CakePHP, getting another models info into the page controller - cakephp

I'm trying to build an admin page using the pages controller and a admin_index() function. I need to get a list of all Posts with a certain status and display them on this page. How can I grab these in the pages controller so I can then display them in the view.
Many thanks in advance.

try this :
$posts = $this->Post->find('all',array('conditions'=>array(''=>'1','Post.field'=>'value')));

You can load the model in your PagesController's admin_index() function:
$posts = $this->Post->find('all', array(
'conditions' => array('Post.status' => 'your_filter')
Now you have $posts available in your pages' view file. (Adjust find method to your needs)


how to rander .html file using cakephp : CakePHP

I am working on CakePHP and I have a URL .
How can I create ? Is there any solution or component to solve this issue?
According to CakeBook , You can define extensions you want to parse in routes
E.g. Write the code below in app/Config/routes.php
This will allow you to send .html extenstion in routes(url)
Not create a link
$this->Html->link('Link title', array(
'controller' => 'pages',
'action' => 'index',
'ext' => 'html'
When you click that link you will get url in browser something like this
Do you really need this? CakePHP is automatically render view files from View folder
You can create (if its PagesController and index methond) index.ctp in app/View/Pages folder and it will be automatically render.
You can use file_get_contents function to read files. Something like this:
// in controller
function index() {
$content = file_get_contents('path/to/file.html');
echo $content;

testing cakephp restful api callback

I have followed the cakephp documentation for 2.0 to create a restFUL. I am not sure if I have it right.
If I was to just put the URL into the browser should I see the xml called back. I am just trying to test it but all I see is the standard view and not the xml view. I just want a quick test to see if I have it right.
The controller is Members and the method I am calling is view
Here is my code:
Router::parseExtensions('xml', 'json');
public function view($id = null) {
if (!$this->Member->exists($id)) {
throw new NotFoundException(__('Invalid member'));
$options = array('conditions' => array('Member.' . $this->Member->primaryKey => $id));
$members = $this->Member->find('first', $options);
'member' => $members,
'_serialize' => array('member')
echo $xml->serialize($member)
Have you the RequestHandler in your components array? If not put it in there.
See this page in the CakePHP book.
You don't need any view, CakePHP handles it automatically. Delete folder app/view/members/ with all files inside.

how to set cakephp paginator url for custom route

I am making blog and url route is like this-
array('controller' => 'blogarticles', 'action' => 'index'));
it works well with url as- /blog/c/3/other-articles
but when i use paginator in view as
echo $this->Paginator->numbers();
it generates url as- /blogarticles/index/other-articles/page:2
What changes should in make in paginator to generate proper url.
Please suggest possible solution , Thanks in advance
This should solve your problem:
'controller' => 'blog',
'action' => 'c',
The trick is to pass blog as the controller and c as the action, and all other variables (NOT LIMITED TO $catid and $title) as additional parameters, sequentially!
NOTE: I assumed here that you have "set" $catid and $title from your Controller, to the current "category id" and "title" respecting. I also assumed that your URLs are always in the format: /blog/c/:catid/:title
You may also want to view my answer to a similar question:
What you want is to set the options for the PaginatorHelper for that view:
<?php $this->Paginator->options(array('url' => '/blog/c/3/other-articles')); ?>
CakePHP Book Section on the PaginatorHelper Options Function:

Cakephp - Pagination with JSON API

I am developing (with a partner) a CakePHP application which will use Backbone.js.
So, basically, my cake application largely behaves like a JSON API. After the controller action loads a certain view (no data is rendered yet), Backbone makes an AJAX call to another controller action to fetch the data. The controller return JSON.
(The routes.php file has the mapResources and parseExtensions line in place)
Controller code
public function index(){
$company_id = $this->Session->read('');
$channel_ids = $this->Order->Channel->find('all', array('conditions' => array('Channel.company_id' => $company_id), 'fields' => array('')));
$channel_ids = Set::extract('/Channel/id', $channel_ids);
$data = $this->paginate('Order', array('Order.fulfillment_status_id' => 1, 'Order.channel_id' => $channel_ids));
$this->set('orders', $data);
//In case of a JSON request
if($this->RequestHandler->ext == 'json') {
$this->autoRender = false;
echo json_encode($data);
This worked fine, but we hit a wall when we tried to implement pagination with this.
How do we generate the Pagination links? (If we do it via Backbone, it does not know the total records in the database and hence does not know how many links to generate)
How should the "page number" be burnt into the AJAX call? How should it be deciphered in the controller?
Really stuck here, we will really appreciate your help.
In Your Controller
$this->layout = false;
$recipes = $this->paginate('Recipe');
In your View
echo json_encode($recipes);
echo json_encode($this->Paginator->params());

how to change part of url from cakephp's paginator options?

have custom pagination in my cakephp view. before that i made some custom routing changes.
problem is that links leads to pages like
instead of
so, part with foos/view/ not have to be part of the link.
tried to change url with several custom options, like
$this->Paginator->options(array('url' => $this->passedArgs));
but no luck, because i always have foos/view/ in url.
can you help me how can i get rid of that foos/view?
thank you very much in advance!
UPDATE: i manage to do "something", but not enough, by adding following lines:
$options = array('url'=> array('controller' => 'news' ) );
now, my link looks like:
how can i get rid of that "index" in url?
The following line is more about passing various pieces of URL information to the view:
$this->Paginator->options(array('url' => $this->passedArgs));
I think what you want to look into is the helper declaration in your Controller:
var $helpers = (
'Paginator' => array(
'url' => array('controller'=>'news')
If you want finer control of a custom route like the one you have then try
'url' => '/news'
I haven't used PaginatorHelper in a while - so I could be egregiously on the wrong track - but I believe that's a good start.
Also, take a look at the Paginator Helper page for where it mentions $options and then take a look at Router::url() as the former page recommends.
I had a case where I am working on a project using CakePHP 2.1 (This thread is tagged as 1.3) with a dynamic admin route to display pages like this:
Router::connect('/admin/main/*', array('controller' => 'adminPages', 'action' => 'display'));
With a query string parameter, that produces a dynamic url like this:
The link route, was incorrect for our needs and found I could alter the url directly by using this:
'url' => array(
'controller' => 'admin/main/my-display',
For me it made a link: - which was the correct url we were looking for. If I used a string, as described above, it appends itself to the url, like:
In view :
$this->Paginator->options(array('url' => array('controller' => '','action' =>'your-custom-url')));
In routes.php :
Router::connect('/your-custom-url/*', array('controller' => 'Controller', 'action' => 'function'));
