Database creation and query - database

So I have to created a recipe website and HTML-CSS is mainly my forte. I need a database to search through over a 100 recipes and mainly sort them,by author, apart from the other sorting orders. I don't want to use a CMS like Joomla. How do I start about?
Do I store the entire recipe(with a picture or two), into the database, or only a link to the recipe?
Secondly, the client would be updating the website as well, is there any way to simplify the process for the client who has absolutely no knowledge of adding into a database.

You're going to need to do some server-side scripting. If you don't want to use a CMS or framework, you (or someone else) will have to write the code for all of the site.
DB design pointers:
Store the recipe in the database, along with the author, etc.
Don't store the pictures in the db, even though it's easy enough to do. Better store than in a field in the db, called 'filename' or something which stores the path of the images on the server.
For the client - you will need to build a backend/admin page(s) with 'forms' for the client to upload (add), update and delete recipes and pictures.

You don't need save pictures into database. See database model of Prestashop(see only relative to images because are various tables), for example.
Regards and good luck!

You can add pictures into data bases as well. For that you can always reduce the size of the images before inserting into database.
For database, you can use php or javascript. Both provide easy way of accessing database.
Javascript even has inbuilt transaction commit and rollback feature.


Migrating data between different schemas

I have a small django website where people have signed up and uploaded pictures and stuff.
I now want to rebuild the website API. This will change the database schema and I want to migrate all the user information from old database to new database.
Whats the best practice of doing this? Links to tutorials will be helpful.
The database backend is postgres-postgis.
There are different approaches to data migration. In my previous employer we rewrote much of the code from scratch and before deploying the new application we had to migrate old data. Two methods are:
Migrate data from the first schema directly from the DB: This is
very useful especially if the data you have in legacy DB is huge. If
you let the DB copy from one table/database to another it will be extremely
fast. You need to have SQL knowledge for this though (google 'insert into from another database').
Write a script or django command to load the data into django models and go from there. This will not be as fast as DB option but it may be easier to code and depending on your scale of changes, your only option. If you are going to do some computation beforehand then a high level language such as python will be helpful.

is Using JSON data is better then Querying Database when there is no security issue for data

For my new project I'm looking forward to use JSON data as a text file rather then fetching data from database. My concept is to save a JSON file on the server whenever admin creates a new entry in the database.
As there is no issue of security, will this approach will make user access to data faster or shall I go with the usual database queries.
JSON is typically used as a way to format the data for the purpose of transporting it somewhere. Databases are typically used for storing data.
What you've described may be perfectly sensible, but you really need to say a little bit more about your project before the community can comment on your approach.
What's the pattern of access? Is it always read-only for the user, editable only by site administrator for example?
You shouldn't worry about performance early on. Worry more about ease of development, maintenance and reliability, you can always optimise afterwards.
You may want to look at MongoDB is a document-centric store that uses JSON as its storage format.
JSON in combination with Jquery is a great fast web page smooth updating option but ultimately it still will come down to the same database query.
Just make sure your query is efficient. Use a stored proc.
JSON is just the way the data is sent from the server (Web controller in MVC or code behind in standind c#) to the client (JQuery or JavaScript)
Ultimately the database will be queried the same way.
You should stick with the classic method (database), because you'll face many problems with concurrency and with having too many files to handle.
I think you should go with usual database query.
If you use JSON file you'll have to sync JSON files with the DB (That's mean an extra work is need) and face I/O problems (if your site super busy).

How to migrate Drupal data to Django?

I want to migrate part of a Drupal 6 site to a Django application, specifically a Drupal based questions and answers section that I think would work better with OSQA. I've already created another question related to the authentication part of this integration and for the purposes of this question we can assume that all Drupal users will be recreated, at least their usernames, in the Django database. This question is about the data migration from Drupal to Django.
In Drupal I have all questions as nodes of a 'question' content type with some CCK fields and the answers to these questions are standard comments. I need help to find the best way of moving this data to OSQA in Django.
At first I thought I could use South but I'm not sure if it would be the best fit for my needs.
For now I think my best approach would be to write a Django app that connects to the Drupal database, query for all the questions with their corresponding comments and users and then insert directly to Django's database using the correct models and Django methods.
Am I on the right path? Any other suggestions?
At first I thought I could use South but I'm not sure if it would be the best fit for my needs.
No, South is not for this kind of migration. It is for intra-project migrations, and you will want to have it, but it doesn't really do you any good here.
"Migration" is really not a good term for what you need. What you really want to do is export data from Drupal and import it into Django.
I haven't made an in-depth analysis of the possible solutions for this, but were I asked to do the same thing, I would simply define a JSON- or XML-based interchange format for the transfer, then write one set of code to export the data from Drupal to this format, then another to import data from this format into Django. I strongly recommend against using a binary format for this interchange; the ability to load the data into a text editor to verify your data and fix things is really important.
For now I think my best approach would be to write a Django app that connects to the Drupal database, query for all the questions with their corresponding comments and users and then insert directly to Django's database using the correct models and Django methods.
If you want to skip the interchange file and do it in one step, then you don't want to write a new Django app just for the import; that's (IMHO) overkill. What you want to write is a Django management command within the app that you will be importing data into, and you probably want to use Django's support for multiple databases as well as model properties (such as db_table and db_column) for using existing database schemas. This is why I recommend the interchange file method: you wouldn't need to reimplement Drupal tables in Django models.
Mike's answer is the good path to follow. However in real world scenario you can find useful to mix different techniques, for example connect to the original Drupal database for the files referencing a local directory for file content (query for files are simple join from few tables) but processing the most structured data via a custom JSON view (e.g. nodes).
In these case a JSON View created via Views Datasource module can help you to design and select your data via a simple Drupal view. Then you can write a management command to read and parse the data as suggested before. You have to page the view in a way that doesn't request too much to process and you can even do asynchronous requests to speed up the retrieval using gevent.
In this way I parsed more than 15k of contents in less than 10 minutes, not so fast but acceptable for one-time import. If you want to store content for process it later you can save raw data on a custom model on the database or on a on-memory redis data store via python redis integration. If you want some detail I've written a detailed howto for Drupal-Django migration deepening these techniques.

What is best practice for working with DB in Wordpress?

I'm developing a plugin for Wordpress, and I need to store some information from a form into a table in the DB.
There are probably lots of pages explaining how to do this, this being one of them:
But are there any other pages talking about best practice for interacting with th WP DB?
Found a few more pages which could be usefull:
Unless you need to create your own complex table structure I'd suggest using the existing tables for your needs. There's the options table, user meta table, and post meta table to work with. These all have built in apis for quick access.
Options: add_option(), get_option(), update_option(), delete_option()
Usermeta: add_user_meta(), get_user_meta(), update_user_meta(), delete_user_meta()
Postmeta: add_post_meta(), get_post_meta(), update_post_meta(), delete_post_meta()
I've not found much real need to go outside of these tables (yes, there are exceptions, I've done them myself when the data needs are complex) but these meta options all use a text field in the db to store the data, so there's a lot you can store here if its simple data.
If your data is simple then consider storing your information in one of these places as individual options or even as serialized arrays.
One of my BIGGEST pet peeves with plug in developers that leverage the WP database is that if/when a given database driven plugin isn't used anymore, the developer doesn't think to remove the footprint it made in the database.

How important is a database in managing information?

I have been hired to help write an application that manages certain information for the end user. It is intended to manage a few megabytes of information, but also manage scanned images in full resolution. Should this project use a database, and why or why not?
Any question "Should I use a certain tool?" comes down to asking exactly what you want to do. You should ask yourself - "Do I want to write my own storage for this data?"
Most web based applications are written against a database because most databases support many "free" features - you can have multiple webservers. You can use standard tools to edit, verify and backup your data. You can have a robust storage solution with transactions.
The database won't help you much in dealing with the image data itself, but anything that manages a bunch of images is going to have meta-data about the images that you'll be dealing with. Depending on the meta-data and what you want to do with it, a database can be quite helpful indeed with that.
And just because the database doesn't help you much with the image data, that doesn't mean you can't store the images in the database. You would store them in a BLOB column of a SQL database.
If the amount of data is small, or installed on many client machines, you might not want the overhead of a database.
Is it intended to be installed on many users machines? Adding the overhead of ensuring you can run whatever database engine you choose on a client installed app is not optimal. Since the amount of data is small, I think XML would be adequate here. You could Base64 encode the images and store them as CDATA.
Will the application be run on a server? If you have concurrent users, then databases have concepts for handling these scenarios (transactions), and that can be helpful. And the scanned image data would be appropriate for a BLOB.
You shouldn't store images in the database, as is the general consensus here.
The file system is just much better at storing images than your database is.
You should use a database to store meta information about those images, such as a title, description, etc, and just store a URL or path to the images.
When it comes to storing images in a database I try to avoid it. In your case from what I can gather of your question there is a possibilty for a subsantial number of fairly large images, so I would probably strong oppose it.
If this is a web application I would use a database for quick searching and indexing of images using keywords and other parameters. Then have a column pointing to the location of the image in a filesystem if possible with some kind of folder structure to help further decrease the image load time.
If you need greater security due to the directory being available (network share) and the application is local then you should probably bite the bullet and store the images in the database.
My gut reaction is "why not?" A database is going to provide a framework for storing information, with all of the input/output/optimization functions provided in a documented format. You can go with a server-side solution, or a local database such as SQLite or the local version of SQL Server. Either way you have a robust, documented data management framework.
This post should give you most of the opinions you need about storing images in the database. Do you also mean 'should I use a database for the other information?' or are you just asking about the images?
A database is meant to manage large volumes of data, and are supposed to give you fast access to read and write that data in spite of the size. Put simply, they manage scale for data - scale that you don't want to deal with. If you have only a few users (hundreds?), you could just as easily manage the data on disk (say XML?) and keep the data in memory. The images should clearly not go in to the database so the question is how much data, or for how many users are you maintaining this database instance?
If you want to have a structured way to store and retrieve information, a database is most definitely the way to go. It makes your application flexible and more powerful, and lets you focus on the actual application rather than incidentals like trying to write your own storage system.
For individual applications, SQLite is great. It fits right in an app as a file; no need for a whole DRBMS juggernaut.
There are a lot of factors to this. But, being a database weenie, I would err on the side of having a database. It just makes life easier when things changes. and things will change.
Depending on the images, you might store them on the file system or actually blob them and put them in the database (Not supported in all DBMS's). If the files are very small, then I would blob them. If they are big, then I would keep them on he file system and manage them yourself.
There are so many free or cheap DBMS's out there that there really is no excuse not to use one. I'm a SQL Server guy, but f your application is that simple, then the free version of mysql should do the job. In fact, it has some pretty cool stuff in there.
Our CMS stores all of the check images we process. It uses a database for metadata and lets the file system handle the scanned images.
A simple database like SQLite sounds appropriate - it will let you store file metadata in a consistent, transactional way. Then store the path to each image in the database and let the file system do what it does best - manage files.
SQL Server 2008 has a new data type built for in-database files, but before that BLOB was the way to store files inside the database. On a small scale that would work too.
