Filter result from Store - extjs

I am loading values from a Store, and then filtering it with a condition (for example name == Matt). The code is shown below;
var store = Ext.getStore('mystore');
store.on('load', function() {
filterFn: function(rec) {
return Ext.Array.indexOf(arr, rec.get('name')) > -1;
Later on, in another view, i need to use the filtered result (shown above) and filter it against another array of values. How can i do this;
My approach was to load the records again (Paste the above code again - but without the filter part of it). But this is incorrect. So how can i Filter results from the previously filtered result array ?

You can define filters to run on store load in its filters property and setting filterOnLoad property to true.
To filter records against new filter conditions:
store.clearFilter(true); // Clears old filters
filterFn: function(rec) {
return Ext.Array.indexOf(arr, rec.get('name')) > -1;


How to update sort-indicators in ui-grid programmatically?

I am using ui-grid - v3.0.0-rc.22 - 2015-06-15.
It is configured to use external sorting, which works fine.
Now i have the requirement to change the sorted column from outside with a select box. On every change of the select box it fires external sorting and the data in the grid is updated correctly. It also updates the gridOptions.columnDefs: It sets the sort object of all columns except the correct one to undefined and updates the sorted column.
But there is one problem, the current sorted column indicator (in the column header) is not updated as it should be.
I tried using gridApi.core.notifyDataChange() with "options" or"column" as parameter value but it didn't work also.
How to update the sort-indicators in ui-grid programmatically?
Here is a part of the code triggered by the select box:
function updateSortColumn() {
if ($rootScope.QuickSearch.sortBy !== undefined) {
$scope.gridOptions.columnDefs.forEach(function (col) {
if (col.field === $rootScope.QuickSearch.sortBy) {
col.sort = {
direction: $rootScope.QuickSearch.sortOrder,
priority: 0
col.sort = undefined;
if($scope.gridApi !== undefined)
$scope.gridApi.core.notifyDataChange( uiGridConstants.dataChange.OPTIONS );
$scope.gridApi.core.notifyDataChange( uiGridConstants.dataChange.COLUMN );
You could use the function "sortColumn" of the ui-grid, like this:
$scope.gridApi.grid.sortColumn(column, directionOrAdd, add)
here is the source code of this function : ui-grid source code
in your example it will give somthing like this :
function updateSortColumn() {
if ($rootScope.QuickSearch.sortBy !== undefined) {
$scope.gridOptions.columnDefs.forEach(function (col) {
if (col.field === $rootScope.QuickSearch.sortBy) {
$rootScope.QuickSearch.sortOrder must be in (uiGridConstants.ASC|uiGridConstants.DESC). You do not have to provide it.
I had the same problem -- the solution in my case was what Gho5t helpfully mentioned in a comment on another answer on this question.
I'm adding this response so the solution can have more visibility (alongside a more complete code example).
I needed a way to hook into the sort event on a grid and sort other grids on the page by the same column (they all have the same column definitions).
I was incorrectly passing the gridOptions.colDefinition object to the sortColumn() method and the column header sort indicator was not updating.
The grid.column object was what the sortColumn() method was looking for and caused things to work as expected.
// sortColumns is an array of column objects that gets passed in when a grid column is sorted (this code only considers the first sorted column)
// secondGridObj is an object defined elsewhere that has a reference to another grid's gridApi object
gridApi.core.on.sortChanged(null, function (grid, sortColumns) {
if (sortColumns.length) {
var sortDirection = (sortColumns[0].sort) ? sortColumns[0].sort.direction || uiGridConstants.ASC : uiGridConstants.ASC;
var matchingColumn = _.find(secondGridObj.gridApi.grid.columns, function (v2) { return v2.field === sortColumns[0].field; });
if (matchingColumn) {
secondGridObj.gridApi.grid.sortColumn(matchingColumn, sortDirection, false)
.then(function() {

AngularJS smart-table search within multiple columns

Smart-table has a built in functionality to search through all columns (st-search) or through one desired column (st-search="'firstName'). Is it possible to do a search within several columns (not all)?
Example: if I have table like this: name, nickname, address with such data:
John, JJ, Some address
Steve, John, also address
Jane, Jane, John-village
and do a search for 'John' only first two columns should be as result.
Is it possible?
I have a similar problem and I solved using the hints in this post.
Smart Table doc says:
The stSetFilter replaces the filter used when searching through Smart
Table. When the default behavior for stSearch does not meet your
demands, like in a select where one entry is a substring of another,
use a custom filter to achieve your goals.
Note that st-safe-src is required for the select to properly display
all distinct elements in the collection. Should this be omitted, the
select would only contain values from elements visible in table, also
affected by paging.
You can declare your own filter inside table element in HTML:
<table ... st-set-filter="myCustomFilter" class="table table-striped">
...and your can customize your filter (in your app) through a predicate function. It could work in this way:
// filter method, creating `myCustomFilter` a globally
// available filter in our module
.filter('myCustomFilter', ['$filter', function($filter) {
// function that's invoked each time Angular runs $digest()
return function(input, predicate) {
searchValue = predicate['$'];
var customPredicate = function(value, index, array) {
// if filter has no value, return true for each element of the input array
if (typeof searchValue === 'undefined') {
return true;
var p0 = value['name'].toLowerCase().indexOf(searchValue.toLowerCase());
var p1 = value['nickname'].toLowerCase().indexOf(searchValue.toLowerCase());
if (p0 > -1 || p1 > -1) {
// return true to include the row in filtered resultset
return true;
} else {
// return false to exclude the row from filtered resultset
return false;
return $filter('filter')(input, customPredicate, false);
I made this little plnkr to see the filter in action
Nope, a workaround is to create you own directive which require the table controller and call its api twice (as the search get added)
directive('stSearch', ['$timeout', function ($timeout) {
return {
require: '^stTable',
scope: {
predicate: '=?stSearch'
link: function (scope, element, attr, ctrl) {
var tableCtrl = ctrl;
// view -> table state
element.bind('input', function (evt) {
evt = evt.originalEvent || evt;, 'column1');, 'column2');
you'll find more details in the stSearch direcitve
You can solve the issue by creating the new search enabled table and combining the fields that you might be showing in one column.
example:if you have IdNo1 and IdNo2 as view fileds in One column, you can combine them to add the new element in the table array.
View :
table injection:
table st-table="displayedCollection" st-safe-src="rowSearchCollection"
Search injection:
input type="search" ng-model="idSearch" st-search="idSearch"
$scope.rowSearchCollection = [];
vm.searchEnabledTable = function(tableDetails) {
//$scope.rowSearchCollection = angular.copy(tableDetails);
var deferred = $q.defer();
if(_.isArray(tableDetails)) {
_.each(tableDetails, function(element, index, list) {
$scope.rowSearchCollection[index] = angular.copy(element);
$scope.rowSearchCollection[index].idSearch = element.IdNo1+','+element.IdNo2;
} else {
return deferred.promise;
the problem with stSetFilter is that the new filter will be to all the
searchs (st-search) that you will use in the table.
Another idea:
If your data rowCollection is not too big,
in the javascript in the init() of the page do something like:
self.rowCollection.forEach(function (element) {
element.NameForFilter = ' ' + element.nickName;
and then in the input of the th:
try st-search="{{firstName + nickname}}". I tried with smart table v2.1.6 and seems working.

Underscore - Filter against an array of values

I have a collection self.models. I also have an array of an object which contains the fields and filters I wish to apply to my collection called filterArr. An example of this would be:
[{field: "Account", filter: "123"}, {field: "Owner", filter: "Bob"}]
The question is, I'm not sure quite how I'd iterate through each of my models to return only those models to which this filterArr applies too, I know it has to be something like this, but this is hard-coded:
self.models = _.filter(self.models, function (model) {
model = model.toJSON();
return model.Account === "123" && model.Owner === "Bob";
First of all, underscore's filter returns an Array, so what you're doing effectively here is substituting your collection with a filtered array. Something like this would be more appropriate:
this.filtered = _.filter(this.models, ...);
Backbone Collection implements most of underscore's useful functions. So the solution above is far from optimal (in fact it doesn't work at all the way you want it to), instead do something like this:
this.filtered = this.models.filter(function() {...});
The best way to get and set model fields by name are by far the get and set functions of Backbone Model, so why not use them? Model.toJSON() works, but you're just copying the attributes-hash unnecessarily around.
this.filterObj = { // Why not make it an object instead of array of objects
"Account": "123",
"Owner": "Bob"
this.filtered = this.models.filter(function(model) {
// use the for in construct to loop the object
for (filter in filterObj) {
// if the model doesn't pass a filter check, then return false
if (model.get(filter) !== filterObj[filter]) return false;
// the model passed all checks, return true
return true;
Hope this helps!
Basically you need to iterate over model's attributes and compare their keys and values to filter's attributes.
self.models = _.filter(self.models, function (model) {
var fits = true; // does this model "fit" the filter?
model = model.toJSON();
_.each(model, function(modelVal, modelKey) {
_.each(filterArr, function(filter) {
if (modelKey === filter.field && modelVal !== filter.filter) {
fits = false
return fits
However, with a bit of underscore magic there's a trickier way. I'm not sure if it's better in terms of performance, but it surely looks better to my eye.
// change a bit the way filter is described:
var filter = {Account: '123', Owner: 'Bob'},
// save an array of filter keys (Account, Owner)
filterKeys = _.keys(filter),
// and an array of its values (123, Bob)
filterVals = _.values(filter)
self.models = _.filter(self.models, function (model) {
// pick a subset of model which has the same keys as filter
var filteredSubset = _.pick(model.attributes, filterKeys),
// pick values of this subset
subsetValues = _.values(filteredSubset)
// this values have to be equal to filter's values
// (use .join() to turn array to string before comparison due to references)
return filteredVals.join() === subsetValues.join()
Notice that in the latter case all models have to have all the keys declared in filter.
If I were you and I were looking for a most robust way, I would rewrite the first example, but would have changed _.each to standard for loops and return false as soon as first 'non-fit' value is met.

Returning a collection list using a filter from an array of id in backbone.js

So I already got this working using a loop but is wondering is there is a cleaner way to do this.
Basically i got a model that got an array of ids from another model, currently I loop every id and add manually model to a new collection using this filter on the model collection.
getOneById : function(id){
return this.filter(function(data) {
return data.get("id") == id;
Is there a way to directly return a list doing something like
getAllById : function(arrayIds){
return _(this.filter(function(data) {
??????? return data.get("id") == eachID;
you could reduce the looping by checking to see if the id of your object is at an index > -1 in the array:
var models =, function(model){
return (_.indexOf(arrayIds, > -1);
return models;
this requires the inclusion of underscore.js in your code, but since you're already using backbone, you already have that.
My solution:
Having collection (Backbone.Collection) and arrayIds
var collection2 = new Backbone.Collection();
return arrayIds.indexOf( !== -1;
Four lines :D
console.assert(collection2.length === arrayIds.length) //OK

extjs4 : chained combo

I'm trying to add some dynamic data into a "livesearch" combo box.
I've a set of 2 combos.
The first one allow you to select some data.
The second combo is a "livesearch" combo that should have a dynamic parameter from the first combo.
So the 2nd combo is linked to a model, which is linked to a datastore that queries the server and outputs the data. But that data has to be filtered according to the first combo parameter...
Anyone knows how to do that ?
I did that before. The key is to pass the value of the first combo with the request for the values of the second combo, and then filter the results on the server. Other approach would be to load both combos with all possible values and then set a filter on the second combo's store after a value is selected in the first combo.
EDIT: Here's the I used.
Ext.define('Ext.ux.FilteredCombo', {
extend: 'Ext.form.field.ComboBox',
alias: 'widget.filteredcombo',
queryCaching: false,
getParams: function (queryString) {
var params = this.callParent(arguments);
if (Ext.isArray(this.formParams)) {
var form = this.up('form');
if (form) {
var bf = form.getForm();
for (var i = 0; i < this.formParams.length; i++) {
var field = bf.findField(this.formParams[i]);
if (field)
params[this.formParams[i]] = field.getValue();
return params;
