what's the best practice in creating a service request reference number? - sql-server

I'll be creating a ticketing system wherein a user can post a request and then the system is suppose to return a ticket number or reference number of the request to track its status. My question is it safe to use an auto number generated from sql server table to use as the reference number returned to the user? Guessing reference numbers will not be an issue because anyone should be able to check the status of the request since no sensitive data is involved. Could there be any best practice for this or any better approach? Thank you.

Sure - using an INT IDENTITY is probably the easiest and safest bet.
SQL Server handles all everything for you - you just get a nice, clean number and be done with it.
If you want to, you can also combine a consecutive number (your ID) with e.g. a project or product prefix to create "case numbers" like PROJ-000005, OTHR-000006 and so forth. This can be very easily done by using a computed column in your table - something like this:
ALTER TABLE dbo.YourTable
ADD PrefixedNumber AS Prefix + '-' + RIGHT('000000' + CAST(ID AS VARCHAR(10)), 6) PERSISTED
Then your table would have an identity column ID with auto-generated numbers, some kind of a customer or project or product determined Prefix, and your computed column PrefixedNumber would contain those fancy prefixed case numbers.


What is the conventional way to hard-code values in a database?

My application has a database table that is used to record the attendance of employees. And the column attedance_status has only three possible values - "present", "absent", "on_leave", and NULL as default.
How do I add it to the database? So far I have come up with two possible ways.
Create another table attendance_status with status_id and status_value and add the above values to it. And then use the id in the application for all SQL queries.
Probably the bad way. Hardcode the values (maybe in a config file) and use it throughout the app's SQL queries.
Am I missing the right way? How should this be approached?
Either will work, but Option 1 will give you flexibility in the event that the requirements change and is the standard data model. I would, however, name my columns a little differently. I would have id, value, name. Then the references become attendance_status.id and attendance_status.value. The third column is available for use in displays or reports or whatever. value is on_leave and name is On leave.
Option 2 works provided the data input point is totally closed. If someone codes new functionality there is the risk that he or she will invent something different to mean the same thing like onLeave.

How to avoid SQL Server error on ORDER BY with duplicate columns

Although this question references PHP, it is not actually PHP-specific, so I have not flagged it as such.
We have a PHP framework which supports multiple DB back-ends.
There is a generic function in our data object class, which allows you to get records from the underlying table, with a specified criteria and sort order.
It looks something like this:
function GetAll($Criteria, $OrderBy = "") {
// Add primary key (column 1) to end of order by list,
// so that returned order is predictable.
if ($OrderBy != "") {
$OrderBy .= ", ";
$OrderBy .= "1";
// Build and run query, returning the result as an array.
If you specify an $OrderBy argument of StaffID on a Staff object, the resulting SQL looks something like the following:
SELECT * FROM adminStaff ORDER BY StaffID, 1;
This works fine on a MySQL back-end, and from my searching of the web it should also be fine on most other DB back-ends. However, when using SQL Server, we get the following error message:
A column has been specified more than once in the order by list.
Columns in the order by list must be unique.
This arises because SQL Server disallows the same column appearing multiple times in the ORDER BY clause. In this case StaffID is column 1 and therefore we have multiple instances of the same column.
Is there a way to disable this check in SQL Server? MySQL provides a lot of options to enable/disable strictness checks and incompatible features - does SQL Server provide anything of that nature that would allow the above query to run without errors?
If not, do you have any suggestions for how we could resolve this in our data-object layer? Bear in mind we need to maintain compatibility with existing projects which expect this behaviour, so it is not sufficient to only include the first column when $OrderBy is blank.
The situation is also slightly complicated in the fact that the field list is customisable elsewhere in the data object configuration, so we can't rely on * being used as the field list - it could contain pretty much anything that is valid in a normal SQL field list. However, if that is asking too much, a solution to the simpler case (as outlined above) would be a good start!
In SQL Server you are able to sort either by column name or by ordinal position of the column order in the SELECT list.
In your case the column StaffID became the ordinal position 1. Hence SQL Server cannot sort the same result set based on the same column twice.
If you remove the 1 from your query, the problem will be solved.
Avoid using the ordinal position of the column for sorting.
The basic question - is it possible to suppress this SQL Server restriction on ORDER BY column duplication - was answered by Venu: No it is not.
There are various suggestions (mostly from me) about how you could possibly code around this limitation in a generic manner. For any future readers, those answers are probably the most helpful if you are adapting an existing system. (If you are starting from scratch, just try and avoid this situation altogether.)
However, the actual solution that I came to was to add versioning to our internal API for our DBAL. The API version is now 2 but you can call setApiVersion(1) to instruct the back-end to use the old version of the API instead.
v2 is identical to v1* except it no longer automatically adds column 1 to the ORDER BY unless it is completely blank. Therefore, the SQL Server issue is resolved for new (v2) projects, whilst existing projects can be set to use the v1 API and therefore continue to work correctly (but without SQL server compatibility).
(* Actually, I've taken this opportunity to make some other breaking changes in v2, but that is not relevant to this answer.)
I've come up with a couple of potential solutions at the framework level. All of them have performance implications which would need to be profiled, and in practice that may rule some or all of them out. However, in theory at least, these are ways that a generic solution could be implemented.
Omit the ORDER BY altogether, and do the sorting in code. Would involve parsing the provided ORDER BY string. Would be problematic if ORDER BY contained expressions, but I can't remember ever seeing that in our projects, so can probably be ignored. Probably the slowest solution.
Perform the query without the ORDER BY, limiting the results set to a single row. Use resulting column list to work out whether column 1 is already in the ORDER BY clause, and therefore whether to add it. Then run the full query. Would require parsing the provided ORDER BY string. Query caching may mean this won't add as much overhead as it appears.
Parse the field list to get the first column name and see if this appears in the ORDER BY clause. If field list contains * or table.* would require a schema lookup. May be too difficult if we need to deal with table aliases and wildcards in combination.
Parse ORDER BY string and see if it contains any primary key. If so it is already uniquely ordered and doesn't require the addition of an extra field. Would require a schema look-up.
Use a sub-select to give us a new instance of the column that we can sort on instead. Not sure whether SQL Server would still complain that this is the 'same' column, though.
Could you just append '--' to your OrderBy parameter when working with SQL Server and just explicitly define the Order By fields where necessary?

REST Backend with specified columns, SQL questions

I'm working with a new REST backend talking to a SQL Server. Our REST api allows for the caller to pass in the columns/fields they want returned (?fields=id,name,phone).
The idea seems very normal. The issue I'm bumping up against is resistance to dynamically generating the SQL statement. Any arguments passed in would be passed to the database using a parameterized query, so I'm not concerned about SQL injection.
The basic idea would be to "inject" the column-names passed in, into a SQL that looks like:
SELECT <column-names>
FROM myTable
ORDER BY <column-name-to-sort-by>
LIMIT 1000
We sanitize all column names and verify their existence in the table, to prevent SQL injection issues. Most of our programmers are used to having all SQL in static files, and loading them from disk and passing them on to the database. The idea of code creating SQL makes them very nervous.
I guess I'm curious if others actually do this? If so, how do you do this? If not, how do you manage "dynamic columns and dynamic sort-by" requests passed in?
I think a lot of people do it especially when it comes to reporting features. There are actually two things one should do to stay on the safe side:
Parameterize all WHERE clause values
Use user input values to pick correct column/table names, don't use the user values in the sql statement at all
To elaborate on item #2, I would have a dictionary where Key is a possible user input and Value is a correponding column/table name. You can store this dictionary wherever you want: config file, database, hard code, etc. So when you process user input you just check a dictionary if the Key exists and if it does you use the Value to add a column name to your query. This way you just use user input to pick required column names but don't use the actual values in your sql statement. Besides, you might not want to expose all columns. With a predefined dictionary you can easily control the list of available columns for a user.
Hope it helps!
I've done similar to what Maksym suggests. In my case, keys were pulled directly from the database system tables (after scrubbing the user request a bit for syntactic hacks and permissions).
The following query takes care of some minor injection issues through the natural way SQL handles the LIKE condition. This doesn't go as far as handling permissions on each field (as some fields are forbidden based on the log-in) but it provides a very basic way to retrieve these fields dynamically.
CREATE PROC get_allowed_column_names
columns.name AS allowed_column_name
syscolumns AS columns,
sysobjects AS tables
columns.id = tables.id AND
tables.name = 'Categories' AND
#input LIKE '%' + columns.name + '%'
-- The following only returns "Picture"
EXEC get_allowed_column_names 'Category_,Cat%,Picture'
-- The following returns both "CategoryID and Picture"
EXEC get_allowed_column_names 'CategoryID, Picture'

Dynamic SQL statement return value using the current target connection

I'm currently creating my first real life project in Pervasive. The task is to map a certain XML structure containing orders (as in shops and products) to 3 tables I created myself. These tables rest inside a MS-SQL-Server instance.
All of the tables have a unique key called "id", an automatically incremented column. I've dropped this column from all mappings so that Pervasive will not try to fill it itself.
For certain calculations, for a split key in one of the tables and for references to the created records in other tables, I will need the id that the database has just created. For that, I have googled the answer. I can use "select ##identity;" as a statement, and this returns the id that has most recently been created for the current connection. This means that in Pervasive, I will have to execute this statement using the already existing target connection object.
But how to do that? I am quite sure that I will need a JDImport or DJExport object, but how to get one associated with the current connection that Pervasive inserts the records by?
Or is there any other way to handle this auto increment when I need to reference the id in other tables?
Not sure how things work in Pervasive, but you may run into issues with ##identity,. Scope_identity() would probably be safer but may still not work in Pervasive.
Hopefully your tables have a natural key in addition to the generated id, in which case you can select your id based on the natural key. This will avoid any issues you may have with disparate sessions and scope.
If there is anyone looking this post up and wonders about the answer, it's "You can't". Pervasive does not allow access to their very own connection object, the one they use to query the database. Without access to it, you cannot guaranteed fetch the right id. The solution for us was this: We used a stored procedure which we called in the Before-Transformation event that created the header record and returned the id and an optional error message as a table. We executed it and it returns the id we then save and use throughout our mapping.

proper way of updating sql server table using access front end

i have a front end in access and back end is sql server 2008
one of the fields is the account number and here are the rules
it is a zipcode like 92111 plus a dash plus a number.
so the first one would be 92111-1, the second 92111-2
this has to do with how many clients we have in the zip code
i would like this zip code to be automatically generated. here is what i need:
the user enters the zip code
i have a stored procedure that checks if this zip code exists already, to increment it: if 92111-4 exists already, then make it 92111-5.
what is the proper way of doing this?
If you're storing both the zip and the client sequence number in a single account number field, you would have to split them apart to figure out the next sequence number in a given zip code.
It should be simpler to store them in 2 fields:
zipcode sequence_num
92111 4
92111 5
Then derive your account number field with a query whenever you need it.
SELECT zipcode & "-" & sequence_num AS acct_num
FROM YourTable;
Then when you need to determine the next sequence_num, lngNextSequenceNum, within a given zipcode, pZip:
lngNextSequenceNum = DMax("sequence_num", "YourTable", "zipcode = " & pZip) +1
That approach can work fine for a single user application. If your application is multi-user, you need something more refined. However, that requirement exists whether you store "account number" as a single field or split it between two fields.
See Create and Use Flexible AutoNumber Fields for a multi-user approach.
I agree with HansUp that you should keep the ZIP and sequence separated. You can create an indexed computed field called AccountNumber which joins the zip and sequence.
The only way I know of doing this is locking the table, selecting max(sequence) ... where ZIP = 12345, inserting the new record, then unlocking the table. However, locking the table means everyone else has to wait, greatly affecting scalability. I can't recommend this, but I don't have another solution.
