Query performance - sql-server

I have table that has the following schema:
ID,firstName,MiddleName,LastName,FML,[some other columns]
FML column is created by concatenation firstName,space character,MiddleName,space character and last name. I want to search persong when you know FML. Therefore my query is
SELECT * from tbl where FML LIKE #Param
But I want to optimize this query, I'm thinking of separating input string into firstName,MiddleName,LastName strings and make query like that
SELECT * FROM tbl where firstName like #FN and MiddleName like #MN and LastName like #ln.
Also will query
SELECT smth from tbl where Val='test'
Be better in terms of performance then
Select smth from tbl where Val like 'test'
Thank you.

If you mean =, then use =. If you mean like, then use like. But once you add wildcards to like, the performance will decrease.
By separating and filtering on separate fields, you lose flexibility, but increase the ability to be more specific in your search. So it's not optimising, per se, as the functionality is different.
Imagine you have two records, Jack Roberts, and Robert Jack
Your first query allows you to find them both if your query is '%Robert%', whereas the second allows you to find them with separate queries.

Yes '=' operator gives the best performance, whereas LIKE searches all the Val which has test in its value.


How to match a substring exactly in a string in SQL server?

I have a column workId in my table which has values like :
W1/2009/12345, G2/2018/2345
Now a user want to get this particular id G2/2018/2345. I am using like operator in my query as below:
select * from u_table as s where s.workId like '%2345%' .
It is giving me both above mentioned workids. I tried following query:
select * from u_table as s where s.workId like '%2345%' and s.workId not like '_2345'
This query also giving me same result.
If anyone please provide me with the correct query. Thanks!
Why not use the existing delimiters to match with your criteria?
select *
from u_table
where concat('/', workId, '/') like concat('%/', '2345', '/%');
Ideally of course your 3 separate values would be 3 separate columns; delimiting multiple values in a single column goes against first-normal form and prevents the optimizer from performing an efficient index seek, forcing a scan of all rows every time, hurting performance and concurrency.

Sybase like clause for matching a pattern between the string

I want to build a sybase ASE query to match lastname, firstname for a person. There are few different formats for name. It can be "lastname, firstname" OR it can be "lastname,firstname" (no space in between , and firstname). I have tried using name like 'lastname[,][ ]firstname' but it does not work. I can not use lastname,%firstname as it would match with any character for firstname. The valid character is either space or nothing. Any suggestions?
Unfortunately SAP/Sybase ASE does not provide support for regex patterns (eg, 'zero or more spaces'), so you're left with a few basic options ...
union (all) two queries:
select *
from names_table
where name like 'lastname, firstname'
union all
select *
from names_table
where name like 'lastname,firstname'
NOTE: Both queries should use an index on the name column assuming statistics show an index access plan is the best option.
or two where clauses:
select *
from names_table
where (name like 'lastname, firstname' or name like 'lastname,firstname')
NOTE: Whether or not this uses an index on the name column will depend on the statistics for the index and column and/or the complexity of the actual query.
Strip out spaces and match what's left:
select *
from names_table
where str_replace(name,' ',null) like 'lastname,firstname'
NOTE: In most cases this will disable the use of an index on the name column.
From an indexing perspective ...
If you need to run this type of query often, and the performance of said query is less than acceptable, you could look at a couple additional indexing options:
(materialized) computed column + index on said computed column
function-based index (ASE basically creates a 'system' computed column under the covers and then creates the index on said column)

SQL Server Performance tips for like %

I have a table with 5-10 million records which has 2 fields
example data
Row Field1 Field2
1 0712334 072342344
2 06344534 083453454
3 06344534 0845645565
Given 2 variables
variable1 : 0634453445645
variable2 : 08345345456756
I need to be able to query the table for best matches as fast as possible
The above example would produce 1 record (e.g row 2)
What would be the fastest way to query the database for matches?
Note : the data and variables are always in this format (i.e always a number, may or may not have a leading zero, and fields are not unique however the combination of both will be )
My initial thought was to do something like this
Select blah where Field1 + "%" like variable1 and Field2 + "%" like variable2
Please forgive my pseudo-code if it's not correct, as this is more a fact-finding mission. However I think I'm in the ball park.
Note : I don't think any indexing can help here, though a memory-based table I'm guessing would speed this up.
Can anyone think of a better way of solving the problem?
You can get a plan with a seek on an index on Field1 with query like this.
declare #V1 varchar(20) = '0634453445645'
declare #V2 varchar(20) = '08345345456756'
select Field1,
from YourTable
where Field1 like left(#V1, 4) + '%' and
#V1 like Field1 + '%' and
#V2 like Field2 + '%'
It does a range seek on the first four characters on Field1 and uses the full comparison on Field1 and Field2 in a residual predicate.
There is no performance tip. SImple like that.
%somethin% is table scan, Indices are not used due to the beginning %. Ful ltext indexing won't work as it is not a full text you seek but part of a word.
Getting a faster machine to handle the table scans and denormalizing is the only thing you can do. 5-10 million rows should be faste enough on a decent computer. Memory based table is not needed - just enough RAM to cache that table.
And that pretty much is it. Either find a way to get rid of the initial % or get hardware (mostly memory) fast enough to handle this.
OR - handle it OUTSIDE sql server. Load the 5-10 million rows into a search service and use a better data structure. SQL being generic has to make compromises. But again, the partial match will kill pretty much most approaches.
Postgres has trigram indexes http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/interactive/pgtrgm.html
Maybe SQL Server has something like that?
What is the shortest length in Column 'Field1' and 'Field2'? Call this number 'N'.
Then create a select statement which asks for all substrings starting at the first character of length N to the length of each variable. Example (say, N=10)
select distinct * from myTable
where Field1 in ('0634453445','06344534456','063445344564', '0634453445645')
and Field2 in ('0834534545','08345345456','083453454567', '0834534545675','08345345456756')
Write a small script which creates the query for you. Of course there is much more to optimize but this requires (imho) changes in the structure of your table and I can imagine that this is something you don't want. At least you can give it a fast try.
Also, you should include the query plan when you try this approach in SSMS. The query plan will give you a nice hint in how to organize your index.

Can SQL Server index a text string by delimiter?

I need to store content keyed by strings, so a database table of key/value pairs, essentially. The keys, however, will be of a hierarchical format, like this:
They'll have multiple categories, delimited by dots. The above value is in a category called "baz" which is in a parent category called "bar" which is in a parent category called "foo."
How can I index this in such a way that it's rapidly searchable for different permutations of the key/dot combo? For example, I want to be able to very quick find everything that starts
Yes, I could do a LIKE query, but I never need find anything like:
So that seems like a waste to me.
Is there any way that SQL would index all permutation of a string delimited by the dots? So, in the above case we have:
Is there any type of index that would facilitate searching like that?
I will never need to search backwards or from the middle. My searches will always begin from the front of the string:
SQL Server can't really index substrings, no. If you only ever want to search on the first string, this will work fine, and will perform an index seek (depending on other query semantics of course):
WHERE col LIKE 'foo.%';
-- or
WHERE col LIKE 'foo.bar.%';
However when you start needing to search for bar or baz following any leading string, you will need to search on the substring:
WHERE col LIKE '%.bar.%';
-- or
WHERE PATINDEX('%.bar.%', col) > 0;
This won't work well with regular B-tree indexes, and I don't think Full-Text Search will be much help either, because of the special characters (periods) - but you should try it out if this is a requirement.
In general, storing data this way smells wrong to me. Seems to me that you should either have separate columns instead of jamming all the data into one column, or using a more relational EAV design.
Its appears to be a work for CTE!
create TableA(
id int identity,
parentid int null,
name varchar(50)
for a (fixed) two level its easy
select t2.name, t1.name
from tableA t1
join tableA t2 on t2.id = t1.parentid
where t2.name = 'father'
To find that kind of hierarchical values for a most general case you ill need some kind of recursion in self-join table by using a CTE.

Full text search vs LIKE

My question is about using fulltext.As I know like queries which begin with % never use index :
SELECT * from customer where name like %username%
If I use fulltext for this query can ı take better performance? Can SQL Server use fulltext index advantages for queries like %username%?
Short answer
There is no efficient way to perform infix searches in SQL Server, neither using LIKE on an indexed column, or with a fulltext index.
Long answer
In the general case, there is no fulltext equivalent to the LIKE operator. While LIKE works on a string of characters and can perform arbitrary wildcard matches against anything inside the target, by design fulltext operates upon whole words/terms only. (This is a slight simplification but it will do for the purpose of this answer.)
SQL Server fulltext does support a subset of LIKE with the prefix term operator. From the docs (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms187787.aspx):
FROM Production.Product
WHERE CONTAINS(Name, ' "Chain*" ');
would return products named chainsaw, chainmail, etc. Functionally, this doesn't gain you anything over the standard LIKE operator (LIKE 'Chain%'), and as long as the column is indexed, using LIKE for a prefixed search should give acceptable performance.
The LIKE operator allows you to put the wildcard anywhere, for instance LIKE '%chain', and as you mentioned this prevents an index from being used. But with fulltext, the asterisk can only appear at the end of a query term, so this is of no help to you.
Using LIKE, it is possible to perform efficient postfix searches by creating a new column, setting its value to the reverse your target column, and indexing it. You can then query as follows:
FROM Production.Product
WHERE Name_Reversed LIKE 'niahc%'; /* "chain" backwards */
which returns products with their names ending with "chain".
I suppose you could then combine the prefix and reversed postfix hack:
FROM Production.Product
WHERE Name LIKE 'chain%'
AND Name_Reversed LIKE 'niahc%';
which implements a (potentially) indexed infix search, but it's not particularly pretty (and I've never tested this to see if the query optimizer would even use both indexes in its plan).
You have to understand how index is working. Index is the very same like the dead-wood edition of encyclopedia.
If you use:
SELECT * from customer where name like username%
The index, in fulltext or no fulltext should work. but
SELECT * from customer where name like %username%
will never work with index. and it will be time-consuming query.
Of what I know about fulltext indexes, i'll make the following extrapolations:
Upon indexing, it parses the text, searching for words (some RDBMS, like MySQL, only consider words longer than 3 chars), and placing the words in the index.
When you search in the fulltext index, you search for words, which then link to the row.
If I'm right about the first two (for MSSQL), then it will only work if you search for WORDS, with lengths of 4 or more characters. It won't find 'armchair' if you look for 'chair'.
Assuming all that is correct, I'll go ahead and make the following statement: The fulltext index is in fact an index, which makes search faster. It is large, and has fewer search posibilities than LIKE would have, but it's way faster.
More info:
Like and contains are very different -
Take the following data values
'john smith'
'sam smith'
'john fuller'
like 's%'
'sam smith'
like '%s%'
'john smith'
'sam smith'
contains 's'
contains 'john'
'john smith'
'john fuller'
contains 's*'
'john smith'
'sam smith'
contains s returns the same as contains s* - the initial asterisk is ignored, which is a bit of a pain but then the index is of words - not characters
You can use:
SELECT * from customer where CONTAINS(name, 'username')
SELECT * from customer where FREETEXT(name, 'username')
https://stackoverflow.com/users/289319/mike-chamberlain, you are quite right as you suggest it's not enough to search something 'chain' WHERE Name LIKE 'chain%'
AND Name_Reversed LIKE 'niahc%' is not equivalent to like'%chain%'****
