I have a content type where there is a tag field that is a taxonomy term.I would like to make a query to get all the nodes that contain the $tag variable inserted by the user. I know how to do it using db_query but if I use EntityFieldQuery seems that I cannot apply a join.
How can I do it? Do I have to use db_query?
An EntityFieldQuery doesn't allow for IS NOT NULL or similar conditions, so there's no way to query for all nodes that contain a value for a particular field. You can only query nodes that have a specific value for a particular field.
They're also self-contained, so there's no way to add an extra join unless you implement hook_query_alter() and physically add the join once the query has been converted from an EntityFieldQuery to a standard SelectQuery. That, or sub-class EntityFieldQuery and add the new logic yourself.
That said you'll need to form the query yourself. If you're just querying for nodes though, I'd advise using the taxonomy_index table rather than the field tables, as that will produce cleaner queries and make life easier further down the line.
I am trying to implement tag system similar to one which StackOverflow has. Obviously I've read multiple articles including this answer.
However my scenario is little bit different
there will be limited amount of tags which can be only created by user with higher privilege (anybody can assign a tag there). This excludes option #1 (from SO question I linked above, each tag is inserted directly into the tables tags column and then it's queried with LIKE) I guess
there are also multiple tables in DB which can be tagged (currently five)
Especially second criteria makes it harder so these are my thoughts
I could follow option #3, have table tags and have M:N relationship with each table. However that would make searching harder (imagine that join if the table number grows) and also I need to tell which table (application module) matches the tag in a search result
I could use some kind of polymorphism but I am pretty new to this concept regarding to the databases so is this something which fits to this problem well?
I use newest version of PostgreSQL.
Since you are using PostgreSQL, you have the option of some field types which aren't available for other databases. Particularly, arrays and JSON fields. I did some performance comparisons of the various methods in a blog post. Arrays and JSONB were definitely better options than a tags table for any search which needed to combine multiple tags.
Given that, I would recommend creating a tags column for each table on which you want to have tags, either an array or a JSONB column, depending. If you need to search over multiple tables, I'd suggest a UNION query instead of having a single monolithic tags table which joins to everything.
Suppose reviews can have zero or more tags.
One could implement this using three tables, Review/Tag/ReviewTagRelation.
ReviewTagRelation would have foreign key to Review and Tag table.
Or using two tables Review/Tag. Review has a json field to hold the list of tag ids.
Traditional approach seems to be the one using the three tables.
I wonder if it is ok to use the two tables approach when there's no need to reference reviews from tags.
i.e. I only need to know what tags are associated with a given review.
In my experience it is always best to keep the data in your database normalized, unless there is a clean and clear cut reason for not doing so that makes sense as per your business requirements.
With normalized data, you know that no matter what, you will always be able to write a query to receive exactly what you are looking for, and if for some reason you want to return data as json, you can do so in your select query.
I want to create a join on two custom objects joining on the Name field. Normally joins require a lookup or master-detail relationship between the two objects, but I just want to do a text match.
I think this is a Salesforce limitation but I couldn't find any docs on whether this was so. Can anyone confirm this?
Yes, you can make a join (with dot notation or as subquery) only if there's a relationship present. And relationships (lookup or master-detail) can be made only by Id. There are several "mutant fields" (like Task.WhoId) but generally speaking you can't write a JOIN in SOQL and certainly can't use a text column as a foreign key.
Relationship queries are not the same as SQL joins. You must have a
relationship between objects to create a join in SOQL.
There are some workarounds though. Why exactly do you need the join?
Apex / SOQL - have a look at SOQL in apex - Getting unmatched results from two object types for example. Not the prettiest thing in the world but it works. If you want to try something really crazy - SOSL that would search your 2 objects at the same time?
Reports - you should have no problem grouping by text field - that means a joined report might give you results you're after. Since Winter'13 joined reports allow charts and exporting, that was quite a limiting factor...
Easy building of links between data - use external ids and upsert operation, especially if you plan to load data from outside SF easily. Check my answer for Can I insert deserialized JSON SObjects from another Salesforce org into my org?
Uniqueness constraints - you can still mark fields as required & unique.
Check against "dictionary" of allowed values - Validation rule with VLOOKUP might do what you're after.
If i want to add a record to TABLE A, is there an efficient way to add
a record in the JOIN TABLE for many (or all) records in TABLE B?
I try to build a simple task management (in CakePHP). An user adds a task and there
will be added a connection to each other user in the same group as the
current user.
At the moment, I use the find('list')-method to retrieve the IDs and
store them in a variable. But I think if the groups grow, the PHP
cache won't handle this amount of data in a single variable.
You should look into the Cake Has-And-Belongs-To-Many (HABTM) relationships. Check the cake book. It will allow you to create a relationship between two tables, using a join table, and will automatically retrieve and save values as requested in your application.
Please note, however, that from one model you cannot (by default) filter by criteria on the related model (in this case, the model related by the join table). To do this, you will need to use the Containable behavior, which will allow you to set filter criteria on the related tables.
The one other caveat is that I don't know of a way (out of the box) to add some information about the relationship in the join table. For example, if you wanted to record (in the join table) whether the user has completed the task, you would have to write your own stuff there. I usually get around this by creating a model for the join table, which I then invoke whenever I want to retrieve data specific to the joined relationship. By doing it this way, you can also easily pull up the data from the joined tables. Anybody else have a better solution?
I have a Questions model, and just like StackOverflow, each question can be tagged with multiple descriptive tags by a user.
What I'm trying to decide is whether it's necessary for the Tags associated with a question to be stored in a separate table in the database.
Or could I store the Tags as a single field of the Questions table as a list of space-separated strings?
I'm not sure which makes more sense - is there any good reason to separate the data?
Using a comma-separated string for a multi-valued attribute is another SQL Antipattern. :-)
How long does the string need to be? Stated another way: how many tags can a given entry have? (It depends on how long the individual tags are.)
How do you account for strings that contain the separator character? What if a character you currently use as a separator becomes a legitimate character in a tag?
How do you insert or delete elements from the list in SQL? (You have to fetch the whole list into the application, explode the list, filter through it, and re-post it to the database.)
How can you do aggregates like COUNT(*) in SQL?
How do you search efficiently for all entries that share a given tag? (You have to use costly pattern-matching queries.)
The solution is to use a separate table, as most other folks on this thread are advising.
Separating tags into their own table, plus a further table with a many:many relationship between Tags and Questions, is what's known in relational land ad "normal form". It makes it easier and faster to perform tasks such as getting all questions tagged with a certain tag, finding the most popular tags, &c.
(Just in case you don't know -- a "many:many relationship" is a table with just two columns [a foreign key into Tags and one into Questions] and no uniqueness constraints).
I would put the questions in 1 table, the tags in 1 table, and have a seperate table to connect the tags to questions. This would be the best way to build that database. It keeps all tags consistant and highly reduces redundency.
By seperating the data like this, your can assure that searching for a specific tag will bring back the same items. You don't have to worry about whether the tag is spelled the same throughout all the questions. Also, you can limit the tag options easier this way.
You should definitely store the tags in a separate table, it makes everything easier, and that's the whole idea of a 'relational' database.