Right design for a command that closes the caller window? - wpf

I've got a WPF dialog (inheritor of Window). The dialog has an "OK" button that is bound to a "process" command on the ViewModel. (The "process" command is a Josh Smith RelayCommand.) The CommandParameter on the "OK" button is set to the dialog window itself. If the processing succeeds the dialog window is closed from inside the ViewModel's command handler. That seems like a violation of the Single Responsibility principle to me. What's the right pattern for a Command that may or may not close the caller window?

Although it seems like some design patterns are broken, its common practice that a ViewModel may be aware of its View in order to achieve specific tasks such as closing a dialog or setting a specific state.
During View-ViewModel binding, the ViewModel can be initialized with a reference to the View. Later on by executing the Command, the ViewModel can use functionality which is provided by the view using a common interface.
In your case I suggest to do it this way (like Caliburn Micro does) rather than passing the Window as CommandParameter.


How to dispose of dynamically loaded usercontrols/viewmodels when parent window is closed

We have a main window that launches a child window. That child window dynamically loads custom usercontrols. In the contructor of these usercontrols, I pass a master object which, from this master object, a usercontrol specific viewmodel is generated and assigned as its datacontext.
All of this is working quite well. However, I jst discovered that when I close the child window at least some of my custom usercontrols are still active. How am I supposed to clean up my controls/viewmodels? Nothing seems to get called until the main window is closed. No destructor, no Dispatcher.ShutdownStarted, no dispose is available, no closing event, nothing I can find.
Anyone know what is supposed to be done to properly clean up after the window is closed?
I believe you need to think precisely about what is responsible for creating your views and your viewmodels, and what is responsible for determining whether or not something can close or not, etc.
It is usually a good idea for whatever that created something to destroy it. Therefore, if your child window is creating custom user controls it perhaps should be responsible for removing them. However, I believe if none of your objects has a reference (or strong event subscription) it should be eventually garbage collected. You could implement a finalizer/destructor and output a Debug.String to the output window to see when this might eventually happen. A good memory profiler could also be a good idea. However, it is also likely that you need more precise control of telling your ViewModel when it has been closed.
It's hard to say exactly what should happen in your scenario because it really depends on your exact and specific setup. Let me describe to you a scenario I had in my application. I had several views that were being displayed in tab pages. The tab pages had an X button to close the tab, and my View contained a hosted Windows Forms control that needed to have .Dispose() called to clean up resources as well as it needed to be informed of when to unsubscribe from composite commands in the file menu system. So, initially, I had a problem... how does my ViewModel unsubscribe from commands when the tab pages remove's the view? How does the View which is contained in a WPF control know when it has been removed? here's what I came up with
The tab page itself should not be telling my program if a view can or can not be closed
I needed the ability to cancel the closing event in case of program logic (File saved? Yes/no/cancel)
I needed the ability to detect when it was closed so I could cleanup/unregister at that exact moment
My solution was to implement an interface in my viewmodel called IRemovable which exposed a Removable boolean and a Remove() method which returns a boolean (was removed or not). My tab control only displayed the X button if Removable was true, Tab Control's Closing fired the Remove() of the IRemovable ViewModel and if it returned false it set the event args Canceled property to true if the ViewModel's Remove returned false.
Therefore, the remove of the view model could prompt the user for confirmation, unregister from commands, etc. The view could handle Closed event and call Dispose on any Windows Forms components etc. (of course I had to check if my View.DataContext is IRemovable).
Anyway, I know this isn't an exact answer but hopefully it helps you come up with some thoughts on how to solve your own problem

Exiting an App or Closing a Control When Using MVVM

In my WPF application, I am using the ViewModelLocator without IoC. I am calling the static ViewModelLocator.Cleanup() method provided by the MVVM-Light framework from my own button which is tied to a "close window command". This Command calls the static ViewModelLocator.Cleanup(), which calls an instance Cleanup() method on my MainWindowViewModel instance. The instance Cleanup() method then sets the property to which the MainWindow binds its DataContext, to null. The setter on the property raises a PropertyChanged event. Curiously, setting this property to null does not cause the window to close.
I am trying to understand why this is the case? If I set the MainWindow's DataContext to null, should that not be the same as Window.Close()? In my case, the Window and all of its elements remain on the screen. However, if I attempt further actions, I get null pointer exceptions, indicating the DataContext binding Property has indeed been set to null; this has also been confirmed in the debugger.
I have created a workaround by hooking the Application.Exit event and issuing a Window.Close() in the event handler in order to create my own "Close Window" button (ie, to create same functionality for my own Button / Command as clicking the X button in the upper right of a Window). Since calling a UI element (ie, the Window instance) from MVVM directly is not MVVM friendly, I used a ViewService to implement the Window.Close() functionality in order to keep the workaround MVVM friendly. I am a big fan of the ViewService idiom (or pattern), but I just don't think it should be necessary here; except, I could see how exiting the app is a special case that perhaps should tie-in with the application lifecycle, and .Net seems to only allow exiting a WPF app by issuing the Window.Close() method.
Thoughts appreciated.
I believe I have found the answer to my original question, in addition to the one raised in my comments discussion with flq.
First, the answer to the original question is that the proper way to close the Window is along the lines of what I did in my described "workaround". Closing an app is a View-initiated process, as it is the Window control that has the bits for how to do it. You can of course hook the Application.Exit event so that you can perform cleanup on your ViewModels, prompt the user to save data, etc..
The question raised by me after some interesting discussion with flq is, if I don't just set a control's DataContext (ie, ViewModel) to null in order to release the View and ViewModel resources, how should I do it?
An interesting discussion with some nuances can be found here, but the basic answer is that you find the parent control and remove the control you want to close from its Children list. Note, this is a different technique with a different goal than just making the control not visible by setting is Visibility property to Collapsed. In the following example, "this" is the control to be removed (ie, "Closed"):
Panel p = (Panel) this.Parent;
I am not sure if you still need to then set the child (ie, "this") to null to re-claim its resources, or, if just removing it from the visual tree will cause WPF to re-claim the resources; the above linked discussion makes no mention. As mentioned in the original discussion, the above technique can be supplemented by hooking it to certain events, or using other application specific logic.

VisualState Binding threading issue

I have an audio recording app in Windows Phone 7.
The app allows a user to play the recorded sounds.
I try to stick to MVVM guidelines where it is possible.
I have a play/stop button in a list of all recordings. Each recording has its own ViewModel, which, besides all, also controls the look of the corresponding play/stop button.
The button has a custom visual state defined in its' style.
The Visual State is bound to the ViewModel's property using the approach, shown here:
Having implemented this approach, whenever I want to change the look of the play/stop button, I need to set the public string property (named "PlayStopVisualState") in my ViewModel to either "PlayingState" or "Normal", and that will assign an appropriate visual state to my button.
The problem is that when user presses the play button, a SoundEffectInstance is created in a background thread, which plays the sound. The thread then waits for the playing to end. When the recording playing is over (I have to track it in the same background thread, or create another for just tracking SoundEffectInstance.State) I set the PlayStopVisualState property back to "Normal", but I get a cross-thread reference exception. Isn't MVVM specifically designed to allow developers to manipulate logical variables in a view model, and not having to worry about how the changes to them are reflected in a View?
I know that I need to do the adjustment of the PlayStopVisualState property in a Dispatcher thread in order for the problem to disappear, but this is just no right. It, from my point of view, defeats the whole purpose of MVVM, leaving only the organizational advantage.
Or am I doing something wrong? Thanks.
I have worked around the problem by using
but it seems to me as a very "ugly" solution, given that I almost all over have MVVM pattern followed.
Using the Dispatcher to reflect a UI-bound value is the correct way to do it, yes.
What you're forgetting is that your ViewModel is created on the UI thread. So any change to the ViewModel from a background thread, would a cross-thread operation.
You should consider if a background thread is really needed. , or if you could just schedule your action on the UI thread directly.

Using MVVM in WPF, should I launch child windows from View code behind, or ViewModel?

I've been puzzled by this for a while. I am writing quite a large RibbonWindow WPF application using the MVVM pattern. The screen has a RibbonBar menu along the top and the rest of it displays the various Views. Some Views contain other Views and some of these have buttons that launch child Windows.
So far, I have been doing this from the View code behind file, but I'm aware that these files are supposed to be empty when using MVVM. I could move the child window launch code to the ViewModel, but then I would need a reference to the main RibbonWindow (to set as the child window owner) and that doesn't seem right.
Any advice or tips on how this is normally achieved using MVVM would be greatly appreciated.
I usually handle this by creating some sort of WindowViewLoaderService. When your program initializes you register your Window's and your ViewModels with code something like this:
WindowViewLoaderService.Register(TypeOf(MainWindowView), TypeOf(MainWindowViewModel));
WindowViewLoaderService.Register(TypeOf(MyWindowView), TypeOf(MyWindowViewModel));
Then when you can for example call into this service from your ViewModel and all you have to reference is your other ViewModel. For example if you are in your MainWindowViewModel you might have code like this:
var myChildWindowVM = new MyWindowViewModel();
The WindowViewLoaderService would then look up what View is associated with the specified ViewModel you passed it. It will create that View, Set its DataContext to the ViewModel you passed in, and then display the View.
This way your ViewModels never know about any Views.
You can roll your own one of these services pretty easily. All it needs to do is keep a Dictionary with the key being your ViewModelType and the value being your ViewType. The Register method adds to your dictionary and the ShowWindow method looks up the correct view based on the ViewModel passed in, creates the view, sets the DataContext, and then calls Show on it.
Most MVVM Frameworks provide something like this for you out of the box. For example Caliburn has a slick one that just uses naming convention its called ViewLocator in this Framework. Here is a link that summarizes: http://devlicio.us/blogs/rob_eisenberg/archive/2010/07/04/mvvm-study-segue-introducing-caliburn-micro.aspx
Cinch on the other hand calls it a WPFUIVisualizerService which you can see in action here:
These should help get you rolling.
Well, one remark to start with is that, "Having no code AT ALL in the code-behind" is actually a "myth". If you want to be pragmatic, and you see that having some code (as little as possible would be better), will make your life easier and solve your problem, then you should go with that.
However, in this situation, there are actually some loosely coupled ways to do this. You could have a service that does the interaction for you. You initiate the interaction with the user from the ViewModel, the service takes care of that (by showing a ChildWindow for example), and gives you back the user's reponse. That service can be mocked for testing easily. And it can be tested seperately.
That is, if you want to do things yourself. If you want a framework to do the heavy lifting for you, you can check out the InteractionRequest functionaity offered by Prism. Here's the MSDN article that talks about adanced MVVM scenarios which includes a section on User Interaction Patterns. That's the way I do it, and it's pretty simple, elegant and straightforward.
Hope this helps :)
To take Matt's answer one step further, you can have all your view's be a user control. Then create a ViewContainer, which is a window with your data templates (as you described).
Then you just ship the viewmodel you wish to open over to the window service, which sets the DataContext. The service would then open the window and the contentcontrol will resolve the correct view for the viewmodel.
This means all the registration is done in the XAML and the window service just knows how to do just that...open and close windows.
This is an old post, but maybe this'll help someone along the way: I use MVVM, and raise events for opening child windows from the ViewModel back to the View. The only code behind is handling the event, opening the window, setting owner of the child window and that's pretty much it. In the viewmodel, if the eventhandler is null, then it's not subscribed to by the view and doesn't fire. The VM does not know about the view. The code is pretty simple also and only takes a few lines.
In this situation View should handle the opening of the child windows.
However, ViewModel might drive the creation of the windows, but calling into View to create a new Windows.
This will save the logic of MVVM pattern: ViewModel has the "brains" but is not involved in a particular window creation.
ViewModel only is used to present system state and UI logic. One viewmodel may be referenced by multiple views. It have no knowledge of UI specific code like parent/child relationship, position, layout, size etc. So it is better to pop child window in view's code-behind with ViewModel's state changed event or command event and event arguments. In this way you can specify which one is the parent view in the UI layer.

How a command from main window be handled in a usercontrol view model

In my application I have several user controls in a window. These user controls need to communicate to each other. My approach is as below
user control A fire a command which is to be handled by user control B.
main window recieves the command and fire a command to B
user control B handles the command.
My problem is how the main window can fire a command which can be handled in the VIEW MODEL of user control B?
SOLVED: One gloabl static RelayCommand for communication from the MainWindow to B and one Global RoutedCommand for communication from A to Main Window. Thank you for the responses.
The question is not tagged mvvm (yet), but I am assuming it since you mention a ViewModel. So to begin with, let's agree that ViewModels handle commands, not controls. If a control want to respond to a command being executed, expose a suitable CommandExecuted event that the control (View) can attach a handler to.
There is however another unknown that I cannot blindly assume:
Do you take it for granted that user controls A and B exist at the same time? If yes, then a very simple and low-tech solution would be to maintain references to both ViewModels at some level (perhaps the ViewModel for the Window itself?) and "bubble" the command up to there, where the dispatch to ViewModel B will occur. If not (in which case control B might not exist), what is the desired behavior?
With the information you have given so far, I 'd suggest using the Event Aggregator/Mediator pattern implementation of your MVVM framework. For example, Prism has EventAggregator; MVVM Light has Messenger; etc.
I would think that you'd want to have a dependency property on B that the main window could bind to. Your DP on B would then take the request and call it's view model.
The main window should not know anything about the inner workings of a Control. It should only know about the exposed properties from the control.
