Sharing memory across multiple computers? - c

I'd like to share certain memory areas around multiple computers, that is, for a C/C++ project. When something on computer B accesses some memory area which is currently on computer A, that has to be locked on A and sent to B. I'm fine when its only linux compitable.
Thanks in advance :D

You cannot do this for a simple C/C++ project.
Common computer hardware does not have the physical properties that support this directly: Memory on one system cannot be read by another system.
In order to make it appear to C/C++ programs on different machines that they are sharing memory, you have to write software that provides this function. Typically, you would need to do something like this:
Allocate some pages in the virtual memory address space (of each process).
Mark those pages read-only.
Set a handler to receive the exception that occurs when the process attempts to write to the read-only memory. (This handler might be in the operating system, as some sort of kernel extension, or it might be a signal handler in your process.)
When the exception is received, determine what the process was attempting to write to memory. Write that to the page (perhaps by writing it through a separate mapping in virtual memory to the same physical memory, with this extra mapping marked writeable).
Send a message by network communications to the other machine telling it that memory has changed.
Resume execution in the process after the instruction that wrote to memory.
Additionally, you need to determine what to do about memory coherence: If two processes write to the same address in memory at nearly the same time, what happens? If process A writes to location X and then reads location Y while, at nearly the same time, process B writes to location Y and reads X, what do they see? Is it okay if the two processes see data that cannot possibly be the result of a single time sequence of writes to memory?
On top of all that, this is hugely expensive in time: Stores to memory that require exception handling and network operations take many thousands, likely hundreds of thousands, times as long as normal stores to memory. Your processes will execute excruciatingly slowly whenever they write to this shared memory.

There are software solutions, as noted in the comments. These use the paging hardware in the processors on a node to detect access, and use your local network fabric to disseminate the changes to the memory. One hardware alternative is reflective memory - you can read more about it here:
Old page was broken
Reflective memory provides low latency (about one microsecond per hop) in either a ring or tree configuration.


How does mmap work when 2 programs map the same file

I am trying to understand how mmap works while looking at man mmap.
As I understand it, it adds a mapping to the page table that maps between the file and the virtual address (which is the address that is given void *addr)
So, what happens when 2 programs map the same file?
Are there 2 entries in the page table, one for each program?
So, what happens when 2 programs map the same file? Are there 2 entries in the page table, one for each program?
In modern operating systems, each process has its own page table for its memory, that may point to pages of physical memory shared with other user and kernel processes.
With MAP_SHARED, this mapping is shared: updates to the mapping are visible to other processes that map this file, and are carried through to the underlying file. The file may not actually be updated until msync(2) or munmap() is called.
This seems very interesting, but there are numerous caveats:
The actual pages mmapped by both processes for the same file may reside at the same address or at a different address in each process, storing pointers into this shared memory may not allow the other process to use them as they might point to inconsistent addresses.
The implementation may use the same physical memory pages for both mappings or not: for subtile reasons (cache strategies, out of sync reading...), even if it is the same physical memory, modifications done by one process to its memory may not be immediately reflected in the memory of the other process.
So the modification may or may not be visible to the other processes mmapping the file nor reading it via read or the FILE* stream API.
If one of the processes calls msync(), the modifications should be visible in all maps and for all yet unread portions of the file, bearing in mind that the FILE* streaming APIs may have buffered some data in internal unshared buffers: modifications in this area will not be reflected.
Conclusion: it is risky and unreliable to use these mechanisms to implement inter process communication. The behavior may depend on system specific characteristics such as the OS strategies, the CPU and cache architectures, the type of RAM in use, the clock speed, and who knows what else. It is safer to rely on proven APIs that may indeed be implemented using mmapped memory, but only if it is know to provide the correct semantics.
The actual system implementation is different. At the risk of over simplification (and omitting paging here):
A mmap will map physical page frames to a file.
So, what happens when 2 programs map the same file? Are there 2 entries in the page table, one for each program?
If two processes (P and Q) map to the same file, then P and Q will each have there own page table; each page table will have entry mapping to the same physical page frame (which could be mapped to different addresses within P and Q).

Why do we need address virtualization in an operating system?

I am currently taking a course in Operating Systems and I came across address virtualization. I will give a brief about what I know and follow that with my question.
Basically, the CPU(modern microprocessors) generates virtual addresses and then an MMU(memory management unit) takes care of translating those virtual address to their corresponding physical addresses in the RAM. The example that was given by the professor is there is a need for virtualization because say for example: You compile a C program. You run it. And then you compile another C program. You try to run it but the resident running program in memory prevents loading a newer program even when space is available.
From my understanding, I think having no virtualization, if the compiler generates two physical addresses that are the same, the second won't run because it thinks there isn't enough space for it. When we virtualize this, as in the CPU generates only virtual addresses, the MMU will deal with this "collision" and find a spot for the other program in RAM.(Our professor gave the example of the MMU being a mapping table, that takes a virtual address and maps it to a physical address). I thought of that idea to be very similar to say resolving collisions in a hash table.
Could I please get some input on my understanding and any further clarification is appreciated.
Could I please get some input on my understanding and any further clarification is appreciated.
Your understanding is roughly correct.
The data structures are nothing like a hash table.
If anything, the data structures are closer to a BTree, but even there are important differences with that as well. It is really closest to a (Java) N-dimensional array which has been sparsely allocated.
It is mapping pages rather than complete virtual / physical addresses. (A complete address is a page address + an offset within the page.).
There is no issue with collision. At any point in time, the virtual -> physical mappings for all users / processes give a one-to-one mapping from (process id + virtual page) to a either a physical RAM page or a disk page (or both).
The reasons we use virtual memory are:
process isolation; i.e. one process can't see or interfere with another processes memory
simplifying application writing; i.e. each process thinks it has a contiguous set off memory addresses, and the same set each time. (To a first approximation ...)
simplifying compilation, linking, loading; i.e. the compilers, etc there is no need to "relocate" code at compile time or run time to take into account other.
to allow the system to accommodate more processes than it has physical RAM for ... though this comes with potential risks and performance penalties.
I think you have a fundamental misconception about what goes on in an operating system in regard to memory.
(1) You are describing logical memory, not virtual memory. Virtual memory refers to the use of disk storage to simulate memory. Unmapped pages of logical memory get mapped to disk space.
Sadly, the terms logical memory and virtual memory get conflated but they are distinct concepts the the distinction is becoming increasingly important.
(2) Programs run in a PROCESS. A process only runs one program at a time (in unix each process generally only runs one program (two if you count the cloned caller) in its life.
In modern systems each process process gets a logical address space (sequential addresses) that can be mapped to physical locations or no location at all. Generally, part of that logical address space is mapped to a kernel area that is shared by all processes. The logical address space is create with the process. No address space—no process.
In a 32-bit system, addresses 0-7FFFFFFF might be user address that are (generally) mapped to unique physical locations while 80000000-FFFFFFFFmight be mapped to a system address space that is the same for all processes.
(3) Logical memory management primarily serves as a means of security; not as a means for program loading (although it does help in that regard).
(4) This example makes no sense to me:
You compile a C program. You run it. And then you compile another C program. You try to run it but the resident running program in memory prevents loading a newer program even when space is available.
You are ignoring the concept of a PROCESS. A process can only have one program running at a time. In systems that do permit serial running of programs with the same process (e.g., VMS) the executing program prevents loading another program (or the loading of another program causes the termination of the running program). It is not a memory issue.
(5) This is not correct at all:
From my understanding, I think having no virtualization, if the compiler generates two physical addresses that are the same, the second won't run because it thinks there isn't enough space for it. When we virtualize this, as in the CPU generates only virtual addresses, the MMU will deal with this "collision" and find a spot for the other program in RAM.
The MMU does not deal with collisions. The operating system sets up tables that define the logical address space when the process start. Logical memory has nothing to do with hash tables.
When a program accesses logical memory the rough sequence is:
Break down the address into a page and an offset within the page.
Does the page have an corresponding entry in the page table? If not FAULT.
Is the entry in the page table valid? If not FAULT.
Does the page table entry allow the type of access (read/write/execute) requested in the current operating mode (kernel/user/...)? If not FAULT.
Does the entry map to a physical page? If not PAGE FAULT (go load the page from disk--virtual memory––and try again).
Access the physical memory referenced by the page table.

mmap thread safety in a multi-core and multi-cpu environment

I am a little confused as to the real issues between multi-core and multi-cpu environments when it comes to shared memory, with particular reference to mmap in C.
I have an application that utilizes mmap to share multiple segments of memory between 2 processes. Each process has access to:
A Status and Control memory segment
Raw data (up to 8 separate raw data buffers)
The Status and Control segment is used essentially as an IPC. IE, it may convey that buffer 1 is ready to receive data, or buffer 3 is ready for processing or that the Status and Control memory segment is locked whilst being updated by either parent or child etc etc.
My understanding is, and PLEASE correct me if I am wrong, is that in a multi-core CPU environment on a single boarded PC type infrastructure, mmap is safe. That is, regardless of the number of cores in the CPU, RAM is only ever accessed by a single core (or process) at any one time.
Does this assumption of single-process RAM access also apply to multi-cpu systems? That is, a single PC style board with multiple CPU's (and I guess, multiple cores within each CPU).
If not, I will need to seriously rethink my logic to allow for multi-cpu'd single-boarded machines!
Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated!
PS - by single boarded I mean a single, standalone PC style system. This excludes mainframes and the like ... just to clarify :)
RAM is only ever accessed by a single core (or process) at any one time.
Take a step back and think about your assumption means. Theoretically, yes, this statement is true, but I don't think it means what you think it means. There are no practical conclusions you can draw from this other than maybe "the memory will not catch fire if two CPUs write to the same address at the same time". Let me explain.
If one CPU/process writes to a memory location, then a different CPU/process writes to the same location, the memory writes will not happen at the same time, they will happen one at a time. You can't generally reason about which write will happen before the other, you can't reason about if a read from one CPU will happen before the write from the other CPU, one some older CPUs you can't even reason if multi-byte (multi-word, actually) values will be stored/accessed one byte at a time or multiple bytes at a time (which means that reads and writes to multibyte values can get interleaved between CPUs or processes).
The only thing multiple CPUs change here is the order of memory reads and writes. On a single CPU reading memory you can be pretty sure that your reads from memory will see earlier writes to the same memory (iff no other hardware is reading/writing the memory, then all bets are off). On multiple CPUs the order of reads and writes to different memory locations will surprise you (cpu 1 writes to address 1 and then 2, but cpu 2 might just see the new value at address 2 and the old value at address 1).
So unless you have specific documentation from your operating system and/or CPU manufacturer you can't make any assumptions (except that when two writes to the same memory location happen one will happen before the other). This is why you should use libraries like pthreads or stdatomic.h from C11 for proper locking and synchronization or really dig deep down into the most complex parts of the CPU documentation to actually understand what will happen. The locking primitives in pthreads not only provide locking, they are also guarantee that memory is properly synchronized. stdatomic.h is another way to guarantee memory synchronization, but you should carefully read the C11 standard to see what it promises and what it doesn't promise.
One potential issue is that each core has it's own cache (usually just level1, as level2 and level3 caches are usually shared). Each cpu would also have it's own cache. However most systems ensure cache coherency, so this isn't the issue (except for performance impact of constantly invalidating caches due to writes to the same memory shared in a cache line by each core or processor).
The real issue is that there is no guarantee against reordering of reads and writes due to optimizations by the compiler and/or the hardware. You need to use a Memory Barrier to flush out any pending memory operations to synchronize the state of the threads or shared memory of processes. The memory barrier will occur if you use one of the synchronization types such as an event, mutex, semaphore, ... . Not all of the shared memory reads and writes need to be atomic, but you need to use synchronization between threads and/or processes before accessing any shared memory possibly updated by another thread and/or process.
This does not sound right to me. Two processes on two different cores can both load and store data to RAM at the same time. In addition to this caching strategies can result in all kinds of strangeness-es. So please make sure all access to shared memory is properly synchronized using (interprocess) synchronization objects.
My understanding is, and PLEASE correct me if I am wrong, is that in a multi-core CPU environment on a single boarded PC type infrastructure, mmap is safe. That is, regardless of the number of cores in the CPU, RAM is only ever accessed by a single core (or process) at any one time.
Even if this holds true for some particular architecture, such an assumption is entirely wrong in general. You should have proper synchronisation between the processes that modify the shared memory segment, unless atomic intrinsics are used and the algorithm itself is lock-free.
I would advise you to put a pthread_mutex_t in the shared memory segment (shared across all processes). You will have to initialise it with the PTHREAD_PROCESS_SHARED attribute:
pthread_mutexattr_t mutex_attr;
pthread_mutexattr_setpshared(&mutex_attr, PTHREAD_PROCESS_SHARED);
pthread_mutex_init(mutex, &mutex_attr);

How to prevent C read() from reading from cache

I have a program that is used to exercise several disk units in a raid configuration. 1 process synchronously (O_SYNC) writes random data to a file using write(). It then puts the name of the directory into a shared-memory queue, where a 2nd process is waiting for the queue to have entries to read the data back into memory using read().
The problem that I can't seem to overcome is that when the 2nd process attempts to read the data back into memory, none of the disk units show read accesses. The program has code to check whether or not the data read back in is equal to the code that is written to disk, and the data always matches.
My question is, how can I make the OS (IBM i) not buffer the data when it is written to disk so that the read() system call accesses the data on the disk rather than in cache? I am doing simple throughput calculations and the read() operations are always 10+ times faster than the write operations.
I have tried using the O_DIRECT flag, but cannot seem to get the data to write to the file. It could have to do with setting up the correct aligned buffers. I have also tried the posix_fadvise(fd, offset,len, POSIX_FADV_DONTNEED) system call.
I have read through this similar question but haven't found a solution. I can provide code if it would be helpful.
My though is that if you write ENOUGH data, then there simply won't be enough memory to cache it, and thus SOME data must be written to disk.
You can also, if you want to make sure that small writes to your file works, try writing ANOTHER large file (either from the same process or a different one - for example, you could start a process like dd if=/dev/zero of=myfile.dat bs=4k count=some_large_number) to force other data to fill the cache.
Another "trick" may be to "chew up" some (more like most) of the RAM in the system - just allocate a large lump of memory, then write to some small part of it at a time - for example, an array of integers, where you write to every 256th entry of the array in a loop, moving to one step forward each time - that way, you walk through ALL of the memory quickly, and since you are writing continuously to all of it, the memory will have to be resident. [I used this technique to simulate a "busy" virtual machine when running VM tests].
The other option is of course to nobble the caching system itself in OS/filesystem driver, but I would be very worried about doing that - it will almost certainly slow the system down to a slow crawl, and unless there is an existing option to disable it, you may find it hard to do accurately/correctly/reliably.
...exercise several disk units in a raid configuration... How? IBM i doesn't allow a program access to the hardware. How are you directing I/O to any specific physical disks?
ANSWER: The write/read operations are done in parallel against IFS so the stream file manager is selecting which disks to target. By having enough threads reading/writing, the busyness of SYSBASE or an IASP can be driven up.
...none of the disk units show read accesses. None of them? Unless you are running the sole job on a system in restricted state, there is going to be read activity on the disks from other tasks. Is the system divided into multiple LPARs? Multiple ASPs? I'm suggesting that you may be monitoring disks that this program isn't writing to, because IBM i handles physical I/O, not programs.
ANSWER I guess none of them is a slight exaggeration - I know which disks belong to SYSBASE and those disks are not being targeted with many read requests. I was just trying to generalize for an audience not familiar w/IBM i. In the picture below, you will see that the write reqs are driving the % busyness up, but the read reqs are not even though they are targeting the same files. can I make the OS (IBM i) not buffer the data when it is written to disk... Use a memory starved main storage pool to maximise paging, write immense blocks of data so as to guarantee that the system and disk controller caches overflow and use a busy machine so that other tasks are demanding disk I/O as well.

Mapping of Virtual Address to Physical Address

I have a doubt when each process has it's own separate page table then why is there s system wide page table required ? Also if Page table is such that it maps virtual address to a physical address then I think two process may map to same physical address because all process have same virtual address space . Any good link on system wide page table will also solve my problem?
Each process has its own independent virtual address space - two processes can have virtpage 1 map to different physpages. Processes can participate in shared memory, in which case they each have some virtpage mapping to the same physpage.
The virtual address space of a process can be used to map virtpages to physpages, to memory mapped files, devices, etc. Virtpages don't have to be wired to RAM. A process could memory-map an entire 1GB file - in which case, its physical memory usage might only be a couple megs, but its virtual address space usage would be 1GB or more. Many processes could do this, in which case the sum of virtual address space usage across all processes might be, say, 40 GB, while the total physical memory usage might be only, say, 100 megs; this is very easy to do on 32-bit systems.
Since lots of processes load the same libraries, the OS typically puts the libs in one set of read-only executable pages, and then loads mappings in the virtpage space for each process to point to that one set of pages, to save on physical memory.
Processes may have virtpage mappings that don't point to anything, for instance if part of the process's memory got written to the page file - the process will try to access that page, the CPU will trigger a page fault, the OS will see the page fault and handle it by suspending the process, reading the pages back into ram from the page file and then resuming the process.
There are typically 3 types of page faults. The first type is when the CPU does not have the virtual-physical mapping in the TLB - the processor invokes the pagefault software interrupt in the OS, the OS puts the mapping into the processor for that process, then the proc re-runs the offending instructions. These happen thousands of times a second.
The second type is when the OS has no mapping because, say, the memory for the process has been swapped to disk, as explained above. These happen infrequently on a lightly loaded machine, but happen more often as memory pressure is increased, up to 100s to 1000s of times per second, maybe even more.
The third type is when the OS has no mapping because the mapping does not exist - the process is trying to access memory that does not belong to it. This generates a segfault, and typically, the process is killed. These aren't supposed to happen often, and solely depend on how well written the software is on the machine, and does not have anything to do with scheduling or machine load.
Even if you already knew that, I figured I throw that in for the community.
