I am rendering XPS using WPF. This is completely dynamic (XAML free).
In my code, I have following code to set up text rotation.
Private Shared Sub ApplyRotation(style As BoxStyleData, run As TextElement)
If style IsNot Nothing Then
If Math.Abs(style.TextRotation) > Double.Epsilon Then
Dim effects = New TextEffectCollection
Dim effect = New TextEffect()
effect.Transform = New RotateTransform(style.TextRotation)
effect.PositionCount = 100
run.TextEffects = effects
End If
End If
End Sub
It is inside FlowPanel, therefore some bug is preventing me from setting rotation for whole paragraph (more on that here http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/nl/wpf/thread/931f1995-d039-4364-b09b-fcd0a43fd737)
My problem is, even when I use the fix, result is not correct. After certain amount of characters, text is not rotated anymore:
Note, that screenshot is from XPS to which I render result.
When I render it to XAML, you can see that effect is correctly mapped to all Runs in text.
<Paragraph Margin="0,0,0,0" Padding="0,18.9,0,0" TextAlignment="Center" ClearFloaters="None" FontSize="14.62">
<Span FontSize="14.62"><Run><Run.TextEffects><TextEffect PositionCount="100"><TextEffect.Transform><RotateTransform Angle="356.7" /></TextEffect.Transform></TextEffect></Run.TextEffects>Denken Sie frühzeitig</Run></Span><LineBreak />
<Span FontSize="14.62"><Run><Run.TextEffects><TextEffect PositionCount="100"><TextEffect.Transform><RotateTransform Angle="356.7" /></TextEffect.Transform></TextEffect></Run.TextEffects>an den</Run></Span><LineBreak />
<Span FontSize="14.62"><Run><Run.TextEffects><TextEffect PositionCount="100"><TextEffect.Transform><RotateTransform Angle="356.7" /></TextEffect.Transform></TextEffect></Run.TextEffects>Räderwechsel!</Run></Span><LineBreak />
<LineBreak />
<Span FontSize="14.62"><Run><Run.TextEffects><TextEffect PositionCount="100"><TextEffect.Transform><RotateTransform Angle="356.7" /></TextEffect.Transform></TextEffect></Run.TextEffects>Unser</Run></Span><LineBreak />
<Span FontWeight="Bold" FontSize="14.62"><Run><Run.TextEffects><TextEffect PositionCount="100"><TextEffect.Transform><RotateTransform Angle="356.7" /></TextEffect.Transform></TextEffect></Run.TextEffects>Winter Check-Point</Run></Span><LineBreak />
<Span FontSize="14.62"><Run><Run.TextEffects><TextEffect PositionCount="100"><TextEffect.Transform><RotateTransform Angle="356.7" /></TextEffect.Transform></TextEffect></Run.TextEffects>ist für Sie offen!</Run></Span></Paragraph>
Now, does anyone has any idea how to achieve rotation for whole text as I really need it.
For quick test that it does not work properly, you can create WPF application and just paste following XAML Code
<Window x:Class="MainWindow"
Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525">
<Paragraph Margin="0,0,0,0" Padding="0,18.9,0,0" TextAlignment="Center" ClearFloaters="None" FontSize="14.62">
<Span FontSize="14.62">
<TextEffect PositionCount="100">
<RotateTransform Angle="356.7" />
</Run.TextEffects> Denken Sie frühzeiti
<LineBreak />
<Span FontSize="14.62">
<TextEffect PositionCount="100">
<RotateTransform Angle="356.7" />
</Run.TextEffects> an den
<LineBreak />
<Span FontSize="14.62">
<TextEffect PositionCount="100">
<RotateTransform Angle="356.7" />
</Run.TextEffects> Räderwechsel!
<LineBreak />
<LineBreak />
<Span FontSize="14.62">
<TextEffect PositionCount="100">
<RotateTransform Angle="356.7" />
</Run.TextEffects> Unser
<LineBreak />
<Span FontWeight="Bold" FontSize="14.62">
<TextEffect PositionCount="100">
<RotateTransform Angle="356.7" />
</Run.TextEffects> Winter Check-Point
<LineBreak />
<Span FontSize="14.62">
<TextEffect PositionCount="100">
<RotateTransform Angle="356.7" />
</Run.TextEffects> ist für Sie offen!
So, I've fixed it by switching
effect.PositionCount = 100
effect.PositionCount = Integer.Max
which fixed the problem.
I did not understand correctly what it stood for and thought it means something like percentage of effect done.
How can I create a ListView with groups and expanders only in XAML?
I have found many examples with data binding, but I need to define all groups and items in XAML for demonstration/mockup purposes.
This is my ListView (I realize, that GroupItem controls are totally wrong). local:BlockControl is custom control Grid used as main container.
<GroupItem Content="In/Out"/>
<local:BlockControl Inputs="0" Outputs="1" FunctionName="I" ToolTip="Digital Input"/>
<local:BlockControl Inputs="0" Outputs="1" FunctionName="AI" ToolTip="Analog Input"/>
<local:BlockControl Inputs="1" Outputs="1" FunctionName="Q" ToolTip="Digital Output"/>
<local:BlockControl Inputs="1" Outputs="1" FunctionName="AQ" ToolTip="Analog Output"/>
<GroupItem Content="Constants"/>
<local:BlockControl Inputs="0" Outputs="1" FunctionName="0" ToolTip="Digital 0"/>
<local:BlockControl Inputs="0" Outputs="1" FunctionName="1" ToolTip="Digital 1"/>
<GroupItem Content="Local variables"/>
<local:BlockControl Inputs="1" Outputs="1" FunctionName="AM" ToolTip="Analog Marker"/>
<local:BlockControl Inputs="1" Outputs="1" FunctionName="M" ToolTip="Digital Marker"/>
<local:BlockControl Inputs="1" Outputs="1" FunctionName="AM" ToolTip="Analog Marker"/>
<GroupItem Content="Network variables"/>
<local:BlockControl Inputs="0" Outputs="1" FunctionName="NI" ToolTip="Network Digital Input"/>
<local:BlockControl Inputs="0" Outputs="1" FunctionName="NAI" ToolTip="Network Analog Input"/>
<local:BlockControl Inputs="1" Outputs="1" FunctionName="NQ" ToolTip="Network Digital Output"/>
<local:BlockControl Inputs="1" Outputs="1" FunctionName="NAQ" ToolTip="Network Analog Output"/>
You can do it this way.
<!-- Group Item In/Out -->
<Expander Header="In/Out">
<local:BlockControl />
<local:BlockControl />
<local:BlockControl />
<local:BlockControl />
<!-- Group Item Constants -->
<Expander Header="Constants">
<local:BlockControl />
<local:BlockControl />
<!-- Group Item Local variables -->
<Expander Header="Local variables">
<local:BlockControl />
<local:BlockControl />
<local:BlockControl />
<!-- Group Item Network variables -->
<Expander Header="Network variables">
<local:BlockControl />
<local:BlockControl />
<local:BlockControl />
<local:BlockControl />
I am using WindowsFormsHost to show DataGridView in my WPF application.
<wfi:WindowsFormsHost Name="winhost" Grid.Row="0" Width="930" Height="200" Margin="5,5,5,0" Visibility="Hidden">
<wf:DataGridView x:Name="dataGridViewOutlookMailList" ScrollBars="Both" AllowUserToAddRows="False" RowHeadersVisible="False" CellContentClick="dataGridViewOutlookMailList_CellContentClick">
<wf:DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn Name="dataGridViewCheckBoxColumn3" HeaderText="" Width="25" Visible="True" />
<wf:DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Name="dataGridViewTextBoxColumn13" HeaderText="Outlook Entry ID" Width="100" Visible="false" />
<wf:DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Name="dataGridViewTextBoxColumn14" HeaderText="FullPath With FileName" Width="100" Visible="False" />
<wf:DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Name="dataGridViewTextBoxColumn15" HeaderText="Resume Name" Width="100" Visible="True" />
<wf:DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Name="dataGridViewTextBoxColumn18" HeaderText="Sender Name" Width="100" Visible="True" />
<wf:DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Name="dataGridViewTextBoxColumn17" HeaderText="Received By Name" Width="100" Visible="True" />
<wf:DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Name="dataGridViewTextBoxColumn16" HeaderText="Received" Width="100" Visible="True" />
<wf:DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Name="dataGridViewTextBoxColumn19" HeaderText="Sender Address" Width="100" Visible="True" />
<wf:DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Name="dataGridViewTextBoxColumn20" HeaderText="To" Width="100" Visible="True" />
<wf:DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Name="dataGridViewTextBoxColumn21" HeaderText="Bcc" Width="100" Visible="True" />
<wf:DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Name="dataGridViewTextBoxColumn22" HeaderText="Cc" Width="100" Visible="True" />
<wf:DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Name="dataGridViewTextBoxColumn23" HeaderText="Subject" Width="100" Visible="True" />
<wf:DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Name="dataGridViewTextBoxColumn24" HeaderText="Body" Width="100" Visible="True" />
<wf:DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn Name="dataGridViewCheckBoxColumn4" HeaderText="NotesActivity" Width="25" Visible="False" />
<wf:DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn Name="dataGridViewCheckBoxColumn5" HeaderText="Body As Attachment" Width="100" Visible="False" />
I am getting following error while mouse over on datagridview also the UI is not loaded properly. see the screen shot for details.
I am also using following code
WinForms.DataGridViewCellStyle ColStyle1 = new WinForms.DataGridViewCellStyle();
System.Drawing.Text.PrivateFontCollection pfc = new System.Drawing.Text.PrivateFontCollection();
pfc.AddFontFile(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.CommonApplicationData) + #"\NewZrr\OpenSans-Regular.ttf");
foreach (WinForms.DataGridViewColumn c in dataGridViewOutlookMailList.Columns)
c.DefaultCellStyle.Font = new System.Drawing.Font(pfc.Families[0], 8, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular);
pfc = null;
in my Window_Loaded method to change the font of datagridview. kindly guide me to resolve the issue.
The problem is that the PrivateFontCollection instance in the pfc variable goes out of scope, so when the DataGridViewCell is drawn for the first time the specified font cannot be loaded correctly.
Move the pfc instance outside the Window_Loaded method to prevent GC from collecting it, and do not set it to null, make it a long-living object.
Reference: Parameter is not valid when draw text in label with custom font
Here is my WIX:
<Control Id="FeatureOneBox" Type="CheckBox" Property="FEATUREONE" Text="Feature One" X="30" Y="87" Height="10" Width="200" CheckBoxValue="1" />
<Control Id="FeatureTwoBox" Type="CheckBox" Property="FEATURETWO" Text="Feature Two" X="30" Y="107" Height="10" Width="200" CheckBoxValue="1" />
<Control Id="FeatureThreeBox" Type="CheckBox" Property="FEATURETHREE" Text="Feature Three" X="30" Y="107" Height="10" Width="200" CheckBoxValue="1" />
<Control Id="CoreFeatureBox" Type="CheckBox" Property="INSTALLCORE" Text="!(loc.CoreFeatureBox)" X="30" Y="147" Height="10" Width="300" CheckBoxValue="1">
<Condition Action="enable"><![CDATA[FEATURETWO <> 1 AND FEATURETHREE <> 1]]></Condition>
<Condition Action="disable">FEATURETWO = 1 OR FEATURETHREE = 1</Condition>
I want to require the Core feature if either feature two or three is selected. I can do this by altering the feature condition but, it the user unchecks both of those, unchecks Core, then rechecks one of those, I don't want to install the Core feature even though its checkbox is unchecked.
How can I check CoreFeatureBox at the same time I disable it?
If only I'd googled just a few minutes more!
This code is all I needed:
CheckBoxValue="my value"
Text="Check the box please."
<Publish Property="myCheckboxResult2" Value="my value" Order="1">myCheckboxResult</Publish>
<Publish Property="myCheckboxResult2" Value="{}" Order="2">NOT myCheckboxResult</Publish>
CheckBoxValue="my value"
Text="Check the box please."
Width="150" />
I added the <Publish/> nodes under FeatureTwoBox and FeatureThreeBox and everything's working.
I am using XMADL to write cross-platform mobile app. I have a table ‘user’ in the local database with columns firstname, lastname, email, pwd. How can I display the data when the userprofile screen is invoked?
The profile screen is defined as
<control name="labelfirstname" type="TEXT" x="2" y="3" width="30" height="8"
appearance_name="black" data_type="VARCHAR"
default_value="First Name"/>
<control name="editfirstname" type="EDIT" x="35" y="2" width="50" height="8"
appearance_name="edit_box" data_type="VARCHAR" field_name="firstname"
default_value="" size="80"/>
<control name="labellastname" type="TEXT" x="2" y="12" width="30" height="8"
appearance_name="black" data_type="VARCHAR"
default_value="Last Name"/>
<control name="editlastname" type="EDIT" x="35" y="12" width="50" height="8"
appearance_name="edit_box" data_type="VARCHAR" field_name="lastname"
default_value="" size="80"/>
<control name="labelemail" type="TEXT" x="2" y="22" width="30" height="8"
appearance_name="black" data_type="VARCHAR"
<control name="editemail" type="TEXT" x="35" y="22" width="50" height="8"
appearance_name="black" data_type="VARCHAR" field_name="email"
default_value="" size="80"/>
<control name="labelpassword" type="TEXT" x="2" y="32" width="30" height="8"
appearance_name="black" data_type="VARCHAR"
<control name="editpassword" type="PASSWORD" x="35" y="32" width="50" height="8"
appearance_name="edit_box" word_wrap="0" data_type="VARCHAR" field_name="password"
default_value="" size="80"/>
You can fetch the data from the local database and display on the screen by defining the screen attribute “local_data_source=sql query”.
Replace your element with the code below.
<screen name="userprofile" screen_type="SCREEN" allow_reorientation="true" allowed_layouts="BOTH" scroll="VERTICAL"
width="100" height="100" local_data_source="select lastname, firstname, email, password from user_details where email='<email>'">
The query results will be column_name / value pairs. The value will be assigned to the control if the column_name of the data table matches the field_name of the control.
Once the screen is invoked, the data will be fetched from the database and made available to the controls with field_name firstname, lastname, email and pwd for display.
I have the following ComboBox declared in a custom Dialog:
<Control Id="EnvironmentCombobox" Type="ComboBox" Sorted="yes" ComboList="yes" Property="ENVIRONMENT" X="25" Y="110" Width="200" Height="15">
<ComboBox Property="ENVIRONMENT">
<ListItem Text="Development" Value="Development" />
<ListItem Text="SIT" Value="SIT" />
<ListItem Text="UAT" Value="UAT" />
<ListItem Text="Production" Value="Production" />
When I run my installer and get to that dialog, the ComboBox doesn't show until I run my mouse over it. It also appears when if I hit a navigation button. If I leave and come back to the dialog, it is gone again, until I mouse over it or hit a navigation button.
I've tried setting Hidden="no" and increasing the height, but no luck.
Adding full files, per request in comments.
The above is in the EnvironmentDlg:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Wix xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi">
<Dialog Id="EnvironmentDlg" Width="370" Height="270" Title="[ProductName] Setup">
<!-- Layout. -->
<Control Id="BannerBitmap" Type="Bitmap" X="0" Y="0" Width="370" Height="44" TabSkip="no" Text="!(loc.LicenseAgreementDlgBannerBitmap)" />
<Control Id="BannerLine" Type="Line" X="0" Y="44" Width="370" Height="0" />
<Control Id="BottomLine" Type="Line" X="0" Y="234" Width="370" Height="0" />
<!-- Content. -->
<Control Id="Title" Type="Text" X="15" Y="15" Width="300" Height="15" Transparent="yes" NoPrefix="yes" Text="{\WixUI_Font_Title}Choose environment for [ProductName]" />
<Control Id="InstallText" Type="Text" X="25" Y="70" Width="320" Height="80" Text="Choose the environment to which [ProductName] is being installed." />
<Control Id="EnvironmentCombobox" Type="ComboBox" Sorted="yes" ComboList="yes" Property="ENVIRONMENT" X="25" Y="110" Width="200" Height="15">
<ComboBox Property="ENVIRONMENT">
<ListItem Text="Development" Value="Development" />
<ListItem Text="SIT" Value="SIT" />
<ListItem Text="UAT" Value="UAT" />
<ListItem Text="Production" Value="Production" />
<!-- Navigation. -->
<Control Id="Back" Type="PushButton" X="180" Y="243" Width="56" Height="17" Text="!(loc.WixUIBack)" />
<Control Id="Next" Type="PushButton" X="236" Y="243" Width="56" Height="17" Default="yes" Text="!(loc.WixUINext)">
<!-- Don't allow user to continue until they have selected an environment. -->
<Condition Action="disable">ENVIRONMENT = ""</Condition>
<Condition Action="enable"><![CDATA[ENVIRONMENT <> ""]]></Condition>
<Control Id="Cancel" Type="PushButton" X="304" Y="243" Width="56" Height="17" Cancel="yes" Text="!(loc.WixUICancel)">
<Publish Event="SpawnDialog" Value="CancelDlg">1</Publish>
The sequence is in MyWixUI_Unsecured:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Wix xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi">
<UI Id="MyWixUI_Unsecured">
<TextStyle Id="WixUI_Font_Normal" FaceName="Tahoma" Size="8" />
<TextStyle Id="WixUI_Font_Bigger" FaceName="Tahoma" Size="12" />
<TextStyle Id="WixUI_Font_Title" FaceName="Tahoma" Size="9" Bold="yes" />
<Property Id="DefaultUIFont" Value="WixUI_Font_Normal" />
<DialogRef Id="ErrorDlg" />
<DialogRef Id="FatalError" />
<DialogRef Id="FilesInUse" />
<DialogRef Id="MsiRMFilesInUse" />
<DialogRef Id="PrepareDlg" />
<DialogRef Id="ProgressDlg" />
<DialogRef Id="ResumeDlg" />
<DialogRef Id="UserExit" />
<Publish Dialog="ExitDialog" Control="Finish" Event="EndDialog" Value="Return" Order="999">1</Publish>
<Publish Dialog="WelcomeDlg" Control="Next" Event="NewDialog" Value="EnvironmentDlg">1</Publish>
<Publish Dialog="EnvironmentDlg" Control="Back" Event="NewDialog" Value="WelcomeDlg">1</Publish>
<Publish Dialog="EnvironmentDlg" Control="Next" Event="NewDialog" Value="VerifyReadyDlg">1</Publish>
<Publish Dialog="VerifyReadyDlg" Control="Back" Event="NewDialog" Value="EnvironmentDlg">1</Publish>
<UIRef Id="WixUI_Common" />
The issue is regarding the Height of InstallText control in EnvironmentDlg.
Change the Height to 25
<Control Id="InstallText" Type="Text" X="25" Y="70" Width="320" Height="25" Text="Choose the environment to which [ProductName] is being installed." />
Full Code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Wix xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi">
<Dialog Id="EnvironmentDlg" Width="370" Height="270" Title="[ProductName] Setup">
<!-- Layout. -->
<Control Id="BannerBitmap" Type="Bitmap" X="0" Y="0" Width="370" Height="44" TabSkip="no" Text="!(loc.LicenseAgreementDlgBannerBitmap)" />
<Control Id="BannerLine" Type="Line" X="0" Y="44" Width="370" Height="0" />
<Control Id="BottomLine" Type="Line" X="0" Y="234" Width="370" Height="0" />
<!-- Content. -->
<Control Id="Title" Type="Text" X="15" Y="15" Width="300" Height="15" Transparent="yes" NoPrefix="yes" Text="{\WixUI_Font_Title}Choose environment for [ProductName]" />
<Control Id="InstallText" Type="Text" X="25" Y="70" Width="320" Height="25" Text="Choose the environment to which [ProductName] is being installed." />
<Control Id="EnvironmentCombobox" Type="ComboBox" Sorted="yes" ComboList="yes" Property="ENVIRONMENT" X="25" Y="110" Width="200" Height="15">
<ComboBox Property="ENVIRONMENT">
<ListItem Text="Development" Value="Development" />
<ListItem Text="SIT" Value="SIT" />
<ListItem Text="UAT" Value="UAT" />
<ListItem Text="Production" Value="Production" />
<!-- Navigation. -->
<Control Id="Back" Type="PushButton" X="180" Y="243" Width="56" Height="17" Text="!(loc.WixUIBack)" />
<Control Id="Next" Type="PushButton" X="236" Y="243" Width="56" Height="17" Default="yes" Text="!(loc.WixUINext)">
<!-- Don't allow user to continue until they have selected an environment. -->
<Condition Action="disable">ENVIRONMENT = ""</Condition>
<Condition Action="enable"><![CDATA[ENVIRONMENT <> ""]]></Condition>
<Control Id="Cancel" Type="PushButton" X="304" Y="243" Width="56" Height="17" Cancel="yes" Text="!(loc.WixUICancel)">
<Publish Event="SpawnDialog" Value="CancelDlg">1</Publish>
I will suggest you using WixEdit control for designing UI