Android SQLite cursor looping twice - cursor

I have a problem with the android cursor looping twice, even though I know there is only one value returned in the cursor.getCount().
I'm using the following in the DBAdapter:
public Cursor getAllSubDetailsFromObsTable() {
Cursor c = mDb
"SELECT DISTINCT sub.sub_id, sub.complete,, mobileobs.location, mobileobs.grid_ref, "
+ "mobileobs.time, mobileobs.protocol_id, mobileobs.endtime FROM sub, mobileobs "
+ "WHERE sub.sub_id = mobileobs.sub_id",
return c;
Then I call this within my worker class with:;
Cursor c = db.getAllSubDetailsFromObsTable();
while (c.moveToNext()) {
String sub_id = c.getString(0);
//Rest of real code <snipped>
However, when I look at the contents of myArrayList, it has two identical values of sub_id. I have tried mucking about with c.moveToFirst() etc. etc. but I still get two values in the arrayList even though c.getCount() = 1!

finally nailed this. It was to do with class variables and method variables. I had a class variable that was being populated by a method within onCreate that was also being called within onResume. Solution was to move the variable into the method. Stupid bug, easy to fix, difficult (for me) to find.


EF Core 3.1.9 - FromRawSql using stored procedures stopped working - 'The underlying reader doesn't have as many fields as expected.'

At one point using FromSqlRaw to call stored procedures worked for me. I did not change anything in the project but now calling any stored procedure using FromSqlRaw returns
The underlying reader doesn't have as many fields as expected
I removed the model from the project and performed a BUILD. Then added the model back with no luck. I reduced the model and stored procedure to return a single column, no luck.
I tried adding Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Relational as a dependency, no luck. All my unit test that use FromSqlRaw to call a stored procedure return the same error and at one time they all worked.
I have received Windows updates but nothing I know about that would have affected EF Core. I have run through all internet problem solving I can find. I am starting to think I will need to use ADO as a work around but I do not want a work around when it worked for me at one point. Something changed on my machine but I am not sure what to cause this problem.
Here is my test method in case my code is messed up. It is very straight forward not much to mess up. I tried the "var" out of desperation.
public void WorkOrderBOMGridABS()
List<WorkOrderBOMGridABS> baseList = new List<WorkOrderBOMGridABS>();
using (WorkOrderDataContext context = new WorkOrderDataContext())
var param = new SqlParameter[] {
new SqlParameter() {
ParameterName = "#WorkOrderId",
SqlDbType = System.Data.SqlDbType.Int,
Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input,
Value = 38385
baseList = context.WorkOrderBOMGridABS.FromSqlRaw("[dbo].[WorkOrderBOMGridABS] #WorkOrderId", param).ToList();
//var results = context.WorkOrderBOMGridABS.FromSqlRaw("[dbo].[WorkOrderBOMGridABS] #WorkOrderId", param).ToList();
I was using an old table to get the Unit Of Measure value that had an integer ID value. I switched it to use a new table with a VARCHAR ID value. Making this change to the stored proc and model code allowed the FromRawSql to work. Not sure why because while the integer ID value was getting an integer, either 0 or number other than 0, it was a valid value for the model. Any error message I received did not mention this UnitId field. It was a pain but I am glad it is resolved. At least until the next error I run into that much is guaranteed.

Cypress get length of a table dynamically

I'm trying to test the length of a react table.
In particular I would want that after a user add a new row to the table it's length would increase by one
In my code I can't extract the length value of the table and save it in the variable rowsLength so that it can be checked later, what am I doing wrong?
It seems rowsLength is an object not a number..
const rowsLength = cy.get(".MuiTableBody-root").find("tr").its("length");
cy.get("#addRowButton").click();//new tr inserted
cy.get(".MuiTableBody-root").find("tr").should("have.length", rowsLength + 1);
Setting a global variable quite often will not work, because of the asynchronous nature of a web app. The docs refer to this as doing a backflip.
The most reliable way to handle this is either with a closure or with an alias.
To access what each Cypress command yields you use .then().
cy.get(".MuiTableBody-root").find("tr").its('length').then(intialLength => {
// Code that uses initialLength is nested inside `.then()`
cy.get(".MuiTableBody-root").find("tr").should("have.length", intialLength + 1);
Allows you to separate the code that creates the variable from the code that uses it.
// other test code
cy.get('#intialLength').then(intialLength => {
cy.get(".MuiTableBody-root").find("tr").should("have.length", intialLength + 1);
Why not a global variable?
Using a global variable is anti-pattern because it often creates a race condition between the test code and the queued commands.
By luck, your example will work most times because cy.get("#addRowButton").click() is a slow operation.
But if you want to test that the row count has not changed, then using a global variable will fail.
Try this
var intialLength = 0;
cy.get('table').find("tr").then((tr) => {
intialLength = tr.length;
// Test that row count remains the same
cy.get('table').find("tr").should("have.length", intialLength);
// fails because it runs before the variable is set
This is because the test code runs much faster than the .get() and .find() commands, which must access the DOM.
Although the above example is trivial, remember that web apps are inherently asynchronous and backflip tests can easily fail.
With find() you can do something like:
var tableLen = 0;
cy.get(".MuiTableBody-root").find("tr").then((tr) => {
tableLen = tr.length,
and then:
cy.get("#addRowButton").click(); //new tr inserted
cy.get(".MuiTableBody-root").find("tr").should("have.length", tableLen + 1);

How to use a SQL output parameter with FromSqlInterpolated? Or alternative

Using ASP.Net core 3.0. my Database query works - I can get the result set (records), but how to pass/get the output parameter? Also would like to know if there's a way to get the return value.
I tried using different ways to call the SQL query and the only one I was able to get working was FromSqlInterpolated, but open to different methods.
This code works for me, but I want to pass an additional parameter that can get populated as an output parameter (which is working when I test it by calling the stored proc from within SQL Server).
var result = _context.Users
.FromSqlInterpolated($"EXEC mystoredproc {user.Username} ").AsEnumerable().FirstOrDefault();
I tried creating a variable before the call
string out1 = null;
And then including that in the call but I can't figure out the syntax and I'm not sure if it's supported with this method.
var result = _context.Users
.FromSqlInterpolated($"EXEC mystoredproc {user.Username}, OUTPUT {out1}").AsEnumerable().FirstOrDefault();
Hoping someone can point me in the right direction - would like to know both how to use the output parameter and how to get the return value, not just the record set. Thank you.
The answer accepted does not seem to work for me.
However I finally manage to have the OUTPUT parameter work by using the following code
var p0 = new SqlParameter("#userName", {user.Username});
var p1 = new SqlParameter("#out1", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar, 20) { Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output };
string out1 = null;
var result = _context.Users
.FromSqlRaw($"EXEC mystoredproc #userName, #out1 OUTPUT ", p0, p1).AsEnumerable().FirstOrDefault();
Console.WriteLine(p1.Value); // Contains the new value of the p1 parameter
Just a litte warning, the p1 value property will be changed only when the request will be executed (by an AsEnumerable, Load() or anything that forces the Sql execution)

RPS, windows Form & Revit API (Python)

I've been trying to build a form to create and delete Revit print Sets.
I've 2 main issues:
1) I'm able to create a print set but I cannot access its content unless I restart the Form. I get the errors below (depending if I'm defining the view_set variable or not)
This is the code of the function to display the sheets of the selected Print Set
def DisplaySheetsInSet (self, sender, args):
self.curItem = CurrentSetsListBox.SelectedItem
for i in PrintSetForm.ViewSets:
if i.Name == str(self.curItem):
view_set = i
Sheets=[sheet.Name for sheet in view_set.Views]
for sheet in Sheets:
except Exception as e:
popup (str(e)
2) I'm able to delete print sets once. If I try do delete another one I get the following error and I need to restart the form ( code for the function that deletes the print sets shown below)
def DelPrintSet(self, sender, args):
self.curItem = CurrentSetsListBox.SelectedItems
t = Transaction (doc, 'Delete printset')
for viewset in PrintSetForm.ViewSets:
if viewset.Name in [str(item) for item in self.curItem]:
I've tried to build a function to restart/refresh the Form but it doesn't work (code below):
global PrintSetForm_Load
def PrintSetForm_Load(self, sender):
sd = PrintSetForm()
This gif shows the form in action:
Manage Print Sets
Any ideas or suggestions?
Thank you.
3) If I try to populate the SheetsLb with a DataSource, just the first set clicked is shown.
Sheets=[sheet.Name for sheet in view_set.Views]
SheetNumber=[sheet.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.SHEET_NUMBER).AsString() for sheet in view_set.Views]
SheetsLb.DataSource = None
for number,name in zip(SheetNumber,Sheets):
UpdatedList.append(number+" - "+ name + " [ ] ")
1) See if this works:
It would be worth checking that there is something selected in self.viewSetsLb. Ive added a check to the code below
The view_set variable could be initialised as a boolean instead of a list
Using break in the for loop keeps things a little snappier
Ive used the more pythonic for view in PrintSetForm.viewSets rather than for i in PrintSetForm.viewSets - keeping it nice and clear
This code works for me:
self.curItem = self.viewSetsLb.SelectedItem
if not self.viewSetsLb.SelectedItem:
print 'No Printset selected!'
view_set = False
for view in PrintSetForm.viewSets:
if view.Name == str(self.curItem):
view_set = view
Sheets=[sheet.Name for sheet in view_set.Views]
for sheet in Sheets:
2) Its because the data in your PrintSetForm.ViewSets list is out of date. Every time you change something (ie delete a viewset), repopulate this list:
PrintSetForm.ViewSets = FilteredElementCollector(doc).OfClass(ViewSheetSet).ToElements()
Also, you shouldnt need to build a refresh button, perhaps have a class function that repopulates the Printset list and ListBox, and clears the Sheet ListBox that you call after every action?
Sounds like youre having fun mate!
It sounds as if you have an issue with the scoping and lifetime of variables. For instance, some variables may have a lifetime limited to the form display, and therefore cannot be accessed after the form is closed. You could change the lifetime of these variables, e.g., by making them static class variables instead of local instance variables. I suggest you read up on .net static class variable scope.

Why does this get method stop returning correctly?

I am trying to write an app engine application for my university. What I am trying to achieve right now, is to create a method which takes in a Course name, and returns a list of all the CourseYears (think of that as being like a link table e.g. if Maths is the course, and it has Year 1, year 2 and Year 3; MathsYear1, MathsYear2 and MathsYear3 would be the names of the CourseYears).
This is the code for the module (WARING: super dirty code below!):
#ApiMethod(name = "courseYears")
public ArrayList<CourseYear> courseYears(#Named("name") String name){
DatastoreService datastore = DatastoreServiceFactory.getDatastoreService();
Query.Filter keyFilter = new Query.FilterPredicate("name", Query.FilterOperator.EQUAL, name);
Query query = new Query("Course").setFilter(keyFilter);
PreparedQuery preparedQuery = datastore.prepare(query);
List<Entity> resultList = preparedQuery.asList(FetchOptions.Builder.withLimit(1));
Course course = ofy().load().type(Course.class).id(resultList.get(0).getKey().getId()).now();
ArrayList<String> courseYearNames = course.getAllCourseYearNames();
ArrayList<CourseYear> courseYears = new ArrayList<CourseYear>();
for(String courseYearName: courseYearNames){
Query.Filter courseNameFilter = new Query.FilterPredicate("name", Query.FilterOperator.EQUAL, courseYearName);
Query query2 = new Query("CourseYear").setFilter(courseNameFilter);
List<Entity> resL = preparedQuery.asList(FetchOptions.Builder.withLimit(1));
CourseYear courseYear = ofy().load().type(CourseYear.class).id(resL.get(0).getKey().getId()).now();
return courseYears;
It basically takes a Course name in, applies a filter on all courses to get the corresponding Course object, and then calls getAllCourseYearNames() on the course to get an array list containing all its CourseYears' names. (I would have loved to do this using Keys, but parameterised Objectify keys don't seem to be supported in this version of App Engine).
I then try and get the CourseYears by looping through the arraylist of names and applying the filter for each name. I print "test" each time to see how many times it is looping. Like I said, a super dirty way of doing it.
When I try passing a few course names as a parameters, it loops the correct number of times only once or twice, and after that does not loop at all (doesn't print "test"). I could understand if it never looped, but not doing it correctly once or twice and then never again. It doesn't successfully return a list of CourseYears when it does work, but rather the relevant number of NULLs - I don't know if this is relevant. I believe it successfully retrieves the course every time, as I print the name of the course after loading and it never fails to do this.
If anyone has ANY suggestions for why this may be happening, I would be incredibly grateful to hear them!
query2 is never used in your code. You reuse preparedQuery from your previous query, which runs on a different entity kind.
