Yii for mobile browser [closed] - mobile

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Closed 10 years ago.
I intend to rebuild my existing web site using the Yii framework. I want it to be mobile-friendly, so I've decided to start right off with a generic small-screen size (mobile safari, perhaps?)
I thought I would find a ready-to-go option in Yii, ideally something like Uncomment this line in the layout page for small-size display. Not there, nothing concrete in the documentation, and nothing at the blueprint css site.
I hit Google for mobile yii, 'responsive web' yii and so on, thinking Okay, I might have to patch in someone's css solution -- not a great way to start my Yii learning, but maybe doable. All I found were tips and approaches, and they tended to assume I had experience building for mobile browsers.
(Which I don't. So far the most important thing I've learned during this search is that CSS alone doesn't make it happen; apparently jquery mobile is the tool of choice. I mention this only so you'll know the state of my understanding.)
I'm all for "wet paint technology" and not having everything handed to me, but I imagined Yii would have a response for the mobile-app challenge. What am I missing? (Maybe some choice keywords, since my research produces so little?) How do you suggest I move forward?

Try with Bootstrap framework. Create a new theme in yii and put all the boostrap files in that theme .. your yii application will start working in responsive design mode. You can also use the bootstrap extension for yii


Is angular-ui's ui-router anywhere near production ready yet? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
Our team is starting to use ui-router and it seems VERY GOOD so far. We are taking advantage of being able to fit templates into views within views. Prior to this our team was at a loss as we could not see how to get working some parts of our application that involved views inside views. We are currently using the following version:
* State-based routing for AngularJS
* #version v0.0.1 - 2013-04-15
There does not seem to be much commit activity lately, I don't see a roll out plan.
Is it wise or crazy to start using this code in a small application that will be in production in 3-4 months. Does anyone have any ideas where this project is heading. Are we crazy for using it now or should we use an alternative. If so then what is the alternative?
I've been using it in a pretty big application for more than 5 months now.
It works super well and the documentation is also great.
I filled a bug when I started using it and it was resolved few days after.
I've posted some questions on their github and they were answered almost immediatly.
So yes, go on, use it. There is no better angularJS router anyway.

Best framework for create responsive website? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
I need much time for create a responsive website. Need to create normal website after it costumize the css using media query. I think I can safe my time. Sometime I browsing and find a framework : amazium. My question,
Is the best framework or any another method for easily and fastly to create any responsive website? I need any suggestion for safe my time. Thank you.
You could use a framework like Zurb Foundation 4 it's a responsive front-end framework highly recommended. It has fluid layouts, responsive design and a grid system.
Getting started docs: http://foundation.zurb.com/docs/
Marakana TechTv video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1HvE1h9gN8M
It depends on your needs, but you should check out Bootstrap.
Bootstrap would be my first choice.
responsive website is not about the framework. Most of time is about how you organize your web page and how you use the framework.

Better way to a front-end and back-end developing [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
I'm starting a project and I'm not sure about what technology to use on the back-end and front-end sides. The project needs to generate charts and a lot of statistics so I have been surfing on the site and I think that the best way to front-end is Backbone.js or Ember.js, is it?
On the other hand I've to decide the server part. I'm an old school developer...Php. I need to develope an API that reads de ddbb and provide the information to the front-end side. I don't know what is the best way to develope a system that let final user to choose a date interval to view their statistics (like Google Analytics, Square, etc.). Maybe Ruby? Symfony as well?
Thx! =)
I was in your same situation months ago and I decided to go for Backbone. The main reason is that it's more used and so it's easier to get help and find good tutorials, plus it's not much opinionated so I think you can learn more while develping and also you can shape your app to fit better your needs. Anyway I didn't tried in deep Ember or Angular so take my opinion with care. For the server side part I've always worked with PHP too, I tried Ruby and I think it's a better support for a webapp but I ended use PHP anyway cause of my company's needs. You can do a good job with PHP too, but I suggest to use frameworks like Silex, Slim or Laravel that are better suited to put up a REST api which you will need if you want to use Backbone.

Cakephp PubNub tutorial [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I want to use PubNub's api in my cakephp app, but I cannot find any cakephp plugins for pubnub. Essentially I want to use the pubnub api to deliver realtime messages about a user's geolocation using the google maps geolocation api. Are there any tutorials on how to integrate pubnub with cakephp apps?
I don't think there is a PubNub plugin for CakePHP. Looks like somebody had an idea for it, but it isn't developed: https://github.com/siran/pubnub
I don't personally know much about PubNub, but if you are using the PHP API then I guess what you should do is download it - https://github.com/pubnub/pubnub-api/tree/master/php/3.3 - into the vendors directory in your app (e.g. app/Vendor/PubNub) and start using it in your Cake app where you need it. You might have to write your own Cake code or classes to help make working with the API easier and your code more reusable, but I can't really advise on that.
However, it looks like the most popular option is the JavaScript API, which you wouldn't really need any special integration for with CakePHP. You would just include the PubNub script in your view or your layout if you are using it everywhere in your application:

Is there a good tutorial for figuring out what a website is doing so your program can do the same thing? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
Is there a good guide or tutorial for people who need to programmatically interact with dynamic websites? There's been a rash of Perl questions about that lately, and I haven't found a good resource to point people toward. I'm asking not because I need one but because I don't want to waste my time writing it if it already exists. Although I'm most interested in Perl, the extra tools and techniques are mostly the same.
Typically, I see see these problems in people's questions:
Handling, setting, and saving cookies
Finding and interacting with forms
Handling JavaScript inside your user-agent
especially things like onLoad, onSumbit, and Ajax
Using HTTP sniffer tools
Using Web developer plugins in interactive browsers
Interacting with DOM, screen scraping, etc.
If there's no good tutorial, I'll add it to my list of things to do (unless someone else wants to do it). Along the way, if you don't have a suggestion for an existing tutorial, please suggest the things that you think should be in a new one, including links, your favorite tools, and your own user-agent development experiences. I don't care about the particular language you use.
The best I've seen is a Defcon presentation video.
Look at perl library of libraries. Some html parsing libraries should be made for talking to dynamic websites.
But do you want to use web-browser enhanced by perl. Or perl stand alone app?
