I am helping out an organization which are planning on changing their members system. Right now their system is developed in Plone and all their data is in a Data.fs file.
Their system is down for the moment and it would take some time and effort to get it up and running.
Is there a way to get the data out from the database into a standard format such as csv files or SQL? Or do they need to get the system up and running beforehand and export the files from "within" plone?
Thanks for your help and ideas!
Kind regards,
The Data.fs file is a Object Oriented Database file, and it is written by a framework called the ZODB. The data within it represent python instances, layed out in a tree structure.
You could open this database from a python script, but in order for you to make sense of the contained structures, you'll need access to the original class definitions that make up the stored instances. Without those class definitions all you'll get is placeholder objects (Broken objects) that are of no use at all.
As such, it's probably easier to just get the Plone instance back up and running, as it'll be easier to export the exact data you want out if you have things like the catalog (basically a specialized database index) to build your export.
It could be that this site is down because of something trivial, something we can help you with here on Stack Overflow, or on the Plone users mailinglists or in the #plone IRC channel. If you do get it up and running and have some details on what you are trying to export, we certainly can help.
You'll need to get the system up and running to export data. Data in the data.fs file is stored as Python pickles and is not intelligible to "outside" systems.
As the others have pointed out before, your best course would be to have Plone running back again. After doing so, try csvreplicata to export existing data to csv format. And for user accounts, try atreal.usersinout.
If you need professional help, you can search for available providers from http://plone.org/support/providers
For free support, post specific problems here.
Recently I managed to export Plone 4 site to sqlite using SQLExporter: http://plone.org/products/proteon.sqlexporter. But you need to get your Plone instance working first to use it.
The firm I work in has a lot of data sources entering the firm database using the Informatica ETL tool, stored in maplets and other data models (sorry If I'm not using the exact terminology).
The problem is that all the business logic is stored in the 'graphical interface' and nowhere else - Every time I want to see what field goes into the target field I have to trace the inputs through the maplet and that takes a very long time.
The Question is: Is there a tool that can takes all the relationships in the Informatica maplet and somehow export them to a excel table (so I can see it all without tracing)? that way I could try to make proper documentation....
Thanks in Advance.
It's possible to export mappings or whole workflows to XML. Next, you can use this tool - it will create tables with source to target dependency for every mapping.
Keep in mind it will only map input to output, it won't extract the full logic and transformations done along the way - that would've been to complex for simple visualization.
Informatica supports exporting mapping information to Excel - just search the documentation which tells you how to do it.
However, for anything other than the simplest of mappings, what ends up in Excel is not that easy to understand. If your Informatica installation supports it, then using the lineage capabilities is a much better bet.
I expose my problem: I have recently started using CortexDB, a NoSQL software to database analysis. I have read the (poor) documentation on https://docs.cortex-ag.com/en/CortexDB/CortexDB/, and purchased a free license to evaluate the operation of the program. As the documentation is unclear I would have some questions to ask you:
1) How do I create a database?
2) how can I import a database contained in an excel file (.csv)?
3) how do I create charts or analyzes regarding the data entered?
because the question is very old I hope I can still help you.
First of all: you should download the latest release of the free version (simple registration and download)
if you downloaded the free version you got the server and two databases. A server process handles one database. For a second database you have to start a second server (different port of course). If you start the free version you should have an empty database (or the filled and configured demo db). If you want to create a complete new one without any predefined configuration, you have to start the server process with the command line and the parameter -n (ctxserver64 -n). If you did that you have to configure everything by hand with the tool ‘remote admin’.
the question is not clear for me. Do you mean how to import a csv file into a CortexDB or do you mean how to import the database content into an excel file?
If you want to import the csv file into a CortxDB, the easiest way is to use the tool CortexImplex. It’s completely explained in the online docs (https://docs.cortex-ag.com/en/CortexImplex/CortexImplex-Basics/)
If you want to export datasets as csv file the only thing you have to do is to configure a list in the CortexUniplex as a view for your datasets and export them as csv (you find the export function in the list menu).
I would do the charting with d3j. For this you can use the so called ‘DataService’ of the CortexUniplex. It’s a kind of an API for posting requests and getting JSON objects. If you have a completely configured UniPlex you can use all of your configuration as json objects for other apps (for example charts or an individual application).
The full version has a simple dashboard inside of the CortexUniplex. Maybe the vendor offers it in the free free version.
By the way: it’s always good to write an email to the info address. Because this database is not so famous and known, the guys are very helpful. Or contact them via twitter or other channels (see at the bottom of the cort ex-ag.com webpage).
I hope someone have already faced an issue to verify that application shows correct data from database. I reviewd how groovy used SQL, but I have no idea where and how I should do that. I'm just starting to use gradle+Spock+Geb for testing application. I have a few files where I described a couple of pages from application, a couple of modules and a file with spock specification. Where and how I need to connect to Oracle DB, use SQL and compare result's data with application's ones?
P.S. I write everything in notepad++ and launch from command line writing 'gradlew firefoxTest'. Does exist any more comfortable way to work with gradle+spock+geb?
Thanks in advance.
Because there are no other answers, I wanted to provide a solution someone at my company thought of. This assumes you already have a project that uses some sort of JDBC. In our case it is JDBI.
The idea is to extend Classloader and then use that to directly access the data access object class via the JVM. That idea should work.
I have not tested it out because it doesn't completely fit our use-case. I'll admit that this does not completely apply to your use case, but technically you could just run the jar of an existing project, which can access the database.
I have a product based on Intersystems Caché database, I can see no classes, no schemas, no tables, only globals. Is there any smart way to export data from these globals and get "human-readable structure"?
First question is... what version of Caché?
Second question is... what tools do you have access to? Terminal, Studio, Management Portal??
If the data is in tables/classes, you should be able to access it via ODBC, at least.
If there aren't any tables/classes, the data is probably in Globals.
If the data is in Globals (persistent sparse array storage) they can look a bit wierd if you aren't used to the common patterns.
Even if it is in Globals, it may be possible to define classes with custom mapped storage to make them appear in a table-like way via SQL.
Cache is EXTREEMELY flexible, but can be a steep learning curve. :-(
Globals in Intersystems Cache is schemaless type of storage, so the best "human-readable" format you can have is that one in System Management Portal.
Other options are:
* zw command in terminal
* d ^%G command in terminal
Are you able to view the Cache SMP or connect to the database using Cache Studio? I would think you'd find code somewhere in there (at least a bunch of routines if they're not using classes). Using the SMP to browse the globals is a good way to get familiar with the datasets they contain. From a terminal session, you can use the zw command to take a look at global node contents:
USER> zw ^GlobalName
Can you give a little more information about your situation?
Depending on the structure of your globals you could create classes for them and edit the storagemapping to point to them. Based on that you then could go ahead and create reports/(zen/csp)webpages to display the contents. However, depending on the complexity of your data this could take you anywhere between hours and months :/
My experience is to use Navicat Tool and export database Caché into a MySQL schema or Postgres to understand DB Model, using import Tool via ODBC.
ODBC works with cache. You can use the ODBC connection to export the data to another strucutre such as a set of free tables or text files.
You can use a system utility called D ^%GO which is Global Output. You specify the global(s) and the file you want them exported to. There’s also a ^%GI for global imports from this file
I was wondering if there's a way to export package information from Cognos 8 from a regular user level or from the framework level.
For instance, I want the field names that cognos is pointing to on the database, i want the datatype, the description cognos uses when you right click a data element, etc..
Any suggestions?
(Unfortunately I'm not at my work computer right now) but Cognos saves everything in .xml files. I have an xml pretty printer that I use on model.xml before and after edits, so that I can use windiff to see what exactly changes in the model. I have also used an xml editor on model.xml on several occasions for global search and replace.
Having said that, I'm not sure how much of the database schema you can infer directly from model.xml, but I suspect if you had a script that could read and walk model.xml, and connect to the database to describe the objects, you could get what you need.
The answer appears to be yes, to anything that supports CWM (the Common Warehouse Model) but as for how...
One suggestion: ask IBM.
It appears that Powerdesigner 15 imports from xmi models.