Windows Phone show ConnectionSettingsTask and back - silverlight

I am working on a windows phone app right now.
In the app, I am handling an exception in page 1, that when there is no wifi connection, it will pop a XNA messagebox, user can choose to open the WIFI settings page. I have the following code:
ConnectionSettingsTask connectionSettingsTask = new ConnectionSettingsTask();
connectionSettingsTask.ConnectionSettingsType = ConnectionSettingsType.WiFi;
But the problem with this is, when user hit back key in the wifi settings page, they will be navigate back to page 1, which has a loading problem and can not display the proper content. In this case, I would like user to directly go to another page, call it page 2.
Is that possible? Thank you
Is there are way to customize the back key functionality when showing the XNA messagebox?

I don't know about XNA coding much, but I do know that if you return from wifi connection page to your app, the OnNavigatedTo function is invoked. Try setting out your flow of code according to the application flow. If there is some code you have executed at the constructor, shift it to OnNavigatedTo and vice-verse, which may solve your problem. Also if you want to shift to another page, do it in the same function (OnNavigatedTo) itself. Hope it helps.

Maybe you can change the navigation behavior:
However it is recommended to merge the two pages together (hide loading bar and show main page) as you will have less problems...

why not handle this code in the IsNetworkAvailable check? that way you'l avoid the exception altogether


How do I get my button to redirect to a web page within the app?

So far, I have it so that when a user presses a button, a browser opens and redirects the user to my desired url. However, I want this to happen within the app instead of a web tab. How can I do this?
Use the BrowserComponent, just add it to the center of a border layout form and set the URL for that component. Check out the list of main components in Codename One within the developer guide.
Define a xml layout containing a widget called webview. Then in your activity you implement a listener to your button which invokes that xml with the desired page to load inside your webview. Google to find some code and return here with your code problems, if you find some. If this will be the case, open new questions provinding detailed info about your matters then we can help more. Best.
EDIT: Excuse me, just now, re-reading your question I think I really understand it, and the solution is very simple, just a line of code (to instruct your app to open a webpage inside your webview, and not the regular browser, outside your app). Try this:
wv = (WebView) findViewById(;
wv.setWebViewClient(new WebViewClient()); // needed to open url inside our webview, otherwise it will open at the default browser

CocoonJS webview: Going back a page

I'm just trying out a simple app in the CocoonJS launcher which contains some links that open some external page.
This works fine, but the problem is that I can't identify a way to go back a page (i.e. history back). The launcher app just displays the page in fullscreen, no user controls visible at all. This is troublesome, because when my users tap on an ad, I want them to be able to go back to the game.
Am I missing something or is this simply not supported?
I do not know of any way to display a navigation bar or something similar.
Nevertheless, you can open your external urls via Cocoon.App.openURL(url); which will enable the user to open it via a normal browser where you can navigate back.
I agree with the solution proposed by Scdev. Also, interstitials or fullscreen ads usually have a dismiss button themselves. I might be misunderstanding something.

How to load data at launching Chrome App?

What's the best practice of loading data at launching Chrome App?
The landing page of my Chrome App is dependent on some configuration data, which I've stored in the chrome local storage. However, reading chrome local storage is an asynchronous process. Hence, after the App has launched, there is a period of time when the landing page doesn't show correctly.
To avoid this blank time (due to the asynchronous process of reading local storage), I'm thinking about reading data at background JS. However, I haven't googled out what's the best practice to do it.
Anybody has any comments? Thanks.
just listen to the onLaunched event {
// load your data
Here's one piece of helpful suggestion I've got from the Google Group. Share here so that someone with the same problem might refer to it:
You can read from in the background page and open the window when the data is ready. However, the user experience might be even worse, because instead of the incorrect landing page, you have no user feedback at all.
The usual (and easy to implement) solution is to show your landing page with some visual feedback during data loading, like a spinning wheel with a "Loading" label. If you UI really requires the data to show up, you can add this visual indicator as an opaque div on top of the whole window.
Some people use splash screens, but I don't think it adds to the user experience.

How to integrate payment gateway in applications created using javascript frameworks like ExtJs?

Our application is a one-page application created using ExtJs. For any user action, the browser tab is never reloaded and all the actions are performed using ajax. A user can open/close multiple ExtJs windows/panels within the same browser tab, and this way everything remains confined to the same browser tab.
Now, we need to integrate payment gateway in the application, which involves redirecting the user to the bank website and having her brought back to our application.
The issue is that when browser redirects the user, then all the application javascript code along with panels and windows get destroyed, and when the user comes back to the application then she finds it to be different from one she left.
As a solution to this, we were thinking of using following two appraoches:
Option 1. Maintaining the state of application - When user leaves for the bank's website then somehow we maintain the state of application - like which windows are opened carrying what data, which variables have which values etc.. and when user returns back, we generate the same application state for her.
Option 2. Have a browser pop-up window for payment gateway - We intend to provide a button which will open a small pop-up window carrying the transaction details, and in this pop-up window the entire payment gateway process will take place taking care of redirection and everything.
Option 1 is proving to be very cumbersome and complicated as maintaining the exact state is not getting feasible.
For Option 2, we are not sure if this is safe and possible?
Has anyone implemented such an approach earlier. Otherwise, what are the other options which we can go for?
Thanks for any help in advance.
I faced the problem and I implemented it using websocket/polling in the main application while a new window pops up for the payment.
After the payment is successful the main application will be notified.
That way each payment runs in it own sandbox totally unbound from the main application which makes maintenance quite easy. Note that our backend create a new session for each payment using the existing one.
I think it is not uncommon to open new windows for payment that's why I decided to go this.

How to open application from a webbrowser windows phone

I am developing a windows phone application.
In a page I placed a button and on this button click I open the webbrowser and redirects to our website pages for some processes. There are many webpages. In the last webpage we added a button "Close". In the close button click I want to close the webbrowser and open the application back with the last state before opening the webbrowser. How can I do this ?
I will refer to the button in the app as "app button" and the button in the web page as "close button".
Add a WebBrowser control called webBrowser1 to the Windows Phone app. Make it cover the entire screen, and set it's Visibility property to Collapsed.
On the app button's click event, use
webBrowser1.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible;
webBrowser1.Navigate(new Uri("");
to show the web browser and navigate it to the first page on your website.
Make the close button on the last page of your site navigate to a new page on your site, called "close.html" or whatever you want. In javascript, this would look like
<Button onclick="window.location.href='';">
Back in the app: On webBrowser1's Navigating event use,
if (e.Uri.ToString().Contains("close.html"))
webBrowser1.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed;
When the you click the button on the last page of your site, it navigates to "close.html". When this happens, the Web Browser's Navigating event fires. Since this event fires every time you change pages, you need to check to see if the new url contains "close.html", the page your close button is navigating to. If it does, the Web Browser will be hidden and you will see your app again.
(In VB, the code would be )
webBrowser1.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible
webBrowser1.Navigate(New Uri("")
If e.Uri.ToString.Contains("close.html")
webBrowser1.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed
End If
Edit: I was thinking in generic terms when i wrote the answer and did not remember that you are asking specifically about the webbrowser (hence, using a webbrowsertask launcher). Thank you #Claus for point out the OAuth situation. So, i am amending my answer to explain that it is possible and also mention an issue with using the launcher as there is no way guarantee to return back to a given point in your launcher app (as it is with choosers due to the availability of callbacks).
It is not possible to achieve this in general terms. That is, there is an application A which opens another application B and from application B you would like to close-it-and-open-A. There are many reasons why i think it is not possible:
- How does one get the address/reference to the application A. No API for that at the moment.
- There is no content-handler/plugin where a 3rd party can register an app with the web-browser.
- Most importantly, security, security, security. This would open doors for attacks from the web.
However, for your requirement of application B being a web-browser, it is possible to use a task launcher WebBrowserTask. As #claus suggests, you could have Window.close() javascript in your last page to close the browser and hence reveal the app underneath it (hopefully, A). The problem here is that if, the user opens an app (let's call it C) after the browser has launched (and before the browser is closed), and the user does not close C, then when the browser gets closed, the user will be returned to C and not to the launcher App! This is not what you want based on your requirement.
So, if you would like to achieve the kind of effect you are describing in your question, it is best that you embed the Web-browser in your application (as a full-screen app) and from that vantage point you can interact between the web-browser (control) and the (host) app via Javascript.
Hopefully, this helps.
