actioncolumn of extjs4.1.0 - extjs

I am using Extjs4.1.0.
I have a grid with an actioncolumn. I have to change the icons in this actioncolumn based on some conditions.
I am using three getClass methods to render the icons in this column.
xtype: 'actioncolumn',
items: [
getClass: function (v, meta, rec)
if (rec.get('fieldDeleteFlag') == false) return 'x-grid-del-css';
else return '';
handler: function (grid, rowIndex, colIndex)
getClass: function (v, meta, rec)
if (rec.get('fieldDeleteFlag') == false) return 'x-grid-edit-css';
else return '';
handler: function (grid, rowIndex, colIndex)
getClass: function (v, meta, rec)
if (rec.get('fieldDeleteFlag') == true) return 'x-grid-activate-css';
else return '';
handler: function (grid, rowIndex, colIndex)
So, if the flag is false, i need to have two icons as edit and delete. If the flag is true, i have only activate icon.
When i click on the activate icon handler, i will set the flag column as false and i have only the edit and delete icons for this row.
The icons are coming perfectly when the grid is rendering. But, when i click on the activate handler, i am unable to remove the activate icon and display the edit and delete icons.
Can any body tell me how to do this...

You can use grid.refresh() after setting the cell value.
handler: function(grid, rowIndex, colIndex) {
var rec = store.getAt(rowIndex);
var change = rec.get('change');
rec.set('change', -change);


Best way to use checkboxes inside a Extjs Pivot Grid

I have a pivot grid which display if the users have create,read,update,delete" permissions, the users are agrouped in this way departaments > estabilishments > sectors > users and i want the user to be able to edit this fields.
I already tried using with a renderer:
aggregate: [{
renderer: function(value, record, dataIndex, cell, column) {
var id =;
Ext.defer(function() {
Ext.widget('checkbox', {
renderTo: id,
checked: value,
listeners: {
change: {
fn: function(event, target) {
//some function here
}, 100);
return Ext.String.format('<div id="{0}"></div>', id);
aggregator: 'aggCheckBoxR',
dataIndex: 'Incluir',
header: 'Incluir'
and with a widget column:
aggregate: [{
aggregator: 'aggCheckBoxR',
column: {
xtype: 'widgetcolumn',
widget: {
xtype: 'checkbox',
listeners: {
change: function(cb) {
//some function here
dataIndex: 'Incluir',
header: 'Incluir'
My Aggregator:
aggCheckBoxR: function(records, measure, matrix, rowGroupKey, colGroupKey) {
if (records.length > 1) {
let checkAllTrue = true;
for (var i = 0; i < records.length; i++) {
if (records[i].get('Incluir') === false || records[i].get('Incluir') === 0) {
checkAllTrue = false;
return checkAllTrue;
} else {
return records[0].get('Incluir');
The checkbox apears on the grid but my problem is the data "dont persist", whenever i expand or collapse a left axis on the pivot grid the value of the checkbox returns to its original value, how can i persist this data?
Already tried update the record manualy
change: function(cb) {
var nomeCmp = cb.getWidgetRecord().data._compactview_;
Ext.getStore('acesso.ColabStore').findRecord('Nome', nomeCmp).data.Incluir = true;
But still, it doestn't work.
EDIT: Had to change the column object event listener to:
xtype: 'widgetcolumn',
widget: {
xtype: 'checkbox',
listeners: {
afterrender: function(component, eOpts) {
component.getEl().on('change', function(e, el) {
console.log('change func here');
With this, the change event is only fired when the users check a checkbox, and finally, I could use
norbeq's answer
You can update the record manually using:
and if you dont wan't to send changes to server:

ToolTip in Grid cell - ExtJs 6

I am using below code to display Tool Tip for Grid cell In ExtJS 6
header: 'Name',
cls: 'nameCls',
locked: true,
tdCls: 'nameTdCls',
dataIndex: 'name',
renderer: function (value, metaData, record, rowIndex, colIndex, store, view) {
metaData.tdAttr = 'data-qtip= "' + value + '" data-qclass="tipCls" data-qwidth=200';
return value;
When i run the application it doesnt show the tooltip and display below error message.
Any idea guys??
Thanks in advance guys.
Have you tried creating an Ext.tip.ToolTip? You can create a single one to serve as tooltip for each name cell (using delegate) and update it with the value of that cell. Set up a grid render listener to create the tooltip like this:
render: function(grid) {
var view = grid.getView();
grid.tip = Ext.create('Ext.tip.ToolTip', {
target: view.getId(),
delegate: view.itemSelector + ' .nameTdCls',
trackMouse: true,
listeners: {
beforeshow: function updateTipBody(tip) {
var tipGridView =;
var record = tipGridView.getRecord(tip.triggerElement);
For a working example, see this Fiddle.
Thanks for Robert Klein Kromhof!
grid columns:
columns: [{..., tdCls: 'tip'}]
grid listeners:
render: function (grid) {
var view = grid.getView();
grid.tip = Ext.create('Ext.tip.ToolTip', {
target: view.getId(),
delegate: view.itemSelector + ' .tip',
trackMouse: true,
listeners: {
beforeshow: function (tip) {
var tipGridView =;
var record = tipGridView.getRecord(tip.triggerElement);
var colname = tipGridView.getHeaderCt().getHeaderAtIndex(tip.triggerElement.cellIndex).dataIndex;
destroy: function (view) {
delete view.tip;
Create independent function and call when you need.
var grid = Ext.getCmp('your_grid_id'); // Enter your grid id
initToolTip(grid); // call function
initToolTip: function(grid) {
var view = grid.view;
// record the current cellIndex
grid.mon(view, {
uievent: function(type, view, cell, recordIndex, cellIndex, e) {
grid.cellIndex = cellIndex;
grid.recordIndex = recordIndex;
grid.tip = Ext.create('Ext.tip.ToolTip', {
target: view.el,
delegate: '.x-grid-cell',
trackMouse: true,
renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
listeners: {
beforeshow: function updateTipBody(tip) {
if (!Ext.isEmpty(grid.cellIndex) && grid.cellIndex !== -1) {
header = grid.headerCt.getGridColumns()[grid.cellIndex];
columnText = grid.getStore().getAt(grid.recordIndex).get(header.dataIndex);

How to get actioncolumn icon component?

I'm searching two days and can't find how to get access to actioncolumn component (NOT html) on rowselect. I need to set event on icon click using Saki's component communication technique (source).
My column looks like:
I found a way how to show/hide buttons on change row selection (this code uses in GridPanel):
sm: new Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel({
singleSelect: true,
listeners: {
beforerowselect: function(grid, rowIndex, record) {
// 7 is the last cell index
var cell = grid.grid.getView().getCell( rowIndex, 7 );
//select icons in cell
var icons ='.x-action-col-icon', cell);
//for each DOM element
Ext.each(icons, function(icon, index) {
currentIcon = Ext.get(icon);
//if not 1st button
if (index !== 0) {
//Delete class that hides. Class 'x-hidden' also works
currentIcon.removeClass('x-hide-display'); //show icon
rowdeselect: function(grid, rowIndex, record) {
// 7 is the last cell index
var cell = grid.grid.getView().getCell( rowIndex, 7 );
//select icons in cell
var icons ='.x-action-col-icon', cell);
//for each DOM element
Ext.each(icons, function(icon, index) {
currentIcon = Ext.get(icon);
//if not 1st button
if (index !== 0) {
//Delete class that hides. Class 'x-hidden' also works
currentIcon.addClass('x-hide-display'); //show icon
Ok. Next. I want to show another window on click (set click event). But I don't know how to get access from Window/Viewport:
//get items
this.loanGrid = this.items.itemAt(0);
this.documentsGridWindow = this.items.itemAt(2);
//add events
this.loanGrid.on ({
scope: this,
afterrender: function() {
selModel = this.loanGrid.getSelectionModel();
scope: this,
rowselect: function (grid, rowIndex, keepExisting, record) {
//HOW TO GET actioncolumn 2nd button here???
I also tried to set id to this icon on beforerowselect, but on rowselect this code Ext.getCmp('icon-id') returns undefined.
up() and down() functions not helps me too =(
HELP please! =)
p.s. Sad, but Ext.ComponentQuery works only from ExtJS 4.
So finally I re-wrote some parts of my application.
First we need to add some options to actioncolumn:
dataIndex: 'action',
id: 'action',
Grid row buttons show/hide now is independent of actioncolumn move:
* buildSelectionModel
buildSelectionModel: function() {
var sm = new Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel({
singleSelect: true,
listeners: {
scope: this,
rowselect: function(grid, rowIndex, record) {
this.toggleFirstButtonShowState(grid.grid, rowIndex);
rowdeselect: function(grid, rowIndex, record) {
this.toggleFirstButtonShowState(grid.grid, rowIndex);
return sm;
* toggleFirstButtonShowState
toggleFirstButtonShowState: function(grid, rowIndex) {
//'action' is data index of
var colIndex = this.getColumnIndexByDataIndex(grid, 'action');
// 7 is the last cell index
var cell = grid.getView().getCell( rowIndex, colIndex);
//select icons in cell
var icons ='.x-action-col-icon', cell);
//for each DOM element
Ext.each(icons, function(icon, index) {
currentIcon = Ext.get(icon);
//if not 1st button
if (index !== 0) {
//Show/delete class that hides. Class 'x-hidden' also works
currentIcon.toggleClass('x-hide-display'); //show/hide icon
getColumnIndexByDataIndex: function(grid, dataIndex) {
gridColumns = grid.getColumnModel().columns;
for (var i = 0; i < gridColumns.length; i++) {
if (gridColumns[i].dataIndex == dataIndex) {
return i;
Viewport part:
//get selection model
selModel = this.loanGrid.getSelectionModel();
scope: this,
rowselect: function (grid, rowIndex, keepExisting, record) {
//get second icon in actioncolumn
var icon = grid.grid.getColumnModel().getColumnById('action').items[1];
//save context
var self = this;
//add handler by direct set
icon.handler = function(grid, rowIndex, colIndex) {
//open documents window;
All works as expected!

ExtJS Change actioncolumn icon from controller / handler

TLDR: I'm using ExtJS 4 and I want to change action column buttons icon from hanlder / controller. How I can do it?
My problem: I have a menu to create a group of devices, it cointain a table of all existing devices (the device has an id, name and affiliation to the group member) with pagination and ajax store. To create a group I have to pass an array of device ids to the server.
To do this I add action column to my grid. By clicking on button in action column I want to add device id to one of the two arrays, that are stored as attributes of the grid (addedMembers and deletedMembers) and change icon in action column. At the moment, all the following code works, but I do not understand how I can change the icon?
Ext.define('Portal.view.devicegroups.GroupDevicesGrid', {
extend: 'Ext.grid.Panel',
alias: 'widget.groupDevicesGrid',
addedMembers: [],
deletedMembers: [],
store: 'devicegroups.GroupDevicesStore',
columns: [
dataIndex: 'name',
flex: 1,
sortable: true,
text: Ext.String.capitalize("<?=gettext('name')?>")
xtype: 'actioncolumn',
text: Ext.String.capitalize("<?=gettext('member')?>"),
width: 75,
items: [
getClass: function (value, meta, record, rowIndex, colIndex) {
var cls = 'deny';
if (this.up('groupDevicesGrid').deletedMembers.indexOf(record.get('id')) !== -1 || record.get('member') == 1) {
cls = 'allow';
return cls;
handler: function (view, rowIndex, colIndex, item, event, record, row) {
this.fireEvent('changeMembership', rowIndex, record);
changeMembership method:
changeGroupDeviceMembership: function(rowIndex, device) {
var groupDevicesGrid = this.getGroupDevicesGrid(),
groupDevicesStore = groupDevicesGrid.getStore(),
addedMembers = groupDevicesGrid.addedMembers,
deletedMembers = groupDevicesGrid.deletedMembers,
deviceId = device.get('id'),
isMember = device.get('member');
if(isMember == 1) {
if(deviceId) {
if(deletedMembers.indexOf(deviceId) === -1) {
// Set allow icon
} else {
// Set deny icon
deletedMembers.splice(deletedMembers.indexOf(deviceId), 1);
} else if(isMember == 0) {
if(deviceId) {
if(addedMembers.indexOf(deviceId) === -1) {
// Set deny icon
} else {
// Set allow icon
addedMembers.splice(deletedMembers.indexOf(deviceId), 1);
Or perhaps there is a better solution to my problem?
I am not privileged to comment so I will just take a shot at the answer. This is the way I do are nearly there just add iconCls. :)
xtype: 'actioncolumn',
text: Ext.String.capitalize("<?=gettext('member')?>"),
width: 75,
items: [
iconCls:'deny', //<== try adding this icon cls
getClass: function (value, meta, record, rowIndex, colIndex) {
var cls = 'deny';
meta.tdAttr = 'data-qtip="Deny"'; //<== I like tool tips
if (this.up('groupDevicesGrid').deletedMembers.indexOf(record.get('id')) !== -1 || record.get('member') == 1) {
cls = 'allow';
meta.tdAttr = 'data-qtip="Allow"'; //<== I like tool tips
return cls;
handler: function (view, rowIndex, colIndex, item, event, record, row) {
this.fireEvent('changeMembership', rowIndex, record);
I use this pattern quite a lot, hopefully it works for you too.

Extjs 3.4 checkchange listener not working on Checkcolumn

The checkchange listener for my checkColumn is not working. Any ideas why not?
var checked = new Ext.grid.CheckColumn({
header: 'Test',
dataIndex: 'condition',
renderer: function(v,p,record){
var content =['info'];
if(content == 'True'){
p.css += ' x-grid3-check-col-td';
return '<div class="x-grid3-check-col'+(v?'-on':'')+' x-grid3-cc-''"> </div>';
checkchange: function(column, recordIndex, checked){
In Ext.ux.grid.CheckColumn, add this initialize method that register a checkchange event:
initComponent: function(){;
Then in processEvent fire the event:
processEvent : function(name, e, grid, rowIndex, colIndex){
if (name == 'mousedown') {
var record =;
record.set(this.dataIndex, ![this.dataIndex]);
// Fire checkchange event
this.fireEvent('checkchange', this,[this.dataIndex]);
return false; // Cancel row selection.
} else {
return Ext.grid.ActionColumn.superclass.processEvent.apply(this, arguments);
The resulting CheckColumn component should look like this:
Ext.ux.grid.CheckColumn = Ext.extend(Ext.grid.Column, {
// private
initComponent: function(){;
processEvent : function(name, e, grid, rowIndex, colIndex){
if (name == 'mousedown') {
var record =;
record.set(this.dataIndex, ![this.dataIndex]);
this.fireEvent('checkchange', this,[this.dataIndex]);
return false; // Cancel row selection.
} else {
return Ext.grid.ActionColumn.superclass.processEvent.apply(this, arguments);
renderer : function(v, p, record){
p.css += ' x-grid3-check-col-td';
return String.format('<div class="x-grid3-check-col{0}"> </div>', v ? '-on' : '');
// Deprecate use as a plugin. Remove in 4.0
init: Ext.emptyFn
// register ptype. Deprecate. Remove in 4.0
Ext.preg('checkcolumn', Ext.ux.grid.CheckColumn);
// backwards compat. Remove in 4.0
Ext.grid.CheckColumn = Ext.ux.grid.CheckColumn;
// register Column xtype
Ext.grid.Column.types.checkcolumn = Ext.ux.grid.CheckColumn;
In ExtJS 3, the checkcolumn plugin does not actually use ExtJS's checkbox component, so checkbox events are not available. The checkcolumn is simply an extended grid column that has added a custom renderer to style the cell like a checkbox.
By default, the only events you can listen to are Ext.grid.Column's events (click, contextmenu, dblclick, and mousedown).
This answer to a similar question shows how to override the CheckColumn and add the beforecheckchange & checkchange events.
Simple Answer
Check box check or uncheck when user click on check box in extjs 3 grid.
use this property in grid: => columnPlugins: [1, 2],
I belive this property use in your code is wornig perfectly.
columnPlugins: [1, 2],
