How to exit from wpf app - wpf

I have a WPF project that is part of the solution, it is "ProjectFilesSelector". A some project, named A. call ProjectFilesSelector as figure below:
namespace ProjectFilesSelector
public class ViewModel
public ICommand cancel
return new WPFExtensions.RelayCommand(_ =>
this.window.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;
public partial class Window1 : Window, IDisposable
public Window1(ProjectTypes.Project pro)
var context = new ViewModel(this, new ATChecker.ViewModel.ProjectModel(pro));
this.DataContext = context;
namespace ATCheckerView
public class ViewerClientExt : INotifyPropertyChanged
public ICommand CheckPrinciplies
var cmnd =
new RelayCommand(project =>
var proj = (ViewModel.ProjectModel)project;
ProjectFilesSelector.ViewModel dc;
using (var a = new ProjectFilesSelector.Window1(proj.project))
a.ShowDialog(); // cancel command was called
dc = (ProjectFilesSelector.ViewModel)a.DataContext;
// some code
// and I can still see the window of Window1. Why?

I don t think you want to exit the application. You may just want to close the window.
The cancel button just set IsCancel to true. And for the ok button the best way is to create a event in the viewmodel to get up to the view.


Why does ReactiveUI binding stop working?

I encountered a very strange issue and cannot understand how to solve it.
My application window has a page navigator on the right. When you click any page in the navigator this page is displayed on the main preview surface on the left. Here how it looks like:
In the background there are 3 ViewModels: Root VM for the main window, Navigator VM and Page VM.
The Navigator VM looks as follows:
public class PageNavigatorViewModel : ReactiveObject, IPageNavigatorViewModel
public PageNavigatorViewModel()
Pages = new ObservableCollectionExtended<IPageViewModel>();
AddEmptyPageCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create(AddEmptyPage);
SelectPageCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create(SelectPage);
public IObservableCollection<IPageViewModel> Pages { get; }
// Is bound to a button in UI:
public ReactiveCommand<Unit, Unit> AddEmptyPageCommand { get; }
// This command is executed when the user clicks on a page in the Page Navigation Panel:
public ReactiveCommand<IPageViewModel, Unit> SelectPageCommand { get; }
public IPageViewModel CurrentPage
get => _CurrentPage;
set => SetCurrentPage(value);
public void AddEmptyPage()
var page = CreatePage();
public void SelectPage(IPageViewModel page)
private IPageViewModel _CurrentPage;
private void SetCurrentPage(IPageViewModel page)
foreach (var p in Pages)
p.IsCurrent = false;
page.IsCurrent = true;
this.RaiseAndSetIfChanged(ref _CurrentPage, page, nameof(CurrentPage));
The VM of the main window is as follows:
public class MainViewModel : ReactiveObject, IMainViewModel
public RootViewModel()
PageNavigator = new PageNavigatorViewModel();
this.WhenPropertyChanged(vm => vm.PageNavigator.CurrentPage)
.Subscribe(vm => CurrentPage = vm.Value);
public IPageNavigatorViewModel PageNavigator { get; protected set; }
[Reactive] public IPageViewModel CurrentPage { get; protected set; }
And finally here the code in the main window:
public partial class MainWindow
public MainWindow()
private void Initialize()
ViewModel = new RootViewModel();
// Add a few pages with random background:
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++)
ViewModel.PageNavigator[i].Background = GetRandomColor();
this.WhenActivated(d =>
// DrawingSurfaceBorder - it's ... just a standard WPF Border control:
this.OneWayBind(ViewModel, vm => vm.CurrentPage.Background, v => v.DrawingSurfaceBorder.Background).DisposeWith(d);
So, everything works as expected for those 5 pages added on VM initialization: I click a page and can see that the preview changes its color to the selected page. But when I add a new page, and in the code you can see this new page is Current now, however, the preview does not change at all, it's just ignores new added pages. Looks like the ReactiveUI does not bind new pages to the view. And I could not find anything on this issue on the web.
Wow, I've just found the answer accidentally! AddEmptyPage does not set the PageViewModel.Background property, so it is just null for all new pages. Looks like this breaks the binding, because setting this property fixed the issue. It is really hard to track mistake. I would be happy to have some exception on such case, but it's WPF - the most hard to debug framework in the Universe. I think I would kill myself even before my boss would lose his patience XD

MVVM Open a view from Mainview with command

I'm trying to open a view from my mainview in a button click command, I just need to know what i have to replace in my method GoToNewPage()
private DelegateCommand newPageCommand;
public ICommand NewPage
if (newPageCommand == null)
newPageCommand = new DelegateCommand(GoToNewPage);
return newPageCommand;
private void GoToNewPage()
//What i have to write there?
private void GoToNewPage()
var window = new ViewClassName();

OnPropertyChanged wont change when used wth observable collection and single property

Loads the dataGrid and populates the Datagrid a row of 1'
public partial class MainWindow : Window
public MainWindow()
//this.DataContext = this;
CricketEvent events = new CricketEvent();
private void update()
events.updateList(new CricketEvent[1] { new CricketEvent(){Runs="1"} });
DG1.ItemsSource = events.RunsList;
private void DG1_SelectedCellsChanged(object sender, SelectedCellsChangedEventArgs e)
Window1 windowToOpen = new Window1();
var selectedUser = this.DG1.SelectedItem;
Main class that loads the OnPropertyChanged I have a List property and string property that calls the OnPropertyChanged but I want the individual "Runs" property to be updated on its own rather than the whole collection.
class CricketEvent : INotifyPropertyChanged
private ObservableCollection<CricketEvent> runsList;
public string runs { get; set; }
public CricketEvent(string numofRuns) {
this.Runs = numofRuns;
public CricketEvent() { }
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
public ObservableCollection<CricketEvent> RunsList
get { return this.runsList; }
if (value != this.runsList)
this.runsList = value;
public string Runs
get { return runs; }
runs = value;
// Call OnPropertyChanged whenever the property is updated
protected void OnPropertyChanged(string name)
PropertyChangedEventHandler handler = PropertyChanged;
if (handler != null)
handler(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(name));
public ObservableCollection<CricketEvent> updateList(CricketEvent []events)
runsList = new ObservableCollection<CricketEvent>(events.ToList());
return runsList;
This is the update window that brings up a text box and should change the "1s" In the previous window to whatever is typed into the textbox
public partial class Window1 : Window
public Window1()
CricketEvent events = new CricketEvent();
MainWindow main = new MainWindow();
private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
events.updateList(new CricketEvent[1] { new CricketEvent(txt1.Text.ToString()) });
main.DG1.ItemsSource = events.RunsList;
The Button_Click event in Window1 does not use the instance of MainWindow that is show - it creates a new Window instance (that is not shown) and adds the updated list to the DG1.ItemsSource property. To solve that, pass the original instance of Window to the created Window1 in constructor and use that.
However, you should review your update strategy (and code style) because there is potential for improvments:
It is not a good idea to create a new collection if you want to update just one property of one item. Observable collections provide change notification, so you dont have to recreate the collection at all.
Instead of assinging the collection in code behind, use databinding to bind the collection to the ItemsSource. DataBinding results in automatic update of GUI elements if the collection or one item of you collection changed.

How to close dialog window from viewmodel (Caliburn+WPF)?

I haveViewModel1 and View1 associated with it. I start dialog window from ViewModel2 (some another viewmodel) using IWindowManager object. The code from ViewModel2 class:
windowManager.ShowDialog(new ViewModel());
So, I have Dialog Window with View1 user control.
My answer is next - I can close that dialog window using red close button, but how to close it using my specific button (contained in View1 user control), something like "Cancel" button with close command (Command={Binding CancelCommand}), CancelCommand of course is contained in ViewModel1 class.
It's even easier if your view model extends Caliburn.Micro.Screen:
You can get the current view (in your case the dialog window) with implementing the IViewAware interface on your ViewModel. Then you can call Close on the the view (the Window created as the dialog) when your command is executed.
The easiest why is to derive from ViewAware:
public class DialogViewModel : ViewAware
public void ExecuteCancelCommand()
(GetView() as Window).Close();
If you are not allowed to derive you can implement it yourself:
public class DialogViewModel : IViewAware
public void ExecuteCancelCommand()
private Window dialogWindow;
public void AttachView(object view, object context = null)
dialogWindow = view as Window;
if (ViewAttached != null)
new ViewAttachedEventArgs(){Context = context, View = view});
public object GetView(object context = null)
return dialogWindow;
public event EventHandler<ViewAttachedEventArgs> ViewAttached;
Note: I've used Caliburn.Micro 1.3.1 for my sample.
A cleaner way (Subject of personal taste) that I use alot is to use the IResult pattern, this way you abstract the Window implemenation
public IEnumerable<IResult> CloseMe()
yield return new CloseResult();
Result code
public class CloseResult : Result
public override void Execute(ActionExecutionContext context)
var window = Window.GetWindow(context.View);
public abstract class Result : IResult
public virtual void Execute(ActionExecutionContext context)
OnCompleted(this, new ResultCompletionEventArgs());
protected virtual void OnCompleted(object sender, ResultCompletionEventArgs e)
if (Completed != null)
Completed(sender, e);
public event EventHandler<ResultCompletionEventArgs> Completed;
edit (Only needed for IoC): If you wanna take it a step further you do a base class for all screens
public abstract class ShellPresentationModel : Screen
public ShellPresentationModel(IResultFactory resultFactory)
Result = resultFactory;
public IResultFactory Result { get; private set; }
This way you can inject dependencies with a IoC much easier, then your VIewmodel close method will look like this
public IEnumerable<IResult> CloseMe()
yield return Result.Close();
An example on a IResult that uses dependency can be
public class ShowDialogResult<TModel> : Result
private readonly IWindowManager windowManager;
private readonly TModel model;
private Action<TModel> configure;
public ShowDialogResult(IWindowManager windowManager, TModel model)
this.windowManager = windowManager;
this.model = model;
public IResult Configure(Action<TModel> configure)
this.configure = configure;
return this;
public override void Execute(ActionExecutionContext context)
if(configure != null)
edit Just noticed that i forgot to add an example of the above IoC exmaple, here goes
With a child IoC container pattern it would look like this
public IEnumerable<IResult> ShowDialog()
yield return Result.ShowDialog<MyViewModel>();
Without a child container pattern you would need to inject parent dependeync into the child manually
yield return Result.ShowDialog<MyViewModel>().Configure(m => m.SomeData = this.SomeData);

Open new Window from view model

Hi I have a beginner problem. I have shell (it is wpf window) and in this shell is screen (it is an user control / view model).
I would like open new window from view model, not show user control in shell.
So I create new window - ChatView
<Window x:Class="Spirit.Views.ChatView"
xmlns:extToolkit="clr-namespace:Microsoft.Windows.Controls;assembly=WPFToolkit.Extended" Title="ChatView" Height="545" Width="763">
<Grid Margin="4,4,4,4">
Export ChatViewModel with MEF.
public interface IChatViewModel
public class ChatViewModel
In view model I have this method:
With ShowScreen class help me Mr.Marco Amendola. It look likes this:
public class ShowScreen : IResult
readonly Type _screenType;
readonly string _name;
public IShellViewModel Shell { get; set; }
Action<object> _initializationAction = screen => { };
public ShowScreen InitializeWith<T>(T argument)
_initializationAction = screen =>
var initializable = screen as IInitializable<T>;
if (initializable != null)
return this;
public ShowScreen(string name)
_name = name;
public ShowScreen(Type screenType)
_screenType = screenType;
public void Execute(ActionExecutionContext context)
var screen = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(_name)
? IoC.Get<object>(_name)
: IoC.GetInstance(_screenType, null);
Completed(this, new ResultCompletionEventArgs());
public event EventHandler<ResultCompletionEventArgs> Completed = delegate { };
public static ShowScreen Of<T>()
return new ShowScreen(typeof(T));
My problem is if I try show new window it doesn’t works, it works only if I show new user control in shell(window).
I would like achieve behavior something like in skype. You have a main window with listbox, you double clicked on item and it show new chat window.
Main window can publish with EventAggregator on chat window and also chat window can publish on main window. This is my goal.
I know that I can not use class ShowScreen on showing new Window. I would like to know what is correct way to create new window from view model and inject event aggregator
to this vie model.
Any advice? Thank for your help and time.
Have you looked at WindowManager.Show or WindowManager.ShowDialog? Rob has a sample at You can inject this dependency into your view model as IWindowManager.
I'm using this. Maybe could save a question about "where's the code ?".
public class DialogHelper
public void ShowDialog<T>(params Object[] param) where T : class
var windowManager = new WindowManager();
T viewModel = Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(T), param) as T;
How to use:
Without constructor parameter:
With constructor paramater:
Note that I'm not using MEF
