Redirect using AngularJS - angularjs

I'm trying to redirect to another route using:
But for some reason it is not working. I did an auto-complete widget using jQuery-UI and I'm calling a function from the scope once the user selects an option. I debugged it and it enters the function but it is never redirected to the other route. It only changes the route when I press a key.
I think it is kind of strange but I haven't figured out how to solve this. I used
window.location = "#/route";
and it works but I want to use the path() function.
Does anybody have any idea why this is happening?

With an example of the not-working code, it will be easy to answer this question, but with this information the best that I can think is that you are calling the $location.path outside of the AngularJS digest.
Try doing this on the directive scope.$apply(function() { $location.path("/route"); });

Don't forget to inject $location into controller.

Assuming you're not using html5 routing, try $location.path("route").
This will redirect your browser to #/route which might be what you want.

If you need to redirect out of your angular application use $window.location. That was my case; hopefully someone will find it useful.

Check your routing method:
if your routing state is like this
.state('app.register', {
url: '/register',
views: {
'menuContent': {
templateUrl: 'templates/register.html',
then you should use

It is hard to say without knowing your code. My best guess is that the onchange event is not firing when you change your textbox value from JavaScript code.
There are two ways for this to work; the first is to call onchange by yourself, and the second is to wait for the textbox to lose focus.
Check this question; same issue, different framework.


Clear History and Reload Page on Login/Logout Using Ionic Framework

I am new to mobile application development with Ionic. On login and logout I need to reload the page, in order to refresh the data, however, $state.go('mainPage') takes the user back to the view without reloading - the controller behind it is never invoked.
Is there a way to clear history and reload the state in Ionic?
Welcome to the framework! Actually the routing in Ionic is powered by ui-router. You should probably check out this previous SO question to find a couple of different ways to accomplish this.
If you just want to reload the state you can use:
$state.go($state.current, {}, {reload: true});
If you actually want to reload the page (as in, you want to re-bootstrap everything) then you can use:
Good luck!
I found that JimTheDev's answer only worked when the state definition had cache:false set. With the view cached, you can do $ionicHistory.clearCache() and then $state.go('app.fooDestinationView') if you're navigating from one state to the one that is cached but needs refreshing.
See my answer here as it requires a simple change to Ionic and I created a pull request:
The correct answer:
I have found a solution which helped me to get it done. Setting cache-view="false" on ion-view tag resolved my problem.
<ion-view cache-view="false" view-title="My Title!">
Reload the page isn't the best approach.
you can handle state change events for reload data without reload the view itself.
read about ionicView life-cycle here:
and handle the event beforeEnter for data reload.
$scope.$on('$ionicView.beforeEnter', function(){
// Any thing you can think of
In my case I need to clear just the view and restart the controller. I could get my intention with this snippet:
$ionicHistory.clearCache([$]).then(function() {
The cache still working and seems that just the view is cleared.
ionic --version says 1.7.5.
None of the solutions mentioned above worked for a hostname that is different from localhost!
I had to add notify: false to the list of options that I pass to $state.go, to avoid calling Angular change listeners, before $window.location.reload call gets called. Final code looks like:
$state.go('home', {}, {reload: true, notify: false});
>>> EDIT - $timeout might be necessary depending on your browser >>>
$timeout(function () {
}, 100);
<<< END OF EDIT <<<
More about this on ui-router reference.
I was trying to do refresh page using angularjs when i saw websites i got confused but no code was working for the code then i got solution for reloading page using
use this in a function this will work.
I needed to reload the state to make scrollbars work. They did not work when coming through another state - 'registration'. If the app was force closed after registration and opened again, i.e. it went directly to 'home' state, the scrollbars worked. None of the above solutions worked.
When after registration, I replaced:
window.location = "index.html";
The app reloaded, and the scrollbars worked.
The controller is called only once, and you SHOULD preserve this logic model, what I usually do is:
I create a method $scope.reload(params)
At the beginning of this method I call ${template:..}) to show my custom spinner
When may reload process is finished, I can call $ionicLoading.hide() as a callback
Finally, Inside the button REFRESH, I add ng-click = "reload(params)"
The only downside of this solution is that you lose the ionic navigation history system
Hope this helps!
If you want to reload after view change you need to
If you want to make that view the new "root", you can tell ionic that the next view it's gonna be the root
$ionicHistory.nextViewOptions({ historyRoot: true });
If you want to make your controllers reload after each view change
app.config(function ($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider, $ionicConfigProvider) {
.state(url: '/url', controller: Ctl, templateUrl: 'template.html', cache: false)
cache: false ==> solved my problem !
As pointed out by #ezain reload controllers only when its necessary. Another cleaner way of updating data when changing states rather than reloading the controller is using broadcast events and listening to such events in controllers that need to update data on views.
Example: in your login/logout functions you can do something like so:
$scope.login = function(){
//After login logic then send a broadcast
$scope.logout = function(){
//After logout logic then send a broadcast
Now in your mainPage controller trigger the changes in the view by using the $on function to listen to broadcast within the mainPage Controller like so:
$scope.$on("user-logged-in", function(){
//update mainPage view data here eg. $scope.username = 'John';
$scope.$on("user-logged-out", function(){
//update mainPage view data here eg. $scope.username = '';
I tried many methods, but found this method is absolutely correct:
Hope this help others stuck for days like me with version: angular 1.5.5, ionic 1.2.4, angular-ui-router 1.0.0

How to combine a dynamic and a static route in Angularjs

I created routes below, the story/new doesn't show it's story-new.html template. It always go to story-view.html because I got dynamic :storyID so new consider as a dynamic name.
How to combine them so /new will route to the story-new.html or I got wrong with my route structure?
$routeProvider.when('/story/new', {
templateUrl: 'js/modules/story-new/story-new.html'
$routeProvider.when('/story/:storyID', {
templateUrl: 'js/modules/story-view/story-view.html'
I'm unsure this works, but switching them around could solve your problem.
Check the following plunker
Let me know if anything

How to redirect in AngularJS without rendering template

I'm trying to redirect to an external page from my AngularJS file if the user enter a special url, for instance /test. I have gotten this to work in multiple different ways but all the different ways show a "flash" of the design from index.html. I would like it to go direct without rendering any html at all!
Here is a fiddle of one of the examples, but it is not the best place to test since I cant redirect from :-)
$routeProvider.when("/test", {
resolve: {
controller: "Redirect"
Also had one example where I just used a controller and a empty template in the routing, but it gave me the same result.
Any ideas?
If you know the URL(routing) then use,

Updating URL in Angular JS without re-rendering view

I'm building a dashboard system in AngularJS and I'm running into an issue with setting the url via $location.path
In our dashboard, we have a bunch of widgets. Each shows a larger maximized view when you click on it. We are trying to setup deep linking to allow users to link to a dashboard with a widget maximized.
Currently, we have 2 routes that look like /dashboard/:dashboardId and /dashboard/:dashboardId/:maximizedWidgetId
When a user maximizes a widget, we update the url using $location.path, but this is causing the view to re-render. Since we have all of the data, we don't want to reload the whole view, we just want to update the URL. Is there a way to set the url without causing the view to re-render?
HTML5Mode is set to true.
In fact, a view will be rendered everytime you change a url. Thats how $routeProvider works in Angular but you can pass maximizeWidgetId as a querystring which does not re-render a view.
App.config(function($routeProvider) {
$routeProvider.when('/dashboard/:dashboardId', {reloadOnSearch: false});
When you click a widget to maximize:
Maximum This Widget
$'maximizeWidgetId', 1);
The URL in addressbar would change to
You can even watch when search changes in the URL (from one widget to another)
$scope.$on('$routeUpdate', function(scope, next, current) {
// Minimize the current widget and maximize the new one
You can set the reloadOnSearch property of $routeProvider to false.
Possible duplicate question : Can you change a path without reloading the controller in AngularJS?
For those who need change full path() without controllers reload
Here is plugin:
I realize this is an old question, but since it took me a good day and a half to find the answer, so here goes.
You do not need to convert your path into query strings if you use angular-ui-router.
Currently, due to what may be considered as a bug, setting reloadOnSearch: false on a state will result in being able to change the route without reloading the view. The GitHub user lmessinger was even kind enough to provide a demo of it. You can find the link from his comment linked above.
Basically all you need to do is:
Use ui-router instead of ngRoute
In your states, declare the ones you wish with reloadOnSearch: false
In my app, I have an category listing view, from which you can get to another category using a state like this:
$stateProvider.state('articles.list', {
url: '{categorySlug}',
templateUrl: 'partials/article-list.html',
controller: 'ArticleListCtrl',
reloadOnSearch: false
That's it. Hope this helps!
We're using Angular UI Router instead of built-in routes for a similar scenario. It doesn't seem to re-instantiate the controller and re-render the entire view.
How I've implemented it:
(my solution mostly for cases when you need to change whole route, not sub-parts)
I have page with menu (menuPage) and data should not be cleaned on navigation (there is a lot of inputs on each page and user will be very very unhappy if data will disappear accidentally).
turn off $routeProvider
in mainPage controller add two divs with custom directive attribute - each directive contains only 'templateUrl' and 'scope: true'
<div ng-show="tab=='tab_name'" data-tab_name-page></div>
mainPage controller contains lines to simulate routing:
if (!$ && $location.path()) {
$ = $location.path().substr(1);
$scope.setTab = function(tab) {
$ = tab;
That's all. Little bit ugly to have separate directive for each page, but usage of dynamic templateUrl (as function) in directive provokes re-rendering of page (and loosing data of inputs).
If I understood your question right, you want to,
Maximize the widget when the user is on /dashboard/:dashboardId and he maximizes the widget.
You want the user to have the ability to come back to /dashboard/:dashboardId/:maximizedWidgetId and still see the widget maximized.
You can configure only the first route in the routerConfig and use RouteParams to identify if the maximized widget is passed in the params in the controller of this configured route and maximize the one passed as the param. If the user is maximizing it the first time, share the url to this maximized view with the maximizedWidgetId on the UI.
As long as you use $location(which is just a wrapper over native location object) to update the path it will refresh the view.
I have an idea to use
window.history.replaceState('Object', 'Title', '/new-url');
If you do this and a digest cycle happens it will completely mangle things up. However if you set it back to the correct url that angular expects it's ok. So in theory you could store the correct url that angular expects and reset it just before you know a digest fires.
I've not tested this though.
Below code will let you change url without redirection such as: http://localhost/#/691?foo?bar?blabla
for(var i=0;i<=1000;i++) $routeProvider.when('/'+i, {templateUrl: "tabPages/"+i+".html",reloadOnSearch: false});
But when you change to http://localhost/#/692, you will be redirected.

Change route parameters without updating view

I'm currently trying to figure out how to change the route parameters without reloading the entire page. For example, if I start at
but update a name to be 'George', to change the route to be:
If I already had routed.
Without reloading the location. Can one just set $ = "George" ?
Alternatively, is there a way to update without reloading or resetting the page?
Ok, after a lot of searching. I answered my own question.
I've discovered finding anything on the angular documentation is incredibly impossible, but sometimes, once it's found, it changes how you were thinking about your problem.
I began here:$location
Which took me here:$location
Which took me to this question: AngularJS Paging with $location.path but no ngView reload
What I ended up doing:
I added ${name: 'George'}); To where I wanted to change the name (A $scope.$watch).
However, this will still reload the page, unless you do what is in that bottom StackOverflow link and add a parameter to the object you pass into $routeProvider.when. In my case, it looked like: $routeProvider.when('/page', {controller: 'MyCtrl', templateUrl:'path/to/template', reloadOnSearch:false}).
I hope this saves someone else a headache.
I actually found a solution that I find a little more elegant for my application.
The $locationChangeSuccess event is a bit of a brute force approach, but I found that checking the path allows us to avoid page reloads when the route path template is unchanged, but reloads the page when switching to a different route template:
var lastRoute = $route.current;
$scope.$on('$locationChangeSuccess', function (event) {
if (lastRoute.$$route.originalPath === $route.current.$$route.originalPath) {
$route.current = lastRoute;
Adding that code to a particular controller makes the reloading more intelligent.
You can change the display of the page using ng-show and ng-hide, these transitions won't reload the page. But I think the problem you're trying to solve is you want to be able to bookmark the page, be able to press refresh and get the page you want.
I'd suggest implementing angular ui-router Which is great for switching between states without reloading the page. The only downfall is you have to change all your routes.
Check it out here theres a great demo.
