inserting into two tables from one sp - sql-server

I'm working on an sp that inserts data into two tables. The two tables are featured and featured type, both have a pk featuredid that gets auto incremented each time something is added. I have:
insert into featured
(title,text,imageURL, priority )
(#title,#text,#imageURL, #priority),
insert into featuredtype
(loginPage, indexPage, mobilePage)
(#loginPage, #indexPage, #mobilePage)
However, it appears this is not the correct method for inserting into two tables from one sp.

You need to get rid of the comma after #priority),
You can replace it with a semi-colon ; or nothing at all, so
create proc yourproc
-- parameter definitions here
insert into featured
(title,text,imageURL, priority )
(#title,#text,#imageURL, #priority)
insert into featuredtype
(loginPage, indexPage, mobilePage)
(#loginPage, #indexPage, #mobilePage)

You can even try with
insert into featured (title,text,imageURL, priority )
select #title,#text,#imageURL, #priority
insert into featuredtype (loginPage, indexPage, mobilePage)
select #loginPage, #indexPage, #mobilePage


Stored procedure that needs to handle multiple scenarios

I have a rather complicated (at least for me) stored procedure to write that needs to handle multiple scenarios coming from the front end.
The frontend is passing 2 parameters that has values like this
#Levelmarker= (1234515-564546-65454,4654342-154658-56767,5465489-546549-65456)
These are GUIDS that are comma separated.
#`UserNameId= (5797823-65432143-65451213)
GUID of the user that entered this data on the front end
The values need to go to a table that has the following structure:
LevelId uniqueidentifier NOT NULL
LevelMarker uniqueidentiriet NOT NULL
UserName uniqueidentifier NOT NULL
I want the value to go into the table like this:
LevelId Levelmarker UserName
NEWID() 1234515-564546-65454 5797823-654321-65451
NEWID() 4654342-154658-56767 5797823-654321-65451
NEWID() 5465489-546549-65456 5797823-654321-65451
Here are the scenarios the stored procedure should handle.
Once the levelmarkers are inserted into the table, if the same user comes back and wants to add additional Levelmarkers, the front end will pass the old values and the new ones as so: (1234515-564546-65454,4654342-154658-56767,5465489-546549-65456,1332245-9852135-7841265).
My stored procedure should recognize that I already have the first three Levelmarkers in the table and should only insert the new ones.
If the same user decides to delete values from before, lets say two values as an example, the front end will pass me the values (1234515-564546-65454,4654342-154658-56767). The stored procedure should recognize that the user has deleted two values and should delete the same values from the table and keep the non deleted ones.
If the user deletes some values and inserts a new ones, then the stored procedure should recognize the ones to delete and insert the new ones.
What is the best approach to this problem?
I think you can do this in a single query, using string_split() and a merge statement:
merge leveltable t
using (
select value levelmarker, #UserNameId username
from string_split(#LeveMarker, ',')
) s
on (s.levelmarker = t.levelmarker and s.username = t.username)
when not matched by target
then insert (leveid, levelmarker, username)
values (newid(), s.levelmarker, s.username)
when not matched by source
then delete
In the using clause, we split the #LevelMarker parameter into new rows, and associate the given #UserNameId. Then, the merge statement checks if each combination already exists in the target table, and creates or deletes rows accordingly.

T-SQL Increment Id after Insert

I'm currently working on a stored procedure in SQL Server 2012 using T-SQL. My problem: I have several SWOTs (e.g. for a specific client) holding several SWOTParts (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats). I store the values in a table Swot as well as in another table SwotPart.
My foreign Key link is SwotId in SwotPart, thus 1 Swot can hold N SwotParts. Hence, I store the SwotId in every SwotPart.
I can have many Swots and now need to set the SwotId correctly to create the foreign key. I set the SwotId using SCOPE_IDENTITY() unfortunately it only takes the last SwotId from the DB.I'm looking for something like a for loop to increment the SwotId after each insert on the 1st insert.
DECLARE #SwotId INT = 1;
-- 1st insert
INSERT INTO [MySchema].[SWOT]([SwotTypeId]) // Type can be e.g. a sepcific client
SET #SwotId = SCOPE_IDENTITY(); // currently e.g. 7, but should increment: 1, 2, 3...
-- 2nd insert
INSERT INTO [MySchema].[SwotPart]([SwotId], [FieldTypeId], [Label]) // FieldType can be e.g. Streangh
SELECT #SwotId, FieldTypeId, Label
Do you know how to solve this issue? What could I use instead of SCOPE_IDENTITY()?
Thank you very much!
You can output the inserted rows into a temporary table, then join your #swotparts to the temporary table based on the natural key (whatever unique column set ties them together beyond the SwotId). This would solve the problem with resorting to loops or cursors, while also overcoming the obstacle of doing a single swot at a time.
set nocount, xact_abort on;
create table #swot (SwotId int, SwotTypeId int);
insert into MySchema.swot (SwotTypeId)
output inserted.SwotId, inserted.SwotTypeId into #swot
select SwotTypeId
from #swots;
insert into MySchema.SwotPart(SwotId, FieldTypeId, Label)
select s.SwotId, p.FieldTypeId, p.Label
from #swotparts p
inner join #swot s
on p.SwotTypeId = p.SwotTypeId;
Unfortunately I cant comment so I`ll leave you an answer hopefully to clarify some things:
Since you need to create the correct foreign key I don`t understand
why do you need to increment a value instead of using the id inserted
into the SWOT table.
I suggest returning the inserted id using the SCOPE_IDENTITY right after the insert statement and use it for you insert into the swot parts (there is plenty of info about it and how to use it)
-- 1st insert
INSERT INTO [MySchema].[SWOT]([SwotTypeId]) // Type can be e.g. a sepcific client
-- 2nd insert
INSERT INTO [MySchema].[SwotPart]([SwotId], [FieldTypeId], [Label])
SELECT #SwotId, FieldTypeId, Label

SEQUENCE in SQL Server 2008 R2

I need to know if there is any way to have a SEQUENCE or something like that, as we have in Oracle. The idea is to get one number and then use it as a key to save some records in a table. Each time we need to save data in that table, first we get the next number from the sequence and then we use the same to save some records. Is not an IDENTITY column.
For example:
[ID] [SEQUENCE ID] [Code] [Value]
1 1 A 232
2 1 B 454
3 1 C 565
Next time someone needs to add records, the next SEQUENCE ID should be 2, is there any way to do it? the sequence could be a guid for me as well.
As Guillelon points out, the best way to do this in SQL Server is with an identity column.
You can simply define a column as being identity. When a new row is inserted, the identity is automatically incremented.
The difference is that the identity is updated on every row, not just some rows. To be honest, think this is a much better approach. Your example suggests that you are storing both an entity and detail in the same table.
The SequenceId should be the primary identity key in another table. This value can then be used for insertion into this table.
This can be done using multiple ways, Following is what I can think of
Creating a trigger and there by computing the possible value
Adding a computed column along with a function that retrieves the next value of the sequence
Here is an article that presents various solutions
One possible way is to do something like this:
-- Example 1
SET #Var = Select Max(ID) + 1 From tbl;
INSERT INTO tbl VALUES (#var,'Record 1')
INSERT INTO tbl VALUES (#var,'Record 2')
INSERT INTO tbl VALUES (#var,'Record 3')
-- Example 2
INSERT INTO ActualTable (col1, col2, sequence)
SELECT temp.*, (SELECT MAX(ID) + 1 FROM ActualTable)
FROM #temp temp
-- Example 3
DECLARE #var int
INSERT INTO ActualTable (col1, col2, sequence) OUTPUT #var = inserted.sequence VALUES (1, 2, (SELECT MAX(ID) + 1 FROM ActualTable))
The first two examples rely on batch updating. But based on your comment, I have added example 3 which is a single input initially. You can then use the sequence that was inserted to insert the rest of the records. If you have never used an output, please reply in comments and I will expand further.
I would isolate all of the above inside of a transactions.
If you were using SQL Server 2012, you could use the SEQUENCE operator as shown here.
Forgive me if syntax errors, don't have SSMS installed

How can I get the result from SQL generated Identity? [duplicate]

I'm trying to get a the key-value back after an INSERT-statement.
I've got a table with the attributes name and id. id is a generated value.
INSERT INTO table (name) VALUES('bob');
Now I want to get the id back in the same step. How is this done?
We're using Microsoft SQL Server 2008.
No need for a separate SELECT...
INSERT INTO table (name)
OUTPUT Inserted.ID
This works for non-IDENTITY columns (such as GUIDs) too
Use SCOPE_IDENTITY() to get the new ID value
INSERT INTO table (name) VALUES('bob');
INSERT INTO files (title) VALUES ('whatever');
Is the safest bet since there is a known issue with OUTPUT Clause conflict on tables with triggers. Makes this quite unreliable as even if your table doesn't currently have any triggers - someone adding one down the line will break your application. Time Bomb sort of behaviour.
See msdn article for deeper explanation:
Entity Framework performs something similar to gbn's answer:
DECLARE #generated_keys table([Id] uniqueidentifier)
INSERT INTO Customers(FirstName)
OUTPUT inserted.CustomerID INTO #generated_keys
SELECT t.[CustomerID]
FROM #generated_keys AS g
JOIN dbo.Customers AS t
ON g.Id = t.CustomerID
The output results are stored in a temporary table variable, and then selected back to the client. Have to be aware of the gotcha:
inserts can generate more than one row, so the variable can hold more than one row, so you can be returned more than one ID
I have no idea why EF would inner join the ephemeral table back to the real table (under what circumstances would the two not match).
But that's what EF does.
SQL Server 2008 or newer only. If it's 2005 then you're out of luck.
There are many ways to exit after insert
When you insert data into a table, you can use the OUTPUT clause to
return a copy of the data that’s been inserted into the table. The
OUTPUT clause takes two basic forms: OUTPUT and OUTPUT INTO. Use the
OUTPUT form if you want to return the data to the calling application.
Use the OUTPUT INTO form if you want to return the data to a table or
a table variable.
IDENT_CURRENT: It returns the last identity created for a particular table or view in any session.
SCOPE_IDENTITY: It returns the last identity from a same session and the same scope. A scope is a stored procedure/trigger etc.
##IDENTITY: It returns the last identity from the same session.
##IDENTITY Is a system function that returns the last-inserted identity value.
There are multiple ways to get the last inserted ID after insert command.
##IDENTITY : It returns the last Identity value generated on a Connection in current session, regardless of Table and the scope of statement that produced the value
SCOPE_IDENTITY(): It returns the last identity value generated by the insert statement in the current scope in the current connection regardless of the table.
IDENT_CURRENT(‘TABLENAME’) : It returns the last identity value generated on the specified table regardless of Any connection, session or scope. IDENT_CURRENT is not limited by scope and session; it is limited to a specified table.
Now it seems more difficult to decide which one will be exact match for my requirement.
I mostly prefer SCOPE_IDENTITY().
If you use select SCOPE_IDENTITY() along with TableName in insert statement, you will get the exact result as per your expectation.
Source : CodoBee
The best and most sure solution is using SCOPE_IDENTITY().
Just you have to get the scope identity after every insert and save it in a variable because you can call two insert in the same scope.
ident_current and ##identity may be they work but they are not safe scope. You can have issues in a big application
declare #duplicataId int
select #duplicataId = (SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY())
More detail is here Microsoft docs
You can use scope_identity() to select the ID of the row you just inserted into a variable then just select whatever columns you want from that table where the id = the identity you got from scope_identity()
See here for the MSDN info
Recommend to use SCOPE_IDENTITY() to get the new ID value, But NOT use "OUTPUT Inserted.ID"
If the insert statement throw exception, I except it throw it directly. But "OUTPUT Inserted.ID" will return 0, which maybe not as expected.
This is how I use OUTPUT INSERTED, when inserting to a table that uses ID as identity column in SQL Server:
'myConn is the ADO connection, RS a recordset and ID an integer
You can append a select statement to your insert statement.
Integer myInt =
Insert into table1 (FName) values('Fred'); Select Scope_Identity();
This will return a value of the identity when executed scaler.
* Parameter order in the connection string is sometimes important. * The Provider parameter's location can break the recordset cursor after adding a row. We saw this behavior with the SQLOLEDB provider.
After a row is added, the row fields are not available, UNLESS the Provider is specified as the first parameter in the connection string. When the provider is anywhere in the connection string except as the first parameter, the newly inserted row fields are not available. When we moved the the Provider to the first parameter, the row fields magically appeared.
After doing an insert into a table with an identity column, you can reference ##IDENTITY to get the value:

Why the OUTPUT statement while inserting into the table inside the IF clause returns null on second column?

Here is my "upsert" code:
UPDATE LastTicket SET LastTicketNumber=LastTicketNumber+1
OUTPUT INSERTED.LastTicketNumber WHERE CategoryId='1';
IF ##ROWCOUNT=0 INSERT INTO LastTicket (CategoryId,LastTicketNumber)
OUTPUT INSERTED.LastTicketNumber VALUES ('1','2')
So, when the row exists, it successefully updates, the OUTPUT returns the new, incremented LastTicketNumber.
On the other hand, when the row does not exist, the sql server successefully creates it and populates with the data I am passing to SqlCommand (1,2). So, it creates the row, but returns null. Meaning nothing! Why is that? And why when i replace the "INSERTED.LastTicketNumber" with the "INSERTED.CategoryId" is BEGINS to return not-null, the category id. Why is that? And how to return what I need?
The table has only these two columns and nonclustered primary composite key on both of them.
(MSSQL 2008)
If no row exists in the table, the first time the batch runs it will return two result sets - the first being empty (because there is no row to update) and the second containing the inserted Id.
Perhaps you are seeing the first result set and not the second.
Try the following:
DECLARE #t table (LastTicketNumber int)
UPDATE LastTicket SET LastTicketNumber=LastTicketNumber+1
OUTPUT INSERTED.LastTicketNumber INTO #t (LastTicketNumber) WHERE CategoryId='1';
IF ##ROWCOUNT=0 INSERT INTO LastTicket (CategoryId,LastTicketNumber)
OUTPUT INSERTED.LastTicketNumber INTO #t (LastTicketNumber) VALUES ('1','2')
select LastTicketNumber from #t
