WPF - Toggle Visibility of multiple windows - wpf

i will first explain the UI of my WPF App.
I have created a window which contains many buttons which is always visible to the user(lets call it main window), each button will open a new window relevant to the task. what i want done is that whenever a button is clicked, the main window should be hidden(visibility : collapsed) and the new window should be shown. This second window will also contain a button which will hide the second window and show back the main window.
also the second window which will be opening will have different dimensions as per the command associated with it so i will be having different windows for eaach
TLDR i want to be able to switch between multiple windows such that only one window is visible at one time, how do i manage the switching between multiple windows ??
Note : I can show the second window from main window but what about showing main from the second window....can't get it....or if anyone can show me a different approach to implement this : other than multiple windows
Also, this is an extension to the UI, i want to show the buttons in this crystalised sort of look like on this page : http://postimage.org/image/4yibiulsh/
can anyone direct me to a proper implementation, i have been through many sites and also tried to create these through blend but i just am not a UI Person....pls need help on this
Thanks in advance.

I would create a "Window manager" which will subscribe to the changes of opening/closing.
In this case you don't have to overload Window classes.
Example (worked for me).
public class WindowsManager
static readonly List<Window> Windows=new List<Window>();
public static T CreateWindow<T>(T window) where T:Window
window.Closed += WindowClosed;
window.IsVisibleChanged += WindowIsVisibleChanged;
return window;
static void WindowIsVisibleChanged(object sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
var mainWindow = Application.Current.Windows.OfType<MainWindow>().Single();
mainWindow.Visibility = Equals(e.NewValue, true) ? Visibility.Hidden : Visibility.Visible;
static void WindowClosed(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
var window = (Window) sender;
window.Closed -= WindowClosed;
window.IsVisibleChanged -= WindowIsVisibleChanged;
How to use:
private void button1_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
WindowsManager.CreateWindow(new Child1()).Show();
private void button2_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
WindowsManager.CreateWindow(new Child2()).Show();
So, when the child window will close, WindowsManager will be notified about this and will update visibility for the main window
added line to unscubscribe from VisibleChanged

You can use several approaches for that.
To easy switch back to main Window: inject a reference of your MainWindow to your SecondWindow (or any other Window you want to display) and in the Closing Event of that Window you set the Visibility of the MainWindow back to Visible.
Have you also considered keeping everything in the same Window but having different Panels that you set Visible and Invisible? That could have the same effect but it's less complicated...
Hope that helps...


(WPF) Does .Close() method releases the window instance?

I'm creating a new window in On_Click method. First I tried this;
public partial class MainWindow : Window
CustomerOperations customerOperationsWindow;
public MainWindow()
customerOperationsWindow = new CustomerOperations();
private void btnCustomer_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
customerOperationsWindow.Owner = this;
It's not working so I started creating the window instance every time the user clicks on the Customers button. And I used the following codes.
private void btnCustomer_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
CustomerOperations customerOperationsWindow = new CustomerOperations();
customerOperationsWindow.Owner = this;
In the new window, If user clicks to Main button, I want to navigate to main window.
private void btnMain_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
First question: Does this.Close() releases the window instance?
Second question: Is this usage correct?
What do you think is the best practice?
Thank you all.
Window.Close() will dispose all resources allocated by the instance. That's why you cannot show it again once it was closed.
If you want to reuse the same Window instance, you should cancel the closing procedure to prevent disposal of internal resources and collapse the Window instead (by setting Window.Visibility to Visibility.Collapsed - Visibility.Collapsed is also the default value of an instantiated Window before Window.Show() is called).
Alternatively hide the Window by calling Window.Hide() (which will set the Visibility to Visibility.Hidden) instead of Window.Close().
Calling Window.Show will also set the window's visibility to Visibility.Visible.
As a matter of fact, showing a Window by setting Window.Visibility is the asynchronous version of Window.Show().
Generally, you switch between Window instances by using the Window.Activate method. Calling Window.Show on a Window that is currently showing/visible, does nothing.
public partial class MainWindow : Window
CustomerOperations CustomerOperationsWindow { get; }
public MainWindow()
this.CustomerOperationsWindow = new CustomerOperations();
// Consider to move this logic to CustomerOperations class,
// where you can override the OnClosing method instead of subscribing to the event
this.CustomerOperationsWindow.Closing += CollapseWindow_OnClosing;
// Cancel close to prevent disposal and collapse Window instead
private void CollapseWindow_OnClosing(object sender, CancelEventArgs e)
e.Cancel = true;
this.CustomerOperationsWindow.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
private void btnCustomer_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
this.CustomerOperationsWindow.Owner = this;
// Calling Show will set the Visibility to Visibility.Visible
Creating a Window instance allocates unmanaged resources. If this happens very frequently, you will keep the garbage collector busy. From a performance point of view you may want to avoid it and prefer to reuse the same instance.
In a common scenario this is not necessary. But since Window exposes a Hide() method, you may consider to use it instead of Close().
If you want to switch to the parent window, you can use the code this.Owner.Activate(); and if you want to close the current window, first this.Owner.Activate(); and then this.Close();.
When you enter this.Close(), the compiler does not execute the following lines after reaching it. And when a sample window still exists there is no need to recreate it
private void btnMain_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)

Windows.Activated in wpf fires multiple times

Hi I have a code to be written while window(WPF window) activate like clicking on the window or using alt/tab. The window is the child of a main form (windows app). I have used ToolWindow as the windowstyle.
It has a xamdatagrid which has to updated on activation
Problem is it fires multiple times. It should be fired once. I don not want my code to run multiple times
How to make it work. please help
From the Window.Activated Event page on MSDN:
Occurs when a window becomes the foreground window.
The Window.Activated Event is supposed to be called multiple times, so perhaps it is not the best event for you to handle. Alternatively, you could add a bool isFirstTime variable and use it to restrict your code to only being called once. Take this example:
private bool isFirstTime = true;
private void WindowActivated(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (isFirstTime)
isFirstTime = false;
// do something here just once
However, as (from the linked page)...
A window is activated (becomes the foreground window) when:
• The window is first opened.
• A user switches to a window by selecting it with the mouse, pressing ALT+TAB, or from Task Manager.
• A user clicks the window's taskbar button.
... you may find that this will not work for you.
I got it done.
I was using the below code
private void OnAttributeHistoryWindowActivated(object sender, EventArgs e)
var win = ((RoutedEventArgs)(e)).Source as AttributeHistoryWindow;
//My Code
The first line of code was firing back the Activated event. And it never goes to the next line of my code.
Now I used below code and it works.
private void OnAttributeHistoryWindowActivated(object sender, EventArgs e)
var win = sender as AttributeHistoryWindow;
//My Code
Now it fires once.

Wpf not all windows are maximized from taskbar

I have three windows. FirstWindow, SecondWindow and ThirdWindow. FirstWindow has button and click on this button opens the SecondWindow. Analogously, SecondWindow has button and click on this button opens the ThirdWindow. Owner property of the SecondWindow is set as FirstWindow and Owner property of the ThirdWindow is set as SecondWindow. The scenario discribing problem:
Open all windows in a row. It will be looked like this:
Then minimize all windows by click on corresponding icon at top right corner of ThirdWindow.
If you will try to maximize all windows by clicking on FirstLevelWindow or ThirdLevelWinow in taskbar - all will be ok, three windows will be maximized. But if you will click on SecondWindow you will see this:
How can I fix it, or it is just WPF bug? I can give archived expample project if it helps.
Minimize window - click "_" icon, left icon in iconbar of the window. All windows are modal, i.e it opens with ShowDialog() method, not with Show() method. So if you minimize third window - all the windows will be minimized.
Here the code if you don't want download project by link:
FirstWindow XAML:
<Button Click="OpenChildWindow"
FirstWindow .cs:
private void OpenChildWindow(Object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
var window = new SecondLevelWindow();
window.Owner = this;
SecondWindow XAML:
<Button Click="OpenChildWindow"
SecondWindow .cs:
private void OpenChildWindow(Object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
var window = new ThirdLevelWindow();
window.Owner = this;
ThirdWindow is empty window without any content.
Here link to example project
I've just found, that bug is not reproduced if property ResizeMode of ThirdWindow is set to "NoResize". Mb it will be usefull information.
Well, I admit I have no idea what is going on. Did you try to add a fourth window? This become even stranger: the second window bring back the third, but the fourth is still not back.
Anyway, If I had to manage this problem, I would keep a reference of my childWindow in each parent Window. This way on any interesting event (like activate on the second window in your example) I could manage the state of my child as required (WindowState.Normal in your case).
It could be something like that: in xaml of secondWindow:
And then in code behind:
private ThirdLevelWindow _window;
public SecondLevelWindow()
private void OpenChildWindow(Object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
_window = new ThirdLevelWindow ();
_window.Owner = this;
public void SecondLevelWindow_OnActivated(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (_window != null)
_window.WindowState = WindowState.Normal;
This is a start, but you could also inspect your current state to define the state of your child.
Hope it helps.

ALT-TAB always activates main window in WPF app with multiple owned windows

On Windows 7, .NET 4.0 I have a problem that can be reproduced by copying the following code into a blank WPF application generated by Visual Studio:
public MainWindow()
Loaded += new RoutedEventHandler(MainWindow_Loaded);
void MainWindow_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
new Window() { Title = "Test", ShowInTaskbar = false, Owner = this }.Show();
Run app
Activate secondary window
Alt-Tab to other running application
Use mouse to activate our WPF app in taskbar
Now the WPF app is active again, with the secondary window activated and the main window deactivated, which is the expected (and desired) behavior.
Now do this instead (only step 4 differs):
Run app
Activate secondary window
Alt-Tab to other running application
Alt-Tab back to our WPF app
The WPF app is active again, but now the main window is activated.
Adding this code
private void Application_Activated(object sender, EventArgs e)
to App.xaml.cs does not solve the problem because now in the second case both windows are activated. Also, clicking the secondary window does not deactivate the main window. I have to click the (already activated) main window and the secondary window again to achieve this.
How can I avoid this (only the secondary window should be active in both cases)?
CodeProject actually addresses this issue here, hope this is what you're looking for.
Combine with a post from Tamil Khason and in theory you can override the OnFocus event on a global level so that every time a window is on focus, that becomes the "main window" which will then be the target of ALT+TAB.
based on THIS solution the following code can maybe (not tested jet) also do the trick
protected override void OnStartup(StartupEventArgs e)
EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(typeof(Window), Window.LoadedEvent, new RoutedEventHandler(WindowLoaded));
void WindowLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
Window w = sender as Window;
if (w != null)
// this part works in my case very well
w.Owner =Application.Current.Windows.OfType<Window>().SingleOrDefault(x => x.IsActive);

Bug with RadWindow?

I'm using RadWindow for WPF in my application.
I called RadWindow.ShowDialog() to show the RadWindow.
But when I minimize this RadWindow, it will disappear and then I can not restore it because it is not contained in Taskbar of Windows 7.
I solved this by hiding the Minimized button on RadWindow, but then I encountered other case of this bug. that when I press "Window + D" keys to minimize all Windows, this Radwindow also disappear.
Please help me to fix it,
Many thanks,
T&T Group
If I understand you correctly, you need to set the Owner property of your dialog window to the application's main window.
RadWindow doesn't contain the property "ShowOnTaskBar" like Window have.
you can do something like this code below to work-around :
Window _window;
public MainView()
Loaded += MainView_Loaded;
void MainView_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
_window = this.ParentOfType<Window>();
if (_window != null)
_window.ShowInTaskbar = true;
_window.Title = this.Header.ToString();
