Rigging a Rubik's cube in Maya with MEL - cube

I want to rig a Rubik's cube in Maya, so it can rotate in any direction and any number of times. Any rotation would be in 90 degree increments. These are the objects in my Outliner:
26 blocks (the center block of the cube is not necessary)
9 rotation controllers (3 for the rows/columns of height/width/depth)
1 root controller
The trick is passing the control of the individual blocks from one controller to the next. At any given time, a block can be influenced by 3 different controllers. However, after rotation, the controllers change.
I suppose I need to create a series of matrices (2D arrays), 9 of them - one for each controller. Assign the blocks to them, and then reassign after a rotation. I suppose I would need a temporary matrix for swapping. Beyond this, I don't know how to go about this. Should these matrices be a parameter of the root controller? Probably.
Any help in this matter would help. I am new to MEL but I have background in C/C++ and such. How would you rig a functional Rubik's cube?

Here is working Rubic's cube tool for download http://www.geonak.com/downloads/RubixCube.zip

All you need is to turn the rotation interpolation to quaternion interpolation for your rotation, then key one packet at a time. Just make sure never go backwards when your keying the sequence tough.

You can also do it by blending constraint weights. The 6 center pieces are your controls. Parent constrain all the other cubes to all 6 controls. Each cube will now have a constraint node with 6 weight inputs that you can key. Set the weight for the controller you're going to rotate to 1 and all others to 0 for the cubes one the face you're rotating. Set all the weights to 0 for cubes that aren't involved in the current move.
If you want to get fancier, create a master layout control for the whole thing, add an attribute to set which controller is active with options 1 to 6, and have it update the weights on all the cubes when it gets changed. You can probably determine if a cube should be deactivated completely (all weights -> 0) by looking at its distance to the currently active controller cube; adjacent cubes on the active face will all be close, all others will be further away.


Generating a set of N random convex disjoint 2D polygons with at most V vertices, and two additional points?

I want to create a set of N random convex disjoint polygons on a plane where each polygon must have at most V vertices, where N and V are parameters for my function, and I'd like to obtain a distribution as close as possible to uniform (every possible set being equally probable). Also I need to randomly select two points on the plane that either match with one of the vertices in the scene or are in empty space (not inside a polygon).
I already implemented for other reasons in the same programming language an AABB tree, Separating Axis Theorem-based collision detection between convex polygons and I can generate a random convex polygon with arbitrary amount of vertices inside a circle of given radius. My best bet thus far:
Generate a random polygon using the function I have available.
Query the AABB tree to test for interception with existing polygons.
If the AABB tree query returns empty set I push the generated polygon into it, otherwise I test with SAT against all the other polygons whose AABB overlaps with the generated one's. If SAT returns "no intersection" I push the polygon, otherwise I discard it.
Repeat from 1 until N polygons are generated.
Generate a random number in {0,1}
If the generated number is 1 I pick a random polygon and a random vertex on it as a point
If the generated number is 0 I generate a random position in (x,y) and test if it falls within some polygon (I might create a tiny AABB around it and exploit the AABB tree to reduce the required number of PiP tests). In case it's not inside any polygon I approve it as a valid point, otherwise I repeat from 5.
Repeat from 5 once more to get the second point.
I think the solution would possibly work, but unfortunately there's no way to guarantee that I can generate N such polygons for very large N, or find two good points in an acceptable time, and I'm programming in React, where long operations run on the main thread blocking the UI till they end. I could circumvent the issue by ejecting from create-react-app and learn Web Workers, which would require probably more time than it's worth for me.
This is definitely non-uniform distribution, but perhaps you could begin by generating N points in the plane and then computing the Voronoi diagram for those points. The Voronoi diagram can be computed in O(n log n) time with Fortune's algorithm. The cells of the Voronoi diagram are convex, so you can then construct a random polygon of the desired number of vertices that lies within each cell of the diagram.
By Balu Ertl - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, Link
Ok, here is another proposal. I have little knowledge of js, but could cook up something in Python.
Use Poisson disk sampling with distance parameter d to generate N samples of the centers
For a given center make a circle with R≤d.
Generate V angles using Dirichlet distribution such that sum of angles is equal to 2π. Sort them.
Place vertices on the circle using angles generate at step#3 and connect them. This would be be your polygon
Instead using Poisson disk sampling for step 1, one could use Sobol quasi-random sequences. For N points sampled in the 1x1 box (well, you have to scale it afterwards), least distance between points would be
d = 0.5 * sqrt(D) / N,
where D is dimension of the problem, 2 in your case. So radius of the circle for step 2 would be 0.25 * sqrt(2) / N. This ties nicely N and d.

What is the best way to store the data for a Mahjong tile set?

I am planning a kids' version of Mahjong Solitaire (starting with just the Turtle board layout and working my way from there). I am trying to wrap my head around how to store the data for each layer of the Turtle layout tileset. See here for an example: http://icarus.cs.weber.edu/~dab/cs3230/labs/lab.5/tile_layers.pdf
Ordinarily I'd use a 2D array for each layer, and a 1D array of the layers, from 0 (bottom-most) to 4 (topmost), with the allowance for layers above that (5, 6, ...). However, there are the tiles that occupy more than one row and/or column at once. For example, in Layer 0 (bottom-most), the far left tile and the 2 far right tiles occupy two rows at once, and the single tile in Layer 4 (topmost) occupies two columns and two rows at the same time.
What is the best data model to store this sort of tileset? Should each tile have a flag for shifting it halfway into the next row and column?
I'm thinking, there is a Tile object, each instance of which represents 1 of the 144 tiles on the board. Then all tiles are arranged in layers as I described above (2D array for each layer, all layers stored in a 1D array).
Note: I am considering using Javascript & HTML5 for this project. It won't be something I release to the public, just a programming exercise.
Is this the best method? Am I missing something?
I would indeed use a finer grid as alikox suggested. I would use a 2 times finer grid, give each tile an unique id, so one regular tile now uses four squares of the grid, when you have to delete one tile, you only have to check for surrounding squares with the same id and delete them as well.
There would be more than one way to implement this, you can set x, y and z coordinates of each tile for example.
class Tile {
int x
int y
int z

Antipole Clustering

I made a photo mosaic script (PHP). This script has one picture and changes it to a photo buildup of little pictures. From a distance it looks like the real picture, when you move closer you see it are all little pictures. I take a square of a fixed number of pixels and determine the average color of that square. Then I compare this with my database which contains the average color of a couple thousand of pictures. I determine the color distance with all available images. But to run this script fully it takes a couple of minutes.
The bottleneck is matching the best picture with a part of the main picture. I have been searching online how to reduce this and came a cross “Antipole Clustering.” Of course I tried to find some information on how to use this method myself but I can’t seem to figure out what to do.
There are two steps. 1. Database acquisition and 2. Photomosaic creation.
Let’s start with step one, when this is all clear. Maybe I understand step 2 myself.
Step 1:
partition each image of the database into 9 equal rectangles arranged in a 3x3 grid
compute the RGB mean values for each rectangle
construct a vector x composed by 27 components (three RGB components for each rectangle)
x is the feature vector of the image in the data structure
Well, point 1 and 2 are easy but what should I do at point 3. How do I compose a vector X out of the 27 components (9 * R mean, G mean, B mean.)
And when I succeed to compose the vector, what is the next step I should do with this vector.
Here is how I think the feature vector is computed:
You have 3 x 3 = 9 rectangles.
Each pixel is essentially 3 numbers, 1 for each of the Red, Green, and Blue color channels.
For each rectangle you compute the mean for the red, green, and blue colors for all the pixels in that rectangle. This gives you 3 numbers for each rectangle.
In total, you have 9 (rectangles) x 3 (mean for R, G, B) = 27 numbers.
Simply concatenate these 27 numbers into a single 27 by 1 (often written as 27 x 1) vector. That is 27 numbers grouped together. This vector of 27 numbers is the feature vector X that represents the color statistic of your photo. In the code, if you are using C++, this will probably be an array of 27 number or perhaps even an instance of the (aptly named) vector class. You can think of this feature vector as some form of "summary" of what the color in the photo is like. Roughly, things look like this: [R1, G1, B1, R2, G2, B2, ..., R9, G9, B9] where R1 is the mean/average of red pixels in the first rectangle and so on.
I believe step 2 involves some form of comparing these feature vectors so that those with similar feature vectors (and hence similar color) will be placed together. Comparison will likely involve the use of the Euclidean distance (see here), or some other metric, to compare how similar the feature vectors (and hence the photos' color) are to each other.
Lastly, as Anony-Mousse suggested, converting your pixels from RGB to HSB/HSV color would be preferable. If you use OpenCV or have access to it, this is simply a one liner code. Otherwise wiki HSV etc. will give your the math formula to perform the conversion.
Hope this helps.
Instead of using RGB, you might want to use HSB space. It gives better results for a wide variety of use cases. Put more weight on Hue to get better color matches for photos, or to brightness when composing high-contrast images (logos etc.)
I have never heard of antipole clustering. But the obvious next step would be to put all the images you have into a large index. Say, an R-Tree. Maybe bulk-load it via STR. Then you can quickly find matches.
Maybe it means vector quantization (vq). In vq the image isn't subdivide in rectangles but in density areas. Then you can take a mean point of this cluster. First off you need to take all colors and pixels separate and transfer it to a vector with XY coordinate. Then you can use a density clustering like voronoi cells and get the mean point. This point can you compare with other pictures in the database. Read here about VQ: http://www.gamasutra.com/view/feature/3090/image_compression_with_vector_.php.
How to plot vector from adjacent pixel:
d(x) = I(x+1,y) - I(x,y)
d(y) = I(x,y+1) - I(x,y)
Here's another link: http://www.leptonica.com/color-quantization.html.
Update: When you have already computed the mean color of your thumbnail you can proceed and sort all the means color in a rgb map and using the formula I give to you to compute the vector x. Now that you have a vector of all your thumbnails you can use the antipole tree to search for a thumbnail. This is possbile because the antipole tree is something like a kd-tree and subdivide the 2d space. Read here about antipole tree: http://matt.eifelle.com/2012/01/17/qtmosaic-0-2-faster-mosaics/. Maybe you can ask the author and download the sourcecode?

How does the hashlife alg go on forever in Golly?

In hashlife the field is typically treated as a theoretically infinite grid, with the pattern in question centered near the origin. A quadtree is used to represent the field. Given a square of 2^(2k) cells, 2k on a side, at the kth level of the tree, the hash table stores the 2^(k-1) by 2^(k-1) square of cells in the center, 2^(k-2) generations in the future. For example, for a 4x4 square it stores the 2x2 center, 1 generation forward; and for an 8x8 square it stores the 4x4 center, 2 generations forward.
So given a 8x8 initial configuration we get a 4x4 square 1 generation forward centered w.r.t. the 8x8 square and a 2x2 square 2 generations forward (1 generation forward w.r.t the 4x4 square) centered w.r.t the 8x8 square. With every new generation our view of the grid reduces, in-turn we get the next state of the automata. We canot go any further after getting the inner most 2x2 square 2^(k-2) generations forward.
So how does the hashlife in Golly go on forever? Also its view of the field never seems to reduce. It seems to show the state of the whole automata after 2^(k-2) generations. More so given a starting configuration which expands with time, the view of the algorithm seems to increase. The view of the grid zooms out to show the expanding automata?
There's a good article on Dr. Dobb's which goes into detail about how HashLife works. The basic answer is that you don't merely run the algorithm on the existing nodes, you also use new shifted nodes to get the next generation.
To be clear (because your ^ symbols were missing), you are asking:
Given a square of 2^(2k) cells, 2^k on a side, at the kth level of the
tree, the hash table stores the 2^(k-1)-by-2^(k-1) square of cells in
the center, 2^(k-2) generations in the future. [...]
So given a 8x8 initial configuration [...] With every new generation
our view of the grid reduces, in-turn we get the next state of the
automata. We canot go any further after getting the inner most 2x2
square 2^k-2 generations forward.
So how does the hashlife in Golly go on forever? Also its view of the
field never seems to reduce.
Instead of starting with your 8x8 pattern, imagine instead that you start with a bigger pattern that happens to contain your 8x8 pattern inside it. For example, you could start with a 16x16 pattern that has your 8x8 pattern in the center, and a 4-row margin of blank cells all around the edges. Such a pattern is easy to construct, by assembling blank 4x4 nodes with the 4x4 subnodes of your 8x8 start pattern.
Given such a 16x16 pattern, the HashLife algorithm can give you an 8x8 answer, 4 generations in the future.
You want more? Okay, start with a 32x32 pattern that contains mostly blank space, with the 8x8 pattern in the center. With this you can get a 16x16 answer that is 8 generations into the future.
What if your pattern contains moving objects that move fast enough that they go outside that 16x16 area after 8 generations? Simple -- start with a 64x64 start pattern, but instead of trying to run it for a whole 16 generations, just run it for 8 generations.
In general, all cases of arbitrarily large, possibly expanding patterns, over arbitrarily long periods of time, can be handled (and in fact are handled in Golly) by adding as much blank space as needed around the outside of the pattern.
The centered squares are only the precomputed stuff. The algorithm indeed keeps the whole universe at all times and updates all parts of it, not just the centers.

Spatial Data Structures in C

I do work in theoretical chemistry on a high performance cluster, often involving molecular dynamics simulations. One of the problems my work addresses involves a static field of N-dimensional (typically N = 2-5) hyper-spheres, that a test particle may collide with. I'm looking to optimize (read: overhaul) the the data structure I use for representing the field of spheres so I can do rapid collision detection. Currently I use a dead simple array of pointers to an N-membered struct (doubles for each coordinate of the center) and a nearest-neighbor list. I've heard of oct- and quad- trees but haven't found a clear explanation of how they work, how to efficiently implement one, or how to then do fast collision detection with one. Given the size of my simulations, memory is (almost) no object, but cycles are.
How best to approach this for your problem depends on several factors that you have not described:
- Will the same hypersphere arrangement be used for many particle collision calculations?
- Are the hyperspheres uniform size?
- What is the movement of the particle (e.g. straight line/curve) and is that movement affected by the spheres?
- Do you consider the particle to have zero volume?
I assume that the particle does not have simple straight line movement as that would be the relatively fast calculation of finding the closest point between a line and a point, which is likely going to be about the same speed as finding which of the boxes the line intersects with (to determine where in the n-tree to examine).
If your hypersphere positions are fixed for a lot of particle collisions then computing a voronoi decomposition/Dirichlet tessellation would give you a fast way of later finding exactly which sphere is closest to your particle for any given point in the space.
However to answer your original question about octrees/quadtrees/2^n-trees, in n dimensions you start with a (hyper)-cube that contains the area of space that you are interested in. This will be subdivided into 2^n hypercubes if you deem the contents to be too complicated. This continues recursively until you have only simple elements (e.g. one hypersphere centroid) in the leaf nodes.
Now that the n-tree is built you use it for collision detection by taking the path of your particle and intersecting it with the outer hypercube. The intersection position will tell you which hypercube in the next level down of the tree to visit next, and you determine the position of intersection with all 2^n hypercubes at that level, following downwards until you reach a leaf node. Once you reach the leaf you can examine interactions between your particle path and the hypersphere stored at that leaf. If you have collision you have finished, otherwise you have to find the exit point of the particle path from the current hypercube leaf and determine which hypercube it moves to next. Continue until you find a collision or entirely leave the overall bounding hypercube.
Efficiently finding the neighbouring hypercube when exiting a hypercube is one of the most challenging parts of this approach. For 2^n trees Samet's approaches {1, 2} can be adapted. For kd-trees (binary trees) an approach is suggested in {3} section 4.3.3.
Efficient implementation can be as simple as storing a list of 8 pointers from each hypercube to its children hypercubes, and marking the hypercube in a special way if it is a leaf (e.g. make all pointers NULL).
A description of dividing space to create a quadtree (which you can generalise to n-tree) can be found in Klinger & Dyer {4}
As others have mentioned kd-trees may be more suited than 2^n-trees as extension to an arbitrary number of dimensions is more straightforward, however they will result in a deeper tree. It is also easier to adapt the split positions to match the geometry of your
hyperspheres with a kd-tree. The description above of collision detection in a 2^n tree is equally applicable to a kd-tree.
{1} Connected Component Labeling, Hanan Samet, Using Quadtrees Journal of the ACM Volume 28 , Issue 3 (July 1981)
{2} Neighbor finding in images represented by octrees, Hanan Samet, Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing Volume 46 , Issue 3 (June 1989)
{3} Convex hull generation, connected component labelling, and minimum distance
calculation for set-theoretically defined models, Dan Pidcock, 2000
{4} Experiments in picture representation using regular decomposition, Klinger, A., and Dyer, C.R. E, Comptr. Graphics and Image Processing 5 (1976), 68-105.
It sounds like you'd want to implement a kd-tree, which would allow you to more quickly search the N-dimensional space. There's some more information and links to implementations at the Stony Brook Algorithm Repository.
Since your field is static (by which I'm assuming you mean that the hyper spheres don't move), then the fastest solution I know of is a Kdtree.
You can either make your own, or use someone else's, like this one:
A Quad tree is a 2 dimensional tree, in which at each level a node has 4 children, each of which covers 1/4 of the area of the parent node.
An Oct tree is a 3 dimensional tree, in which at each level a node has 8 children, each of which contains 1/8th of the volume of the parent node. Here is picture to help you visualize it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Octree
If you're doing N dimensional intersection tests, you could generalize this to an N tree.
Intersection algorithms work by starting at the top of the tree and recursively traversing into any child nodes that intersect the object being tested, at some point you get to leaf nodes, which contain the actual objects.
An octree will work as long as you can specify the spheres by their centres - it hierarchically bins points into cubic regions with eight children. Working out neighbours in an octree data structure will require you to do sphere-intersecting-cube calculations (to some extent easier than they look) to work out which cubic regions in an octree are within the sphere.
Finding the nearest neighbours means walking back up the tree until you get a node with more than one populated child and all surrounding nodes included (this ensures the query gets all sides).
From memory, this is the (somewhat naive) basic algorithm for sphere-cube intersection:
i. Is the centre within the cube (this gets the eponymous situation)
ii. Are any of the corners of the cube within radius r of the centre (corners within the sphere)
iii. For each surface of the cube (you can eliminate some of the surfaces by working out which side of the surface the centre lies on) work out (this is all first-year vector arithmetic):
a. A normal of the surface that goes to the centre of the sphere
b. The distance from the centre of the sphere to the intersection of the normal with the plane of the surface (chord intersets plane the surface of the cube)
c. Intersection of the plane lies within the side of the cube (one condition of chord intersection to the cube)
iv. Calculate the size of the chord (Sin of Cos^-1 of ratio of normal length to radius of sphere)
v. If the nearest point on the line is less than the distance of the chord and the point lies between the ends of the line the chord intersects one of the edges of the cube (chord intersects cube surface somewhere along one of the edges).
Slightly dimly remembered but this is something I did for a situation involving spherical regions using an octee data structure (many years ago). You may also wish to check out KD-trees as some of the other posters suggest but your initial question sounds very similar to what I did.
