdx = _mm_blendv_ps( maxIdx, tmpMaxIdx, greater );
index = (size_t)_mm_cvtsi128_si32( _mm_castps_si128( maxIdx ) );
return _mm_cvtss_f32( aa );
As you see, pretty much everything is completely different. Not just the boilerplate about remainder and final reduction, the main loop is very different too.
SSE doesn’t have bitselect; blendvps is not quite that, it selects 32-bit lanes based on high bit of the selector. Unlike NEON, SSE doesn’t have instructions for absolute value, need to be emulated with bitwise andnot.
The final reduction going to be completely different as well. NEON has very limited shuffles, but it has better horizontal operations, like vmaxvq_f32 which finds horizontal maximum over the complete SIMD vector.

Neon equivalent of mm_madd_epi16 and mm_maddubs_epi16

I am trying to port a code in SSE to Neon.
I could not find the equivalent intrinsics for mm_maddubs_epi16 and mm_madd_epi16.
Any insights on these intrinsics for Neon.
You might want to look at the implementations is SIMDe for _mm_madd_epi16 and _mm_maddubs_epi16 (note to future readers: you might want to check the latest version of those files since implementations in SIMDe get improved sometimes and it's very unlikely I'll remember to update this answer). These implementations are just copied from there.
If you're on AArch64, for _mm_madd_epi16 you probably want to use an vmull_s16+vget_low_s16 for the low half, a vmull_high_s16 for the high half, then use vpaddq_s32 to add them together into a 128-bit result. Without AArch64 you'll need two vmull_s16 calls (one with vget_low_s16 and one with vget_high_s16), but since vpaddq_s32 isn't supported you'll need two vpadd_s32 calls with a vcombine_s32:
#if defined(SIMDE_ARM_NEON_A64V8_NATIVE)
int32x4_t pl = vmull_s16(vget_low_s16(a_.neon_i16), vget_low_s16(b_.neon_i16));
int32x4_t ph = vmull_high_s16(a_.neon_i16, b_.neon_i16);
r_.neon_s32 = vpaddq_s32(pl, ph);
#elif defined(SIMDE_ARM_NEON_A32V7_NATIVE)
int32x4_t pl = vmull_s16(vget_low_s16(a_.neon_i16), vget_low_s16(b_.neon_i16));
int32x4_t ph = vmull_s16(vget_high_s16(a_.neon_i16), vget_high_s16(b_.neon_i16));
int32x2_t rl = vpadd_s32(vget_low_s32(pl), vget_high_s32(pl));
int32x2_t rh = vpadd_s32(vget_low_s32(ph), vget_high_s32(ph));
r_.neon_i32 = vcombine_s32(rl, rh);
For _mm_maddubs_epi16 it's a little more complicated, but I don't think an AArch64-specific version will do much good:
/* Zero extend a */
int16x8_t a_odd = vreinterpretq_s16_u16(vshrq_n_u16(a_.neon_u16, 8));
int16x8_t a_even = vreinterpretq_s16_u16(vbicq_u16(a_.neon_u16, vdupq_n_u16(0xff00)));
/* Sign extend by shifting left then shifting right. */
int16x8_t b_even = vshrq_n_s16(vshlq_n_s16(b_.neon_i16, 8), 8);
int16x8_t b_odd = vshrq_n_s16(b_.neon_i16, 8);
/* multiply */
int16x8_t prod1 = vmulq_s16(a_even, b_even);
int16x8_t prod2 = vmulq_s16(a_odd, b_odd);
/* saturated add */
r_.neon_i16 = vqaddq_s16(prod1, prod2);

ARM neon performance issue

Consider the two following pieces of code, the first is the C version :
void __attribute__((no_inline)) proj(uint8_t * line, uint16_t length)
uint16_t i;
int16_t tmp;
for(i=HPHD_MARGIN; i<length-HPHD_MARGIN; i++) {
tmp = line[i-3] - 4*line[i-2] + 5*line[i-1] - 5*line[i+1] + 4*line[i+2] - line[i+3];
The second is the same function (except for the border) using neon intrinsics
void __attribute__((no_inline)) proj_neon(uint8_t * line, uint16_t length)
int i;
uint8x8_t b0b7, b8b15, p1p8,p2p9,p4p11,p5p12,p6p13, m4, m5;
uint16x8_t result;
m4 = vdup_n_u8(4);
m5 = vdup_n_u8(5);
b0b7 = vld1_u8(line);
for(i = 0; i < length - 16; i+=8) {
b8b15 = vld1_u8(line + i + 8);
p1p8 = vext_u8(b0b7,b8b15, 1);
p2p9 = vext_u8(b0b7,b8b15, 2);
p4p11 = vext_u8(b0b7,b8b15, 4);
p5p12 = vext_u8(b0b7,b8b15, 5);
p6p13 = vext_u8(b0b7,b8b15, 6);
result = vsubl_u8(b0b7, p6p13); //p[-3]
result = vmlal_u8(result, p2p9, m5); // +5 * p[-1];
result = vmlal_u8(result, p5p12, m4);// +4 * p[1];
result = vmlsl_u8(result, p1p8, m4); //-4 * p[-2];
result = vmlsl_u8(result, p4p11, m5);// -5 * p[1];
vst1q_s16(hphd_temp + i + 3, vabsq_s16(vreinterpretq_s16_u16(result)));
b0b7 = b8b15;
/* todo : remaining pixel */
I am disappointed by the performance gain : it is around 10 - 15 %. If I look at the generated assembly :
C version is transformed in a 108 instruction loop
Neon version is transformed in a 72 instruction loop.
But one loop in the neon code computes 8 times as much data as an iteration through the C loop, so a dramatic improvement should be seen.
Do you have any explanation regarding the small difference between the two version ?
Additional details :
Test data is a 10 Mpix image, computation time is around 2 seconds for the C version.
CPU : ARM cortex a8
I'm going to take a wild guess and say that caching (data) is the reason you don't see the big performance gain you are expecting. While I don't know if your chipset supports caching or at what level, if the data spans cache lines, has poor alignment, or is running in an environment where the CPU is doing other things at the same time (interrupts, threads, etc.), then that also could muddy your results.

SSE _mm_movemask_epi8 equivalent method for ARM NEON

I decided to continue Fast corners optimisation and stucked at
_mm_movemask_epi8 SSE instruction. How can i rewrite it for ARM Neon with uint8x16_t input?
I know this post is quite outdated but I found it useful to give my (validated) solution. It assumes all ones/all zeroes in every lane of the Input argument.
const uint8_t __attribute__ ((aligned (16))) _Powers[16]=
{ 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 };
// Set the powers of 2 (do it once for all, if applicable)
uint8x16_t Powers= vld1q_u8(_Powers);
// Compute the mask from the input
uint64x2_t Mask= vpaddlq_u32(vpaddlq_u16(vpaddlq_u8(vandq_u8(Input, Powers))));
// Get the resulting bytes
uint16_t Output;
vst1q_lane_u8((uint8_t*)&Output + 0, (uint8x16_t)Mask, 0);
vst1q_lane_u8((uint8_t*)&Output + 1, (uint8x16_t)Mask, 8);
(Mind, anyway.)
Similarly to Michael, the trick is to form the powers of the indexes of the non-null entries, and to sum them pairwise three times. This must be done with increasing data size to double the stride on every addition. You reduce from 2 x 8 8-bit entries to 2 x 4 16-bit, then 2 x 2 32-bit and 2 x 1 64-bit. The low byte of these two numbers gives the solution. I don't think there is an easy way to pack them together to form a single short value using NEON.
Takes 6 NEON instructions if the input is in the suitable form and the powers can be preloaded.
The obvious solution seems to be completely missed here.
// Use shifts to collect all of the sign bits.
// I'm not sure if this works on big endian, but big endian NEON is very
// rare.
int vmovmaskq_u8(uint8x16_t input)
// Example input (half scale):
// 0x89 FF 1D C0 00 10 99 33
// Shift out everything but the sign bits
// 0x01 01 00 01 00 00 01 00
uint16x8_t high_bits = vreinterpretq_u16_u8(vshrq_n_u8(input, 7));
// Merge the even lanes together with vsra. The '??' bytes are garbage.
// vsri could also be used, but it is slightly slower on aarch64.
// 0x??03 ??02 ??00 ??01
uint32x4_t paired16 = vreinterpretq_u32_u16(
vsraq_n_u16(high_bits, high_bits, 7));
// Repeat with wider lanes.
// 0x??????0B ??????04
uint64x2_t paired32 = vreinterpretq_u64_u32(
vsraq_n_u32(paired16, paired16, 14));
// 0x??????????????4B
uint8x16_t paired64 = vreinterpretq_u8_u64(
vsraq_n_u64(paired32, paired32, 28));
// Extract the low 8 bits from each lane and join.
// 0x4B
return vgetq_lane_u8(paired64, 0) | ((int)vgetq_lane_u8(paired64, 8) << 8);
This question deserves a newer answer for aarch64. The addition of new capabilities to Armv8 allows the same function to be implemented in fewer instructions. Here's my version:
uint32_t _mm_movemask_aarch64(uint8x16_t input)
const uint8_t __attribute__ ((aligned (16))) ucShift[] = {-7,-6,-5,-4,-3,-2,-1,0,-7,-6,-5,-4,-3,-2,-1,0};
uint8x16_t vshift = vld1q_u8(ucShift);
uint8x16_t vmask = vandq_u8(input, vdupq_n_u8(0x80));
uint32_t out;
vmask = vshlq_u8(vmask, vshift);
out = vaddv_u8(vget_low_u8(vmask));
out += (vaddv_u8(vget_high_u8(vmask)) << 8);
return out;
after some tests it looks like following code works correct:
int32_t _mm_movemask_epi8_neon(uint8x16_t input)
const int8_t __attribute__ ((aligned (16))) xr[8] = {-7,-6,-5,-4,-3,-2,-1,0};
uint8x8_t mask_and = vdup_n_u8(0x80);
int8x8_t mask_shift = vld1_s8(xr);
uint8x8_t lo = vget_low_u8(input);
uint8x8_t hi = vget_high_u8(input);
lo = vand_u8(lo, mask_and);
lo = vshl_u8(lo, mask_shift);
hi = vand_u8(hi, mask_and);
hi = vshl_u8(hi, mask_shift);
lo = vpadd_u8(lo,lo);
lo = vpadd_u8(lo,lo);
lo = vpadd_u8(lo,lo);
hi = vpadd_u8(hi,hi);
hi = vpadd_u8(hi,hi);
hi = vpadd_u8(hi,hi);
return ((hi[0] << 8) | (lo[0] & 0xFF));
Note that I haven't tested any of this, but something like this might work:
X := the vector that you want to create the mask from
A := 0x808080808080...
B := 0x00FFFEFDFCFB... (i.e. 0,-1,-2,-3,...)
X = vand_u8(X, A); // Keep d7 of each byte in X
X = vshl_u8(X, B); // X[7]>>=0; X[6]>>=1; X[5]>>=2; ...
// Each byte of X now contains its msb shifted 7-N bits to the right, where N
// is the byte index.
// Do 3 pairwise adds in order to pack all these into X[0]
X = vpadd_u8(X, X);
X = vpadd_u8(X, X);
X = vpadd_u8(X, X);
// X[0] should now contain the mask. Clear the remaining bytes if necessary
This would need to be repeated once to process a 128-bit vector, since vpadd only works on 64-bit vectors.
I know this question is here for 8 years already but let me give you the answer which might solve all performance problems with emulation. It's based on the blog Bit twiddling with Arm Neon: beating SSE movemasks, counting bits and more.
Most usages of movemask instructions are coming from comparisons where the vectors have 0xFF or 0x00 values from the result of every 16 bytes. After that most cases to use movemasks are to check if none/all match, find leading/trailing or iterate over bits.
If this is the case which often is, then you can use shrn reg1, reg2, #4 instruction. This instruction called Shift-Right-then-Narrow instruction can reduce a 128-bit byte mask to a 64-bit nibble mask (by alternating low and high nibbles to the result). This allows the mask to be extracted to a 64-bit general purpose register.
const uint16x8_t equalMask = vreinterpretq_u16_u8(vceqq_u8(chunk, vdupq_n_u8(tag)));
const uint8x8_t res = vshrn_n_u16(equalMask, 4);
const uint64_t matches = vget_lane_u64(vreinterpret_u64_u8(res), 0);
return matches;
After that you can use all bit operations you typically use on x86 with very minor tweaks like shifting by 2 or doing a scalar AND.

SIMD code for exponentiation

I am using SIMD to compute fast exponentiation result. I compare the timing with non-simd code. The exponentiation is implemented using square and multiply algorithm.
Ordinary(non-simd) version of code:
b = 1;
for (i=WPE-1; i>=0; --i){
ew = e[i];
for(j=0; j<BPW; ++j){
b = (b * b) % p;
if (ew & 0x80000000U) b = (b * a) % p;
ew <<= 1;
SIMD version:[0] =[1] =[2] =[3] = 1U;[0] =[1] =[2] =[3] = p;
for (i=WPE-1; i>=0; --i) {[0] = e1[i];[1] = e2[i];[2] = e3[i];[3] = e4[i];
for (j=0; j<BPW;++j){
B.v *= B.v; B.v -= (B.v / P.v) * P.v;
EWV.v = _mm_srli_epi32(EW.v,31);[0] = ([0]) ? a1 : 1U;[1] = ([1]) ? a2 : 1U;[2] = ([2]) ? a3 : 1U;[3] = ([3]) ? a4 : 1U;
B.v *= M.v; B.v -= (B.v / P.v) * P.v;
EW.v = _mm_slli_epi32(EW.v,1);
The issue is though it is computing correctly, simd version is taking more time than non-simd version.
Please help me debug the reasons. Any suggestions on SIMD coding is also welcome.
Thanks & regards,
All functions in the for loops should be SIMD functions, not only two. Time taking to set the arguments for your 2 functions is less optimal then your original example (which is most likely optimized by the compiler)
A SIMD loop for 32 bit int data typically looks something like this:
for (i = 0; i < N; i += 4)
// load input vector(s) with data at array index i..i+3
__m128 va = _mm_load_si128(&A[i]);
__m128 vb = _mm_load_si128(&B[i]);
// process vectors using SIMD instructions (i.e. no scalar code)
__m128 vc = _mm_add_epi32(va, vb);
// store result vector(s) at array index i..i+3
_mm_store_si128(&C[i], vc);
If you find that you need to move between scalar code and SIMD code within the loop then you probably won't gain anything from SIMD optimisation.
Much of the skill in SIMD programming comes from finding ways to make your algorithm work with the limited number of supported instructions and data types that a given SIMD architecture provides. You will often need to exploit a priori knowledge of your data set to get the best possible performance, e.g. if you know for certain that your 32 bit integer values actually have a range that fits within 16 bits then that would make the multiplication part of your algorithm a lot easier to implement.
