How to theme a menu block in Drupal? - drupal-7

This should really be a basic question but I simply don't get it after hours of searching. The question is, how do I theme menu blocks in Drupal 7?
I've created three different blocks all based on the main menu. Now I want to:
create unique HTML for all three blocks, that means modifing the surrounding wrapper and the <ul> and <li> that builds the menu. I wanna set special classes and remove all of the Drupal-added stuff
attach different classes to the different levels within each block. One of blocks will show two levels of the menu, i.e. it will display a submenu. I want to set a special class on the for the submenu...
This seems impossible... :(
Thank you in advance for the help!!!!

Theming is a tricky beast that often varies a lot depending what you need to do. Even with your very detailed description I can still say "it depends", but here are a couple steps that may help you get pointed in the right direction.
Step 1: Use a block tpl.php as suggested by Caffeine Addict. If you're not sure what to name the .tpl.php, I recommend the Theme Developer module. It's buggy, but you can use it to select an particular element and have it tell you suggestions for naming of .tpl.php files.
Step 2: Use a theme / preprocess function in template.php to modify the pre-defined variables and markup. Be sure to check on the theme_menu_tree & template_preprocess_menu_tree functions on for starting points. If you're using the devel module, use dpm($variables); in each of those to see what you have to work with from the start.
I hope that helps! I agree with Caffeine Addict when he says that superfish might be an alternative. You should also probably check out the menu block module for breaking out conditional sub-sections into their own blocks.

In addition to what davidneedham said, to change what Drupal added to your menu HTML tags, you can override them. Here it is added classes:
<ul class="expanded">
<li class="firstleaf">...<li>
i did not find a way to remove this classes, but you can override them in your block--system--main_menu.tpl.php file, like this:
li.leaf {
padding: 0 0 0 0;
margin: 0;
} li {
margin: 0 0 0 0;
and then print your menu content:
<?php echo $content; ?>
I'm new in Drupal, wish my post can help you! :)

I would suggest to start with installing the Zen theme and follow the instructions inside the theme to setup a starter sub theme. This has all the information needed to learn theming in drupal and even how to add your own stylesheets etc.
This will allow you to start editing the templates for menu blocks and set your own html wrappers and classes.
For setting extra classes on blocks i would use this module:
Then just edit the block and you will see an extra section for adding additional classes to the block.


Correct way to get access to Dnn Stuff while using Modern 2sxc Hybrid Views

Now that my new views start with
#inherits Custom.Hybrid.Razor12
What do I need to do to continue to get access to Dnn Stuff when needed? I've been bouncing around the docs, but haven't spotted anything yet.
Are there compile codes that will let us do things like <### IF DNN ###>?
My specific need right now, and I am hoping someone can offer an example, is we always wrapped our module/View output like this
<div id="viewtype-#(Dnn.Module.ModuleID)">
And this allowed us to include some very module-targeted (non-leaky) CSS.
#viewtype-#(Dnn.Module.ModuleID) .navbar{
So then this sort of becomes two questions:
How do you do DNN specific things in a View properly?
What is the new-correct way to do the thing in the example above so that it would ALSO work on Oqtane? Do they have a Helper that would provide a unique ID at the same level as the View?
When you are editing a template, there is a menu at the left of the edit window. If you expand the <> you will see all sorts of helpers, DNN and otherwise.
And, the top icon expands to a list of all of the files/views/css that you might want to edit.
Or am I misunderstanding?
Oh, you don't have to do any of the <## xxxx ##> stuff any more. You can just refer to the DNN variables and methode (perhaps preceded by #) and just use them. After all, the template is a mixture of HTML and Razor stuff. The Razor stuff is darned close to c#.
So, you could drop something in like:
This is an example of using the portal id: #Dnn.Module.PortalID
Note: < and > replaced by [ and ] so that they aren't interpreted as tags.

Create Landing Page in Drupal 7

In Drupal one can basically style the elements, like the search box, or the basic page etc. and then put some content in the site and the resulting page will be generated. But what if you want one specific site (e.g. the index page) to be different? E.g. have a image as a background, a different navigation styling etc.
What's the best paractice way of doing this?
Best practice is to have a different theme which you can switch to by using hook_custom_theme() where you check the current path. Also make sure that your theme to switch to is enabled:
* Implements hook_custom_theme().
function YOUR_MODULE_custom_theme() {
# check path with arg(0)
# return theme name to switch to
return 'different_theme_machine_name';
Alternatively you can also try ThemeKey doing this out of the box with an interface & allowing you the specify rules.
If you need to change only the content(body) section of your page, use Disply Suite. You can create unique look and feel layouts for your body section of each page.
If you trying to change the complete layout of one page (eg: Services), Create new Content Type 'Services'. Then create a template file for this content type, You must name this template call page--services.tpl.php. And also you can overwrite the index page layout by creating page--front.tpl.php template. Done!
What you are saying you want to change is all styling. And you know you can do a page to look drastically different with CSS... and you can do it that way depending on your chosen Drupal theme.
Now, with the Chrome Inspector (or FF inspector) look at the body tag, it probably has many classes which indicates in what page you are, what type of node (if it's a node) or if it's an admin section, or an anonymous user.
Using those specific classes you can style a frontpage, or a view, or a node, or anything, without installing more modules... with some limitations because you can't change rendered HTML this way.
Finally, don't get scared by using modules in Drupal, it's how Drupal works and it works pretty well. The thing is to install the best tools to increase your productivity, and Drupal have excellent options to change your theming and content like Display Suite (like #BaikHo suggested).
Hope that helps.
PD: Using the less module and with custom your theme you can have LESS css which is considerably faster than using only CSS, and because it's integrated with Drupal you can theme make everything even faster. Give it a try.

Layout for a user page in Drupal

The standard ("ships with Drupal") user page appears to be compacted into the $user_profile() array. Then, it's unpacked and "printed" (to the screen) by the somewhat terse user-profile.tpl.php template:
<div class="profile"<?php print $attributes; ?>>
<?php print render($user_profile); ?>
Is there a guide somewhere that would help me understand what the typical internal structure of this array is, and what hooks I might need to employ in order to place DIVs, classes and so forth into it, in order to achieve certain basic design goals?
Take a look at I strongly suggest to use the Panels module. It allows you to add blocks, views etc. to your pages and makes theming a lot easier. There are tons of information about Panels on the internet, so I suggest you have a look around first. The following links can be a good start:

How to add a custom field into template.php using Zen sub theme

First time poster here, I'm a designer not skilled at all with php and I have a small issue I don't seem to be able to solve. I'm making a site in drupal 7 using a sub theme on zen.
Btw this is a great CMS, even though people say it's really more a developers CMS. I have no trouble to do what I need using views, rules, display suite etc. So a big thank you for all the developers out there making this such a good CMS. But for this apparently simple problem... no module will help me (I think) and I'm kinda stuck.
So here it is: I'd like to add a subtitle next to the title in all my pages.
So what I did was to add a custom field into the content type basic page (machine name: field_sub_title) which is a simple text field.
I uncommented the following line in my template.php
function mytheme_preprocess_page(&$variables, $hook) {
$variables['sub_title'] = t('field_sub_title');
Now my question is how do I load the content of my custom field into that variable?
I know i need to change the second part, but I don't have a clue as into what I need to change this.
Displaying the variable into the the page.tpl.php is something I know about so I only need help with the first part.
Ok I found how to do this :)
I was looking for a solution in the wrong place. I don't need to change any thing in the template.php file.
Just needed to add this bit of code into my page.tpl.php:
print $node->field_sub_title['und'][0]['value'];
So I'm posting this here for other Drupal newbies struggling with this....
Your solution may work for now, but there may be a more Drupal-y way to handle a problem like this. If you haven't noticed any problems yet, you may find one or more of the following issues down the road:
Someone who doesn't know php or Drupal theming may need to change the way this works.
If you're like me, you may forget where exactly in code this was implemented.
You may see superfluous markup and/or errors on nodes (content) that do not have this sub-title field (ie. event content not having a sub-title field while basic pages and news articles do).
When you add a field to a content type, it will automatically appear anytime content in that content type is displayed. You should be able to add the sub-title field for your page, event or whatever else you need and have it automatically appear in the markup.
You can 'manage display' of a content type to drag and drop the order for fields to appear. You could take it a step further by using a module like Display Suite to add formatting or layout per-content type.
If you feel like this isn't good enough and the markup for the subtitle must be at the same level as the page title (which is rare), at least add an if statement to make your code check to see if the variable is present before trying to print it. I'd also add a new variable and comments for code readability.
$subtitle = $node->field_sub_title['und'][0]['value'];
print $subtitle;
Consider using field_get_items or field_view_value, or at least use the LANGUAGE_NONE constant instead of 'und'
See and!field!field.module/function/field_view_value/7
This has the added benefit of reducing the number of potential security holes you create.

What is the best way to create regions in your CakePHP layout similar to WordPress Widgets or Drupal Blocks?

What is the best way to create regions in your layout similar to Wordpress's Widgets or Drupal Blocks? What is the best practice method of doing that in CakePHP?
If by regions you mean a special "content container" (never used WP/Drupal), then it's very easy.
There are several ways to accomplish this, but the one that came to my mind first was this:
Create a helper (or an entire plugin) to handle the "which content goes into which container" logic. Shouldn't be too hard to do because you have many Cake utility classes to help you out with that (such as the Configure class). This should obviously be configurable by the end user.
Create containers in your layout, example:
<div class="content-container" id="content-container-left">
<?php echo $yourHelper->outputContent("left"); ?>
Two options:
Content should be based on elements; or
Content should be based on custom plugins (which actually do their stuff and output the content)
Note: There are probably better ways to accomplish what you want, this is just the first that came to my mind. I'd recommend some pencil-and-paper planning before you actually code anything, it will improve your chances of finding the best way for your app.
I created a Sidebar Helper recently that you might find useful.
You define the content of the boxes in Cake elements, and then add them by calling ...
... this would render the content of views/elements/my_sidebox_element
Alternatively you can specify te content of a box 'inline':
$sidebar->startBox(array('title' => 'My Inline Box'));
<p>blah <b>blah</b> <span>blah</span></p>
The in your layout file call
echo $sidebar->getSidebar();
... and each of your boxes will be rendered as divs
Technically speaking this doesn't need to be used as a 'SideBar' - it ultimately depends on how you render the layout with CSS.
See the documented code for more details:
SidebarHelper on GitHub
